Heretics' Hour Podcast

The Heretics' Hour: Preliminary to a White Nation

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-23 19:24

July 23, 2012

Severus Niflson joins Carolyn to discuss his latest blog post “The Prefab Republic,” in which he argues that the shape of a North American White Republic cannot be designed ahead of time, but will depend on skirmishes and battles yet to take place. Severus describes the need to have capable people trained ahead of time who can function in all the different capacities every society requires, i.e. doctors, teachers, engineers, economists, farmers, builders, and generals … as well as political leaders. Young White Nationalists should be preparing now to function in these roles instead of ‘dropping out’ or becoming bloggers.

The clash between “personal liberty” and “collective responsibility” is discussed, with examples given. Also the nature of militarism as something that cannot be set aside, ever. Image: Map showing positions during the Gettysburg Campaign, Day 1.

The Heretics' Hour: The Fundraising Game

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-16 19:19

July 16, 2012

Carolyn Yeager looks at some prominent Revisionist and Nationalist icons that have the ablility to raise money and asks “Where does the money go?” How well is it being used to accomplish real progress for the survival of our nations, culture and values? Carolyn discussed The Institute for Historical Review in the first hour and a half, concluding that Mark Weber should be replaced as soon as possible before the entire operation dissolves into nothingness.  It is unknown how much money Ingrid Zundel and David Duke take in, but they spend a goodly amount of attention asking for it.

Carolyn concludes that the rank and file should pay more attention to how money is used by those who continually ask for it, and an accounting should be given. Do they start to feel that money grows on trees? We have a right to expect some return on our investment.

The Heretics' Hour: "The Holocaust " cult uglifies our world and other complaints

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-09 19:39

July 9, 2012

Carolyn Yeager points to examples of the  Holocaust Cult spreading it’s tentacles more deeply into our everyday world. Everything associated with “The Holocaust” is ugly, just as Bolshevik architecture was. An example is the Warsaw Uprising Monument at right, with the new Museum of the History of Polish Jews being erected in the backgound. It’s like they outdo themselves to see how depressingly ugly they can make it.

Other topics covered:

NOTE: Carolyn misspoke right after the break when she said Klaus Schwensen was speaking with the "American Jew" about the 6 million number. Of course, it was Warwick Hester, not K.S. , having this conversation in the 1950's.

The Heretics' Hour: "Miss Holocaust Survivor" and How to Debate the Holocaust

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-02 19:40

July 2, 2012

Carolyn Yeager points to some of the more ludicrous aspects of the “Holocaust Survivor Cult” that pervades every aspect of Western  society.  In the last half-hour Friedrich Paul Berg joins in to explain the importance of debate on the Holocaust. Topics included:

  • The Miss Holocaust Survivor Beauty Pageant in Haifa, Israel (pictured right) and Holocaust cookbooks;
  • Ideas for more Holo entertainment from Giuseppe Furioso;
  • Elie Wiesel video making an impact;
  • Wiesel’s “Holocaust Survivors Memoirs Project;”
  • Austrian government asked to send more money to Jews living all over the world;
  • Yad Vashem and Vatican reach questionable compromise on Pope Pius XII;
  • America’s #1 zombie industry: War;
  • Debating with holocausters — most important points to make.

 Note: This program is less than 2 hours long because of some technical difficulties that were edited out.

The Heretics' Hour: Truth-telling Isn't For Sissies

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-25 19:48

June 25, 2012

Carolyn Yeager asks whether Whites are doing what is best for Whites, or are they more concerned with avoiding criticism and “getting along.” This goes for “Truth” organizations like CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) as well as “world affairs-historical study” organizations like the IHR (Institute for Historical Review) professes to be. It also goes for White Advocacy groups in the form of Internet radio networks, online magazines, publishing, and influential blogs that so many racially-conscious Whites follow and trust.

Carolyn makes the point that “politics” and “personal success” are two concerns that people have that get in the way of their sticking with the truth. The tendency to water down the real truth so as not to offend this or that group, or lose market share or lose standing in some way is very real, unfortunately. We need to quit following “leaders” who can’t stand up to pressure and don’t have the right balance between firmness, forcefulness and flexibility.

