Further damage to the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story comes to light
Survivor stories about the 'gas chambers' have become one of the main reasons for doubting the entire 'Holocaust' itself. Read below for a new reason NOT to believe.
By Carolyn Yeager
NOTHING IS MORE DAMAGING TO THE FALSE Auschwitz Death Camp narrative than the claims about the gas chambers. They have from the start been a mix of the ludicrous and the vicious, because of the intention to harm that is inherent in them. According to Wikipedia, the most-used encyclopedia in existence:
The very first gassings—of Soviet and Polish prisoners— took place in block 11 of Auschwitz I around August 1941.
Construction of crematorium 1 began in June-July 1940 and it was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943. It had only 3 cremation furnaces.
The first mass gassing in this crematorium is claimed to have taken place in mid-February 1942—a transport of Jews from Bytom, Poland. They went directly to the crematorium from the train ramp and were “gassed” in a separate room with Zyklon B, according to Jewish historian Danuta Czech. In the view of Filip Müller, a “sondercommando” (special worker in the crematorium), tens of thousands were eventually killed in this building, from all over Europe and from ghettos in greater Germany. [But Holocaust historians cannot supply any official total of deaths from this crematorium because the official camp records don't show anywhere near “tens of thousands.”]
F. Piper, the Polish former Aushwitz-Birkenau historian, claimed that “more than 700 victims could be killed at once” in the chamber next to the crematoria's 3-oven room. Today it is admitted that after the war the chimney was added [for looks, as it's never been connected to any furnaces]; four openings were added in the roof “to show” where the Zyklon B pellets had been poured; and two of the three “ovens” were rebuilt.
I'm afraid this is all Wikipedia can tell us about Krema One.
How did the Germans manage to get groups of 700 prisoners to keep walking into that room next to the crematoria ovens, and keep them inside after the gas pellets were thrown in from above? It must have been an exceptionally strong building, with exceptionally strong, barred doors – right?
Except that it wasn't. Thus the narrative doesn't fit the physical reality that we know was there. PhD-level chemist-revisionist Germar Rudolf has now brought forth new evidence that the walls supporting the main door into the supposed “homicidal gas chamber” in Krema 1 were only one brick in thickness—very weak, thin walls that could never support the steel reinforced, gas-tight doors said by “survivors” to have been in place. Following is my review of what Rudolf explained, with diagrams, in his recent January article, first published at Jan27.org.
The room inside the old crematorium of the Auschwitz Main Camp that was a morgue according to original war-time plans is said to have been used as a homicidal gas chamber between late 1941/early 1942 and the first half of 1943. It would seem that operating a homicidal gas chamber requires the installation of gas-tight, panic-proof doors to keep both the poisonous fumes and the victims safely inside. While there is no evidence in the extant documentation pointing to the existence of any such doors, orthodox historiography points to witness testimony indicating that such doors were in fact in place. A closer scrutiny of war-time blueprints reveals that the walls of this morgue which must have supported these doors were extremely thin, hence unable to support the installation of massive steel doors.
Hmm. What to make of this? Witnesses say one thing, the documents say another.
The Impetus for This Paper
On November 20, 2019, I [G.R.] received the following email:
“Hello, my name is Federico Bussone, I’m from Italy. I think I have discovered an important weak point in the mainstream official story of the Auschwitz Main Camp crematorium. As far as I know, this weak point has never been highlighted by any revisionist, and so I would like to share with you my ‘discovery.’
We have to look at the original blueprint of the Crematorium I of April 10 1942 (but also the one from November 30 1940).
In both these plans, the wall of the left (short) side of the alleged gas chamber, that is, the wall with the entrance door, is REALLY THIN, it probably measures no more than 15 centimetres. As an architect, I understand well that such a partition could only have served as a dividing wall. It could have never withstand the stresses produced by the opening and closing of a heavy steel door. Let alone the blows and the pressure towards the outside exerted by the panicked prisoners.
I would like to emphasize that this type of wall, built of small solid bricks bound by mortar, became quite resistant only when built in a double row. In a single row, as it is in our case, it can be easily demolished with a little sledgehammer by a single worker, for example during house renovation.
It seems to me that this important fact has not been grasped so far. For example, the 3D models by Eric Hunt have the same (greater) thickness for all walls. The same for other drawings I have found in revisionist publications etc.
