Saturday Afternoon: Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary
May 18, 2013
Bruce Campbell tells about his long career as an anti-government "freedom fighter," beginning with fighting for White Rhodesians in the early 1970's. He wrote and published a book in the 1980's, The New American Man: A Call to Arms (advertisment for the book pictured at right), now out of print, which started the "militia movement." He also met Louis Beam at this time, with whom he has remained close friends. Campbell believes the White freedom "movement" has been heavily infiltrated and is basically government-run. Bruce, at 66, works for a living and says he always will. Some highlights of his beliefs as expressed on this fascinating program:
- The Klan, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity and the entire "Right" is all basically a CIA operation;
- Oklahoma City bombing and later "terrorism events" up to the Boston Marathon bombing were Mossad-CIA directed;
- Feds don't want to draw attention to Campbell - who is the only person saying what he says - is why they leave him alone;
- The only legitimate function of government is to provide a debt-free currency;
- Free men and their guns make police forces unnecessary - it's all about tough men who are capable of fighting back;
- The word to describe the present fight against government tyranny is "resistance," not militia;
- Bruce's latest article.
Jews, Race, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 1529 reads
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29 Responses
May 18, 2013 at 9:14 pm
JB Campbell is the ONLY guy on the scene with the real solution to this jewish mess.
Will Williams
May 18, 2013 at 10:15 pm
Bruce is quite the revolutionary, the only patriot who isn’t a Fed to listen to him. No government, no pro-White organizations, only guns — that’s all it will take to set this nation right. I haven’t heard anyone lately who is into so many convoluted conspiracies as is Bruce. If only somebody would do away with the Council on Foreign Relations. Uh huh.
Hadding is right that Bruce put out a lot of gossip mixed in with the conspiracy talk. He is not much of a race-thinker beyond being anti-Jew. He is anti-government, all right — all government! It was surprising to hear him admit to being married to an Indian. Everyone is a Fed, even “punk professor” William Pierce. Sheesh!
And I’m CIA because I was a Special Forces captain. That’s rich.
The National Alliance meeting I organized in Los Angeles in 1993 was no “shambles,” as Bruce described it. He had joined our Alliance and I worked with him to put together a usual organizational meeting I’d been spearheading all over the country as NA Membership Coordinator — that was my job. He found a nice venue, a private room in a nice restaurant, and put me up at his aunt’s $3-million home (next door to actor Patrick Swayze’s house) with his wife and two small children while I was in town. He drove me around, got me to the airport, etc. Bruced bought five or six of his Christian Identity friends to the function to mix in with the 30 or so Alliance members and supporters, book buyers, etc. from southern California that I had personally talked to and invited. Some invitees brought wives and guests, seven of whom joined NA on the spot, if memory serves, including the lawyer who runs A3P with Dr. McDonald — I forget his name. Bruce’s memory on the matter is selective and quite faulty.
Bruce was always a gentleman and good host and never called me an SOB, or anything of the sort, either at the meeting or afterwards. What happened was his CI friends kept insisting that we discuss the Bible and Yahweh and Yashua and all that, rather than what I was there to discuss with them, the National Alliance. I tried to be courteous to these disruptors but finally had had enough of their repeated attempts to discuss their Christian ideology, which, BTW, which was opposed to that of our National Alliance. Every member there, except Bruce, perhaps, knew this because it was clearly stated in their NA Membership Handbooks. I’m sure I pointed that out to them.
I told the True Israelites that they were welcome to leave, that, “This is not a goddamned Sunday School class. This is a private National Alliance gathering where we will enjoy a meal together, then discuss the serious prospect of organizing a Los Angeles Local Unit.”
Bruce’s friends were apparently offended by that, but our members weren’t. Nor was Dr. Pierce. He liked that I took control and stood up to the disruptors. To his credit I understand Bruce eventually ditched his old CI friends, calling them insane. Imagine that.
