Is there such a thing as White European Nationalism?
June 10, 2013
Andrew Anglin of Total Fascism joins Carolyn to discuss the pros and cons of European nationalism – just how nationalistic individual European nations can or should be. While Pan-European identity is a good thing, it has been used to weaken national identity. Also touched upon: American White Nationalism and the challenges that it faces in this large, diverse country–very similar to pan-European nationalism. Some highlights:
- The Alliance for European National Movements (AENM) was formed in 2009 in Budapest with the intention to form a European political party;
- While it’s a rocky road, good-old-fashioned nationalism seems on the upswing;
- Jobbik in Hungary and Golden Dawn in Greece are the most watched and most admired nationalist parties;
- British Nationalist Paul Weston and his new Liberty GB party avoids the Jewish Problem;
Image: An example of what a truly national group looks like, in this case fair-skinned people with rosy complexions, but it could also be olive-skinned dark-haired people who look happy and comfortable together.
European Union, Heretics' Hour Podcast, Jews, Race, White Nationalism- 2363 reads
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30 Responses
June 11, 2013 at 3:26 am
German as “evil language” has several reasons from the point of view of the enemy. Firstly, German was (and still is) the most spoken primary language in Europe (about 100 mio native speakers, only Russian has more, ca. 200 mio), but German was always also the administrative language of at least half the continent. Poland was divided by Prussia, Austria (and Russia) and most Poles spoke German also. The Austrian empire member states spoke German (at least the intellectuals but also many common people) in Hungary, Romania, Croatia etc. Furthermore, the Germanic countries also spoke German to communicate with one another. To this day, half of the Dutch and Luxembourgians speak also German in addition to their derivative dialects of German (Dutch), and the Scandinavians knew German too up until after 1945, when English took over.
Even in the Baltics, German was well known. In Riga, Latvia for example, about half the population were Volks-Germans. And in Russia, there was a large German minority (4 mio Volga-Germans). So, by now English has more or less replaced German as the universal language in Europe and replaced the European uniqueness of using German in Northern and Central Europe rather than English because English is a fringe language in Europe, spoken only in the British islands apart from the landmass, plus it is “the world language” spoken in China, India or wherever you go outside of Europe.
Another reason might be that Yiddish is very much like German and the Jews might want to claim the language for themselves for their national identity.
The EU was sold to the Europeans as a European brother-bund, where Europeans could work in each others countries and establish friendly relationships. Mass immigration from outside of Europe was not part of the pitch.
Hence, the natural order (as Andre said) in Europe that Germany/German reigns in the North and Center, and Italy as birth place of the Romanic languages reigns in the South (Nostra Mare – Our “Mediterranean” Sea), plus Russia in the East as dominant Slavic language, has always been in the way of French and British ambitions to dominate the continent with relatively small populations (about 60-70 mio each), instead of subordinating themselves to the natural order with English a Germanic language and French a Romanic language/Germanic race merger. The French tribe originates in Northern Bavaria, an area called Franken and Southern Hessia, around Frankfurt/Main, but adapted a Romanic/Latin language. Just as Anglo-Saxons originate in Germany. Anglos from North of Hamburg and Saxons from Saxony, Middle-Germany.
Consequently, the EU is “undemocratic” as German is not the common language/identity in Brussels/Maastricht but English as a copycat of Americanism. Again, 100 mio German native speakers vs 65 mio native English speakers. Belgium, btw, should be considered a Germanic country, as the majority of Belgians speak Flemish, a Dutch dialect. Belgians are also a Nordic race. French is only spoken by a minority in Belgium in and South of Brussels.
Bjørnson, who wrote the lyrics for the Norwegian national anthem, proclaimed in 1901:
I’m a Pan-Germanist, I’m a Teuton, and my greatest dream is for the Northern Germans and the Western Germans to unite in a fellow Confederation.
This quote shall illustrate that Pan-Germanism is not that “Germany wants to take over Europe (or the world)”, as the enemy propaganda claims.