I hope this mail will be helpful!
Best regards.
The Orthodox Narrative was written by the Russians
… two months prior to the end of World War Two, a combined Polish-Soviet investigative commission stated the following in its report:
“In early 1941, a crematorium, designated as Crematorium #1, was started up in the Auschwitz camp. […] Next to this crematorium there was a gas chamber, which had, at either end, gas-tight doors with peep-holes and in the ceiling four openings with hermetic closures through which the ‘Ziklon’ [sic] for the killing of the persons was thrown. Crematorium I operated until March 1943 and existed in that form for two years.”
Polish engineer Dr. Roman Dawidowski compiled an expert report for the 1947 Polish show trial against Rudolf Höss:
“One now [in late 1941] began to poison people regularly with Zyklon B and to use for that purpose the Leichenhalle (morgue) of Crematorium I […]. This chamber […] on both sides had a gas-tight door.”
Jan Sehn, the Polish judge […] wrote the following about this in his 1960 book on Auschwitz:
“The mortuary (Leichenkeller) of the first Oswiecim crematorium […] was fitted with two gas-proof doors.”
Stanislaw Jankowski stated in a deposition of October 3, 1980:
“The two thick wooden doors of the room, one in the side wall, the other in the end wall, had been made gas-tight.”
Rudolf Höss was persuaded to write, while in Polish custody awaiting his execution, that the doors of this alleged gas chamber must have been very sturdy, because:
“When the powder [sic; Zyklon B pellets] was thrown in[to the gas chamber], there were cries of ‘Gas!’, then a great bellowing, and the trapped prisoners hurled themselves against both the doors. But the doors held.”
Höss moreover speaks repeatedly of the doors being “screwed” shut.
Writing post-war, former SS man Pery Broad made it clear this chamber had a heavy, gas-tight, panic-proof door:
“Suddenly the door was closed. It had been made tight with rubber and secured with iron fittings. Those inside heard the heavy bolts being secured. They were screwed to with screws, making the door air-tight. A deadly, paralysing terror spread among the victims. They started to beat upon the door, in helpless rage and despair they hammered with their fists upon it.”
Defendant Hans Stark made the following statements in his deposition about the doors of that room:
“As early as the autumn of 1941 gassings were carried out in a room of the small crematorium, the room having been fitted for that purpose. It could take in some 200–250 people, was higher than a normal living room, had no windows, and only one door that had been made [gas] tight and had a lock like the door of an air-raid shelter.”
In the fall of 1944, the morgue was converted to an air-raid shelter, causing the interior walls to be removed and/or changed. The documentation indicates that neither gas-tight nor fragment-proof, nor panic-proof doors were in place.
In 1980, Swedish eccentric revisionist Ditlieb Felderer wrote:
“The doorposts [of the door separating the alleged gas chamber from the former (small) laying-out/dissecting room] are made of wood, and the door itself is made of wood and glass. The handle and lock are so weak that they keep falling apart. The door opens inwards, into the ‘gas chamber.’ When we asked Mr. T. Szymanski, the (now retired) curator, how it was that the gassees did not just smash the window in this door and escape, he advised us that he had never investigated this door so he could not give us a definite answer!”
The Blueprints
It can be ruled out, based on war-time floor plans, that any panic-proof, gas-tight steel doors could have been installed in the relevant door openings of the morgue of Krematorium I, since such a door needs to be anchored firmly in the wall. A hoop steel anchor (shown below) with a so-called dovetail going some 14 cm (5.5 inches) into the wall would require a wall considerably thicker than 14 cm! The walls in question on the wartime floor plans were 15 cm, the width of a standard brick plus some plaster on both sides.
Blueprint of the wall anchor for a frame of a sturdy, gas-tight steel door.
It is not possible to set a steel anchor into bricks. Any forceful shaking of the door would have dislodged those anchors, bent the frame, and made the frame including the door fall out of the wall.
Read the full article by Germar Rudolf at Jan27.org
Auschwitz, Krematoria One, Germar RudolfCategory
Holocaust Revisionism- 1247 reads
If only....
the German people know that this was all a horrendous lie.
That this lie has been spread several times before. That 2000 autopsies were done on victims of Auschwitz and none were found to have died of gassings. That Zyklon B was ill suited for such a purpose. That Sonderkomandos would have needed gas masks or be victims themselves. That human bones do not burn but have to be crushed. That there are no mountains of bones nor bone meal found anywhere.
