Saturday Afternoon: Shoah business turning again to "shock and awe"
Jan. 18, 2014
British Army Film Unit footage of entry into Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and following events, was turned into a shocking film that was never shown. Now it will be.
- Jason Kenney, Canadian Minister for Multiculturalism: “There is some kind of moral obligation on the entire world to support a secure homeland for the Jewish people–given not just the Holocaust, but the entire history of anti-Semitism. Both in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere”;
- Brendan O’Neil blogs that holocaust “deniers” and revisionists should not be censored “because it gives the impression that mainstream society is defensive and must prevent people from questioning what happened.” Right On, Brendan!;
- Will Elie Wiesel be absent from this year’s Auschwitz-Birkenau January 27 Commemoration … now being called the anniversary of the “liberation of Europe”;
- Redigitalized version of “unseen Hitchcock documentary” film of British and American troops entering the German concentrations camps is being brought out for the 70th Anniversary of the “liberation of Europe;”
- The British film’s narration is full of factual untruths, snide comments and pure hatred for Germans, thus it will be accompanied by a new film “explaining it,” titled Night Will Fall;
- Shock events like Sandy Hook have anomalies and stupidities built into them to attract the more intelligent, independent-minded among us to discuss “conspiracy theories” for years rather than address the far more important problem of White displacement, loss of homeland and all financial resources.
Image: The British put up this propaganda sign at the Belsen concentration camp in 1945, after its “liberation” … though they came at the request of the overwhelmed Germans, who were waiting for them. (click to enlarge)
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19 Responses
Dietlef Busch
January 18, 2014 at 9:29 pm
German bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock’s films about German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc.
Mass murderer Eisenhower had organized the Rhine meadow camps with 5 million German prisoners of war, and within 6 months 1 million died (750,000 on the “American” side and 250,000 on the French side)
January 19, 2014 at 2:16 am
Whomever told you Alfred Hitchcock was Jewish must have been smoking something other than cigarettes. Although Billy Wilder, Bud Schulberg and his brother Stuart, among others Jewish filmmakers who worked in OSS Field Photography units, this exhibition entitled “Filming the Camps from Hollywood to Nuremburg” presented by the Jewish Museum in NYC in 2012 doesn’t features any Jewish directors.
“…A devout Catholic who attended church regularly throughout his life, Hitchcock was the son of greengrocers William and Emma Hitchcock and grew up with his older siblings, William and Ellen Kathleen in Leytonstone, part of London’s East End.
Fascinated by numbers and technology, Alfred was educated at the Jesuits’ St. Ignatius College, but left school at 16 to study engineering and navigation at the University of London.”
Alfred Hitchcock…”Born on 13 August 1899 in Leytonstone, (then part of Essex, now part of London), England, Hitchcock was the second son and the youngest of three children of William Hitchcock (1862–1914), a greengrocer and poulterer, and Emma Jane Hitchcock (née Whelan; 1863–1942). Named Alfred after his father’s brother, Hitchcock was brought up as a Roman Catholic and was sent to Salesian College and the Jesuit Classic school St Ignatius’ College in Stamford Hill, London. His parents were both of half English and half Irish ancestry. He often described a lonely and sheltered childhood worsened by his obesity.”
January 19, 2014 at 3:18 am
In a way Brendan O’Neill has a point, insofar as it was the endless litigation against Ernst Zundel in Canada for republishing Did Six Million Really Die? that made his cause and that booklet famous.
Supposedly Elie Wiesel was asked if Zundel should be prosecuted and he advised against it. That was Wiesel’s tactical advice.
O’Neill of course is probably just writing from the perspective of old-fashioned liberal faith in the marketplace of ideas. John Stuart Mill and all that. It may be a correct way of thinking for the long term, even though we’ve seen that lies backed by enormous wealth and power don’t die easily.
January 19, 2014 at 4:12 am
Where do you get that Alfred Hitchcock was Jewish? I have never seen any such indication. In fact I seem to recall that he was on the front cover of Instauration once as a great “Majority” film-director.
I am skeptical about the explanation given for why Hitchcock’s film was shelved. I doubt that it was made for German audiences, since the narration is in English. I think that changes in the Official Story may have been the real reason why the film was shelved.
Also, the “missing reel” mentioned when the film was finally aired on PBS Frontline in the 1980s was supposed to show Auschwitz. I always assumed that the reason why this reel was “missing” was that it didn’t amount to much.
January 19, 2014 at 9:25 am
Thanks, WDW, for correcting my error. I must have misread or misunderstood something.
Dietlef Busch
January 19, 2014 at 11:36 am
About as close as he came to being influenced by Jewish culture was allowing unspecified guilt and blame to play the central role in his work — but that was largely a result of his strict Catholic upbringing.