I’d like to see the old Membership BULLETIN in which Dr. Pierce gave an account of the meeting and that Bruce had accepted the position of Los Angeles Local Unit Coordinator (on my recommendation). There most certainly was an offer to Bruce to fill the position and he accepted. There was even a later report in the BULLETIN about some stunt Bruce and crew pulled off at some big football game out there, flying a banner over the stadium with an Alliance message on it, or something like that. The fact is, Bruce soon went incommunicado on us and simply petered out on with no notice or explanation. All that potential for organizing southern California activists had to wait a couple of years after that setback. From that point forward Dr. Pierce set down a strict policy that no one would henceforth be named an Alliance Local Unit Coordinator without submitting to a careful, eye-to-eye evaluation by him, the Chairman.
It’s also absolute nonsense for Bruce to claim that Dr. Pierce told him I was his “business partner.” I was a paid employee while working for two years at the WV National Office as Membership Coordinator. That was sort of an XO (Executive Officer) role. I was an unpaid volunteer for the next eight years, serving as Regional Coordinator, the Carolinas and contiguous states. I served the entire decade at Dr. Pierce’s pleasure and was happy to do so. He was a great teacher. To call him a “punk, a nothing,” well…
Konrad Rhodes
May 19, 2013 at 3:44 pm
It is somewhat painful for me recalling this show having just listened to it. I wish I had been able to call in as this was one guy I really had wanted to call in for having listened to your shows back on VOR with him. I really am glad Will Williams posted his side of the story above. The reason I wrote that it is painful because Mr.Campbell reminds me so much of other combat vets with PTSD I have known throughout the years. He seems extremely bitter, upset, paranoid and very cynical while maintaining a fundamentally impractical and unrealistic worldview. I apologize to Mr.Campbell ahead of time for being so critical but again I have heard this viewpoint many other times from combat vets. Particularly the way he makes so many harshly critical assumptions and generalized statements. But he fought in Rhodesia and is basically right about revolution and politics being rooted in violence, you simply can’t get around that and it seems strange to me that he was so harsh towards Dr.Pierce because his book, The Turner Diaries, displays that so well.
Aside from this I noticed something immediately on this show which bothered me and left me wondering. Mr. Campbell stated that Aryan Nations and Christian Identity in general is phony and made up as govt. con job coming from the older ‘con’ of British Israelism. However in a previous show you did with Mr.Campbell on VOR CI was brought up and, unless my memory is faulty here, I don’t recall him saying anything about this at all. He just said CI was totally nuts but never said anything about Pastor Butler or CI being a total govt. con made up to catch anti-Jew, revolutionary minded White Christians. Why? I just can’t help noticing that and wondering? And, you are right Carolyn, he really cannot provide proof but just makes working assumptions like you would in a combat situation where you sometimes or even often have to work and formulate strategy using limited information; in combat you don’t want to find yourself putting your trust in anyone who you have reason to believe is not going to protect you and especially not someone you have cause to believe is working for the enemy. He just assumes that so much is rotten because he feels he has just cause to assume so. At least this is how I understand his faulty and paranoid thinking. Perhaps I am wrong? I basically like the guy because he actually talks about shooting, being willing to kill, has talked about what to do when a police raid takes place,
“get out of the house or in a good position to get ‘em coming through the door; that’s the choke point” he said on one show. I like it that someone actually talks about those situations and I wish more were in that mindset. But at the same time if I thought the way that Mr.Campbell does I would just assume he is a Fed trying to get us to take immediate violent actions to get caught. I don’t think that is the case but I do think that is how he would view his being able to get away with such explicit language were he in our shoes.
Just my two cents, we could never have a society like he envisions. Throughout history it is only a select few who make up the Nobility of the Sword though it is possible and would be better to have the majority of White men be strong adults willing to get aggressive in providing for and protecting their families but all stable societies and all progress depends on the willingness to not just sacrifice but to submit to Just Authority.
May 19, 2013 at 7:57 pm
I would not describe Bruce as “bitter, upset, paranoid or cynical” at all and I have spoken with him off air. It’s good for people to be passionate about their principles, but he is outwardly a cool, calm and collected guy.
AFAIK, he is not a “combat vet.” He was a mercenary in Rhodesia for 2 years (a long, long time ago) for the White Rhodesians trying to save their country and farms and fight off savage black terrorists. He did not serve in the ugly American army as so many that he mentioned have done. And regret it!
