
"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 68

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-10-10 13:36

Oct. 10, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 63, “Gigantic Liquor Trust and It's Career.”

Once the Jewish “compounders” and “rectifiers” of inferior whisky had won a commanding place in the market,  they were still far from satisfied; they wanted to get rid of the better whisky in order to own the field. Some results were:

  • In 1899, the first operations toward a combine was a new company composed of sixteen Louisville, Kentucky distilleries announced by Levy Mayer of Chicago;
  • Alfred Austrian, who was later involved in the baseball scandals, became Mayer’s legal representative and partner;
  • Angelo Meyer, New York-Philadelphia whisky buyer, commonly called the ‘Napoleon of the whisky trade’, was one of the general managers of the new Kentucky Distilleries Company;
  • The Illinois Distilleries and Warehouse Co. was formed under Joseph Wolf to fight the Kentucky Distilleries, but both were Jewish;
  • The combined capitalization of the Mayer-Austrian trust was reported as $175 million to $200 million;
  • Collier’s Weekly magazine in 1908 wrote a scathing attack on “nigger gin,” a vile beverage that acted on the Negro in a way to encourage him to commit crimes, including the “nameless crime” (rape);
  • The ancient Jewish policy of Divide-Conquer-Destroy, as it is stated in the Protocols, was in operation — whatever the Jew can succeed in making Jewish, falls.

Image: Label for the American Distilling Co. in Pekin IL claims that it is “Free From All Trusts And Other Combinations” showing there was public awareness of these practices.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 67

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-10-03 12:33

Oct. 3, 3013

Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 62, "How Jews Gained American Liquor Control."

Jews usually constitute the liquor dealers in countries where they live in numbers. In the United States in 1916, 60% of the distilling and wholesale trade was in the hands of Jews, and they ruined the distilling of fine spirits. We learn in this chapter:

  • Jews were exempt from Prohibition for “religious reasons” to the amount of 10 gallons per individual per year;
  • A concoction of drugs and spirits, colored and flavored, was fraudulently labeled “whiskey” and served in bars and bottles;
  • What used to take 4 to 9 years of “aging in wood” was now being created in two to three hours and “blended” for taste and smell – in effect stealing the good name of “whiskey” for a synthetic poison;
  • Cincinnati OH, Pittsburgh PA, and Peoria IL were major centers where Jewish distilleries operated;
  • The “conspiracy” was the plan to sweep the good and bad brands into one common management of a dishonest kind of liquor.

Image: Austrian-born Jew Joseph Greenhut was president of the Great Western Distillery in Peoria IL – the world’s largest. His later company was modeled on Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and referred to as the “Whiskey Trust.”

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour: The Jewish Self-Protection Racket

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-09-30 18:35

Sept. 30, 2013

Everywhere in our societies today, we see that Jews are on the attack against us but, at the same time, have built a wall of protection around themselves in the form of “the Jewish narrative.” Prime in this narrative since 1945 is “The Holocaust.” Prior to the holohoax,  simple “antisemitism” had to suffice.  Included in this program:

  • Our job is to expose that Jews act only in their own interests, never in “humanity’s interest,” and that the fraudulent holohoax should not protect them;
  • City leaders in Koblenz, Germany refuse unreasonable demands from their “Jewish community” saying they are no longer under any obligation to them;
  • Wall Street equals Jews and we are conditioned to be afraid of a stock market crash — thus we protect Jews in this way too;
  • Carolyn recommends a big revisionist event on Jan. 27, 2014, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to counter the commemoration at Auschwitz;
  • “Holocaust Historian” Wendy Lower’s new book about evil women in the Third Reich, Hitler’s Furies, is a companion book to Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners;
  • Most of Lower’s book, reviewed in the Daily Mail, appears to be taken from non-credible camp and ghetto “survivors” tales.

Image: Another book churned out by the “Holocaust Industry,” which uses  Ph.D’s to give an aura of academic reliability, but in truth is based on hearsay that wasn’t even allowed in court proceedings.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 66

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-09-26 08:47

Sept. 26, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 61, “Jewish Power and America's Money Famine.”

