John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire gives a lesson in 'White Supremacy' but needs one himself

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-12-05 19:23

By Carolyn Yeager

I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO JOHN DERBYSHIRE'S PODCASTS AT since last August or so. I'm always looking for something to keep me company during mundane tasks and his low-key and often humorous commentary, without any commercial breaks, is quite to my liking. All was going well until his latest program of 12/01/16 that contained the segment “Who's a white supremacist?” Commenting on the furor over imagined White Supremacy in the Trump transition team and future Trump White House, Derbyshire vexed me no end with his description of what he considers the only true white supremacists – Nazis.

Now I have known for a long time that Derbyshire was a friend to Jews; therefore would not be a fan of Nazis. He seems pretty much on the same page with Jared Tayor on Jews – 'they look White to me.' However, seems to me that Taylor puts himself out there doing important, even difficult, racial work that somewhat makes up for it, that Derbyshire can't claim.


Adolf Hitler