Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Ron Doggett: Three decades of pro-White activism
May 25, 2013
Ron Doggett proves to be a very able spokesman for White peoples’ issues. Born, raised and still living in historic Richmond, VA, he became convinced at age 14 that race was something worth fighting for–via a publication put out by David Duke, who was at that time a Klan leader. From age 6, he experienced the first truly integrated schools in the south. He has been involved with every strong pro-White and pro-Confederate group along the way–David Duke‘s organizations, Glenn Miller’s White Patriot Party, The New Order‘s NSWPP, William Pierce‘s National Alliance. Today, Doggett is a seasoned veteran who is still hopeful of their being an effective, national White people’s organization. Some other highlights:
- Regular, leader-led organizational structure vs. leaderless resistance of lone individuals;
- Showed 300 "Race and Reality" cable-access television shows between 1993-99;
- Conservatives no longer have any credibility or viability;
- Golden Dawn party in Greece is a model to follow;
- How important is it to go after the Jews.
Race, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 1159 reads
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13 Responses
May 25, 2013 at 6:29 pm
A great show. I met Ron in 2005 in New Orleans at a conference and he is an authentic white hero.
May 25, 2013 at 7:29 pm
This was a very good interview Carolyn. I don’t think anyone has interviewed Ron in at least a Decade. He comes off as a very level headed fellow. I somewhat disagree with his praise of David Duke though. I personally see Duke out for nothing but the money. That, of course, is just my opinion. And Ron is entitled to his.
Does Ron have a web presence other than a VNNF account? If not, he should consider at the very least a blog to voice his opinions.
Edward Allen
May 25, 2013 at 8:57 pm
God Bless Ron Doggett. I watched his legendary William Pierce interview, outstanding. “We have not yet begun to fight”!!!
May 26, 2013 at 12:59 am
I don’t think he needs a blog or website at all. He seems to me to be a great people person. I think he would make a good national leader. He’s the right age, has all the needed experience, is a skilled and sincere speaker. Wow, forget David Duke. I think it’s time for Ron Doggett. I’m sure Duke would be one of his biggest supporters.
John McGhee
May 26, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Yes I agree Ron would make a fine leader for our cause. Really enjoyed the interview, Ron is the real deal.
Here is his interview with Dr. Pierce (full program) on his Race & Reality show.
Joe Northpal
May 26, 2013 at 3:06 pm
Now this guy Ron Doggett is the deal.
May 26, 2013 at 6:44 pm
I thank for the show and would like to make this technical suggestion: the volume level of Carolyn and guest Ron Doggett was quite different, so if you put your speakers to the level where you hear Doggett well, Carolyn comes over way too loud (complaining neighbors…). So I would like to suggest to fix that, I figure that it can´t be very difficult, actually was pretty much the first time that I experienced such a phenomenon.
May 26, 2013 at 7:57 pm
Peter – Sorry about that. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I know my volume was too loud for the first 15 min. or so, then I noticed and turned it down. Ron called in on a cell-phone and is not a loud talker. It works better if both are on Skype.
The way it works is that I wear headphones and everything sounds loud and clear to me. There is no one listening in order to suggest sound adjustments. No one called or wrote in during the show saying there was a problem.
May 27, 2013 at 12:00 am
What an insightful, articulate and exemplary White leader Ron Doggett is.
He is a first class credit to the White Advocacy movement.
Gil Martin
May 27, 2013 at 10:12 am
Ron is one of the most articulate, charming and centered people I’ve heard in a long time. And, I don’t mean just in white nationalist circles. We are blessed to have him.
And, I share his high opinion of David Duke. David’s anti-zionist videos are brilliant. Be well, Ron. And, thank you Carolyn for this series of interviews with movement heroes!
May 27, 2013 at 11:49 pm
RE: Interview Audio Quality
Those using Skype for interviews have a distinct advantage in that a free “MP3 Skype Recorder” (3.1) is available which records incoming and outgoing audio feeds on separate tracks. Volume, and other quality defects, can be adjusted using an audio editor, such as “Audacity”, and the process need not be complicated.
There are three recording modes: Mono, Stereo, and Joint Stereo. ‘Stereo’ within this application means recording on separate tracks, as mentioned above. BitRates of 32, and even 24, are more than adequate for interviews. Whatever music is added renders adequately, best resulting, via Audacity, in a final ‘Split Stereo to Mono’ mp3 audio file.
Note that the audio of the host website (outgoing) will be on one track, and all offsite feeds (incoming) will be on the other, so the optimum is for one on one interviews. Unfortunately, unless things have changed, the Skype recorder is not available for Macs.
May 29, 2013 at 2:40 pm
You’re welcome, Gil. You’re pretty charming yourself.