Jews were at the heart of every problem that disturbed the world in 1921, from immigration, to politics, to diplomacy, to immoral movies and illicit liquor. But the Depression of 1920-21 also saw the squeezing of the regional Fed banks in the South and Midwest of assets that ended up in New York speculative banks. Those NY banks could borrow at 6% and loan as high as 20 to 30%.  Some other points:

  • White nations were already not allowed to see each other except through Jewish eyes and Jewish representatives;
  • The White nations are not fatherlands to the international bankers, but customers to be milked;
  • “The U.S. has more gold than any other country in the world” went the claim, but no one had seen it — it was held in the New York Jewish banks;
  • An international Jewish banking firm stands at the head in every important country;
  • The great natural wealth of the U.S. must pass through the narrow neck of money and gold, which controls the world.

Image: In the Depression of 1920-21, Southern and middle America experienced the lack of an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

Jews desert Polish units in 1944, claiming “antisemitism”

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-09-22 18:37

Polish troops in action in Monte Cassino, Italy, 1944

In 1944, Jews in the Polish Army were whining about antisemitism, asking for special privileges. Nothing new about that.

Jews are generally disliked wherever Aryans have to experience being physically around them. In 1944, Jewish soldiers in Polish military units sought to be transferred en masse to British units, claiming antisemitic discrimination against themselves from the Poles.

Some of these Jewish soldiers had been convicted by a Polish court-martial for “leaving their units without leave.” But the Jew-loving British came to their aid and over-ruled the Poles whose government had made the mistake of allying itself with the British, rather than the Germans. Here is the newspaper report from The Jewish Telegraph Agency, May 11, 1944.

Polish Government Plans Wide-Amnesty for Convicted Jewish Soldiers

May 11, 1944
London (May 10)

The Polish Government is planning to grant a "wide amnesty" to Jewish soldiers who have been convicted by a Polish court-martial of leaving their units without leave, because of the anti-Semitism prevalent there, in order to seek admittance into the British Army, it was reported here today.


Jews, World War II

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 65

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-09-19 16:21

Sept. 19, 2013

Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 60, “How Jewish International Finance Functions.”

Kuhn, Loeb & Co became a family enterprise through intermarriage between the Schiff, Warburg and Loeb families. Though they were “German,” their only allegiance was to their Jewish family. As the partners split their support among political parties and candidates for office, they also split their professed allegiance between various competing nations, depending on what was most profitable. Partner Otto Kahn even became a Christian.  Some points:

  • Jacob Schiff financed war with Japan and the Russian Revolution;
  • Jews had most privileged access to the U.S. President and the German Kaiser;
  • Paul Warburg wanted the U.S. to become the gold reserve country of the world–between the wars the gold in Germany was moved to the U.S;
  •  What is seen as “American business” is in reality agreements between Jewish bankers;
  • Revolutionary Jews seek to weaken nationality with the weapon of Christian internationalism.

Image: 40 Wall Street, Kuhn Loeb & Company’s final pre-Lehman Brothers location.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 64

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-09-12 16:25

Sept. 12, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 59, “Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America.”

Paul M. Warburg came to this country with the idea of changing the monetary system and creating a central bank modeled after the European central banks. To overcome the suspicion of the American people, he decided on a plan of 12 regional banks (see map right), but only the New York bank had the real power. Other important points:

  •  The Federal Reserve System constituted a new order;
  •  Though the U.S. was the richest country in the world, money was tied up tight because of manipulation, and there was not a uniform rate of interest for the whole country;
  •  Warburg said politicians didn't belong in banking because they didn't understand it, and the pols accepted that;
  •  Warburg thought he understood the psychology of Americans: regardless of party platforms, they would eventually do what Europe (meaning Jews?) wanted;
  •  Bernard Baruch was questioned by Congress over his recommendation of a candidate for Fed Officer to Treasury Secretary McAdoo, a person suggested to him by arch-politician E. M. House.

