
The World Jewish Congress and the Auschwitz Myth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-01-27 13:20

For three days in January, 2017, the World Jewish Congress was allowed to have this installation operating next to the “Monument to the Victims,” the main tourist attraction at Auschwitz II – Birkenau.

By Carolyn Yeager

So long as the Auschwitz Myth retains its terrible power, the recovery of our national self-esteem is virtually impossible.

This sentence was written in 1979 by Wilhelm Stäglich, a Finance Court judge in Hamburg and former Army officer whose duties in 1944 put him in contact with the SS command at the Auschwitz main camp. Even though 38 years have passed since 1979, Germans have still not regained their self-esteem in 2017. The Auschwitz Myth and “its terrible power” is the reason.

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) not only virtually created the myth but since has led the campaign to keep its handiwork alive. It is in the interests of World Jewry to keep not only Germans but as much of the white world as possible in a belief of everlasting guilt for unspeakable crimes against the Jewish people. This means, 72 years after the so-called liberation of Auschwitz, the memory of the myth must remain fresh and alive. Thus, the WJC played a major role in getting a resolution passed in 2005 at the United Nations for a day of commemoration to “honor the victims of the holocaust” and, once accomplished, continues to participate strongly every year at remembrance ceremonies at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial/Museum in Poland.