Heretics' Hour Podcast

The Heretics’ Hour: Nazi Germany’s 'Firsts' in Science, Medicine, Health

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-02-28 10:03

February 27, 2012

Rodney Martin joins Carolyn Yeager to survey some of the high achievements that were accomplished under the Third Reich, 1933-1945. Topics include:

  • 300,000 patents and copyrights taken by the Allies without compensation from defeated Germany;
  • A general emphasis on public health: preventive medicine;
  • “War on Cancer,” anti-smoking campaign, asbestos dangers discovered;
  • Understanding and treating hypothermia;
  • The development of the helicopter, rocketry, jet aircraft and stealth bomber;
  • Development of important synthetics, including fibers, fuels and buna rubber;
  • Magnetic tape recording, cinematic innovations, and much more.

Image: A 1941 anti-smoking ad. In English: “He does not devour it, it devours him. The Chainsmoker”

Carolyn reads about the holocaust of Hamburg in The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 in the first half-hour.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Falsification of History

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-02-21 17:07

February 20, 2012

    FDR at Yalta 1945; Elie Wiesel in New York 1968

There is only one sin committed against mankind and its generation, and that is the falsification of history. ~Friedrich Hebbels

Carolyn Yeager begins the program reading from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich about the firebombing of Pforzheim, the clock-and-jewelry-making city of 65,000 near the Black Forest. The following topics were:
  • Brief history of "Presidents Day" in the U.S.;
  • Leftists in Germany continue to re-write and minimize the bombing of Dresden and other cities;
  • Yalta "Big Three" Conference of Feb. 4-11, 1945 mandated the mistake of "Unconditional Surrender" and was a give-away to the interests of the Soviet Union, both of which resulted in the death and enslavement of many millions of European civilians;
  • Adolf Hitler's purported 1919 connection with the "Reds," as put forth by Harold Marcuse, debunked;
  • Changes made to Elie Wiesel's book Night in 2006 are for the purpose of turning a novel into an autobiography.

Rodney calls in commenting on distortions about National Socialism.

The Heretics' Hour: Memorializing Dresden in an Age of Treason

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-02-14 08:54

February 13, 2012  

Tanstaafl of Age-of-Treason Blog and Carolyn Yeager try to make sense of the senseless and question why people believe the unbelievable. The destruction of Dresden and the denial of its true magnitude is symptomatic of the sickness of our age. Topics include:
  •  Carolyn reads passages about the Dresden bombing from The Fire by Jörg Friedrich;
  •  The bombing was in three waves from night to the next noontime in order to kill as many people as possible; 
  •  The figures of over 100,000 dead are not off the chart, but were determined by responsible civic officers who were there;  
  •  The temperature of the Dresden fires reached more than twice what is necessary for cremation;
  •  Today, political correctness insists it be played down, most especially by the German government;
  •  While in London, a new large memorial to the British pilots of Bomber Command is reaching completion;
  •  Tanstaafl’s guide to understanding the Jewish narrative is “What’s good for the Jews.” It’s no more complicated than that.

Rodney Martin call in the 2nd hour to comment on Dresden anniversary.

The Heretics' Hour: Bombs, Human Rights, Christianity and "Being In"

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-02-07 10:21

February 6, 2012

Night Bombing over Germany - jigsaw puzzle
“Night Bombing over Germany” jigsaw puzzle, 1943

Christine Miller is Carolyn’s guest. Topics include:

  • Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich in the first half-hour;
  • First hand experience of biological warfare against Germany: the potato beetle;
  • Chris’ experiences of the bombing of Germany during WWII;
  • Chris reads her letter-to-the-editor “Shock and Awe”;
  • Chris’ latest essay in the February First Freedom newspaper, titled “Being accepted isn’t at all times a virtue”;
  • The sad situation of the Catholic Church today vis-à-vis Jewish “oversight”;
  • Henry Ford’s description of Jewish organization in New York City: the Kehillah;
  • Germans can’t stand up to Jews.

Caller-in Hadding from Florida joins in the second hour.

To purchase Chris Miller’s books [Reality Check and Campaign in the East, Aug. 1941-April 1942] write to her at [email protected].

