The Refugee Scam in Pictures
Would you want any of these young men moving into your community without family, without education, without a skill, without knowing your language? What benefit would they possibly bring? I found the first three pictures at Der Spiegel. They've removed them now.
Above: Fit young men protesting on the Greek side of the border with Macedonia. They are not allowed to pass because they are not of the currently accepted nationality. Look at the tattoos. The whole crowd here is nothing but young men.
This man is showing his Kurdish tattoo but is still prevented from crossing into Macedonia from Greece because he is not a Syrian or Iraqi Kurd. Turkish and Iranian Kurds are not allowed at this time.
"Shoot us or save us," this Bangladeshi man has painted on his chest. The banner says 'Please help us.' They are more who are stuck in Greece and pretending that they can't go back. They don't want to go back and will do everything in their power to continue up into Europe.
The next images are from AP/Giannis Papanikos. Migrants demand to be allowed to cross the border to Macedonia, as Macedonian policemen stand guard, near the Greek village of Idomeni, Sunday, Nov. 22,
An Iranian man (center) threatened to cut his wrist with a razor if not allowed to cross; when police intervened he injured his face. His friends are trying to hold him back. But why are Iranians now getting into the act? What wrong with their own country? This is becoming ridiculous and these people have quickly decided they have a right to live in Europe and be supported. Somebody has got to start telling the truth without worrying about not being perceived as kind enough.
And here's the kiicker ...
This guy has the nerve to play the race card at the border!! And look at that sea of healthy young men behind him. They're calling on Angela Merkel to help them. These people aren't too smart but that doesn't mean they can't prevail.
How are these fit young men refugees? They come to Europe alone, leaving their families behind in a situation we're to believe is too harsh for them; their lives are in danger. Their parents, grandparents and siblings remain at home, apparently safe, since they intend to bring these family members up to where they are once they have established legal asylum for themselves ... unless they are going to be part of an underground army. This is a scam, and the European people need to stand up for themselves and loudly demand an end to it. Tomorrow is PEGIDA Monday in Dresden. I hope something big happens. Show your support from wherever you are. We all need to stand up for our own rights.
European Union, Immigration, Race- 438 reads
News story
IDOMENI, Greece (Reuters) - Moroccans, Iranians and Pakistanis on Greece’s northern border with Macedonia blocked rail traffic and demanded passage to western Europe on Monday, stranded by a policy of filtering migrants in the Balkans that has raised human rights concerns.
One Iranian man, declaring a hunger strike, stripped to the waist, sewed his lips together with nylon and sat down in front of lines of Macedonian riot police.
Asked by Reuters where he wanted to go, the man, a 34-year-old electrical engineer (so he says) named Hamid, said: "To any free country in the world. I cannot go back. I will be hanged." [Really?
Hundreds of thousands of migrants, many of them Syrians fleeing war, have made the trek across the Balkan peninsula having arrived by boat and dinghy to Greece from Turkey, heading for the more affluent countries of northern and western Europe, mainly Germany and Sweden.[(Once again I say if they're fleeing war, any safe country will do. Right?
Last week, however, Slovenia, a member of Europe’s Schengen zone of passport-free travel, declared it would only grant passage to those fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and that all others deemed "economic migrants" would be sent back.
[Lets see if they do get sent back - it should be interesting.]
"International law" is a UN-Jewish deception
GENEVA (Reuters) - About 1,000 refugees and migrants are stuck at the main crossing point into Macedonia from Greece as authorities deny entry to some nationalities in contravention of international law, the United Nations said on Tuesday.
"A new humanitarian situation is developing in Europe that needs urgent attention," Adrian Edwards of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) told a news briefing.
"The new restrictions chiefly involve people being profiled on the basis of their claimed nationalities," he said. At the borders between Greece and the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia, and between Macedonia and Serbia, nationals of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq are being allowed to cross.
Nationals of other countries are being stopped, leading to protests by about 200 people, mainly Iranians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, with some on hunger strike, Edwards said.
"All people have the right to seek asylum*, irrespective of their nationality and to have their individual cases heard. Proper information needs to be provided to people affected by decisions at border points, and proper counseling needs to be available," he said. (Then the UN should supply personnel and pay for that counseling to take place. This is not a normal situation.)
*But they don't have the right to be granted it. The UN is a completely ineffective, fantasy-minded construction of the JewSA that tries to make people believe it has authority that it doesn't have. So-called 'international law' is totally reliant on voluntary cooperation.
What has Merkel wrought?
Can you force your way into a place that doesn't want you and where you don't belong? These people have been encouraged to think they are entitled to go where they want. They want to go to Germany, they say, and that is Angela Merkel's fault. Merkel muss weg!
IDOMENI, Greece (Reuters) - Hundreds of Moroccans, Algerians and Pakistanis tried to storm the border between Greece and Macedonia on Thursday, tearing down part of the barbed wire fence at the crossing and demanding to be allowed to carry on into northern Europe.
They were among about 1,500 migrants who have been stranded near Greece's northern border town of Idomeni after Europe decided to filter migrants, allowing only those fleeing conflict in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq to cross into the Balkans.
Some threw stones at police while others fell to their knees shouting, "We want to go to Germany!"
A few ran across into Macedonia but were quickly detained by police. Police in riot gear guarded a gap where migrants had torn down about 30-40 meters of fence, and a Reuters photographer saw riot police armed with assault rifles.