The Heretics' Hour: Were 86 Jews gassed at the Natzweiler-Struthof camp?
April 14, 2014
Germar Rudolf joins Carolyn to discuss how credible the Natzweiler gassing story is. Their verdict is: not at all but another method of inducing death may have been used. More research is necessary. The Treblinka “Star of David Tile” hoax featured in the Smithsonian Institution TV documentary was also discussed. Charles Krafft and Fredrick Toben called during the last half hour about Richard Kriege. Highlights:
- Autopsies of bodies found at Natzweiler did not show signs of gassing, according to report found by Robert Faurisson;
- The Josef Kramer confession, that he personally carried out the gassings, is absurd;
- The anthropologists involved were found not guilty or found guilty of something but served no time;
- Latest developments at the Treblinka “archaeological dig” carried out by Caroline Sturdy Colls;
- Colls and Smithsonian TV directors try to pass off a star-shaped trademark on back of some tile pieces as a Star of David, indicating, by some stretch of the imagination, a “gas chamber”;
- Colls faces a conundrum in how to follow academic standards while at the same time not going against “holocaust” laws, according to Germar;
- New work coming out by revisionists is mentioned.
Image: Alleged "gas chamber" room that was supposedly rigged up for the limited gassing procedure, in a house one mile from the camp. Enlarge
Alsace-Lorraine, Strasbourg University, Germar Rudolf, Fredrick Toben, Richard Kriege, Carlo Mattogno, Caroline Sturdy Colls, Smithsonian InstitutionCategory
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Holocaust Revisionism- 1096 reads