Furthermore, the enemies of Europe portray Hispanics as a non-European people, who happen to speak Spanish instead of showing the Central and South American Aryan Spaniards. Real Hispanics or Latinos are Southern European Spaniards/Italians in Mexico, Argentina or Columbia etc or German-Portuguese Brazilians and not American Indians who speak Spanish. That’s like saying a Chinese-American is a WASP, because he speaks English and converted to Protestantism…
Regarding WN, there should be a softer approach. Instead of pushing the controversial issues onto the ignorant Whites, there should be Volks-fests to deepen White identity. Expanding Irish or Italian American special occasions that are still kosher to celebrate, such as St Patrick’s Day, should be used as a platform to carefully inject the truth, instead of confronting the ordinary White with his passiveness and what WE can do “to overthrow the government” or something. That is unappealing to most people, especially when they still live relatively comfortable.
Once people gather and sing together etc, the context of the songs can carry the message or a common symbol can represent affiliation. Very important is also to cater to women, as they influence the community a lot and WN nowadays is mostly a “football club” of men for the cause. For example, push the idea that Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci etc are part of the European identity and not merely status symbols. Define the status symbol and eliminate the notion that these luxury products are just materialistic goods. The hardcore truth about WW2 etc is too heavy for most people, but the necessity to identify with one’s race is innate and Whites will positively respond to the right propaganda.
John Beattie
June 11, 2013 at 4:06 pm
As I am heavy into action orientation for Whites, must say agree totally with, in particular, the last two paragraphs by Markus. Not to be mushy, but applying common sense. Never go so far as to invite the enemy tribes to mingle whatsoever, BUT build our own pure White sub-tribes on our OWN histories, with a sense of true belonging. Build from there.
June 11, 2013 at 8:08 pm
Actually, English has not even 60 mio primary language speakers in Europe. The Scots, Welch and (Northern) Irish speak their own languages and use English as second and administrative language, much like it was the case in the Austrian empire and the German language. So, make it 40 mio or so native English speakers in Europe.
Moreover, smart propaganda is always positve. For example: If the enemies push diversity, don’t fight it but try to influence the discussion and use it for your cause. Say for example, yes I am for diversity. Americans should speak more languages of any heritage. Norwegian, Italian, Czech and Greek etc should be included in public school curriculums.
You have won the debate. You convinced the audience. And you didn’t have to give up your point or look as a stubborn segregationist from yesterday. You advocated White interested, without even using the word White (which is a buzz word for hate in their minds).
Also, if they push immigration of Latinos, be in favor of it, but define who a Latino is (a European). Promote that America could really have more people from Spain or show pictures of typical Spaniard Americans. If they counter that Hispanics are not a race but a Folk or language family, agree and refer to Brazilians (where many people look German, Giselle Bündchen for example), as candidates for mass immigration.
Beign against something has little energy and is reactionary and perceived as closed minded. Positve propaganda wins the hearts of the people.
June 11, 2013 at 8:35 pm
Giselle Bündchen doesn’t just look German, she IS German. You go a little too far with your agreeableness.
June 11, 2013 at 9:13 pm
Jon Bon Jovi looks German too, but is Italian. About 1/3 of Italians look German and are Nordic. Giselle was just an example to promote immigration of Hispanics.
The enemy propaganda will lose interest pushing their agenda, once we generally agree but push that Latinos are Spaniards and Romanic Germans/Nordics.
I doubt that Spaniards or Nordic Latinos would ever come to the US in masses, but you can agree like bi-partisans and appeal to your typical Republican but also typical Democrat, plus push White advocacy without being called a terrible person and impossible racist.
Ignore their talking points, and present your own.
June 11, 2013 at 10:19 pm
Actually, English has not even 60 mio primary language speakers in Europe. The Scots, Welch and (Northern) Irish speak their own languages and use English as second and administrative language
Not really true I’m afraid.
The vast majority of Scots speak English as a first language and indeed as their only language. Relatively few people are really fluent in Gaelic and fewer still use it as a first language.
There is a reasonable population of genuine Welsh speakers in North Wales especially where Welsh is often used over English but even those people are fully fluent in both its not like they have to fall back on a halting half-understood ‘official’ version of English but anyhow most people in Wales use English as their first (and only) language.
And so too in Northern Ireland (and the Republic) English is the first language in use for the overwhelming majority and again its the only language for most. As in Scotland relatively few people are really fluent in Gaelic and fewer still use it as a first language.