You might be wrong.
I will add that Bruce might just have a super-tuned sense of justice beyond what most of the rest of us have. In any case, he is very sensitive to injustice and doesn’t seem to stand for it. He is Scottish, so may be of the same gene pool as William Wallace. Just a thought.
Konrad Rhodes
May 19, 2013 at 9:58 pm
Dear Carolyn,
When I wrote combat vet I basically meant anyone who has been in an actual fire fight, shooting, with the enemy. Taking out the enemy as a mercenary in Rhodesia, to my mind, is similar to what the combat vets in Vietnam, Irag and Afghanistan had to do BUT I do definitely agree that Rhodesia was a just cause while the neo-con Jew wars young American men, mostly White, were tossed into were certainly not just and too often it was made easy to kill, to commit disgusting atrocities, and then left to only realize and regret how wrong and terrible those actions were later on. I don’t know anyone who took Fallujah who feels good about it, but trying to help save and prevent what ultimately, and unfortunately, happened to Rhodesia is something to feel good about. But the change that killing and being shot at does to you never leaves and the memories are harsh and vivid the rest of your life. The average American who has never seen anyone die tragically, die violently and young, never fired at another human being, really never seems to get it. This is what I meant about what I see happening to men who’ve been in combat, fired on the enemy and been fired upon, slowly getting more upset and frustrated over the years, to say the least. Even when you don’t regret it the fact that almost none of the men, men aspiring to be soldiers, aspiring, hopefully, to actually pull the trigger, will ever actually take action is frustrating as hell. But to then have to deal with all the turn-coats and infiltration . . . it is enough to drive you crazy.
But I am glad to hear he is a cool and collected guy.
He does have a record to be proud of, no matter how long ago it was, for fighting for White Rhodesia.
Personally, I was mad as hell about what he said about German-Americans. I am not even going to bother going through all the examples I can give, many men from my own family, to contradict that statement nor will I go through with an exercise in being critical of the Scots I just hope that we all show each other enough respect not to make general and unwarranted statements about fellow Whites. What good does that do? Are German Americans no longer genetically German? How can you praise Germans and the Third Reich and then say that about their cousins here?
But again, I do respect the man and in the final analysis I will continue to give him his due no matter what he says.
May 19, 2013 at 10:15 pm
I think there is truth to the statement that when Germans emigrate to other lands, they are some of the first to give up their loyalty to their homeland, considering that the proper way to behave. There are very, very few who will defend the Third Reich, especially. Germans are very susceptible to thinking of themselves as “world citizens” and philosophers. Of course, Germans have been especially targeted. Who knows, Bruce may have come in contact with some weak ones. Or maybe Bruce is way off base.
EDIT (May 21st): I was misunderstanding what Bruce meant here. Speaking of German-Americans, he must have meant that they lack an American revolutionary spirit and individualism, and willingness to confront authority here in the U.S. I don’t know how I got onto Germany and the Third Reich, which is not relevant in this instance.
May 19, 2013 at 10:18 pm
Konrad Rhodes said:
This represents a loser-mentality that is ubiquitous in the American right wing. According to these people, the Jews are all-powerful and anybody that has any success must be working for the Jews or the Feds. It’s an illogical and self-crippling outlook, but in a way comforting because it relieves one of responsibility for not accomplishing anything.
I notice that in general people who like to talk about violence and overthrowing the government tend to have this loser-mentality. They are not at all focused on what practical, positive things can be done in the present, only on self-destructive deeds that most of them will never undertake, until they are ready to get boozed up and commit suicide by cop.
May 20, 2013 at 6:01 am
Well, Campbell certainly lives up to his website’s name, Extremism Online. A good interview with some fireworks!
His basic solution is to kill the bastards! That has a lot of appeal that’s likely to increase as the ‘democratic’ approach is seen more and more as a dead-end for Whites. The jews have the democracy thing all safely in their evil hands.
Does Campbell have the answer after street justice is carried out? No. We are not all Bruce Campbells, so his Dirty Harry approach won’t work for the average White, even if shamed by being called a coward, etc.
