
Joshua Kaufman vs Reinhold Hanning – Insanity in a German courtroom

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-05-17 01:58

Joshua Kaufman, center, pleading to speak at the trial of an Auschwitz guard because he claims to be a "survivor" who has special rights.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE JEWS HAVE SUCCEEDED IN making Germans as insane as they are. Is everybody happy now?

A mentally disturbed (or mentally-challenged) man named Joshua Kaufman showed up (with a lawyer in tow) in the courtroom in Detmold, Germany where the Show Trial of an innocent man named Reinhold Hanning is wrapping up. Hanning is charged with being accessory to the murder of 170,000 persons because he was assigned as a guard at Auschwitz in 1944 during the arrival of many thousands of Hungarian Jews. Kaufman caused a stir by wanting to “speak” to the court even though he just flew over from California with his two daughters and had played no part in the court case that's been in progress for three months already. He spoke with the media who were happy to oblige him.