That Eisenhower starved to death at least one million German soldiers at the Rheinwiesen Lager.
the number of jew killed has varied over the decades
Over the decades since WW11, the figure of the number of jews killed , supposedly in the gas chambers , has varied at vaious figures in public , everyday newspapers.
Hi Jim,
Hi Jim,
We can't say what the German people know. They're smart enough to know the things you say, so some must know, but don't want to think about it, lest they say things they're not allowed to say. Any expression of interest in the subject can take you before the judge!
What they are allowed to know is that Adolf Hitler was a horrible German who hated Jews and even other Germans who didn't agree with his politics to the extent he was willing to kill them all. THAT is what they're allowed to know and think. That any return to Hitler's ideas would be disaster for Germany once again. The factual truth about the camps and the 6 million matters not.
But I think it does matter to the rest of the world, and certainly to Americans.
Last year I was talking with a young German who had been one of my student exchanges, now in his 30s. I was visiting him in Berlin. When I brought up the lie of 6 million he became very angry and said I didn't know what I was talking about and that if I said anything more he was not going to talk to me anymore.
The Germans live in fear, not of retaliation I think, but of the truth. Things like the fire bombings of Dresden are too hard to think about. It turns the narrative upside down and makes it the case that what they are blamed for is what was done to them. (Hellstorm, Ernst Zundel) In effect Herr Hitler's getting the Zionists out of Germany and then later of having to put them in camps actually saved their lives. That is an irony: Hitler the new Moses. Up until the end of the war there were still 13,000 Jews living in Berlin with a working Synagogue until the allies destroyed it. How stupid the holocaust believers must think the Germans are!
Krema 1 narrative is laughable
The Krema 1 gas chamber narrative is laughable. Furthermore, the alleged reconstruction is even more, and here is why.
If you look at the link below, from aerial view, zyklon B openings Z2 and Z5 where both measured 7.1 meters away from walls that werent there during the alleged gassings (1940 -1943).
The rear entrance wall (2) was built in 1943 for the air raid shelter and the wash room wall was facing the entrance wall in that same period. It was impossible to measure 5.1 meters from Z3 to entrance room wall as well for the same reason as Z5. How the German managed to take the symetric measurements that fit today's configuration ? Lol
None of these holes have been "reopened" for the reconstruction. They were all made by the Poles or the Soviets after the war.
This information was first
This information was first published right here by me five years ago, when Eric Hunt came up with these facts FIRST (as far as I know) and I paid him and posted it here: https://carolynyeager.net/new-eric-hunt-3d-imagery-demonstrates-auschwitz-hole-hoax He wanted to call it the Auschwitz hole hoax - a play on holohoax.
Anyway, whoever made those diagrams at Imgur, they got it from Eric's work from 2015.
Good to know. But I see that
Good to know. But I see that most of Hunt's information was taken from Mattogno's book "Auschwitz : Crematorium 1" , Chapter 6, Holocaust Handbooks series, Vol.21, 2005
Carolyn it does not matter if
Carolyn it does not matter if old information appears from anywhere as new information ! As long as it puts another bullet hole in the hoax narrative.
I don't think there is anyone in my circle of friends and acquaintances who believe the 6 million narrative or the Gas Chamber slur, if only because within the last 10 years enough plausible, factual, scientifically based evidence has been made widely available thro' the portal of the Internet. And to thank for that is the courage of individuals who fought like lions against the hyenas and presstitutes who endeavour to murder those who have exposed the Holocaust as a huge lie. What kind of Country possesses a justice system that allows the jailing of frail, elderly ladies and Gentlemen who have the temerity to question this perverse slander ? A lot of emotion is attached to the whole Holocaust bull. But cut away the emotion and look at the situation with clinical dispassion, and a different picture emerges. In a moment of perspicacity, many years ago during a discussion with a close friend's father, who was present as a soldier of the British army during the capture of Dachau, I posed him a question ; If I was in charge of my war effort, and the menfolk were fighting at the front, but I was given a supply of labour who would be employed to run the machines which built the weapons for my war effort……………… why would I be interested in murdering them ???? Only a cool perspective ushers in common sense.
WOW, i think i just found my new favorite website. Keep up the good work. I have alot to catch up on.