The Heretics' Hour: All-Hosts April Get-Together
April 7, 2014
Tanstaafl, Paul Hickman, Ray Goodwin and I discussed the issue that moral legitimacy is taken, not given; the sensitive Russia-Ukraine-Crimea situation; Israeli efforts to have Jewish U.S. spy Jonathan Pollard released from U.S. incarceration. Main topics:
- Ways White guilt can be thrown off by seeing it as having no legitimate basis;
- Jewish aggression against us comes from the Christian Churches as much as from the TV, according to our panel;
- Is Russia’s President Putin one of us or one of them;
- The strategic importance of Crimea and the craziness of another war between closely related White people;
- Why freeing Jonathan Pollard is of paramount importance to the Israelis despite the fact it could be bad public relations;
- “Disparate Impact” federal school program continues the attack on white schoolchildren – what will be the result?
Image: No matter how "good" you are, you're still bad, White person.
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33 Responses
Bob in DC
April 8, 2014 at 5:32 am
Excellent points about the imperative of moral legitimacy and its counter political altrusism, where Jonathan Pollard and Leo Frank are defended by their tribe (while Craig Cobb is eschewed by his).
How can this be?
Effective kikejew control of communication, due mainly to its concurrent march through the institutions.
We must cast the kikejew from our presence
and ALL jews from our realm.
April 8, 2014 at 8:52 am
What appeared to be the leading ship of the fleet is now clearly in the hands of the enemy, I say leading only because of it’s size. A lot of passengers have been held hostage. So it is now up to White Network and allied sites to provide the guidance to take the movement forward. This programme is helpful in beginning to get the movement back on track and lots of good points from everyone.
As to historical revisionism as a weapon in our war it is best targeted when it is correcting the most major, well known, most repeated and popular Jewish lies rather than more esoteric academic considerations how ever noble they may be to examine.
Revisionist historians would do far more good by flying to Auschwitz, getting into the archives and digging up the real truth about Dr. Joserf Mengele; whose defamation still forms one of the greatest pillars of the Big Jew Lie in the international public psyche, and exposing that truth to the public, rather than writing tomes of books on Third Reich military strategy.
A programme which can be put out on Youtube or Trutube to reach and change new people rather than the converted is worth a million academically worthy programmes. Never feel ashamed of propaganda, propaganda reaches the people the most worthy writings cannot reach.
As to Paul’s point about national socialist organisations for America or the UK, if he wants to create one they need to be confusingly opaque like the white Man March with no symbols or open mention of race which the media can then use to label, defame and have them outlawed. Wear plain modern uniforms identifying only rank and follow modern military structures and teach the arts of self defence, discipline and pride. Be deliberatly unspecific institutionally about the organisations goals. This will attract parents who would rather their children join such groups than the morally corrupting boyscouts, and in the UK only form them in areas where blacks or Asians would never want to join. That gets around Britain’s equality laws in the same way the National Front does not get stuck with non-whites joining.
“I’m for white people and historical revision” Listen to that quote from Carolyn. We whites have been brainwashed to always be looking outside ourselves for someone, especially non-whites, even enemies, to support or praise. I myself warred for the no-doubt admirable in Libyan terms nationalist Muammar Gadaffi while not a single Libyan nationalist would support white rights.
As to Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ everyone should know that play and can watch a quick, shortened video version with all the non-Jew bits cut out included in this article:
April 8, 2014 at 11:31 am
Bob in DC – I would class Craig Cobb as being a White person who harmed other White people (our image), so he does not deserve to be defended for that. My opinion. I would be interested in hearing others.
He’s also an example of the “lone wolf” initiator who botches his project. The posters at VNN were egging him on from the sidelines. It was wrong to go into a town of White people and make fun of their religion, their moral values and their intelligence. Craig was actually treated very well by those townspeople until he got a big head and screwed it up himself.
We always pay for the entertainment value we get from these happenings.
April 8, 2014 at 1:14 pm
What appeared to be the leading ship of the fleet is now clearly in the hands of the enemy
Which ship was that?
April 8, 2014 at 1:55 pm
I found a nice explanation on the deception of democracy vs. tribalism in modern democracy.
And a comparison of Russian Empire vs. British Empire.
