The Elie Wiesel tattoo question is resolved: No tattoo
Close-up of Wiesel’s arms from the photograph taken in 2006 by Eyal Toueg, published after Elie Wiesel’s death.
By Carolyn Yeager
ELIE WIESEL was physically put to rest five years ago on July 3, 2016. Now, the website “Elie Wiesel Cons The World” will be put to rest at the end of this year.
That website was instigated by me, and assisted in its early days by the ever-helpful and much-missed Bradley Smith and his CODOH webmaster. I wanted to feature the phrase “Where's the tattoo?” taken from the extremely popular 1980s Wendy's advertising campaign, “Where's the beef?” Delving into all aspects of Elie Wiesel became a major passion for me to which I devoted a great deal of my time. In the course of six years (2010-2016), I personally produced close to 130 articles, in the process of which I came to know more about Elie Wiesel than probably any living person outside of his family (and likely including them!).
Now, as I contemplate EWCTW becoming a non-active (read only) site—complete and total as is—I considered what I wanted visitors to see first when they hit on The answer was obvious—did we solve the riddle to Elie Wiesel's “missing tattoo?” Indeed we did, and it was what I had believed from the start—Wiesel did not have the number A-7713 tattooed on his left arm, and he never had it.
I had always had to be careful about the tattoo because of the timidity of other revisionists who warned me not to claim outright that Wiesel was lying about having the tattoo. He might then pull a tattoo out of a hat or somewhere else, and I would then look foolish. I doubted that but went along out of an abundance of caution. I did, however, write this article in January 2016—and you can see in the comments how people responded. I had concluded from all my reading and research about Wiesel that he was not as careful as people thought he must be. No, he was in fact careless and gave himself away time and time again, but the Jewish and non-Jewish press never pressed these gaffes. Elie Wiesel knew that if all else failed, the Mossad would come to his aid. He was an Israeli national treasure.
It was a shock when, about a week after his death in July 2016, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published the photograph, a detail of which is at the top of this article. There was no mention in their article of the bluish smudge on his left arm, but there it was! I really didn't know what to make of it. I published it at EWCTW but felt I couldn't come to a final conclusion on it.
I waited for more to come. But after five years—nothing. No further photographs, or announcements, or anything at all about this photograph. It seems certain to me that there won't be more, and that the Elie Wiesel Legend has no more surprises. It looks like the Elie Wiesel half-century is really over.
Please visit to read my final “wrap-up”on the tattoo question and on Elie Wiesel's equally devious “Idea” for witnessing as a 'Holocaust survivor'. And leave a comment while you still can. Thanks.
- 1681 reads
Partly about Elie the weasel
Hello Carolyn,
You have successfully convicted Elie Wiesel of lies and fraud. The same applies to the unfortunate HC story.
When I started very late to search for answers of our own history - I think especially of the infamous 12 years - I was lucky to come across your blog by chance. For the insights I gained here, I want to thank you.
With wishes for many more good years a hearty Glück auf on a true patriot.
His last name clearly
His last name clearly advertises what he was.
Elisha Wiesel worse than his father?
Elie Wiesel's son spoke about his father on the occasion of Wiesel being honored with a bust at the Washington National Cathedral for his 'defense of human rights.' Elisha Wiesel admitted discomfort, believing that his father may not have accepted the "honor" of being in the Christian church because "he was so deeply rooted in who he was as a Jew."
"He prayed with intent every single day."
Elisha told the assembly, "What's hardest for me is seeing those who read his books, quote his protest against injustice, and then condemn the 6 million Jews living in Israel who refuse to ever again depend on the world to rescue them. For this they are held to a different standard than any other nation on earth by America's elite." Whaaat? That sentiment sounds backwards to me.
As if addressing his father, Elisha asked, “How do I remind the world that you also supported Israel and defended her right to exist in peace and security? … How do I tell them that you can be pro-Palestinian without being anti-Israel? How do I get well-intentioned people to recognize that if they find themselves in any movement that tolerates lies and hatred toward the world’s only Jewish state, unless they can challenge and remove the antisemitic poison, that place is not their place?” Ooof! This time he's really got it turned around. Read it at
Hoax or not?
he still might have a tattoo his hand is covering part of his arm i aint looking to deny or agree on this consept i am not bias to any one but his part of his arm is covered and if you search up auschwitz tattoos there are some in different parts of there arm therefore unless you get solid pictures ALL aroud his arm we can't know for sure if he does or does not some of the Jews were on there forearms right belows the sleeve of a t-shirt or right in the middle so Elie Wiesel's tattoo might be where hes covering with his arm or his sleeve is covering it or hes a big hoax
You are being unrealistic
To Braydon: You are being unrealistic, even downright silly, but then I think you are a hoax too. At best, you're just ignorant of all that's known (after all these many years) about Elie Wiesel. You're throwing out an uninformed opinion of no value. Did you follow my invitation at the end of this announcement post:
Please visit to read my final “wrap-up”on the tattoo question and on Elie Wiesel's equally devious “Idea” for witnessing as a 'Holocaust survivor'.
I suggest you do that.