The Heretics' Hour: Are White Males Hooked on Weakness?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-18 19:04

June 18, 2012

Severus Niflson discusses his article "Hooked on Weakness" at his blog Niflson's Mind with host Carolyn Yeager.  Some of the points made are that White Nationalists must overcome their weaknesses, their bad habits and addictions (like alcohol). They must put away their toys, read books and be rational adults, taking on the responsibility of marriage and children. They must think in terms of strategy, always seeing themselves as fighters in a war. Severus distinguishes between White men and White Nationalist men. Some books recommended by Severus: 

  • Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick (mainstream book on the pilgrims and the natives)
  • Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
  • The False Assumptions of Democracy by Anthony Ludovici
  • Patriarchia: The Natural Power of Kings by Robert Filmer

Several email questions were answered during the 2 hour program.

The Heretics' Hour: The Homosexual Menace, Part Two

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-11 20:49

June 11, 2012

Carolyn Yeager looks further into the difficulties “gaydom” presents to the building of strong, white communities. Using for primary examples Luka Magnotta, the  “Canadian Cannibal Queer” and “rent boy,” and a University of Delaware art professor who creates and teaches courses such as  “Queer Sexual Imagery in the Visual Arts” and uses the erect male penis as the subject matter of his paintings, drawings and prints, Carolyn concludes that the degeneracy and corruption that necessarily accompanies homosexuality is harmful enough for its practitioners to be expelled and all hard pornography outlawed in White-run societies.

Carolyn asks:  Are homosexuals born or made? Why did the 6 year-old pictured above right grow up to be the porn actor-murderer Luka Magnotta? As the National Socialists found, some are born but many are made, and programs to heal and rehabilitate these persons can have success. Homosexuality is,  in many cases,  just another addictive behavior. Shouldn’t we insist that certain standards and norms be followed, and not allow “libertarian freedom” to hold sway?

Apologies for the technical problems in the beginning of the program. Those portions have been removed from the archived version.

The Heretics' Hour: The Homosexual Menace

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-04 20:06

June 4, 2012

Carolyn Yeager discusses the increasing promotion and approval of homosexuality in our Western societies, and also in our White advocacy communities. Is it harmless or is it harmful in the long run? How does it relate to the Jewish problem? How does it relate to our white birth-rate, and even to race-mixing? What role can white homosexuals play in White communities? Carolyn quotes from some of their own words, and also reads from a National Socialist policy paper on the subject. While she gives no answers of her own, she does raise our awareness of a situation that has gone mostly unremarked upon.

Above, longtime DC Comics superhero “Green Lantern” has been remade into a younger queer man with a non-white lover to show “positive” gay characters.

The Heretics Hour: Whites talking to Whites

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-05-28 18:51

May 28, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and Tanstaafl talk about their new Internet radio network  which will focus solely on “Whites talking to other Whites about White solidarity and White interests.”

Too much White? We don’t think so and we’re telling you why in this very first broadcast on The White Network.  We discuss why we created it, our overall philosophy, and who we think we can reach. We also tell you about our programming ideas.

This is followed by how Whites use and mis-use language, or don’t use it effectively … offering some suggestions (just the beginning of this topic). We then turned to the Chinese “invasion” of British Columbia, Canada, which is changing the nature of cities such as Vancouver (now 20% Chinese), as reported by the BBC …  in glowing terms, of course.

The Heretics' Hour: National Socialism, Strasserism and European Nationalism

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-05-21 23:22

Severus Niflson is Carolyn's guest to speak about the divisions within National Socialism, including Strasserism, and European White Nationalism in general. Severus speaks of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon as the father of most all the ideologies. He recommends this article on Otto Strasser.  Another important thinker is Jean-Francois Thiriart . More recommended reading is on National Sindicalism, National Anarchism and National Bolshevism. 

Dr. Joseph Goebbels' article "Those Damned Nazis" is an informative read, as well as his pamphlet "Nazi-Soci." Severus emphasized that we must be politically educated to be effective proponents of our cause.

Image: "Hammer and Sword" or Strasserist flag of the Black Front.

May 21, 2012. Two hours. Apologies for the 40 second sound delay in the beginning. At the 60 min. mark, Carolyn mispoke and said Goering when she meant Goebbels.