Both videos should be especially interesting for Tan and Paul.
-What is meant primarily by anti-White? It’s anti-Germanic. The Germans are not only blamed for the holocaust, but the Slavic establishment is very anti-German too to this day. They vilify German presence in their lands, but brush off genociding the Germans after 1945 and nobody criticizes them for it. The British and Americans are mostly Germanic and blamed for slavery and the Nordics and Dutch haven’t done anything wrong, yet feel guilty for being the archetype of Nordicism.
The Italians and Spanish have no problem really remembering Mussolini and Franco.
What I’m saying is that the anti-White agenda is mainly anti-German with other anti-White propaganda thrown in, when needed.
Nobody cries out when speaking of pan-Slavism, but OMG don’t mention pan-Germanism to the average Dutch or English. They immediately distance themselves from their German roots.
April 8, 2014 at 4:20 pm
The only problem with your videos, Markus, is that they were uploaded by that Morris guy. He’s a little bit quacky.
April 8, 2014 at 4:41 pm
Yes he is, Carolyn.
Thomas Gaffney
April 8, 2014 at 6:23 pm
Another great programme from you guys. That’s it nothing else to say…
April 8, 2014 at 8:30 pm
The extreme progressive liberal attitude that you see in Scandinavia and most Northern Euro areas comes largely from the protestant revolution. Not so much the religious teachings but the “holier than thou” “who can be the better Christian” attitude was a natural reaction to breaking away from the old Church and then having to “prove” yourself better. Note that initially, Luther was angry at how badly the Church treated the jews!
This attitude brought many benefits but today, we also have the negative effects. Many of today’s liberals have shed religion but still retain that moralizing drive (e.g. Richard Dawkins) Unfortunately, the same mindset has spread to all Europeans in some way and good luck reversing this.
Bob in DC
April 8, 2014 at 10:09 pm
“Jonathan Pollard and Leo Frank are defended by their tribe (while Craig Cobb is eschewed by his).”
“I would class Craig Cobb as being a White person who harmed other White people (our image), so he does not deserve to be defended for that.”
We defend our own, or die; and there is no honor in extinction!
April 8, 2014 at 10:41 pm
I love the deep insight of Tan when he tackles an issue for discussion. An example of this is when he mentioned the long, non-stop war of attrition that the Jews are waging against their somnolent “hosts”, and their relentless and tenacious drive to exploit and dominate us. The average White person has no concept of how determined and deadly a foe they really are to our very existence.
I don’t know if Tan ever interviewed Kevin MacDonald or not, but that would be a classic meeting of the minds to listen to.
April 8, 2014 at 11:43 pm
I was looking into Josef Goebbels essays and speeches tonight and realized that he had been saying in the 1930′s and 40′s all the things that Tan is saying now. To a “t”.
April 9, 2014 at 12:08 am
Stop with the slogans, Bob. I’m not saying to ban or shun Craig Cobb, but what did he really do? As far as extinction goes, he has failed to get married and have a family because he’s too immature. We need to hold a very different kind of man up to represent us. Craig is an embarrassment. He had to give up all his properties without even getting back what he paid for them. A total fiasco.
Don’t send anything more on this.
April 9, 2014 at 9:39 am
endzog, April 8, 2014 at 8:52 am
Revisionist historians would do far more good by flying to Auschwitz, getting into the archives and digging up the real truth about Dr. Joserf Mengele; whose defamation still forms one of the greatest pillars of the Big Jew Lie in the international public psyche, and exposing that truth to the public, rather than writing tomes of books on Third Reich military strategy.
A programme which can be put out on Youtube or Trutube to reach and change new people rather than the converted is worth a million academically worthy programmes. Never feel ashamed of propaganda, propaganda reaches the people the most worthy writings cannot reach.
endzog, I think you are unnecessarily, in fact wrongly, dismissing the importance of academic level research and the resultant “tomes”. Such works represent the foundational basis that allows and supports the resultant Youtube videos and popular articles that explain and expose the holohoax to people, for what it really is.
That said, I agree that for every person who actually reads these more academic titles, tens of thousands or more are content with videos telling the truth visually, in the same manner they were brainwashed to believe the lies in the first place. But part of that contentment is, for the more serious, knowing that in the background there is solid research behind it all.
