Saturday Afternoon: Crossed signals - What's up at VOR?
Sept. 8, 2012
Are the stars crossed in perverse ways lately? Are unusual planetary formations involving Mercury (ruling communication) creating havoc here on earth amongst we poor mortals? Dietrich Mullis and Carolyn’s email messaging to each other got crossed just once and created confusion about his appearing on this program. However, he eventually was able to call in during the 2nd hour with about 40 minutes left to go and the result was a helpful and informative chat. Thanks Dietrich!
In the first hour, Carolyn talked about the history of Voice of Reason Network (VOR), according to what she was able to find, with the idea of learning something from it. She spoke of several of the show hosts, especially Dietrich, Mishko and Peter Schaenk. The White Network’s new program host, August Hurst, came on in the last few minutes of the first hour and continued into the first quarter of the second hour, introducing his new weekly show “An Hour by the Window” to the listeners. The program ended on a positive note.
Image: Cosmic chaos snapshot from the Hubble telescope
Race, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 829 reads
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8 Responses
David Baillie
September 8, 2012 at 10:18 pm
It is a joy to hear Dietrich’s voice once again. If VoR was named for someone in particular it was Dietrich. Reason and realism. You will not attain a movement of any substantial weight if you alienate White Christians. We need a cadre, yes, and it is the duty of the members of that cadre to motivate and grow the movement until it reaches critical mass.
Brit in Norway
September 9, 2012 at 4:58 am
Shame about the crossed wires, but I thought the air got cleared a bit. Would be good to hear more from Dietrich. Carolyn the circumcision issue I believe is actually one of the Achilles heels of our enemy and an area that should be exploited more in building awareness. Look forward to hearing more on that. Had bother trying to hear live yesterday from Oslo, but we always have the archive.
September 10, 2012 at 12:54 am
You will hear more from Dietrich, and hopefully Mishko too, on Monday’s Heretics’ Hour. And then a fellow Brit come next Saturday. He is going to be a lot of fun.
As to circumcision, “Achilles heel” of the Jews is the perfect expression for it. Thank you! I will try to have something on Monday, Sept. 17th. I have asked the creator of Foreskin Man to come on a show, but he declined. I will try to find someone who’s an “expert”, but there is plenty of great “expert” material on it on the Internet.
Donnie in Ohio
September 10, 2012 at 3:52 am
It was great to hear Dietrich on the radio again. I wish we had 1,000 more like him. 1,000 more Alex Linders, too. I’m a “let a thousand flowers bloom”-kinda guy.
The description Dietrich gives of the origins of the SPU are accurate from what I remember.
I was a founding member of the Special Projects Unit, and it was indeed (originally) formed with the purpose of funding VNN media projects. After that idea proved problematic and ultimately unworkable, the SPU was left a bit in the lurch and looking for something to get behind. Dietrich & Mark pitched their vision for VOR (it wasn’t called VOR at the time, but yeah) and it was a perfect fit, and seemed the obvious choice.
The donations sent to VOR from the SPU were always meticulously accounted for by Dietrich or Mark, and it was obviously being put to good use, as the quality of the broadcasts constantly improved. It was money well spent, and the SPU membership to a man/woman considered it an honor to help the little that we did.
As Dietrich says, the SPU involvement was never intended to be a permanent thing, as other projects were undertaken as well. People drift in and out of touch in life, the only constant is change.
I feel I can speak for that association of great people that made up the Special Projects Unit when I say we considered the association with VOR an unqualified success.
Will Williams
September 10, 2012 at 8:32 am
David Baillie says: “If VoR was named for someone in particular it was Dietrich. Reason and realism. You will not attain a movement of any substantial weight if you alienate White Christians. We need a cadre, yes, and it is the duty of the members of that cadre to motivate and grow the movement until it reaches critical mass.”
Having never listened to VoR before it was interesting to hear Carolyn and Dietrich telling about its origins, development and eventual crash. This thing about how we must not alienate White Christians with anything put out on a pro-White broadcast network is poppycock, especially in the same breath as it’s said how we need a “cadre” that will grow the movement. VoR sprang from folks who found each other on Linder’s “Vanguard” News Network, yet the first thing they did was go “Big Tent” by bringing in Christian Peter Stark, or whatever his name is, who apparently wanted no non-Christian racial idealists broadcasting their earthbound points of view, and John Nugent who once declared that a movement without Christianity is no movement at all. They were the first two hosts on VoR’s premier broadcast. What a inauspicious start from these alleged “vanguardists,” looking to build a cadre that will grow the movement in the same sense that Dr. Pierce intended. Carolyn added earlier that Mike Conner, the new chief at VoR, told her earlier this year that he wanted to take VoR even more Big Tent.
