Brave folk of Herxheim vote to retain Adolf Hitler church bell
The subject of all the "Sturm und Drang" - this beautiful bronze church bell from 1934.
By Carolyn Yeager
In spite of the best efforts of the former church organist, Sigrid Peters, to make a big political issue of the 1934-era bronze church bell hanging in the village's 1000 year old Jacobkirche, the good folk of Herxheim am Berg showed their lack of concern about the manufactured issue in a parish council vote on Monday, Feb. 26. The council voted 10 to 3 to keep the bell where it was, where it had been without hurting anyone for the past 84 years.
The decision was greeted with applause from many (read most) community members. Amid the controversy stirred up by the leftists and Sigrid Peters, the bell had been silenced since last September pending a decision by the village of 700 inhabitants, only 30 miles from the university city of Heidelberg. Now it will ring again.
The bell has its own historic significance – bearing the words “All for the Fatherland” - Adolf Hitler, with a swastika of modest size. Expert opinion brought to bear judged that it should stay in place or else be moved to a museum. Disposing of it would represent “an evasion of a reasonable and enlightened culture of remembrance.”
The fanatical Sigrid Peters, who first publicized the existence of the bell last summer, complained after the vote that it was terrible “that this could happen, that they allow a bell dedicated to a murderer to hang in the church.” She even tied the council vote to the electoral success of the “far-right” Alternative for Germany (AfD), saying it wasn't a coincidence. I would say Peters is “far gone.”
The 1000 year-old Jacobkirche in peaceful Herxheim that was gifted with the special bell for its tower.
The anti-bell press tried to push a narrative that “some churchgoers were upset to find they had gotten married, baptized their children, or carried on other religious ceremonies under a Hitler bell”, but in truth that simply wasn't the case. That argument was a political effort, pure and simple, which failed to materialize when put to the people.
The previous town mayor, Roland Becker, was forced to resign after he said that not everything was bad during the Nazi era. The current mayor, Georg Welker, tried to take a neutral view, and when the people's representatives were allowed to vote, they showed they were quite comfortable with their Hitler bell. May this be a sign of things to come.
Adolf Hitler, Art & Culture, Germany, Historical Revisionism- 734 reads
Thanks, James
Good friend James Sanchez wrote me this:
It is worth adding that bells were always a symbol of Christendom because the Muslims never developed much of a metallurgical industrial base. In the middle ages, bells could be melted to make cannons and visa versa. So bells were symbols of Christian power, too.
That's a nice comment. In 1934, Hitler was interested in the movement to create the German National Church (Protestant) representing a Positive Christianity and I believe this bell, and others like it given to other churches, was a part of that movement. Not that Hitler himself had the bells made, but his followers who were working toward this goal did.
thanks to contributors
I would like to take this opportunity to thank some friends who recently sent me a card and contribution in the mail. Richard C. from West Virginia; John D. from Florida; Craig C. from Mississippi; Joe F. from Texas. Since I'm not doing podcasts now, I don't have that opportunity to mention these kind folks. I really appreciate it and it's good to hear from you. -Carolyn
Church Bell Ringtone
It would be nice if some sound from this churchbell could be recorded in good quality. I am sure it could become a favorite ringtone on nationalist smart phones! If somebody could send me a good clean recording of this historical bell (without too much wind and background noise, I'd be very happy.
By the way Carolyn, there is an orthodox Jewish (convert) by the name of Luke Ford, who produces life streams with live chat comparing Mein Kampf and the Talmud. Luke, who considers himself more or less an Alt Right supporter, does not have too much knowledge about many things concerning Jews and Hitler, but seems to be willing to learn.
Sadly there don't seem to be very many knowledgable people in those chats who can put things right when Luke is talking nonsense or is trying to be apologetic for the Jews.
Carolyn: With your vast knowledge of Adolf Hitler and WWII it would be great if some time or another you could come on Lukes show, or just provide good arguments and info in the live chat!
Example link: Luke Ford: Torah versus Mein Kampf
I swear to God that if I am
I swear to God that if I am exposed to Carolyns Capcha ever again I will never post a single line here anymore.
I had to go through about 20 windows with streetsigns. I don't like to be treated that way.