I think Campbell’s value is in getting his type of man to consider all options and to put them on the table. Our future won’t be made secure by playing by jewish rules.
I also think Campbell’s post jewish world ideas to be merely there as decoration. His concern is in ending jewish rule.
As for his critical views on various luminaries in the ‘movement’ I say he would qualify them if asked again. There’s always a few sides to any issue as Will Williams has shown.
May 20, 2013 at 7:13 am
He mentioned the term, “Full Disclosure” when dealing with the Feds. Sounds good, but what does it mean exactly?
May 20, 2013 at 2:09 pm
Konrad wrote:
Maybe it’s because JB lived it and Pierce only wrote fiction about it. When he dismissed Dr. Pierce, he said “He’s a professor.” I think that is why he said “he’s nothing.” Meaning once aqain: All talk, no action.
This interview was about his experience of “the movement”. I asked him, in advance, to please talk about Louis Beam in particular. In fact, I was almost using him as a stand-in for Beam, and he was nice enough to satisfy my request. That’s why it was different. The earlier shows were on what he was currently writing about, both on VT and then his own new site. I was not focused at all on the “movement past.”
I have noticed that some listeners have expectations, and when they don’t hear what they want they are unhappy and think I did a poor job. LOL. But these people have the opportunity to call into the show and ask what they want to know … but they don’t. Most listeners could call in, ask their question and then hang up; it would cost them all of 10 – 25 cents maybe. And there is email too. So really no excuses.
May 20, 2013 at 2:12 pm
joshuaf – Good question, but I’m not sure either.
John Beattie
May 20, 2013 at 4:02 pm
Thousands of sharp shooting ” deer hunters ” up here in the woods of Haliburton County Ontario Canada too !!
Karl LaForce
May 20, 2013 at 9:57 pm
I salute Mr. Campbell’s stated willingness to shoot ourselves out of our current situation. But Mister Campbell has the cart in front of the horse.
This war against jewish tyranny is a long war. The jews are going to win any intense and short conflict. Dr. Pierce understood that. Everyone should listen to the speech Our Cause at least once per year. We are not trying to clean out a cave of robbers, we are challenging the most powerful people in the world for control of the future. The very idea of “our cause” indicates the understanding of an “us” and a “them”. It did not come through clearly that Mister Campbell understands who “we” are.
One thing Mister Campbell has right is the ultimate power of violence. ZOG has its legions of armed minions, but every man has only one life, and the fear of losing that life to earn a pay check carrying out the mechanics of oppression will cause many of them to cease their minionhood. Such is the power of violence. However, that power works both ways. Right now ZOG has White America in fear of the power of ZOG. Too scared to carry out the mass violence necessary to break the ranks of ZOG’s minions.
To break the hold of that fear we must reach those who can be reached with the message of White Power. We must build and prepare. When the day comes that the White masses have been whipped, shamed, starved and humiliated into hating ZOG, we will have a chance to take on ZOG. But that day is not today. The road to total victory is the road of the long war.
May 20, 2013 at 11:15 pm
I’d like Campbell’s conclusion about William Cooper, who was murdered on his door step, by the government, from his own country?
May 21, 2013 at 1:27 am
Several people have written to me, and here too, stating that Bruce Campbell was making a “blanket condemnation of ALL CI and White Nationalists” as FBI – CIA assets.
I never heard him say any such thing. He said every CI and White Nationalist organization was infiltrated by FBI. It goes without saying that they have their people everywhere. It’s something to be aware of.
May 21, 2013 at 9:16 am
Carolyn @ May 20, 2013 at 2:09 pm
Konrad wrote: it seems strange to me that he was so harsh towards Dr.Pierce because his book, The Turner Diaries, displays that so well.
Maybe it’s because JB lived it and Pierce only wrote fiction about it. When he dismissed Dr. Pierce, he said “He’s a professor.” I think that is why he said “he’s nothing.” Meaning once aqain: All talk, no action.
“All talk and no action.” … Well, I think Pierce represents the world of action through the world of thought.