Hitchcock did, however, have several close and long-standing Jewish collaborators, including costume designer Edith Head, screenwriter Ben Hecht — who worked on the scripts for “Spellbound” and “Notorious,” among others — and composer Bernard Herrmann, as well as close business relationships with Jewish Hollywood producer David O. Selznick and talent agent Lew Wasserman, who helped create the Hitchcock “brand” through the successful TV series “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.” In fact, Hitchcock got his start in film in 1920 in London as a title designer for Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, the Jewish-owned studio that was one of the largest of the silent film era, and which later became Paramount Pictures.
Although Hitchcock, who at the time was living and working in Hollywood, didn’t travel to Europe for filming at such locations as Dachau, Belsen and Buchenwald, he did instruct the camera crews accompanying liberation armies to take as many uninterrupted long shots and unbroken panoramas as possible, knowing that these would serve best to contextualize and capture the horrible truth about what took place at the prison, labor and death camps. At the behest of his friend and sometime collaborator Sidney Bernstein, who produced the film for the British army, Hitchcock, who was credited as “treatment advisor” on the film, traveled to England and helped organize the footage post-production.
As for his Catholic upbringing, it is known that Jewish and Muslim conversos are allowed.
Re: Jesuit Classic school St Ignatius’ College in Stamford Hill, London. Stamford Hill, The area is particularly known for its 30,000 Hasidic Jews,[1] making it the largest concentration of Haredi Jews in Europe.
Today, Lubavitch Senior Girls’ School, Our Lady’s Convent RC High School, Skinners’ Academy and Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ School are secondary schools located in the area.
Conclusion, Hitchcock knew what he was doing, as much as Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Eisenhower and the allies were doing to cover up their tracks of mass murder against German (Disarmed “Enemy” Forces) soldiers, women and children civilians.
F. Z. McKracken
January 19, 2014 at 2:03 pm
That’s wrong. There were huge typhus outbreaks in several of the western camps at the end of the war. In Belsen alone a 5-digit number of inmates died after the British had “liberated” the camp. The claim that all or most of these emaciated bodies that are shown in various video clips from the “liberation” are really German victims of allied bombing campaigns, Rhine meadow camps, etc. is simply wrong. Such claims probably come from completely outdated revisionist texts from the 60ties or 70ties.
Dietlef Busch
January 19, 2014 at 5:05 pm
@ F. Z. McKracken, start at
Part 1: basic data
and work your way through.
A Factual Appraisal Of The ‘Holocaust’ By The Red Cross
The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide
IRC Report 1 September 1939-30 June 1947
(I have the pdf)
Another entry in the World War sweepstakes. See a British functionary (he was Principle Assistant Secretary of the Air Ministry) gleefully admit to the planned bombing of non-combatant targets, and how this was supposedly a wonderful advance in international conduct (it was supposed to “shorten the war” and allow him to look Russia in the face). It became a “splendid decision” (p. 74) to violate international law! He seems to be saying that it was OK as long as it was done in a cold, premeditated fashion (an artifact of fully judaized, freemasonic England [not my words btw]). He also says this had been planned from the earliest stages of the war — and how dare the Germans complain about it! Must be read to be believed.
This book, published during WW II, is now almost impossible to find. Thanks to C.W. Porter for the hardcopy.
F. Z. McKracken, what are you implying? That Alfred Hitchcock made an “honest documentary” and that the bodies are Jewish? Please tell that to my grandfather that was there, he is one of the surviving victims on the first link I gave in Part 2.
Here in honour of them (May they Rest in Peace) and may this Shoah see its end!
January 19, 2014 at 6:42 pm
Dietlef Busch:
I didn’t say anything about the Rheinwiesenlager, just that the photos and video footage that show mountains of emaciated corpses are very likely typhus victims from the camps and not some Germans who died in the Rheinwiesenlager or victims of allied bombings.
I know about the Rheinwiesenlager and I also know from personal communication about people who died there from starvation. I’m just saying that it has nothing to do with the footage from the “liberation” of the camps. You’re mixing two things up that have nothing to do with each other.
January 19, 2014 at 6:42 pm
No. Where did I say that? The allied films about the “liberation” of the camps are very dishonest. They just show the mountains of corpses and then they try to imply that this is evidence for the evilness of the Germans, and more specifically, for an extermination program.
Well, most of the bodies should be from camp inmates. The percentage of Jews was probable higher in Bergen-Belsen than in Dachau, but yes, I think a lot of the corpses were Jews.
January 19, 2014 at 6:43 pm
You do know that the Germans made all this fuss about delousing and shower rooms and Zyklon B and so on because of typhus? And at the end of the war the delousing infrastructure collapsed. The piles of bodies with typhus victims are the result. That’s what revisionists believe.
