We're in a time of great awakening at the start of New Year 2021
By Carolyn Yeager
WHAT I THOUGHT LAST YEAR AT THIS TIME was going to be a continuation of good fortune for us in 2020, with the reelection of Donald Trump as president, and his continuing (and even accelerated) exposure of fake news, Washington swamp, Democrat disinformation, etc., etc. has been all but stopped in its tracks by this turbulent year. Or has it? It can just as well be that this unhappy turn of events will stir up even more awareness of the ugly side of our reality and is an important part of a developing 'great awakening' and great cleansing.
I think this is more true than not because one thing I'm sure of: we're on the leading edge of human experience. That means we're not in a dark period such as a Kali Yuga – throw out that ancient Indian theology (the idea of karma too)! Being on the 'leading edge' means our NOW has never happened before, is uncharted, but is the beneficiary of all that's gone before it. All! We are more brilliant in every way than mankind has ever been.
I'll stop with that (although may return to it at a later time) and turn more personal by sharing that it just started snowing here at my house and it's beautiful. We get snow rarely in south-central Texas, and it doesn't last long so I have to enjoy it while I can. It's very wet big snowflakes that have been coming down for over two hours now, covering everything a fresh white which I think will still be here in the morning because it won't warm up enough to melt. It's picture book pretty. I hope this makes people more satisfied to just stay home tonight and put some thought into New Year Resolutions.
I have a natural affinity for making resolutions at this time of year. I have had great success with them, as in turning out to be rather prophetic in actualizing. This year, I didn't put any effort or intention into coming up with them, but did find ideas floating around in my head that reasserted themselves in the past few days. One is dietary. Last week I realized it was the right time to do a fast (though I hadn't done one in many years) between Christmas and New Year, so I have now completed a 3-day water, herbal tea and coffee fast. In looking up what I should consume to break the fast, I started reading up on Intermittent Fasting again and now intend to make that a permanent way of eating in the coming year. I'm doing the daily one of 16 hours fast with 8 hour eating window, which is easy after even 3 days of no food at all. I think I can keep this up over the long haul so I feel excited and upbeat about it. I'm already sleeping better—very soundly, which is important at my age.
Another resolution is to remove even more unused “belongings” from my home—I've been empyting out closets—and to then be able to keep it super-clean because every area is accessible and I know where things are. I love simplicity. Why have stuff that I don't even know I have because I don't see it. “Out of sight, out of mind.” I've already started on this, but making it a New Year Resolution will strengthen my resolve. I'm rearranging furniture too--for example, my computer desk is in a different place that it has been, but I didn't stop there.
Finally, I'm training myself to refrain from argumentative or aggressive language on website comment threads—including on my own site—that only embroil me in unnecessary division and regrets . I've already made progress on this during the past year, but want to do still better. Let me know if you notice the difference--or if you don't!
So that's my plan for the year 2021, which will hopefully help me get through having Joe Biden and his evil partner(s) as the major spokesman and negotiator for my country's interests. So much depends on holding the Republican control of the Senate. January 5th is a big date, and also January 6th. It will be just as eventful this year as last, so hang on for a bumpy ride. Remember, you're on the Leading Edge.
Art & Culture, Historical Festivals- 870 reads
Intermitent Fasting - Good Idea
I did too one but a 14 hours fasting. I believe it is a good idea a 16/18 hours intermitent fasting. Good for your general health, cleansing and for you glycemia.
And what are your reading plans for 2021? Mine are for historical war issues, like the Spanish Civil War, Elizabeth I, King Philip and the Spanish Armada, The Boers War by Conan Doyle and the Mattogno´s Auschwitz Lies.
Thanks Valdemir - I don't have a reading plan for the year but I have a writing plan, for which I must read a lot. I did, however, just finish Richard Tedor's "Hitler's Revolution," which I rate as excellent. I wanted to commend it in a post, but haven't done so. I bought the book quite a few years ago because I thought I should, but didn't want to devote time to it then, put it down and never got back to it. Till now.
It's what I call a dense book -- that is, packed with information, very well sourced from many and varied sources. I didn't find anything I disagreed with until Chapter 5, "The Mission of the Reich". (The book is composed of only 6 chapters, that are all very long.) Here he goes into the Waffen SS international volunteer groups, formed essentially by Heinrich Himmler who was more enthusiastic about them than Adolf Hitler. Tedor thinks Hitler's reluctance to give a more free hand to foreigners, even Europeans, was a mistake. I see it more through Hitler's eyes, so I took a little umbrage with that at first. But Tedor handles it fairly and it is an often brought up criticism. I highly recommend this book. I think he should have put more money into the book and made it into a higher-quality publication. It's worth it.
Another book I recently purchased is Hermann Goering's little volume: "Germany Reborn," from 1934. I've only read 2/3s of it, but I like it a lot. He's a good writer and gives an NS German patriot insiders description of the road from before WWI to Hitler's Chancellorship. How and why it occurred, you could say. Also recommended, especially for the brainwashed.
I do most reading online now. It's easier for me to read on a lighted screen rather than holding a book in my hands. I get a crick in my neck if I hold it in even a little bit 'off' position for more than a few minutes. Heavy books are really tough.
Happy 2021 reading!
Happy New Year Carolyn
Happy New Year Carolyn! Wishing you the best! Keep up the good work in 2021 - the topics you cover are absolutely essential to any great awakening, which I pray will continue to make progress this year.
Thanks John. Same to you. It
Thanks John. Same to you. It's nice to hear from you. So much happening since we last exchanged words.