I took a few notes during the interview with Dietrich and would like to comment on a couple of things he said. He mentioned how in building a network the more hosts that come on board the more you get “conflicting personalities.” That may be true to a degree if not managed properly, but I think it invites avoidable trouble when you build with hosts who have conflicting or opposed ideologies.
I was spoiled on Dr. Pierce’s and Kevin Strom’s groundbreaking American Dissident Voices broadcasts twenty years ago. They were professionally produced shows, always in line with Dr. Pierce’s non-Christian, some would say anti-Christianity, world view. Dr. Pierce criticized Christianity as being a large part of our race’s overall problem; he didn’t attack Christians or ridicule their Jewish sky god but he did not allow their alien ideology to creep into his ADV broadcasts. He was trying to attract and build a true vanguard of White loyalists who agreed with his Cosmotheist world view, not with the Christian masses who disagreed with it. He certainly would not allow a platform for those who disagreed with him, or who would call him and his supports “Jews” for rightly criticizing Christianity as Semitic in origin, or not grounded in reality, and therefore unsuitable for a belief system for European man. For him to have done so would only have confused and demoralized those like-thinking cadremen he had already developed, those of us who had been attracted to him for his honesty on difficult issues like Christianity.
I thought it was funny when Dietrich said something like what Nugent had said, that “We can’t appeal to a tiny element because it will be 100 years before [building around that core] we’ll be able to pull that off.” Pardon my butchering of quotes, but there’s no way to pause and replay parts of these broadcasts to accurately quote something. Dr. Pierce was a long term thinker and when he said over and over that we build our vanguard with those who agree with our Nature-based, Cosmotheist hard line, that’s exactly what he meant. Dietrich said he admired the ADV broadcasts and saw them as being in the top rank of WN broadcasts, even adding, “Look at how many Christians admired WLP.” I wonder if all those Christian fans of ADV really understood that Dr. Pierce despised their superstitious Yahwehist worldview and was determined to rid our people of it, even if it does take 100 years of careful, determined Alliance-building. He was hoping to convert White Christians, not coexist with their wrong-headed, otherworldly thinking, then go with some half-baked “good Christianity” where we claim with straight faces not to be European, but rather the progeny of Israelites from the Levant of 2,000 years ago.
The big tenters have any number of media with which to put out their message, but there are *NONE* to my knowledge that would hold the hard line of Dr. Pierce’s sober, noncontradictory vanguard approach as exemplified in hundreds of ADV broadcasts. I prefer “small, expandable stone fortress” to “little tent.”
“Christian nationalists had better learn to deal with legitimate criticism about their beliefs.” Ditto, Dietrich. The “positive only”/”high ground” approach of Jaimie Kelso and others who say we can’t criticize Christianity flies in the face of what Dr. Pierce espoused. Fact! There’s a reason that Dr. Pierce’s ADV broadcasts are archived and and being view millions of times in YouTube videos that have been put together independently and spontaneously by hundreds of technically proficient White people, ten years after his death — and nobody is inspired by VoR broadcasts: the ideology comes first and must not be compromised for the sake of expediency or for fear of offending the wrong-headed. They come our way; we do not go theirs.
September 10, 2012 at 11:28 am
To all — I want to give a warning right now that further long expositions on religious positions, such as David Baillie tends to write also, will not be accepted on this program page. Keep it as short and pithy as possible if you want it published.
Will made a good point when he noted the first two VOR hosts were clearly identified with Christianity. That shows a clean break from VNN. But it probably shows even more that these two were capable radio hosts, with name recognition, who were available!
Not true.
But you do, Will.
So Christians or Christian-sympathizers were not allowed into the National Alliance except as dues-paying general members?
Christians who like and listen to the WLP podcasts must do so because of all the racialist thought and talk that they agree with. They would tolerate the little bit of anti-Christian philosophy that entered in, and accept that Pierce had a right to his own religious beliefs and they to theirs.
September 11, 2012 at 9:16 pm
there’s no way to pause and replay parts of these broadcasts to accurately quote something.
Not true.
Carolyn, you should at least explain that if he were to download it to iTunes or as a file on his computer that he can open with whatever media player it employs he will be able to go back and forth accurately with a time line. He is complaining about playing on on the webpage, which while it does have a counter, does NOT have a smooth scroll function to set it where you want it and reacts more slowly than a desktop app.
September 11, 2012 at 10:01 pm
Thanks David. I appreciate that help.