Action needs to be intelligently directed by ideas. That’s what Pierce was about. Thinking through and explaining the jewish problem so that we can create solutions ending in direct action.
JB is all about killing our enemies. Pierce was all about identifying our enemies. Each has their time and place.
JB Campbell
May 21, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Regarding Williams’ statements and me going incommunicado soon afterward – it was immediately after my conversation with Bill Pierce, when he told me that he and Williams were partners in the North Carolina property formerly owned by the late Ben Klassen, the Church of the Creator. Was Pierce lying to me? There was no reason for it. Again, when I told him what Williams had done, he admitted ruefully that he had done the same thing in Las Vegas and San Francisco. I said, “Then why don’t you get rid of him?” He said, “I can’t.”
I’m not interested in anything Williams says. If anyone has contact with Joe Fields, he was at the meeting and no doubt remembers what an unpleasant thing it was, with this ex-SF lunatic getting up and grinning at the Christians present, asking them why they kept worshiping “that Jew on a stick?” No one despises Christianity more than I but if you’re trying to make a coalition outfit with people, this was guaranteed to destroy such an effort. But what else can we expect from a decorated captain in the “hearts and minds” Special Forces? Think his calculated behavior was just a blunder? With a membership coordinator such as Williams, membership is never going up.
All Williams could talk about the entire time he was at the house was how he wanted to kill Harold Covington, who had written what I now consider to be very accurate things about Williams, although I was not aware of them at the time and did not understand his vehemence.
Pierce announced that I was the LA coordinator without asking me. As I used to do, I thought what the hell, shrugged it off and tried to help out by organizing that meeting. I have no idea about a banner at a football game. But I was never a member of National Alliance didn’t even like The Turner Diaries, although I told Pierce that I greatly admired Hunter. I was getting my own thing going and had no wish to be part of someone else’s outfit.
JB Campbell
May 21, 2013 at 3:58 pm
Some brief comments/answers. Konrad objects to my comments about German Americans. Mine were pretty mild compared with Hitler’s. He noted that as Germans go west, they become less German. East, more German. He also complained about “that goddamned German objectivity – always willing to see it from the enemy’s point of view.” In America, especially after the vilification of the WWI years, they became quite timid politically. In fact, they disappeared. You’d never know they were the biggest ethnic group in America back then.
Regarding “full disclosure,” that’s what I told the FBI agent, Mike Houck, that I would need from him if he wanted to talk with me, back in November, ’96. He immediately said, “I couldn’t do that.” I said, “That’s okay – I couldn’t either.” He was the one to whom John Trochmann was regularly reporting, giving him all the names and numbers of callers to the Militia of Montana office each month.
I’d had other discussions with Bill Pierce. Again, I was very complementary about his second novel – Hunter. He wouldn’t comment on it other than to say it was only entertainment and that such a thing was not his way. I said, “Really? Then why’d you write it?” It has been suggested that The Turner Diaries and Hunter were ghostwritten for him by the FBI. Ever since WTC ’93, you can’t laugh at such a thing. They were both so against what he actually believed, which again, was all theory and no practice. That’s the way of an intellectual, which he surely was.
May 21, 2013 at 4:13 pm
JB – I think the “full disclosure” question was asking “What do you mean by the term?” What would that agent have disclosed to you?
Another point about the “disappearing German” — I read recently that German-Americans were no longer teaching the language to their children. I know that public schools have stopped offering German as a language in areas, like where I live, that used to be considered really “German,” and nobody complains. Or if a few do, it’s not enough to matter.
JB Campbell
May 21, 2013 at 4:56 pm
I was so taken aback by the idea and effrontery of an FBI agent, who had gained access to my house by deceit –
What happened was that I had bought what I thought was a franchise to dispose of scrap tires from a guy in New York, complete with a big hydraulic press that made solid bales of scrap tires. I and others had been cheated and the others around the country had complained to the feds. They’d put my name on the victim list, against my wishes, and within a year the FBI showed up at my house in Hamilton, Montana. Two agents waited for me at the gate and one of them showed a badge. “Do you have a company called ‘Eco-Tire’?” “Yep.” “Well, we’ve had some complaints about it.” “My company? I don’t think so.” He referred to his clipboard and said, “Eco-Systems?” “Yeah, that’s the one that cheated us.”