New Year
I, too, think we are living in a historical moment that will decide the fate of the world. President Trump won reelection. This is the cross-road of history. We will either be a nation-state under President Trump or a globalist state under Biden and China. I don't think 2024 is an option. But my money is on Trump to do whatever he needs to do to keep the nation together. It's a lot like 1864 and the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. This is the time that will decide the fate of the nation again. I think too many people understand what is at stake to let it fail. I must think that, anyway. The other is unthinkable.
Love your work, Carolyn. Happy New Year.
I see that Thomas Dalton is
I see that Thomas Dalton is organising a new translation of Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century. That will be good, as while I adore the book, and have read it a few times, I find it turgid and difficult, as did Hitler and millions of other readers.
Probably the best chapter to start with in the book is 'The State and the Sexes'. Maybe you could use it for your debates on Unz.Com with those who are misrepresenting National Socialism's doctrine on the subject...
But my reservation is that I don't think you'd get along with Rosenberg's personality type. Whereas I think you'd get along with earthy and plain-speaking men such as Eckhart and Himmler, and brilliant intellectuals such as Goebbels, you'd find Rosenberg to be a rather cagey and brooding fellow who is given to a strange and incommunicable mysticism. (I believe he's much like Francis Parker Yockey in that regard; both men are of the same personality). Rosenberg's fishy and evasive character comes through in his writing.
But I still love the man. All in all, if I were to assign reading on National Socialism, I would include Myth, as well as Mein Kampf and Zweites Buch, Goering's Germany Reborn, and the collected speeches of Hitler and Goebbels.
You are a voracious reader,
You are a voracious reader, David. You must have read thousands of books. It's interesting to me how you describe my probable reaction to various National Socialists. Fact is, I've always been drawn to Rosenberg and felt sympathetic toward him; didn't like reading of Hitler's teasing of him, drawing the laughter of the others. I was happy whenever I saw evidence of Hitler's high opinion of him otherwise, and R.s early importance in the Party. I don't feel the same about Yockey; he is too gloomy for me. I've read quite a bit of Rosenberg's work, and it was only "Myth" that I couldn't finish.
Thomas Dalton sent me a portion of his translation to do with R.s view of women, which had one new idea for me that I found fascinating, but I can't find where I put it right now. Yes, "women in the 3rd Reich" is a subject that I'm specially interested in, so am looking forward to Dalton's finished work. It's probably already finished and in the production stage.
I have come to like Heinrich Himmler a lot and find his very reasonable and well-thought out racial views so well expressed. His speeches are great, and it's said he never "read" them but spoke extemporaneously (maybe had some notes?). Goering was extremely helpful to the Party, especially in the early years, but engaged in too much self-indulgence for my tastes. I don't see Himmler or Rosenberg doing that at all.
Back to Rosenberg, you say you "love the man" in spite of all criticisms. I feel the same way, maybe more than for any other "nazi"! Strange. Perhaps we could figure out why that is, David. His earnestness? His sincerity? His total commitment? The unfair treatment he had to endure? Or maybe I have some of that gloomy nature you describe, too, although I'm not an Eastern German, but from West-Southern Catholic Swabians. But I still love Alfred Rosenberg. Maybe it's partly his incredible work ethic and high IQ. I appreciate such men. Thomas Dalton has an impressive work ethic too.
Thanks for the comment.
we're in a time of great awakening
i wish you the best for the coming year....ein schones silvester (Probably got the grammar wrong). I think this year will be very important. As it is said, there are decades when nothing happens, then two decades can happen in a week.
Also, what was the saying in Weimar: better a horrible ending, than a horror without end. We'll see. i think one advantage is more people are aware of what and how our system works. After this year, 'democracy' will not be seen as a solution, nor will voting our way out. After that, who knows? Also, there is a sick corruption and sleaziness in America and Western Europe that can't be denied any longer.
As for my reading, a book i enjoyed was Churchill's War, volume I and II. I know you have a bone to pick with Irving, but I met him, and find his history enjoyable, and, for 700 plus page books, read very fast. His writing is a lot like he is in person. What I found most enlightening was calling Churchill a dictator in an age of dictators...including Roosevelt, who certainly was one. He also showed how determined Churchill was to bomb Germany and get in a fight anywhere and everywhere. Most of the British staff disliked him, and Irving shows how he made a lot of mistakes. Also, how Roosevelt, while posing as an ally, really used American power to sap Britain while going for his own agenda...the true New World Order. Irving blames Churchill for having destroyed the British empire. Also, he showed how easily Churchill, while always hating Nazi tyrants, was quite cozy with Stalin and communists, and how the Jews funded Churchill extensively in the 1930's, and in the end he had to pay the devil his due.
I'm starting on volume III when I can get it. I think it's only available online.
The German books you mentioned sound exciting. Himmler was always more of a racialist than Hitler, and went in for the mysticism. Hitler was more down to earth, and dispensed with groups like the Thule society, and thought Himmler's interests in archaelogical sites of ancient Germany annoying. Hitler was a pure classicist.
But that being said, Himmler had a dedication and devotion to duty that few can surpass.
Hitler at first admired the Greeks, then the Romans, replacing the swastika on his proposed great hall in Berlin with an eagle.
Stories I've heard of Hitler being absorbed in the occult and seeking things like holy spears and such are silly, but Hollywood and pop fiction, major outlets used by the Jews, keep grinding this up. it's good these German works you mentioned are circulated to give readers an idea of what the National Socialist movement was really like.
And Rosenberg being executed after the war was outright murder.
i know we have our differences, but we are allied in the struggle.