June 11, 2013 at 11:17 pm
Golden Dawn North America:
June 12, 2013 at 1:46 am
maybe I’m not 100% up to date on this, but when I was in Ireland and Wales, I thought their non-English culture was quite alive. Anyhow, I just wanted to demonstrate the historical similarities between English in Greater Britain and German in the Austrian empire. The non-English Brits might be more Anglicized than the non-(German)Austrians had ever been, indeed.
Mattias Almloef
June 12, 2013 at 5:28 am
I don’t see why the different European people’s should be considered one people.
Swedish people for example should be considered a distinct ethnic group and all foreigners should be immediately deported from Sweden.
I don’t see why America should in any way have any position above the other countries. Americans should be stopped from infiltrating Swedish society just like all other ethnic groups should be stopped including Jews and Africans.
The USA is an ethnically mixed society. Gated communities could be a solution or local rule. I agree that the Jews have an agenda for multiculturalism but Hitler is not the solution.
Franklin Ryckaert
June 12, 2013 at 6:32 am
@ Markus,
Whatever can be said in favor of the German language for historical reasons, English is a much easier language to learn, as it has lost the cumbersome declensions and conjugations still existent in German. English has a simple grammar, but still it can express any nuance desired. Another advantage is the great amount of words of Romance origin, which not only connects it with the Romance languages themselves, but also gives immediately access to the international vocabulary of cutural and scientific terms. Thus English has the ideal combination of simplicity and comprehensiveness to be an international language, not only for Europe but for the whole world.
“…Belgium, btw should be considered a Germanic country, as the majority of Belgians speak Flemish, a Dutch dialect…”
I don’t think the 40% French speaking Walloons would gladly accept that. The suggestion of supremacy of one group over another is dynamite in Belgium. The only force that keeps that divided country together is the monarchy.
For the rest, the promotion of cultural festivals, based on the various European ethnicities, both in Europe and the European diaspora, is a good idea. This is a form of “implicite whiteness” (term of prof. Kevin MacDonald)that cannot be forbidden by the PC thought police and thus can be used for WN purposes.
June 12, 2013 at 5:54 pm
Markus – there are certainly cultural differences between England/Ireland/Scotland/Wales I’m not disagreeing with you there. And the English spoken in each is somewhat different but essentially all four speak the same language.
June 12, 2013 at 7:25 pm
@ Franklin,
Yes, injecting WN into the cornered White Americans need to take place in small steps under the kosher radar and digestable for the non-informed Aryan.
A football star, who scores high for a team should be praised as “one of us”, a brother. Blacks do this too all the time and it builds Black nationalism without “Nation of Islam” like propaganda that is negative toward Jews (and Whites, I admit).
Or the Jews, they praise their kinsmen in public all the time, while not telling everyone what their Talmudic agenda is. That is insider-information.
Most political uninformed or uninterested Whites will more likely identify with a White sports icon or inventor or poet or movie star etc than a troublesome truth teller. And always hail the positive of any ethnic White group. Forget the negative feelings you might have toward Russians or French because they fought against Germany, or Italiens who stabbed Germany in the back. That is petty infighting and can be dealt with amongst us in private.
Esoteric and exoteric literature and propaganda is the key. Esoteric insider circles and information like the White Network provides soul-food and exoteric literature and propaganda shines positive light onto Whites without debating the real issues.
Always identify the great achievements of Whites that cannot be twisted against us, like Christianization of the Americas or segreation laws. Instead, push that ballet is White, or the printing press, the first social networking so to speak, was invented by one of us. Injecting a joke that carries truth would reach the unconsciousness and desire to learn more. For example, you could point out that you like the new 2013 Ford car and say, that you also like Ford’s writings. Or that you like Hugo Boss clothes, who also designed beautiful uniforms.
The information needs to be “sexy”, as Andre said.
June 12, 2013 at 11:18 pm
Mattias – I agree that Europeans are different people, not one people, and those differences must be respected because they’re real. I think Hitler’s idea of uniting Europe came because of what he saw as the huge threat of Bolshevism. It was to save Europe, not to make Europe “one” as in conformity. The demand for conformity in law and, to a lesser degree, trade is what is so dangerous now.
