"Table Talk" Study Hour - Episode 31
Oct. 9, 2014
Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the March 29-April 4, 1942 lunch and dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down in shorthand by aide Henry Picker. 1hr29m. Included in this episode:
Honesty in trade set by the Hanseatic League for over 500 years, which only degraded to "Buyer Beware" when Jews got involved;
- The sorry state of the Judiciary, and Hitler's intention for judges to put the interests of the State first;
- Hitler sees the mentality of the Russians revealed in their Feb. 24th attempted assassination of Amb. Franz von Papen in Turkey;
- Explains why the Turks are better allies than the Bulgarians;
- Long exposition of the Policy of the Reich in the East, with historical perspective including Charlemagne and Frederick the Great;
- Why Frederick the Great was a better man than Napoleon and the weakness of hereditary monarchies;
- Hitler concludes that the future Germany must be a republic with a Führer at the head, chosen by a specially selected Senate.
- Very important ideas are presented in this episode.
Image: Lübeck, on the Baltic Sea, was the capital of the Hanseatic League that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe. Enlarge.
The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.
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Creative skills
Isn't it amazing that Germany became the economic superpower again within 10-20 years, after everything was destroyed post- WW2? Both FRG and GDR were the strongest economic states in Europe, in their respective economic systems, only second to USA and USSR, and regardless of the total destruction of the infrastructures, moral ground zero, loss of 1/3 of the territory, immense increase of population in the remaining living space although all cities were in ruins and massive reparations to the occupiers and their proxy states. By 1960, all three Germanys were strong again, including Austria and started bailing out neighbors, and producing goods that all the world wanted to have at highest qualities yet reasonable prices. Volkswagen, founded by Adolf Hitler is today the #1 or #2 automobile manufacturer in the world, depending on what statistics one looks at.
Is there any doubt that Germany should run Europe for the sake of the continent and not be abused by the Capitalists and Communists for their gains? Same in Asia, Japan should run the Far East without being handicapped.
I believe Russian means Russian here, as Carolyn suggested as well. Ray is right that Bolshevism is mostly Jewish but if the Jews can benefit from the instinctive agenda of the host nation as well, they just let it happen. It's not all by order. The reason why I think this, is Hitler spoke of the Russian football team in Bulgaria on the same evening and the players would be Russian for the most part and not Russian Jews either.
Russians = Soviets, not Jews
Yes, because Hitler said:
By comparing this assassin to Lee Harvey Oswald, Ray seemed to be thinking about it differently than I was, and also wanting to protect Russians. He is in the pro-Putin camp, generally. "Russians" at that time were "Soviets"; Russians had become sovietized. The Germans tended to use the word Russian rather than Soviet. And yes, right following that, Hitler said:
This tells us that he sees the Slavs as being sympathetic with one another through Pan-Slavism and through the Orthodox Church. This makes them more problematic as allies for Germany. So yes, he means Russians, not Jews.
Slav Question
This is not directly related but of our interest now. Hitler intended to honor the Hitler-Stalin Pact in all eternity. Stalin was the one who broke it, so then Hitler changed his views to expand Germania's sphere of influence onto the Ural, as he thought of in Mein Kampf already.
Sure, you are right
When Hitler saw that Stalin was plotting to take over adjacent nations, and ultimately Germany too, he had to do away with Stalin and create a safety zone in it's place. All ultimately defensive.
Russia Today
a very honest German journalist speaks the truth regarding CIA - media operations in Germany and he clears his mind and distances himself from his own wrongdoing in the past. He also points out that Germany is a US colony (occupation zone but yeah).
But then he goes on all pro-Russia. Russia still has the same rights in regards to Berlin's sovereignty as USA, UK, France. And Russia directly occupies North-East Prussia with Germans genocided and Poland's West is actually German state territory in Russia's occupation zone with Germans genocided as well.
America's "German colony" is an intelligence operation with a slow death of the Volk, but Russia's "German colony" is complete genocide already. Only Russia's Central Germany (GDR) was annexed to the FRG, America's German colony for financial and geopolitical reasons. This whole "reunification" is fishy. It's just reorganizing the Allied occupation, nothing more.
He then defends Russia and at the same time shames Germany with this gas in Iraq talk. He is not able or willing to stand up for his German people. He has to either be pro-American or pro-Russian and is allowed to attach his German sentiments to either or.
Is this potty training by RT? It's the Cold War again. Just round 2, Russia is the good cop, and America the bad. Germany remains undefended and falsely accused.
Not real, if you ask me
I did not like this guy the first time I started watching him. I couldn't finish the video. Now he looks even worse to me. Why would he go to Russian TV to say these things when Russia itself trains journalists to lie.
People will fall for anything.
exposing the American operations in exchange for working for the Russians. That's this whole pro-Putin thing. Sure it's good to hear some truth from their camp but you will not get the whole truth. Either America or Russia. Cold War II
Also Merkel, Gauck
The current Chancellor and President of the FRG are known former Stasi operatives, and Putin was head of Soviet intelligence in the GDR. Stasi, of course, was the intelligence service in the GDR, created by the Soviets/Russians/ Eastern Jews.