Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race', part 2
Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.
Chapter 11, Nation and Race, continued
This section coincides very synchronistically with events going on right now involving both the Aryan and the Jew. In Judge Brett Kavanaugh, we see an Aryan who is seeking to serve his national community with it's best interests in mind, while treasonous Jews and Leftists attempt to obstruct his service for reasons other than those they pretend. Their reasons are to secure all power for themselves, and their methods are devoid of ethical considerations. Hitler provides us with a blueprint of that type of age-old activity, beginning with the meaning and examples of real service.
[…] The animal lives only for itself; seeking food when hungry, and fighting only for its own self-preservation. […] A community of two, male and female, demands an extension of the instinct for self-preservation […] Almost always they are ready to protect and defend each other; so that here we find the first, though infinitely simple, form of the spirit of sacrifice. […]
The lowest peoples of this Earth display this quality only to a very small degree, so that often they don't go beyond the formation of the family. […] The readiness to sacrifice one's personal labor and, if necessary, even one's life, for others is most highly developed in the Aryan. The greatness of the Aryan is his willingness to devote all his faculties to the service of the community. […] For example, he doesn't work directly for himself but makes his productive work a part of the activity of the group to which he belongs—not only for his own benefit, but for all.
This state of mind, which forces self-interest into the background in favor of the community, is the first prerequisite for any true human culture. [This is why Libertarianism is a Jewish idea and movement.] That which applies to work as the fundamental condition of human sustenance and the means of human progress, applies even more so to work done in defense of man and his culture. Giving one's own life for the sake of the community is the crowning sense of sacrifice.
[…] Were it not for idealism, all the faculties of the intellect, even the most brilliant, would be nothing but intellect itself—a mere external phenomenon without inner value, and never a creative force. […] The purest idealism is unconsciously associated with the deepest knowledge. […] A healthy boy, for example, … would readily sacrifice his young life for the ideal of his people. Unconsciously, his instinct will obey the primal necessity of the preservation of the species, even at the cost of his individual life, and he will protest against the fantasies of pacifist ranters—who in reality are nothing better than cowardly but disguised egoists, and who contradict the laws of human development.
P 553 11.8 ARYAN AND JEW
The most striking contrast to the Aryan is the Jew. There is probably no other people in the world who have so developed the instinct of self-preservation as the so-called chosen people. Since the Jew—for reasons that will become apparent—never had a culture of his own, he has always been supplied with a basis for his intellectual work by others. His intellect has always developed through the cultural achievements of those around him. [...]
The Jewish people […] completely lack the most essential prerequisite of a cultured people—the idealistic spirit. [The feeling of solidarity that they apparently manifest is nothing but a very primitive herd instinct [...] that provides mutual support only as long as there is a common danger, which makes mutual assistance useful or inevitable.
[…] There has never been any Jewish art […] in the two royal domains of art—architecture and music—Jewry has done nothing original. […] To what extent the Jew appropriates foreign civilization—or rather corrupts it—is indicated by the fact that he chiefly cultivates the art that calls for the least original invention, namely, acting. Even here, he is not a creative genius but rather a superficial imitator who, in spite of all his twists and tricks, cannot disguise the fact that there's no inner vitality in his work. […] Human progress occurs not through him, but in spite of him.
[…]The Aryan himself was probably at first a nomad, becoming a settler only in the course of ages. And therefore he was never a Jew! No, the Jew is not a nomad; the nomad already has a definite attitude towards the concept of 'work,' and this served as the basis of later cultural development, when the necessary intellectual conditions were at hand. […] The Jew, however, … has never been a nomad, but always a parasite in the body of other peoples. […] If he occasionally abandoned regions … he didn't do so voluntarily. He did it because, from time to time, he was driven out by those whom he had abused. […]
Thus the Jew has, at all times, lived in states belonging to other people, and there he has formed his own state. It remains hidden behind the mask of 'religious community,' as long as external circumstances make it inadvisable to reveal its true nature. But as soon as he feels strong enough to do without a disguise, he lifts the mask and suddenly becomes that which many others didn't wish to believe or see, the Jew.
The Jew's … parasitic … existence compels the Jew to lie, and to lie systematically—just as it compels the inhabitants of northern climates to wear warm clothes.
He can live among other peoples only as long as he succeeds in persuading them that he is not a people but a 'religious community'—though of a special sort. This is but his first great lie.[...] It's therefore unsurprising that even today, in the Bavarian government offices [Munich, where Hitler lived, is in Bavaria], for example, there isn't the slightest suspicion that the Jews form a people and not a 'religion.' One glance, though, at the Jewish press should provide sufficient proof for even those of the most modest intelligence.