“Could you answer some questions?”
“Are you guys going to get me my money back?”
“Probably not.”
“Then I don’t need to talk to you.”
But they were persistent and I agreed to tell them how the scam went down, as if they cared, it turned out. When we were done, the older agent, who hadn’t introduced himself, said he’d just come along to meet me since he’d read my book. I said, “What’s your name?” He identified himself as Mike Houck, whose name I knew from John Trochmann, the Militia of Montana guy. Anyway, Houck eventually said he’d like to start a dialog.
“With me?”
“I don’t know if it could go anywhere, but it might help.” So the whole visit wasn’t about scrap tires and fraud but to go face to face with me and get me to cooperate with them. That’s when I said that I’d need full disclosure from him, meaning he’d have to tell me everything he knew. That’s the best comeback I could produce on short notice, and it killed the idea before it was really born. And I looked like a reasonable guy with a reasonable request. But Houck naturally said that that was not possible, which let me off the hook without threats or gunplay, which that afternoon was on our agenda. There were over a dozen high-quality machine guns not twenty feet from where we were standing and as always I was armed, probably better than they were. They knew about the guns because I’d distributed them all to members of Militia of Montana, including a German MG-3 to Trochmann and others to his family. I’d had to repossess them when I found out that MOM was an FBI sting operation.
I’d noticed with some alarm while they were still pretending to be interested in my business problems that they both stammered when asking questions. I realized there was probably an HRT shooter out in the woods (Horiuchi himself?) backing them up when we were outside. Otherwise, why so nervous? Anyway, that’s what was meant by full disclosure.
JB Campbell
May 21, 2013 at 5:13 pm
As with so many people, Williams said when he got to my house in LA that he really wanted to make contact with Louis Beam. So I called Louis and introduced them over the phone. Williams had somehow gotten a photo of himself in his Green Beret uniform to Louis some time earlier to prove that Harold Covington was lying about his Special Forces career. Louis complimented him, said his photo was very handsome and that he didn’t doubt that Williams had had a good career, not to take Covington’s attack seriously, but Williams was not successful in trying to set up a meeting, or in getting Louis to join the National Alliance.
May 21, 2013 at 7:59 pm
Suggested by whom? More baseless rumormongering from from Mr. Campbell.
Anybody who reads The Best of Attack and National Vanguard might notice that The Turner Diaries was essentially a vehicle for observations that Dr. Pierce had made in the 1970s. The details, not the story as such, are the real point of The Turner Diaries.
Educating people is not inactivity, especially compared to talk about overthrowing the government, which ultimately means (at best) doing nothing.
Of course people fixated on violence don’t sort these things out.
I wouldn’t brag so much about having started “the militia movement” if that really is the case. It ended up being a lot of hoopla that amounted to nothing.
Will Williams
May 21, 2013 at 11:25 pm
Like I said, Mr. Campbell, your memory of things 20 years ago is very selective and faulty. You called Louis Beam, handed me the phone and he and I exchanged cordialities and had a pleasant conversation. I didn’t try to arrange a visit with him, nor did I try to recruit him into the Alliance. Your memory of Louis’s comments to me is pretty vivid to have only heard my end of the conversation. I didn’t “get” a picture of myself in uniform to Louis to prove anything about Covington; he probably had seen this National Alliance BULLETIN, written by Dr. Pierce, which has photos of me juxtaposed with Covington: Yes, back then I told you all about Covington’s black ops sabotage of not just our Alliance, but of Metzger’s W.A.R., the Church of the Creator and several other legitimate groups, which at the time had been ongoing for years. Read Dr. Pierce’s message to Alliance members in that linked BULLETIN to see that Covington had become a real problem.