You’re not the first person who tries to claim that the piles of bodies from the “liberation” films are really Germans. I’ve seen these claims too many times to count. Usually on some German forums from people who don’t know much about revisionism.
People who are too lazy to read the latest revisionist publications. All the stuff from Rudolf, Graf, Kues, Mattogno etc. is freely available. You haven’t read much from them, right?
Again, two different things. That a lot of Germans died in the Rheinwieselager doesn’t mean that the piles of bodies in Bergen-Belsen or Dachau were victims from the Rheinwiesenlager.
Dietlef Busch
January 19, 2014 at 9:31 pm
Francis McKracken
“Usually on some German forums from people who don’t know much about revisionism.
People who are too lazy to read the latest revisionist publications. All the stuff from Rudolf, Graf, Kues, Mattogno etc. is freely available. You haven’t read much from them, right?”
You are assuming things about me, if you have said so from the beginning, taking in consideration, that the link I provided was done in 2013, thus just recent.
What I am telling you is that my grandfather was one of many soldiers that had to put their own comrades in some of those mass graves. Perhaps, it is unknown to you all those areas are off -limits for any Germans to excavate, perhaps you will understand.
Perhaps you are also one of those people (and I am assuming here, forgive me in advance), that are in the same category as the Weber’s and Irving’s, and instead of accepting that 271 000 people died in all concentration camps due to typhus and/or natural causes. It is hard in the end to face the fact, that Germans were not the serial killers, but that the allies were. Who knows if you will ever read my blog and book. Perhaps one day the low count of 17 Million German deaths will be recognized instead of telling (and assuming of) Germans what they are supposed to know and/or do not know
January 20, 2014 at 1:07 am
I think it’s also possible that the film was shelved because, as we are told, Hitchcock didn’t want to work on it.
Francis McKracken
January 20, 2014 at 6:36 am
I don’t doubt that the prisoners in the Rheinwiesenlager had to put their deceased comrades into mass graves. I do doubt however that a significant number of those corpses ended up in the piles that were shown in the films about the “liberation” of Belsen and Dachau.
Did your grandfather tell you that these corpses ended up in mass graves in Belsen or Dachau and were filmed by the allies who then claimed that these corpses were Jews?
Francis McKracken
January 20, 2014 at 6:37 am
No, that is not unknown to me. But again, you’re mixing two things up.
No. And yes, in my infinite kindness, I forgive you…
January 20, 2014 at 6:40 am
You see, I assumed that you’re one of those hobby revisionists who is too lazy to read all the books from Rudolf, Mattogno, etc.
In “Lectures on the holocaust” Rudolf lists some figures from Bad Arolsen and from the remaining camp records. In 1993 Bad Arolsen said they had 296.077 officially certified deaths from the German camps. Rudolf then shows that the remaining German camp records (death books / Sterbebücher, etc.) give an even higher number of 371.871 deaths. And he also says that even this number is probably too low. We know for instance that some of the Auschwitz death books are still missing. Not all camps are included in the figure, only the biggest ones. And as you know, the highest mortality occurred in the very last days and weeks of the war. And it is likely, that in the chaos of these last days not every dead Jew was counted. And as far as I know the Jews who were sent to Belsen had no id papers with them. In other words, the total figure could easily exceed 500.000. That’s what Rudolf said. And then there’s the problem with the Aktion Reinhardt Jews, who were, according to revisionists, sent to the east. We have some info from soviet sources that they found camps behind the front with Jews who were unable to work. And they said that typhus was rampant in those camps. That is absolutely possible. In other words, some of the Reinhardt Jews in the east probably also died form epidemics while still in German custody. And some of them probably died later, in Soviet custody, also from epidemics.
Francis McKracken
January 20, 2014 at 6:41 am
You won’t believe it, I agree. In case you didn’t get it, I’m neither a believer nor a “Weber / Irving”-type revisionist. But I don’t like it when hobby revisionists make claims that can be easily refuted by believers. With such “facts” a good believer would cut you into pieces. If you want to help the revisionist cause, never make any claims that you cannot prove 100 percent.
Interesting. I didn’t now that you have a blog and that you’ve written a book. Maybe you could provide a link and some info (if Carolyn doesn’t mind)?
Dietlef Busch
January 20, 2014 at 12:39 pm
Regarding my blog and book, I am neither here to promote it and if any information will be given it will be from me personally.
January 20, 2014 at 1:16 pm
Francis, you’re getting carried away and using their language when you say “mountains.” Only when all the dead were thrown into a pit at Bergen-Belsen was there a really large amount. Otherwise they had trouble just getting a “pile” of bodies.