Jewry has always been a nation of a definite racial character, and never a religion. Early on, and driven by a desire to get ahead, they began to seek for a means that would distract from any inconvenient attention. What could be more effective, and at the same time more above suspicion, than the idea of a religious community? Here, too, everything is copied, or rather stolen—the Jew could not possess any religious institution that developed from his own nature, seeing that he lacks any kind of idealism. As well, any belief in the afterlife is foreign to him. To the Aryan mind, religion is unimaginable unless it embodies the conviction that life somehow survives after death. As a matter of fact, the Talmud is not a book that prepares one for the afterlife, it only supplies rules for a practical and profitable life in this world.
Jewish religious doctrine is principally a collection of instructions for maintaining the blood purity of Jewry, and for regulating intercourse between Jews, themselves, and the rest of the world—which is to say, their relation with non-Jews. But this teaching isn't concerned with moral problems. Rather, it's concerned with petty economic problems.
[…] The Jew himself is the best example of the product of this religious training. His life is only of this world, and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was to the great Founder of this new creed, 2000 years ago. The Founder made no secret of his estimation of the Jewish people. When necessary, he drove those enemies of the human race out of the temple of God; then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross. Our modern Christians, on the other hand, enter into party politics and, when elections are being held, they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into political swindles with the atheistic Jewish parties, against the interests of their own nation.
On this first and greatest lie—that Jewry is not a race but a religion—other subsequent lies are based. One of these relates to the language of the Jew. For him, language is not a means for expressing his inner thoughts but rather a means of concealing them. When he speaks French, he thinks Jewish; and when writing German verses, he only gives expression to the character of his own nationality.
As long as the Jew has not succeeded in mastering other peoples, he's forced to speak their language—whether he likes it or not. But as soon as they become his slaves, they would have to learn another language, so that by this means Jewry could more easily dominate them!
P 569 11.15 THE WAY OF JEWRY
In order to properly know the Jew, it's necessary to study the road that he has followed among other peoples during the last few centuries. […] Since his way has been the same for all epochs—just as that of the people degraded by him has remained the same—it will be best to mark his development by stages. I will indicate these by letters of the alphabet.
(a) As soon as the first permanent settlements were established, the Jew was suddenly 'there.' He arrived as a merchant, and in the beginning didn't bother to disguise his nationality.
(b) Slowly but steadily, he began to take part in economic life, only as a middleman. […] He began to lend money at usurious interest ... the first to introduce the payment of interest.
(c) The Jew became firmly settled. He inhabited special quarters of the cities and towns, coming to form a State within a State.
(d) Finance and trade became his complete monopoly. […] he included land among his commercial objects and degraded it to the level of a commodity to be sold, or rather traded. […] People began to scrutinize this foreigner more closely, discovering more and more repulsive traits and characteristics in him.
(e) He pays court to governments with servile flattery, using his money to ingratiate himself further […] Although public wrath occasionally flares up against [him], driving him out, after a few years he reappears in those same places and carries on as before.
(f) As the power of kings and princes grows, so in proportion does he cozy up to them. He begs for 'charters' and 'privileges,' which those gentlemen, who are generally in financial difficulty, gladly supply in return for suitable payment. […] It was due to the German princes that the German nation couldn't succeed in permanently freeing itself from the Jewish danger.
(g) His ensnaring of the princes leads to their downfall. Slowly but surely, their standing among the people declines. [...] The Jew encourages their vices—thus making himself all the more indispensible. Finally he needs only to become baptized to possess all the rights and privileges of the native peoples.
(h) A change now begins to take place within Jewry. […] In the course of more than a thousand years he has learned to master the host language so thoroughly that he can now downplay his Jewishness and place his 'Germanism' in the foreground. […] The reason ... He senses that royal power is slowly crumbling, and he therefore looks around to find a new platform on which to stand. […] all his efforts are now directed toward full possession of 'civil rights.' [Jews began to gain civil rights in Prussia in 1812. Rights for all Germany's Jews came in 1870.]
(i) And thus the Court Jew slowly develops into the national Jew. [...] He begins his career as a 'benefactor' of humanity. […] He trumpets his virtues before the world, until finally people actually begin to believe him. Anyone who doubts him is considered unjust. […] The Jew becomes a liberal all at once, and begins to talk enthusiastically of the necessity of human progress. Gradually he becomes the spokesman of a new age. […] He champions the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose. And in Freemasonry, which has completely fallen into his hands, he finds a magnificent weapon to achieve his ends.