You wrote: All Williams could talk about the entire time he was at the house was how he wanted to kill Harold Covington, who had written what I now consider to be very accurate things about Williams…
Please name just one thing Covington has ever written about me that you now consider very accurate. Just one. You know it’s not for nothing that your accurate source owes me $230,000+. I remember how you said later that you believed what Covington wrote about me, like in this fake AP article of his claiming I had been a “deep cover FBI Special Agent” and “John Doe #2,” Tim McVeigh’s handler: Who else is still fooled by Covington’s mendacious smears besides you? Which is it, Bruce, CIA or FBI?
You wrote: what an unpleasant thing it was, with this ex-SF lunatic getting up and grinning at the Christians present, asking them why they kept worshiping “that Jew on a stick?”
I never said that. Your version of the event is fantastic with the quotation marks, and everything, but far from accurate. Twice now you’ve claimed I screwed up a San Francisco Alliance meeting, yet there never was a San Francisco meeting that I had anything to do with. The Las Vegas gathering was held after our LA meeting, so how could Dr. Pierce have possibly told you the same night of the LA meeting that I had also stepped on Christians’ toes in Las Vegas, much less in San Fran Sissyco? The only place I had trouble with Christians on that tour was in LA, and with your Christian Identity buddies.
You wrote: No one despises Christianity more than I but if you’re trying to make a coalition outfit with people, this was guaranteed to destroy such an effort.
You never could grasp that I didn’t fly out to California to try and put together some kind of coalition outfit. I was there to get people, our people who agreed with the National Alliance ideology, program and goals, to read from the same page, then build a movement around them. Your Christian Identity buddies thought they could disrupt my Alliance gathering with their “We’re the true Israelites” nonsense, but they were sadly mistaken, and you are apparently still butt hurt about that. I was glad to hear that you eventually put all those “insane” Christian Identity friends in your rear view mirror. Better late than never. You sound like me here in your 11/08/2011 article, Jewish Policy:
I will say it over and over: Christianity does not have a program for victory over the Jews, despite its alleged opposition to Judaism, despite its main character’s Jewish-directed execution and those of his early followers all of whom were Jewish rebels. No, it glories in the symbol of Jesus’ execution, the cross! How insane is that? The cross represents the ultimate Jewish victory over their enemies, the Christians. The cross represents the death penalty for believing in Jesus. It represents surrender to the Jews. That is why I consider Christianity to be our deadliest enemy, deadlier than the Jews themselves.
How in the world are you going to build a coalition outfit full of Bible-thumpers with offensive language like that? Were you “grinning” at Christians when you wrote that? It’s easy to write stuff like that when everybody else is already saying it. Dr. Pierce had the moral courage to tell that vital truth when hardly anyone else was, besides Ben Klassen and Dr. Revilo Oliver.
JB Campbell
May 22, 2013 at 12:41 am
To Hadding – I have learned that this is the way of talking by people who’ve not only done nothing meaningful in their lives but also don’t intend to do anything meaningful.
JB Campbell
May 22, 2013 at 8:59 am
Williams confirms that the basic events that I described took place. His version and my version differ. The reader can draw his/her conclusions. The Christians present knew my position on their faith but were willing to be part of Pierce’s group, to which I was just a part-time helper. I was trying to do something else, which was to create an actual paramilitary resistance to the feds. Pierce informed me that I would get no help from him in that effort. Our paths diverged on that day.
Will Williams
May 23, 2013 at 7:40 pm
@ Bruce: Williams confirms that the basic events that I described took place. His version and my version differ. The reader can draw his/her conclusions.
Maybe he or she can. Your memory and mine are so divergent that about all that they can establish at this point is that the event did in fact take place. If I can find that 20-year old National Alliance BULLETIN wherein Dr. Pierce reported on the LA organizational gathering, there will be a factual summary of what happened as well as an accurate chronology of my entire west coast tour. But, then, of course, you’ll just say Dr. Pierce was lying again. Dr. Pierce didn’t lie, especially to Alliance members who were at the various events and would read his report of them in their snail-mailed monthly Member BULLETINS.
Bruce: The Christians present knew my position on their faith but were willing to be part of Pierce’s group, to which I was just a part-time helper.
I see. Those True Israelite friends of yours were most certainly not Alliance members. They were guests, invited by you, even though they knew your position on their faith: that it was “insane.” I was their host, and, yes, you were my helper.