June 13, 2013 at 12:19 am
In my experience, the best way to attract and empower desirable white people is to be strongly pro-white and to lead by strong example. Carolyn Yeager’s uncompromising approach is an example of this.
When discussing the white malaise my approach is very simple: Whites are a separate race with separate and distinct racial interests (SADRI) just like all other races, but whites alone are prohibited by law and social convention from exercising free speech and rights of free association to advocate and assert our White SADRI. This denial of equal rights is a violation of the constitution and a violation of white rights to exist. For example: To deny whites the same right to exist as Jews is to deny whites equal rights with Jews and to establish a racial caste system with Jews elevated to a superior legal status and whites relegated to subordinate status.
Over time I have evolved from being a “color blind conservative” to being openly and explicitly pro-white and I have formulated a theory of white advocacy to support my views. Simply put: “If you deny whites equal rights with other races, you are endorsing a racial caste system which relegates whites to second class citizenship. Give me your best argument for why you think you and your white children should be second class citizens.”
This approach forces them to argue in favor of a racial caste system if they disagree with you. Confronted by this approach, rank and file whites exhibit a kind of intellectual shell shock and a moment of awakening. Invariably, they kind of sit there thinking and say, “I have no argument.”
A basic premise of white advocacy: Call things what they really are. The Orwellian mis-named civil rights movement was not about social justice or equality, but rather, about establishing a racial caste system with whites on the bottom. The infamous Brown v. Bd. of Ed. decision vested blacks with property rights in the persons of captive white children. The Dredd Scott decision of 1856 held that blacks had no rights any whites were bound to recognize. The Brown decision of 1954 held that white children had no rights any blacks were bound to recognize.
The Orwellian mis named Civil Rights Act of 1964 stripped whites of freedom of association and freedom of contract.
Martin Luther King, after whom a national holiday is named, did not advocate racial equality, but a racial caste system in which blacks were elevated to a superior legal status as a creditor race and whites were lowered to a subordinate legal status as a debtor race.
The important goal of white advocacy is: Transforming the seemingly incomprehensible into the self evident.
Slavery kept blacks from running away from whites. The Civil Rights Laws keep whites from running away from blacks.
The Civil War freed slaves. The Civil Rights Movement enslaved free men. Whites are more angry and frustrated than I’ve ever seen them. Tapping into that anger requires strength, clarity and confidence.
June 13, 2013 at 9:05 am
Don, the jewish enemy doesn’t care about hypocrisy and double standards, he gloats in it – when you have the power you can do whatever you want – the master whips the slave, and all the slave can do is whine. you cannot reason with these people, they only understand one thing – force.
Markus, you have good ideas but I think we are out of time for most of those to work.
Lurker, I have friends in the GD ny division – good people, but real GD in Greece kind’ve look at them as a fan club.
Mattias, Hitler is the solution, we just have to become Hitlers collectively. “Be the Hitler you wish to see.”
I think the problem with some European attitudes that make great differentiation between the different ethnic groups, even though they’re all cousins and related and one race – is they have no experienced real multi-racialism that we have in the States, and because all euro groups here blended together into “white” and lost their cultures, we think racially, whereas they think ethnically. i guess with more immigrants into the homelands though things are changing, and hopefully Europeans will start to think racially rather than with ethnic nationalism. there is absolutely no reason the two have to be mutually exclusive, i agree with carolyn that there is more power behind ethno-nationalism than the race concept, but that is only in the present. the future will be all about race, which is why Hitler was a visionary.
things are so much easier to map out with a pan-european nationalist awakening compared to the U.S., which has a spiritually gutted and completely Judaized, sick society. the National Socialists talked about the U.S. lacking culture back in the 30′s, and being nothing but a consumer/materialist wasteland. the U.S. and Jewry go together completely because they are abstract, rather than organic, concrete, real nations. Both are cancers destroying the white race, and the world. Both must be dissolved.
I think Keith Preston’s ideas about breaking the U.S. up based on voluntary association, pan-secessionism, and national-anarchism make the most sense for the U.S., where all race-nationalists can agree to split up territory. otherwise it will be an all out race/class war in the future, and that might be inevitable.