Thus, Freemasonry became joined with a second weapon in the service of Jewry: the press. The Jew exercises all his skill and tenacity in getting hold of it. […] He is now in a position to create and direct 'public opinion.'
Though overflowing with 'enlightenment,' 'progress,' 'liberty,' 'humanity,' etc. his first concern is to preserve his own racial integrity. He occasionally bestows one of his women on an influential Christian; but the racial stock of his male descendants is always pure.
The comics present them as fundamentally honest and benevolent souls. Attempts are generally made to make them appear more insignificant than dangerous. During this phase of his progress, the chief goal of the Jew is the victory of democracy, or rather: rule of the parliamentary system. […] The final result must necessarily be the overthrow of the monarchy, which has to happen sooner or later.
To be continued ... Part 3
Mein Kampf, Thomas Dalton, MKVolICategory
Adolf Hitler, Jews, Mein Kampf, Race- Printer-friendly version
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And When Writing German (or American English)
"...and when writing German verses, he only gives expression to the character of his own nationality." -- Adolf Hitler
Hitler's comment reminds me of how in America, before he died, Philip Roth was touted as America's greatest novelist when all he gave expression to in his use of American English was the Jewish character over and over and over again and said nothing about Americans per se, particularly White Americans or Western culture without reference to the Jews.
Great comment
Great comment!
I think this is among the very best sections of Mein Kampf. Full of lasting insight.
hello carolyn, what are your
hello carolyn, what are your favorite chapters from mein kampf?
Since you don't have enough
Since you don't have enough respect for me to offer a real identity, why should I take you seriously enough to even give you an answer?
A German from Germany
"In the course of more than a thousand years he has learned to master the host language so thoroughly that he can now downplay his Jewishness and place his 'Germanism' in the foreground." -- Adolf Hitler
I attended a protest rally this evening but before it got started a newspaper woman from Germany and I spoke to one another. She had her recording device in her hand. Whether it was on at the time, I don't know but she was going to record the protest and interview people. I got right into it with her about Germany and its history. She said Jews are German in Germany, just as German as she is. I said Jews tend toward cosmopolitanism and internationalism, not nationalism. She denied that the Jews in Germany were international at all, not the ones she knew, she said. She told me they were true Germans, just like her. She also told me six million Jews did die in Germany and that her mother, who is still living and was alive during the Third Reich, had told her "many people disappeared."
She mentioned that while she does not like Angela Merkel, there are very few politicians she can vote for -- "because of the history of our country." I said I felt very sorry that she felt such guilt for Germany having had such "bad history," at least in her own mind. I told her she ought not to feel guilty particularly since Hitler had been responsible for helping to make Germany an economic powerhouse in the 20th century. She answered that she did not believe Hitler did anything good economically or otherwise. When I tried to point up how Germany had been ruined by the Communists in the Twenties and recited what most historians already know about Hitler's rebuilding, she told me I should see the movie, "Shoah." I responded by stating I was shocked at just how blind she was to her own country's history. Without flinching she answered smugly, "There are blind people because of the way the world is." She wanted me to understand that it was I who was blind!
The Jews did such a good job on her brain that she really believes Jews after they have downplayed their Jewishness and after they have put their Germanness in the foreground that they are really Germans after all.
Another individual I met in the waiting period before the protest, a Dutch-American with dual citizenship, told me he owns two copies of Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America." The one copy published in America has the swastika on the cover, but the copy published in Germany and England omits the swastika in favor of some red letter or red design.
Jews have mastered their Jewishness to foreground their European identity, as Hitler indicated -- but not completely. They leave tells everywhere.
Nation and Race
"She told me I should see the movie" Shoah".'
I have heard that line many times. These mind controlled dummies think they are being so smart by getting their view of history from the Jew owned film industry.
Facts do not matter to those who have turned their critical thinking ability over to the machinations of the International Jew.
It is all about feelings and emotions. The movies make them feel a certain way, therefore it is reality.
Their communties could be converted into Postville, Iowa or Lake Shore , New Jersey and they would do everything in their power to facilate the Jewish agenda.
Thanks, Kurt
Thanks, Kurt. Your perspective was on target. That was my experience of this German woman -- facts did not matter -- only feeling, only emotion, only pity and drama.
Theodor Fritsch
For those who can't read German, should look for the English translations of Theodor Fritsch. He was one of the founding fathers of exposing jewish falsehoods in Germany and very populair writer end of 19th century till 1945.