The creep of censorship hits home
IT CAN NOW BE TOLD. The company that has hosted my server for the past 10 years without a problem took me offline without warning on Sunday morning, Feb. 17. When I made contact with them on Monday, Feb. 18, I was informed that 1&1 (recently become 1&1 IONOS) had terminated my account. The best reason the “security” rep could give me was the vague word “hate.” We're all supposed to accept that as meaning something. He said they would send me a letter of explanation. Why didn't they send the letter first?
The letter that came contained the two “relevant” points from the Terms and Conditions, to wit: thou “shall not contain or link to any material which is harmful, violent, threatening, abusive or hateful.” Didn't seem to be relevant to me - my site is mild and factual - but it's all in how you define these words, right? It realy came down to the most important point: We're a private company, headquarted in Germany, so we don't have to defend ourselves. They had received complaints, and that's enough.
At least they gave me 15 days to remove my content, as a courtesy for the long time I had been with them. I appreciated that. My sites went back up and remained up while I made arrangements and they were moved to a new server on Tuesday, Feb. 26. The new server is costing me a little more and I feel somewhat insecure, but if the Daily Stormer can find a way to stay online I guess the rest of us can too.
In the big move, something was overlooked and my podcast content didn't get moved. I hope that will be corrected soon. If any of you notice something else that doesn't work or is missing, please let me know so I can look into it.
It's most regrettable that we are awash in a environment in which everything we believe to be good (for us!) is considered 'hateful', 'harmful', 'threatening' to those who are not us. Seeing others as foreign, with foreign interests, is what is considered 'hateful' in itself! It's regrettable they have been allowed to take over our homelands and demand we give them what is good for them! I have sought to understand and shine light on how this has happened – why and when it happened – that's what Carolyn is all about. Taking away our right to self-defense is indefensible. It's exactly what was done to Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany, and by other Europeans too! This is something we need to keep in mind. We are a house divided.
News- 1074 reads
Sorry to hear this Carolyn; it is strange that at the time you are being banned they are also currently banning books from the American Renaissance and Counter Currents on They should have taken the banning of Holocaust Revisionism books more serious; that was just the first step.
Holocaust revisionism 100% necessary
You're so right, Rick. By not defending Holocaust Revisionism 100%, we are sitting ducks. That's one of my main messages, but these know-it-alls at AR and CC think they found a better way.
Likewise, Tanstaafl's age-of-treason site, which was also on a 1&1 server, went down the same day mine did, Sunday Feb. 17. I wonder how many others did also? Age-of-treason has not come back up, which only means Tanstaafl, who is a computer expert, has decided not to stay online ... at least for the time being.
If you have not been opposed, then...
If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, p. 200.
This recent act of censorship is now one of your bona fides.
The Jews read what we read
This was not meant to be taken as an absolute rule. Remember Trump? It shouldn't be ruled out that the Jews have read Mein Kampf extensively and learned from the propaganda techniques utilized by Hitler's Germany.
It's Just another Hammer
The control of "hate speech" is, like the war on drugs, like the income tax, like conscription, just one more weapon the elite use to oppress the rest of us.
If you haven't attracted censorship these days, either: (a) you're just babbling; or (b) you're faithfully mouthing the party line.
Silence treatment
Not every possible enemy of the Jews gets outed in the media. Some are passed over without any mention, usually if their ideas are especially dangerous or pinpoint.
"It took the press only, a few days to transform some ridiculously trivial matter into an issue of national importance, while vital problems were completely ignored or shelved and hidden away from public attention." (Mein Kampf, Chapter 3)
This is scary Carolyn, lika an approaching monster. It could happen to any of us next. I will keep speaking out for free speech and I support you. I use the server Nearly Free Speech as it tries to protect itself from this kind of censorship.
Hang in there, my freind!
Brian Ruhe
I could be wrong, but this
I could be wrong, but this seems like the work of the World Jewish Congress, who I've been writing about, and the ADL/SPLC sorts who are on a renewed mission to shut down everything critical of themselves. [This site is still on the SPLC's "hate map" even though I'm a single person operation, not a group.] That's the reason for the spinning of the fake rise in 'antisemitism'. The WJC would especially not like what I wrote about their role in inventing the gas chamber fiction and pointing out the holes in their own narrative. The WJC played a big role in having all the revisionist books removed from Amazon over a year ago. They are obviously very good at threatening companies.
In Canada, it is B'nai B'rith.
B'nai B'rith
Yes! It was B'nai B'rith who claimed on two websites that they got me fired from my teaching jobs.
We can buy all the
We can buy all the revisionist books at Barnes Review and many truthful books at American Free Press. We can order books from the author’s website. Don’t really need Amazon.
I admit I like Amazon's very
I admit I like Amazon's very information-rich format. I like the "look inside" feature and the review feature, and the used book feature. The best place to buy the Holocaust Handbook series and other revisionist books is directly from Germar Rudolf's Castle Hill Publishers/Codoh sites. and
I just noticed that Amazon is using the term "Holocaust Handbooks" for its own selection of PRO-Holocaust books! Pretty sneaky.
I am sorry to hear this. I enjoy reading your points of on the NS history and the Jewish problem and the knowledge gained therein to form my own opinions. A very distressing time for the world then where blame can be spread to all concerned.
Thanks. I'm glad you're
Thanks. I'm glad you're interested in reading about real history. Reading is the only way to really learn. Videos and documentaries are good by way of introduction ... and to make strong impressions.
WHich company
Which company was this that did this to you Carolyn? We MUST name names so that we can ALL avoid doing busines with these people.
I did
I did name the company, 1&1 IONAS. They are a very good company. They just decided, like so many others, not to fight (and get hurt by) the Jewish pressure. In my opinion, the big fault lies with the governments in the EU and the UK mainly for letting Organized Jewry dictate to them. Now the Congress of the United States is completely made up of devotees of Israel. If the governments stood up for the majority of their people and didn't pass these laws restricting our freedom of expression, this wouldn't be able to happen.
WE are the government in a democracy ... on paper. What are WE doing?
1 & 1
O Carolyn... I can't believe that you had chosen a server in BRD-Germany at all - the most censored shithole on earth!
(Only one example:
I've always know they were a
I've always know they were a German company, but they had a good reputation and great service. And they're reasonably priced. So for 10 years I received the benefit of that, never a server problem, and now I had to go somewhere else. They were nice about it too. So I don't see that it's any sort of disaster. I hope this new company I'm with will be as good. (they're not)
I could have gotten ahold of them on Sunday and settled everything, but I didn't look far enough for the right phone number. I was concentrated on getting hold of my administrator because I thought it was a DDoS attack (in spite of my having Cloudflare). It didn't occur to me that it was 1&1 that took me down.
USB Thumb Drives via mail are the answer...
Over the years I archived several entire webpages, 200+ videos, and 112 entire PDF ebooks onto a tiny 32GB usb thumb drive that can be anonymously mailed to anyone for less than seven dollars. "The Greatest Story Never Told" takes up only one GB of my thumb drive.
Perhaps it is time for Carolyn to copy and share her precious work in this manner?