When you have heads of governments telling you that the “Holocaust” is for real, it’s good to know that you have more than shoe-string budget internet videos (however good) backing up your contrarian view.
In other words, all the revisionist material from dense academic tomes, blog posts to YouTube works are all complimentary. Finally, I agree, that to reach the masses we need to do so with a medium they like, and that is mainly video.
April 9, 2014 at 2:10 pm
I’ve read only a few snippets of Goebbels, so I would credit any broad concurrence to a shared interest in similar phenomena. I will have to read more, but I know one common point is that Goebbels identified the jews as parasites. Of course, the jews don’t deserve to be called parasites just because Goebbels saw them that way, or because I do, but because that’s what they actually are. An understanding of their nature is necessary to fight them effectively, so such understanding, even if long-standing, is worth repeating.
The situation has changed dramatically since the 1930s. Jewish power has grown and become more overt. This makes it both harder and easier to fight. We must be aware of and repeat what has already been said, but we must also connect it to the here and now and expand on it.
April 9, 2014 at 2:14 pm
You said, quoting weichseler…
“April 8, 2014 at 11:43 pm
I don’t know if Tan ever interviewed Kevin MacDonald or not, but that would be a classic meeting of the minds to listen to.”
I am glad for that reference because I was looking for that show in your Archives. Could not find it and don’t think it is there, although it should be..
Hope this is helpful. no need to publish.
April 9, 2014 at 4:09 pm
It’s there, but it was on a Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn program, not on The Heretics’ Hour which is where you are probably looking. It’s true that on a program post itself, it doesn’t indicate whether it’s SA or HH. It probably should.
April 9, 2014 at 6:24 pm
The program (category) is noted at the top of each post, just below the title.
April 9, 2014 at 7:46 pm
“part of that contentment is, for the more serious, knowing that in the background there is solid research behind it all.”
We concur. Serious, scholarly research and discovery is the foundation all further exposure will emanate from. At the same time, the tribe of racial/social/cultural engineers will never permit the whole truth to be exposed to the rabble. In other words, the jewstream media will never admit their guilt, EVER. The jewish battle plan was to control the channels of comunication so now matter what the effort, they control what actually gets ink on the page, or airtime on their media.
Take a look at the Golden Dawn in Greece. They realize that ANYTHING the media attacks is good for OUR PEOPLE/OUR CAUSE and an ally worth knowing. Likewise, anything/anyone lauded by the jewstream media is stealth White genocide, ultimately. The Golden Dawn know, as all racially conscious do, the guilty collaborators of the racial assassins instinctively know – who their enemies are.
The mainline media will never give accurate reporting to ANY of us, so why play their game?
The ADL, the SPLC, the New York Times, the US Justice Dept, ad nauseam, show who is dangerously effective. Support everyone they oppose. Throw your TV out the window and just learn to respond, “The mass media won’t report the truth therefore WE do our own reporting!” Tell the media whores to air White Citizens taking a sledghammer to their TVs/ cancelling their cable and watch their reaction. Until the Pavlovian media trance on OUR OWN RACE is broken, the thousands of pages and hours of research will never amount to a hill of beans when it comes out of a TV set.
April 10, 2014 at 1:46 am
It’s not only the West being overrun by the brown invasion. New Jersey has been lost. It’s madness, within 20 years, I’ve become an minority.
April 10, 2014 at 2:48 am
C. Cobb is a blowhard and about as useful as titz on a bull. Enjoy the hoosegow, Craig.
April 10, 2014 at 11:01 pm
Now that I’ve clicked on the link, and refreshed my memory, I do remember that MacDonald-Tanstaafl interview. It was a very good one, and I made a positive comment about it at the time. Time flies, as does memory, (apparently), so it surely must be time for yet another one! What say you Tan?
April 11, 2014 at 12:10 am
Nick Dean
April 11, 2014 at 5:57 pm
AgrarianBarbie, if Cobb faces any hoosegow it’ll be because he’s White and did something about it, not because he is or isn’t a blowhard.
Carolyn Yeager, if you justifiably can be embarrassed by things Cobb has done it’s ’cause he’s one of you. Be more loyal to who you are / be more loyal to Cobb.