June 13, 2013 at 9:08 am
the one positive thing about whites losing their distinctive ethnic identities is that we can see ourselves racially, at least those of us who still have healthy natural instincts – and are not divided by old ethnic/tribal loyalties/hatred, or ‘petty nationalism.’ but stacked up to all the negative, i think europe is still far better off. tom sunic talks about this alot.
June 13, 2013 at 9:51 am
Dana – I really hate it when you join the conversation because you are a confused guy. Your “ideas” never clarify, only cloud.
Who says everyone in the same race (there are only 3) are cousins?
What sweeping statements! All euro groups in the States have blended together and lost their cultures — really?
What is a pan-european nationalist awakening? Once they give up their national identities in order to think racially (as you think is possible and desireable) they will become like the U.S. — “a spiritually gutted and completely Judaized, sick society.”
You just said we think racially in the U.S., which is what you’re after, but now our problem is that we’re not a “real nation.” Yet you recommend that Europeans should not “think ethnically, but racially” — get rid of “petty nationalisms” in Europe. At the same time, the U.S. should break up anarchically into separate territories of voluntary groups. And please don’t write more long explanations; I’m warning you I won’t post them. I am totally turned off by Tom Sunic’s negation of “pe-ttee nationalisms” which you are parroting. IMO, Sunic doesn’t like “pe-tee nationalism” because he comes from such a small nation, thus he prefers to be European. Understandable.
P.S. I have nothing against Croatia, I don’t know much about it except that they are generally good allies to facism and national socialism. I removed the word “backward.”
June 13, 2013 at 3:09 pm
“Don, the jewish enemy doesn’t care about hypocrisy and double standards, he gloats in it – when you have the power you can do whatever you want – the master whips the slave, and all the slave can do is whine. you cannot reason with these people, they only understand one thing – force.”
Dana: What are you talking about? I never said Jews cared about our plight or hypocracy. My point is that whites ultimately respond to strong, honest, explicitly pro-white rhetoric and advocacy.
Oppressed whites do care about hypocrisy. You are right that all our enemies respect is force, but unmotivated whites who are morally and intellectually confused will never use it.
Konrad Rhodes
June 13, 2013 at 8:10 pm
Good show Carolyn!
I hope Andre’s Grandma is doing okay and feeling better!
I just wanted to recommend to anyone who hasn’t read it “The Lehrplan: Teaching Plan for the Ideological [Worldview is more correct translation] Education of the SS and Police” translated by Carl Hottelet to understand the Deutschland europäische Sendung as it was conceived then during the war. Read the text of Deutschland über alles
But I don’t think what is happening in Hungary or Greece is similar to what is happening in the US. The immigrants in Greece, if I remember correctly, are mostly in the areas of Athens and Thessaloniki while here there are mestizos everywhere, even in my small hometown of only 1700 people. I am glad he is wanting to do something but I think the first thing is just networking and finding awake people in your local area, forming a unit, while also waking up who you can in your community who would be responsible and family oriented and smart you know the five to ten people who fit that category. Quality over Quantity! Nothing is going to happen otherwise and even then I really have strong doubts. Most, even smart intelligent people, want immediate gratification and are so apathetic that here in the U.S. I just don’t see anything like Jobbik or Golden Dawn around the corner.
June 14, 2013 at 2:23 am
Hi Konrad,
Yes, he said his grandmother was fine the next day. Thanks for telling us about the Lehrplan – I think I will buy it from Amazon.
I don’t recall that it was said on the program that Greece and Hungary were similar to anything in the US, but just the opposite. I agree with you that nothing is happening here along those lines. This is why I think more and more that it’s wrong to suppress nationalism in favor of pan-European or White. Even here in the U.S. if ethnicities were resurrected, they would of necessity be White without having to call themselves “White.” It can be argued that it is the very loss of ethnic identity in the U.S. by so much euro-mixing that left us open to becoming a spiritually gutted, judaised, materialist society, as Dana put it. I don’t see how becoming anarchists would be an improvement.
Naturally, many White people say they are made up genetically of 3 or 4 Euro-nations. Sure, but there is usually one dominant, or maybe two. Some Whites, though, really identify as “American.” Their ancestry goes way back to the 1600′s or so. That’s fine, but non-Whites can also now call themselves American, so these people have to define themselves as White American. On that issue, I’m all for all of us calling ourselves White Americans, but it really doesn’t have the power that we would like it to have. It doesn’t feel powerful to me, anyway.
