
Ford Motor Company has good bloodlines, says Trump

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-05-26 14:46

U.S. President Donald Trump speaking at the Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan on Thursday, May 21, when he amusingly brought up the "good bloodlines" in the Ford family, with Chairman Bill Ford present.

by Carolyn Yeager

THIS IS THE MOST FUN STORY TO COME UP IN A LONG TIME. I've laughed and laughed. It might as well be a satire, although it isn't. On Thursday, President Donald Trump toured a Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan where he naturally gave a speech, introduced by Ford Chairman Bill Ford - a direct descendant of founder Henry Ford.

Reading from his prepared remarks - which praised the firm for teaming up with General Electric to produce ventilators and face shields for coronavirus medical workers - Trump read “The company, founded by a man named Henry Ford,” then ad-libbed "Good bloodlines, good bloodlines." Looking up, he flashed a charming smile as he said, "If you believe in that stuff, you've got good blood." Almost chuckling, but not quite.