There are 12 Federal Reserve banks, but only one really matters; The Jew York Bank, with 1.75 Trillion in assets (as of Feb. 2013), equaling 58% of the total of all 12 Fed banks. The next largest is San Francisco with 327 Billion; the smallest is Minneapolis with 29 Billion. Enlarge

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour: Too Much Jews

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-09-09 19:05

Sept. 9, 2013

Carolyn covers several topics with the common thread of the overwhelming presence of Jews in our lives and societies. For instance:

  • Kenneth Waltzer’s Michigan State University-sponsored exhibition extolling Michigan's Jews and how their well-being was threateed by “Nazism” in Europe and World War II;
  • Compare treatment of Hitler bodyguard Rochas Misch after the war with that of Hitler assassin Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin who went on to become a major globalist and American stooge;
  • Nephew of the Jew who captured Rudolf Höss discovers his daughter Brigitte living undetected in Northern Virginia and gets interview;
  • The White Rose Society was made up of a few U. of Munich medical students who came from families that were anti-Hitler, strongly religious and Jew-friendly;
  • They distributed leaflets during 1942-43 calling for military defeat in order to accomplish the overthrow of the National-Socialist regime, and have been glorified as martyrs in post-war Germany, similar to the "Valkyrie" July 20 conspirators;
  • Ringleader and half-Russian Alexander Schmorell has even been made a New Martyr by the “Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.”

Image: From the exhibition "Uneasy Years: Michigan Jewry during Depression and War:" Announcing the 9th Jewish-owned Winkelman's Dept. Store to open in Detroit, Mich. in 1940. Retailing in the Midwest had long been in the hands of the Jews, while they comprised 8/10 of 1% of the Michigan population.

Ken Waltzer inadvertantly supplies proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-09-08 10:37

By Carolyn Yeager

Above: Ken Waltzer’s now notorious signature photo connecting him to his claim, for years, that Elie Wiesel was in this photograph of  youths from the Buchenwald children’s barracks being marched out of the camp after so-called liberation.

We have further proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald because Prof. Ken Waltzer is still unwilling to publish his book about the “rescue of children from Buchenwald,” a book which has always included the “Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel” among the children.

Since Waltzer is the only holocaust “historian” I know who is still on record as saying he can prove that Elie Wiesel was a prisoner at the Buchenwald concentration camp—and that his father Shlomo died there—I think that makes Waltzer a fitting subject for this website. And the 84-year old Wiesel himself is not doing anything that I can find news of these days, so I’m a little hard up for inspiration.

Thus I ask: What is Waltzer up to? Well, he has been heading a group of Michigan Jews in creating a traveling exhibition that is meant to remind Jews, and convince if necessary, of all the poisecution they experienced during the WWII years and to celebrate how extraordinarily well things have been going for Jews since (while, of course, still having to be on guard against new poisecution).

Thus, the exhibition is titled Uneasy Years: Michigan Jewry During Depression and War. Michigan Jewry! How many Jews are in Michigan? According to a Jewish website, in 2012 there were 82,270, which is 0.8% (8/10 of 1%) of the total Michigan population. But that is enough for Ken Waltzer and other Jews to build an entire traveling exhibition for.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 63

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-09-05 16:31

Sept. 5, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott  read and comment on Chapter 58, “Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve Plan.”

We are reminded that Paul M. Warburg was “an alien not naturalized” when he secretly closeted with Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and other bankers on Jekyll Island to formulate a Central Bank for the United States in 1910. Warburg became a U.S. citizen in 1911. In 1914, he was still a partner in the German banking house of M.M. Warburg, Hamburg, Germany, while a member of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board as this country was preparing to go to war in Europe. Other interesting facts:

  • A real Central Bank was considered only one bank, but we were given 12 regional banks along with the New York bank only to placate the public’s fears about the whole scheme;
  • It is part of Jewish policy – and large financial firms – to attach themselves to both (or all) political parties;
  • The various principals of Kuhn, Loeb & Company contributed to Wilson, Taft and Roosevelt in the Presidential race of 1912 – when Wilson won, a member of the firm received an important appointment giving him large power over the finances of the U.S.;
  • One of the functions of the Federal Reserve Board is to guard the gold supply of the country, yet Jews who were associated with foreign banks sat on the Board.

Image:  A Dees illustration portraying the Federal Reserve as a giant spider capturing the world in it’s web.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.