April 11, 2014 at 7:18 pm
Nick Dean – You won’t find anyone more loyal to “who I am” than me. I know who I am.
I liked my encounter with Craig Cobb when he was a guest on my program . He was pleasant and even respectful. He was reliable and cooperative. But he really screwed up his project that began so well. Saying so is not being “disloyal.” Are we supposed to pretend he didn’t? Do we want more people to follow in his footsteps? His being in jail is not just about being White, but about being stupid in spite of having a high IQ. I don’t believe he was ever in any danger there. How about using some long-term, or even medium-term strategy?
I think the problem was that so many WNs only applauded everything he did, it egged him on. Tom Metzger did give him some good advice. I also told him on the program that he should try to make friends with the townspeople because they were basically friendly toward him, and especially NOT make fun of their religion. IF he really wanted to live there, he would have to respect them. But he didn’t really want to live there, unless they all left!
Nick Dean
April 11, 2014 at 8:53 pm
We did nothing wrong in Leith. It’s right that we should try to carve out our own living spaces. We have nothing to be embarrassed about.
Get me?
Why pile more fault-finding on Cobb – especially if you’re already so embarrassed by what he did?
The cops are crooked, the local government craven, the townsfolk brain-dead, the media genocidal – and you want to bitch about the one guy in the story who tries to do what we all need to do. I’m not sure that’s helpful.
April 11, 2014 at 10:49 pm
They were not all brain-dead, the mayor wasn’t, and plenty of others. And they were quite cordial in the beginning until he started proclaiming he was going to turn their little town into a haven for Nazis, with swastika flags and friends in Nazi uniforms. That was stupid. But even then, they respected his property rights. When he marched around waving a shotgun, that’s when he gave them everything they needed to get rid of him. And that’s what you think we should all be doing? You don’t “carve out your own living spaces” by driving North Dakota White people out of their living space. I think you’re a bit brain-dead if you think that.
Nick Dean
April 12, 2014 at 8:03 am
Cobb exercised his 2nd Amendment and freedoms of religion, speech and conscience responsibly and legally. And the attack on him had nothing to do with what clothes his friends might have chosen to wear. Nort did he have any plans to drive White Dakotans out of their homes. He was taken out because he’s White and did something about it.
April 12, 2014 at 12:21 pm
C.C. could just as easily have slowly, over time, taken over properties as they became available and just as slowly moved his supporters in there – who could have lived their lives quietly and modestly, without drawing any particular attention to themselves until safe to do so: no stupid flags or other signs of being outside the mainstram. That is how it’s done. Not marching in like stormtroopers screeching This Land is Our Land! Is that brain surgery, FFS?
Cobb was “taken out” because of his poor judgment. He’s like a teenager with his very first paycheck going into the town whorehouse. Couldn’t hold his wad.
Nick Dean
April 12, 2014 at 3:12 pm
That is how what’s done, Barb?
You just described what pretty much every White American does: works hard, buys a house, keeps his thoughts to himself and goes along to get along.
You say WNs should do the same, but how would more of the same bring anything else but more of the same racial decline?
Again, Cobb’s victimisation had nothing to do with flags, ‘stromtrooping,’ any supposed aggression on his part. Am I debating the guys from HuffPo, for God’s sake? Cobb stood up for White interests, that was enough.
April 12, 2014 at 6:25 pm
Yes,he stood up for white interests in theory, but if it lands you in jail + makes white people look stupider than ever, what is the point.
That’s exactly right, you quietly buy up a bunch of properties and put your own people (meaning the same values as you) there. Like the hassidic jews do in large cities. You can walk for miles in some of those areas and not see a nonjew.
Nick Dean
April 12, 2014 at 7:36 pm
AB … “but if it lands you in jail + makes white people look stupider than ever, what is the point.”
Yes, that was the intended lesson of the hit on Cobb, and the mainstream media did try to drive that message into millions of minds.
But perhaps it’s the job of White media and White loyalists to re-script the story and explain truthfully to the people we claim to care about that what Cobb intended was all good for White folks, and that the people who took Cobb down hate us because we’re White, and hate Cobb because he stood up for our interests?
April 14, 2014 at 10:06 pm
This is a link to the lyrics to Franz Schubert’s “Gute Nacht.” Great song!