jailing revisionists

Sylvia Stolz arrested, to be jailed again for 18 months … for what?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-05-24 00:59

IN THE MORNING HOURS OF 23 MAY 2019, FRAU SYLVIA STOLZ WAS ARRESTED at her place of residence by the helpers of the Federal Republic of Germany 'Justice' system.

The prison sentence results from the "legally binding judgment" of Feb. 15, 2018, against which appeals and constitutional complaints were filed.

"On 24 November 2012 in Chur (Switzerland), Sylvia Stolz, the revision leader, gave a lecture at the 8th International Conference of the "Anti-Censorship Coalition" (AZK) entitled "Sprechverbot - Beweisverbot - Verteidigungsverbot, Die Wirklichkeit der Meinungsfreiheit." In the lecture, the fully qualified lawyer subjected the criminal proceedings for so-called "Holocaust denial" to a substantiated legal-scientific criticism with regard to the problem of criminal law determination.

Professor Robert Faurisson found guilty of racial defamation in French court

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-29 16:29

Robert Faurisson (right) with unidentified man at the Paris correctional court on Sept. 27, where he was sentenced to 4 months imprisonment (suspended) and a €4,000 fine.

IN AN EMAIL FROM DAMIEN VIGUIER, ROBERT FAURISSON'S BARRISTER, to certain interested parties, it was learned that on September 27th, the 17th chamber of the Paris correctional court ruled that Professor Faurisson was guilty of one charge out of the three that were prosecuted against him on June 21.

All charges stemmed from the talk Faurisson gave in Tehran in 2006 titled “The Victories of Revisionism” and his published paper of that name. [See also Faurisson's recent follow-up at jan27.org] The lawsuit was brought, as usual, by the Jewish LICRA [International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism], who were granted €3,000 in damages and €2,000 in legal costs. Adding that to the fine of €4,000, the total judgment amounts to €9,000.