You mentioned Deutschland uber alles, Konrad: A national anthem that arouses powerful emotions. The Star-Spangled Banner sure doesn’t arouse anything similar, and that’s because, to my mind, it is not about a real nation, with a real national people who identify strongly with the land of their ancestors. It’s about a battle and a flag. The more I think about it recently, I don’t see much hope for the U.S. becoming what we wish it would be, or what it used to be, even. It was always the “New World,” the land of promise for adventurous people to come to, and they merged here. Or it became that soon enough after it’s founding. Then the Jews came and took hold of it, too.
Anyone who wants to comment further on this is welcome. I promise not to jump on you.
Alexander from Flanders
June 14, 2013 at 8:42 pm
On may the 25th the 4th Euro-Rus conference was held in my country (Flemish part of Belgium). The titel of the meeting was “Europe against Wall Street”, and it had speakers (and political parties) from Spain, France, Zweden, Holland, Flanders, Serbia, Russia, Italy and Wallonia (French part of Belgium).
The two links provide pictures, articles and other stuff. The second link is in English so check it out guys.
People are trying to form an alliance of different White countries. The last thing we need is White people versus White people. What we need is unity. This does not mean that we “must” have one big organisation and forget our own local groups. We can simply do both.
June 14, 2013 at 9:03 pm
Carolyn, I am not confused at all, about anything – we have some disagreements but that doesn’t mean I’m confused. You can control your comment section on your site anyway you’d like, its your page. I was just bringing to attention the idea that in the U.S. all the white ethnic groups merged into one, which is where we get the idea of being “white.” this has positives and negatives attached to it. it seems to be a good thing that we can look at ourselves as one race, but at the same time without the strong cultural identification that comes with having a unique ethnic heritage, we tend to lose consciousness of race altogether – i’m speaking of your average white person, not race nationalists. You can attack Sunic all you want – but I see the horrible results of inter-european ethnic rivalry and hatred, and this largely contributed to two world wars. Doesn’t seem to be something that should be glossed over or ignored. Whether its English-Irish; Croat-Bosnia-Serb, Poland-German; etc. I have honestly heard some chauvinistic whites of certain ethnic groups say things like “if my daughter doesn’t marry one of us she might as well go with a black,” instead of her going another european. thats what i’m talking about. The best solution I can come up with is Europeans need to maintain and preserve each nation/ethnic identity, but they should all put the race over the tribe. The U.S. is obviously different because we don’t really have separate white groups, aside from some communities in the cities.
June 16, 2013 at 1:14 pm
Dana – Your writing is confused, that is what I said or meant. The first time I heard you on your radio program, I said you were “all over the place.” I have since not changed my mind – you are still all over the place. However this second comment is better that the preceding one. When you take more time to compose your writing, it shows — rather than going with stream-of-consciousness and expecting your readers to understand what you mean.
Wow. Are you really saying that? I thought it was the jews who set up the two world wars by interjecting jewish bolsheviks into ethnic disputes. Sunic is saying what he does because he wants to be seen as a European, not a Croatian. He takes no pride in Croatia. Plus I don’t “attack” Sunic; I only observe what I see and filter it through my own understanding.
These are the groupings Sunic always uses. And the only ones he uses. Is he the model for your thinking?
This is irrelevant hearsay and not representative. But as a matter of fact, it IS better for people to marry within their own ethnic group; there would be more children and less divorce. The increasing acceptance of “marrying out” has led to marrying further and further “out.” Marrying outside of your race is just a further step beyond marrying outside your ethnic group.
Who are you to tell Europeans what to do? There are instances, or will be, when they put their nation’s interest over Europeanism if the “European consensus” or majority is ganging up for reasons of their national interest, which does happen. You’re saying the same thing as the EU, which proceeds to destroy all national sovereignty. We don’t live in the perfect world that you theorize in. I think there needs to be more clarity when we say we’re nationalists–what does that mean? Is it just a pose?