Carolyn, please find a better way to protect your blog this is ludicrous. I am commenting from a regular IP, not via some proxy or anonimity service. Perhaps this Captcha is sabotaging your blog?
(I don't believe in God though)
I don't hear anyone else complaining about it. I'm trying it myself now (which I have done in the past and didn't have a problem).
So far, all I've had to do is click on "I am not a robot."
P.S. I'm logged in again and approved this comment. I did not face any captcha test at all. Maybe the system recognized me even though I used a different name and email? Once again, I ask others to chime in on the ease or difficulty of commenting here.
Hi Carolyn thanks for responding to my complaint. I'm happy to hear that it doesn't seem to be persistent. So let's hope it's better next time and doesn't happen to more people. I have met the same problem sometimes on some other sites.
Maybe you're flagged as a
Maybe you're flagged as a suspicious character, Baldur? I really don't know why I didn't have to do a captcha. It seems to be kind of fickle. I'd like to know if more regular commenters always have to do one.
captcha continued
Let me finish this thread by saying that this type of captcha with the windows with cars and street signs etc. often is troublesome on many websites, they keep coming with more windows to verify; but in the end I'll get through.
But this time I had to do a ridiculous numbers of windows before i was let through. I don't remember having encountered these problems with other captchas such as the "math test" etc. If the problem was a suspicious e-mail or identity, the post will usually go to spam via Akismet or similar. If this is not affecting many other people, of course the problem may be limited. I have not had to do any captchas since my original complaint in this thread. Thanks for your concern.
It sounds terrible to have to go through so much for a comment. I appreciate your willingness to stick with it. I really do.
Maybe the busy body complainer can keep looking around, they might find a Confederate flag in the area that might set people off and give them a case of the 'vapors'.
It's a local issue, let the locals handle it.
It is remarkable that the good folk of Herxheim am Berg were capable of successfully uniting in order to preserve a cherished piece of history. I wish these good folk could share some of their ideas as to how they accomplished this task with Southerners in the U.S. who are helpless at present to prevent historical monuments from being torn down or removed in various towns by variant types to Sigfrid Peters who chant a common hysterical refrain of unenlightened touchiness and no appreciation for history.
What a refreshing notice is
What a refreshing notice is this !!, hope this is really a sign of things to come...
Good to see some Germans
Good to see some Germans still have a backbone. A salute for this people from here in the Australian outback!
It's the media
Yes it is, but you know, it's not that most Germans don't have backbones, but that their media (as I understand it, controlled by the US government until 2099 or so) is in total opposition to anything right of center in politics, anything right of the CDU.
It's main job is to stomp out any moderation of the idea of Hitler as a murderer who ruined Germany as soon as it peeks out from its hiding place. That bell is still not safe; they won't let up. It's going to take a change in governments all over the world, thus bringing in a more sympathetic media.
The German media is among the worst. And that's a fact.
Worldwide Dissent
Dear Carolyn Yeager,
Currently, at, you get „About 136.000“ search results and ca. 4.350 video search results for: Herxheim Bell. It seems, that the subject is being discussed worldwide.
The probably oldest (pro) German Internet magazine, the National Journal, also publicized an article about it on February 28, 2018 (28.02.2018), in its daily news section. Here are the entries for February:
A reader
Only voting works
Dear National Journal,
Your reach is a drop in the bucket compared to the mainstream media coverage or non-coverage of events. What happened in Herxheim:
The new mayor made a statement about the bell that separated Germans from Jews in a most innocent way. A "spy" living in the town brought a lawsuit against the mayor and reported it to the president of the national Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster. He made a big national stink about it, calling it "Nazi ideology" to imply Jews were not Germans. The mayor Welker apologized for saying "when the bell rings, I hear the victims, these were German citizens, not just Jews.” and promised never to make such a distinction again. Where was his defense? Nowhere, because of German law itself! Everyone is afraid, walking on eggshells, because of Jews and their power, given to them by the politicians. The political and the media work hand in hand.
However, all this pushy pressure may have resulted in the disgusted folk of Herxheim voting to keep the bell. But the Jews will not stop working at it, with all their media power, we can be sure. All Jews are spys, ready to report any "antisemitic" incidents they find. Never trust any of them. But voting works; we have to vote them out of power.