The Heretics' Hour: Why We Need (More) Antisemitism

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-01-31 09:59

January 30, 2012

ADL hate bill - Dees

In the first half hour, Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945; afterwards, William Finck joins Carolyn Yeager in a bold discussion of the detrimental effect of Jewish influence on white, Western society and why there is no other solution but to openly oppose it, ignoring the tiresome charge of “antisemitism.” Topics include:

  • News stories reveal the constant effort at control by Jews;
  • Jews liberally slander Whites but howl at the slightest offense from a White;
  • The aim of Jewish policies and programs is to protect themselves from facing the consequences of their many crimes and general wrongdoing;
  • Finck’s Saxon Messenger monthly newsletter;
  • Germany and the Jewish Problem by Dr. F.K.Wiebe;
  • And much more.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Propaganda War

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-01-24 09:50

January 23, 2012

Propaganda is what's for dinner.

We are in a war but do we have winning battle plans? What will a successful outcome look like? Topics include:

  • Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945;
  • Another Holocaust Remembrance Day coming up Jan. 27th;
  • The National Socialist Vitamin initiative: “Use the Hip!”
  • In Germany, suspects are considered guilty before trial;
  • Is the ‘Wannsee Protocol’ a guide that we could follow?
  • The odd Adolf Eichmann testimony in Jerusalem;
  • How strong should our propaganda be?

Caller Hadding from Florida joins in during the 2nd hour.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics’ Hour: Wannsee Protocol of 1942: Fact or Forgery?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-01-17 11:30

January 16, 2012

Wannsee Conference Villa
Wannsee Villa outside Berlin

Carolyn Yeager and guest Christine Miller discuss the Wannsee Conference documents on the 70th Anniversary of that alleged meeting. Topics include:

  • Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-45;
  • Essay on Alex Jones in Jim Lowe’s FLAK! newsletter;
  • Carolyn comments on Paul Gottfried’s article The Eternal German Guilt Trip;
  • Nuremberg Prosecutor Robt. Kempner’s discovery of the “Wannsee minutes” in 1947 is undocumented and vague;
  • Every document involved shows numerous signs of forgery;
  • Reichsprotektor Heydrich was probably not in Berlin on Jan. 20th;
  • The Germans wanted a total solution, not a final solution;
  • What keeps it all together? Media repetition and indoctrination of school kids.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Political-Social Design in the Third Reich

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-01-10 11:54

January 9, 2012

Left: Battle of Coberg Anniversary Plate, porcelain made to resemble terra cotta.

Charles Krafft and George Stimson join Carolyn Yeager for a discussion of the impressive designs that were a part of the Third Reich, indisputably one of the most artistically creative periods in modern history. They discuss the Allach Porcelain Works outside of Dachau; some of the well known designers working in the Reich; the passion of the militaria collector; the images most commonly used; posters, flags and banners, uniforms and weaponry such as daggers. The National Socialist Third Reich period – 1923 to 1945 – is the most popular with Collectors world-wide.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: A New Beginning for some Old Themes

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-01-03 10:24

January 2, 2012

Carolyn talks about her important themes for the New Year:

  • “Holocaust” and WWII revisionism — Guy Walters is attacking Denis Avey’s book;
  • Resistance to the economic slavery under central banking debt creation systems, Wall Street manipulation and the “super security state;”
  • Defense of our right to have our own territories and not be overwhelmed by non-White immigration;
  • Increased attacks against the so-called Far Right, with the purpose of destroying all dissent to Globalist hegemony;
  • Carolyn reads some passages from the book The Fire, which she will continue in future shows.
  • Call from Frank leads to discussion of Franklin Roosevelt and the American way.

Picture: Armed with party horns, serious-minded White kids usher in new year

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Is There a Christian Problem Behind the Jewish Problem?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-12-20 10:27

December 19, 2011

J. Bruce Campbell and Carolyn discuss options for freeing the U.S. from Jewish power, for which Campbell holds Christianity largely responsible. Topics include:

  • Carolyn’s ideas on how the average person can resist;
  • Government is the problem, not the solution; why Occupy Wall Street is a good sign;
  • Our Jewish policy should be simple: Get rid of the Jews;
  • The need for more outspokenness;
  • Difference of opinion on responsibility of Christianity for Jewish ascendency;
  • We are now in a period like the “phony war” of 1940; Campbell sees a hot war on the horizon.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.