Would you mind telling your mixed ethnicity/national roots? I’m under the impression you are only part Italian. Please set me straight.
Are you sure about that? I grew up within a community of German-Americans who had all emigrated from the same location, to a small-to-medium sized town. They already knew each other when they got here. They formed a Family Society club, built a clubhouse, and maintained the rule that only offspring of the original founders could ever be members. They worked it out that “outsider” spouses could be members as long as they were married to that partner, but only the children who could trace their bloodline to an original founding member could become members. This club is still going, fourth and even fifth generation! It’s nothing like Amish (separating themselves from the rest of society) and never was. They just took advantage of American freedom to try to keep their heritage and togetherness going.
The loss of ethnic consciousness in the U.S. is in largest part the result of the two jew-inspired-and-jew-driven world wars. The jew-media plays a big role. So, in a way, you sound like you’re asserting the jew-doctrine of “we’re all the same.” Be careful, lest you be doing the work of the jews.
June 29, 2013 at 1:55 pm
Well, first off I’d like to say thank you for allowing my second comment in there to clarify myself further. I heard your follow-up show in which you brought me to task. I’ll admit I am more of a right-brained thinker, and like to stream different topics together into a whole, rather than having a rigorous, reductionist approach. Its just my style I guess.
Now, I blame the Jewish influence as a major cause of the war, but if you think its the only cause, I have to differ with you. If there weren’t inter-ethnic rivalries and disputes that existed prior to the conflict in which the Jews were able to manipulate to their advantage, its possible that the catastrophic even could’ve been avoided.
There are more examples other than the ones I mentioned, but what is important here is a mindset – one of ultra-nationalism, or what is commonly called “petty.” The biggest and most obvious is the anti-German attitudes of the British. Do we really want Greeks fighting Macedonians, or Hungarians arguing with Romanians? I understand that some nations have honest grievances, and that Germany was in the right when they had issue with Poland prior to the war; I would just like to see the principle of racial unity triumph over ethnic division, and this of course doesn’t mean we have to abandon true, positive nationalism.
When you say marrying outside of the race “is just a further step” after marrying outside your particular group – of course, but I see nothing wrong or inherently “bad” about mixes occuring within the race. If all separate groups were to be lost this would be tragic, but I don’t see that as a threat at this point, especially when the entire race is threatened as a whole. Plus, in the distant past, our race was one and came from the same source/wellspring if you go far back enough…though I could be wrong. In addition to this, I don’t believe National Socialists held a view against inter-european marriages. If a Dane married a Spaniard, or an Irishman an Italian, etc., I don’t think they really planned on enforcing such restrictions, not that it would’ve been encouraged. I’ve seen so many beautiful mixes of different European groups, and I personally look at blood as a tribal thing, like celtic, greco-roman, germanic, slavic, etc., rather than nations which have boundaries that have changed over the centuries so often.
The EU is a zionist run organization that is completely at odds with “the new europe” or new order under National Socialism. I don’t know why you would even think I endorse that. I’m for ALL European nations should withdraw from this entity and get back their sovereignty, and then maybe in the future when we have broken the back of our oppressors we can begin to establish bonds of race.
I would never tell the Europeans what to do, I’m merely looking at the total situation and differentiating between the U.S. and Europe. And to recap, my general thesis which you seemed to jump on was a mere observation that in the U.S. we have a blended white race with too little ethno-racial consciousness (bad), although we can see ourselves as one race (good), and in Europe we have nationalists that have strong ethno-cultural identities and ties to their homeland (good), but sometimes it gets to be too tribal at can come at the expense of european racial unity.
I have never deceived anybody of my racial heritage and I am as follows: 62.5% Italian (with both northern, more Germanic-laced and Central); 12.5% Greek, and 1/4 Assyrian-Iranian. My father is 100% Italian, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and my mother is half italian-greek, or what i like to call ‘greco-roman,’ and half Assyrian with roots in Iran. Now, I already here calls of mischling coming from the crowd, but I would just like to say that my mother looks like a typical white mediterranean woman, and Assyrians basically look like a cross between a Greek and Persian (who were Aryans in ancient times). Culturally, Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians are very close peoples, same food, religion (eastern orthodox/catholic christian), same enemies (turks), same music, etc. They are ancient people ethnically distinct from Arabs and actually survived by being a Christian minority in the Middle East, and the first people to invade Israel during biblical times, which I’m very proud of. Sorry for the long rant here.