When these particular guests decided to put a turd in the punchbowl and pee in the potato salad, I let them know in no uncertain terms that they were to keep their goddamned mouths shut, or leave. It was not their decision to make to “join with our group.” We didn’t need their $10 per month. Had they applied to join after I’d witnessed their disruptive behavior, their applications would have been declined on my recommendation. That’s the way it worked.
I was under the impression then and since that you had actually joined our Alliance prior to the get-together. I’m surprised to see you say you weren’t.
BC: I was trying to do something else, which was to create an actual paramilitary resistance to the feds. Pierce informed me that I would get no help from him in that effort. Our paths diverged on that day.
That sounds exactly like what Dr. Pierce would have said if asked to help you build a paramilitary militia resistance. How’d that work out? Carolyn’s guest on 11 May could tell you exactly how declaring war on JOG worked out for him and his paramilitary White Patriot Party, and it was perfectly legal.
This will be my final comment in this thread. Frank White copied this discussion, and it and your interview with Carolyn are featured at this new forum which is mostly made up of a slew of former VNNers:
Bruce, you are invited to continue our dialog there. I’d especially like to see some of the unqualified “accurate” stuff about me from Covington that you mentioned above. Your Mr.Covington says “Brad Davis” wrote this expose of me and Dr. Pierce and our Alliance: Honest Hadding investigated that piece and “Brad Davis” here: The reader can draw his own conclusion as to the accuracy of Hadding’s investigation compared to the claims of your Mr. Covington aka “Brad Davis.”
Thank you again, and again, and again for the thankless work you do, Hadding, setting the record straight.
Alexander from Flanders
May 24, 2013 at 7:56 pm
I have some comments about some things that were talked about in the show:
I agree that the US is evil. In the last 150 years America has taken a stand again and again against the interests of White people (both World Wars, Lincoln’s war of agression). I truly believe that if America had not invaded Europe (twice!), our history would look very different today.
Armed revolution is of course a dangerous topic. I know. But how else do you stop evil? With flowers and a song? I don’t think so. I believe a storm is building up in the West…
I think we indeed need a revolution.
I do not understand why Mister Campbell is together with a non white woman. That makes no sense at all to me. I call that race treason.
I did get very angry when the guest so disrespectfully talked about Dr. Pierce. That was a low and dirty thing to do.
When I was a “punk” of 14-15 years old in the 90′s, even I all the way in Europe, knew of Dr. William Pierce. I often dreamed of joining him and his movement. This was before the internet, and I never was never able to contact him. I discovered his books, radio shows and articles after his passing, and I can say that he had an enormous influence on me (and many others all around the world). I just wanted to say that.
May 25, 2013 at 12:14 am
Alexander from Flanders says:
George Lincoln Rockwell: Violence won’t work.
The options are:
1. Organize White people for their racial interests and collective survival the best we can under the present circumstances.
2. Wait for the current system to collapse.
These are not mutually exclusive options. I am not so sure that the system will collapse, since people have been predicting that for many decades now, but in any case we can organize.
John T. Lynch
May 27, 2013 at 9:55 am
“The whole C.I. movement has been a government operation from the very beginning.” ~ J.B. Campbell
Absolute rubbish. What an ignorant statement. This man obviously has no clue that Christianity was originally about race. Hence, the Christian Byzantine Empire’s policy against Jews and the fact that there was never a thought about preaching to those who weren’t White.
JB Campbell has passed away
It was revealed to me last night that a warriour for our folk --- John Bruce Campbell --- has passed away.
I am so sorry to hear that Bruce passed away, apparently last August. He was truly a good person with better values and character than many Christians I have known even though he was an atheist. I can personally testify that he was courageous as well as kind to those around him. I realize he's been sick the last few years and I hope all of us will consider that fact when they evaluate him and his good legacy encompassing most of his adult life. None of us know how we will end this life or what unfortunate circumstances might befall us and bring it to a close. But it is well to remember a man by the way he spent his life. Bruce should be remembered by all for all the many years he spent opposing Federal tyranny and fighting for justice for our folk . Louis Beam