I realize in this country there are pockets of communities that are still ethnically pure, but I have to be honest, nine out of ten white people I might, regardless of where in the country, are mixed white ethnicities (and you can define white however you wish). I agree with you that Jews have been fundamental in destroying white ethnic and racial consciousness, as a result of the war, and through the various cultural marxist movements, through media/hollywood, education, etc. Indeed, it has been asserted that when white nationalism elevates race too much to the point that all whites are equal regardless of quality by virtue of skin tone, that is a racial marxism in itself – and i am against that. I think we should all be elitists and put quality over quantity. As far as doing the work of the Jews, come on Carolyn, if you don’t know me by now and can’t see that I’m on your side, what more can I say.
June 29, 2013 at 2:06 pm
just some corrections to grammatical errors:
*the catastrophic war could’ve been avoided (second paragraph)
**I’m for all European nations withdrawing from this entity (the EU) (fifth paragraph)
***I already hear cries of racial mischling (seventh paragraph)
****nine out of ten white people i meet (last paragraph)
June 30, 2013 at 5:01 am
Carolyn, I just want you to know, if nothing else comes of this back and forth – I will always be on your side and continue to promote your network, which does excellent work in waking our people up. In addition to this, you have inspired me to focus my thought into a clearer and more defined structure. Thank you!
June 30, 2013 at 12:27 pm
Dana – This is the same as what you’ve already written. The only thing new is that you did answer to your ethnicity – thank you very much. You know, it doesn’t make any difference if your father was a blonde, blue-eyed Italian, as it is not about blonde hair and blue eyes. It is about blood and genetic markers, and these should be kept as pure as possible. 100% purity is not possible, of course, and hasn’t existed for a long time, but there is still that bond between people of same nationality, type and culture that our enemies want to break up more than anything else.
You call it right-brained, but I just call it sloppy and unfocused. Your distaste for the ‘rigorous, reductionist approach’ is very un-Germanic and is why I experience you as ‘all over the place.’ You say, “It’s just my style.” I say, It’s just your nature. Another factor that is probably present is that you are avoiding truths that don’t benefit you personally, or which might make you feel excluded. Although you shouldn’t feel that way as long as you are honest about who you are.
We can recognize that we have similar larger, long-term goals for White people, but we can’t really communicate satisfactorily with each other.
Further, in my study of breeding I have found that cross-breeding in a willy-nilly way is a game of chance – sometimes it works out, more of the time it doesn’t. But the greatest drawback is that there is no consistency of type; a lot of oddballs are created that are not one thing or another. It makes it more difficult to unite these people into a single mindset and this might account for the popularity of Individualism in the modern world, and especially in the USA. That, to me, is more the source of divisiveness (and weakness/disunity) than is nationalism that you try to make it out to be.
The vast majority of British were not anti-German. London and the Jewish and ‘judaized-money Brits’ were anti-German nationalism or anti-German power/competitiveness. This is an example of why what you say is meaningless.
June 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm
Thanks for that, Dana. You have always behaved in that manner toward me.
June 30, 2013 at 10:47 pm
Dana – I put up the GDNA link as someone asked if they were active outside Greece. From what I can tell, and as you said, its more of a supporters group than anything else.
June 30, 2013 at 10:58 pm
“Furthermore, the enemies of Europe portray Hispanics as a non-European people,”
Because that is what they ARE.
“Hispanic/Latino populations possess a complex genetic structure that reflects recent admixture among and potentially ancient substructure within Native American, European, and West African source populations. …
Comparing autosomal, X and Y chromosome, and mtDNA variation, we find evidence of a significant sex bias in admixture proportions consistent with disproportionate contribution of European male and Native American female ancestry to present-day populations. …”
Male Spaniard conquistadors took native women as wives, systematically, over a continent and a half. The result is the Hispanic race. Hispanics are not Spaniards and they are not Aryan. If you try to insist that they are, you are just playing Humpty Dumpty games and will confuse everyone. People know what Hispanic means: it means those brown-skinned people who speak Spanish.