Law and Government

More proof Austrians loved Hitler - and the AP is a Jewish plague

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-07-31 06:41

This rediscovered bell marks the date in April, 1938 when Hitler, as the "unifier and Führer of all Germans freed the Ostmark from the yoke of suppression of foreign elements and brought it home into the Great German Reich."

By Carolyn Yeager

The actively hateful and vengeful "Jewish community" in Vienna, Austria is at it again. And they have the Associated Press as their ally.

Not content to have removed the modest stone monument from the burial place of Alois and Clara Hitler, parents of native son and future Reich leader Adolf, a year ago, and forced the sale of the plot to new owners - they are now stirring up a stink about a bell that was designed and installed in honor of Hitler by the residents of the village Wolfpassing (approximately 20 miles west from Vienna) in 1939. The bell is part of the history of the village, and of the nation, too.

Eyewitness to forced repatriation of Russian refugees by U.S. Army

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-07-07 12:30

R. R. Davison served as an American rifleman in World War II and later got a university education (probably on the GI Bill), eventually becoming a professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University. In 1983, he wrote the following letter to the editor at the Wall Street Journal.

[I confirmed Davison's identity by doing a search and coming up with this page where I found the following information:

*A book by R.R.Davison published by Texas A&M University in 1974: Methyl Alcohol as Motor Fuel.

*Extraction Or Destruction of Chemical Pollutants from Aqueous Waste Streams, R. R. Davison, Environmental Protection Agency, 60pp, 1977.

*Economic Feasibility of the "Solaterre" System, on "Solar Energy," R.R. Davison, W.B. Harris, J.H. Martin, 58 pp, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University.]

I Thought Americans Were Good” 9-23-83

I have a question and an appeal regarding the Sept. 6 editorial page article on the post-WWII Russian refugee tragedy. Why does not someone, using the Freedom of Information Act if necessary, write a definitive history of the U.S. participation in this atrocity?

The Heretics' Hour: Comparing the German and Japanese surrender to the Allies

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-22 18:54

August 22, 2013

FM Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of Army (center) with Chief of the Luftwaffe Stumpff (left), Admiral Friedenberg of the Kriegsmarine (right) are forced by Eisenhower's threats to surrender to the Soviet Union on May 8, 1945 in Berlin-Karlhorst.

Why didn’t Hitler address the German nation considering its defeat as the Emperor Hirohito did in Japan? Why was Hirohito allowed to live and continue his reign, while Hitler and his party had to be eradicated totally? Why was Japan allowed to keep its industrial capacity and participate in world trade, but Germany not. One reason is the difference between Dwight David Eisenhower (the terrible "Swedish Jew") and Douglas MacArthur.

Carolyn also looks at the continuing media attention to the  “problem” of antisemitism and what to do about it. Friday, April 26 is the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by the Jew Leo Frank in Atlanta, Ga. The Anti-Defamation League was created 100 years ago to defend Frank and has been doing its best to prevent justice for Jews ever since.

Euro an instrument to enslave Europe

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-09 16:20

6 April 2013

Angela Merkel is not Germany – The €uro is an instrument to enslave all Europe


by Sternbald

The so called €uro crisis has been planned; the foreseeable consequences of the monetary union were well known to the responsible politicians. Top politicians in all countries are lying to their people and cooperating with high finance. Similar to the two world wars, the Germans have been chosen as a scapegoat. We would like the world to know: Angela Merkel is not Germany but a traitor to our nation and all of Europe. The following article will give you the necessary information to understand the mechanisms of the €uro fraud.


Read it, forward it, tell it to everybody!


Prehistory and origins of the EU and the €uro

Without the Second World War, a monetary union in Europe would not have been possible. The defeat of France (in 1940), Italy (in 1943), and Germany (in 1945) and the hegemony of the USA over Europe were necessary to overcome the resistance autonomous nations would have opposed to such a project. (The fact that countries with a rest of political autonomy such as GB, Switzerland, and Norway did not introduce the €uro confirms this.)

The German nation lost its autonomy completely and has never been able to recover it. The socialist Carlo Schmidt, one of the experts in international law that were asked to elaborate the German ‘basic law’ (‘Grundgesetz’ – the FRG does not have a real constitution) under American supervision said about the new American client state Federal Republic of Germany:

This organization as a state-like entity, of course, can go very far. However, it will always be different from a democratically legitimated state because the self-organization in the face of not existing liberty depends on the acceptance of a superior foreign power as the legitimate ruler; it thus is noting more than the organized form of a modality of foreign domination.

When the USA started the European Recovery Program in 1947 (also known as Marshall Plan), they obliged the participating nations to accept an accompanying strategic plan. The loans were spend in a way that stimulated the American economy. Germany was forced to receive $ US 1.4 billion (6.4 billion Deutsche Mark, ca. 1/10 of the integral sum) from 1949 to 1952 and had to pay back 13 billion Deutsche Mark from 1953 to 1962. The ERP set the base for a common European policy and the respective institutions.

Saturday Afternoon: Arthur Rudolf and Julius Streicher – Two very unlike German National Socialists martyred by Jews

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-23 12:19

Feb. 23, 2013

Carolyn details the life and achievements of two under-appreciated German National Socialist Party members and how they were perversely persecuted by jealous Jews. It is a study in the Jewish art of revenge and their targeting of the weak and those who are in a vulnerable position. It is a study of cowardice going up against courage. It is a warning of what is in store for all of us if we don’t regain our sovereignty.

  • Arthur Rudolf (left picture) was essential in developing the German V-2 Rocket for the first jet aircraft in the world – then developed the Saturn 5 rocket that sent American’s to the moon in 1969;
  • Later the U.S Justice Dept. and Congress allowed him to be branded a war criminal and banished from the country by a cabal of Jews;
  • Forgot to mention that Rep. Bill Green of NY (Jew) introduced a bill in 1985 to strip Rudolph of the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, and reintroduced it in 1987;
  • Julius Streicher (right picture) helped build up the National Socialist Party and Adolf Hitler’s popularity with his controversial but truthful magazine Der Stürmer (The Stormer);
  • The anti-Hitler Allied War Crimes Tribunal inaccurately and illegally charged him as a war criminal (when he had nothing to do with the war) and allowed Jewish and Negro officers to torture him in prison.

No more respite for Günter Deckert who is set to enter prison on Jan. 2nd

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-12-29 15:28

Dec. 29, 2012

Günter Deckert sends a letter he has composed that will be sent to Strasbourg on Monday, Dec. 31.


HUDOC (European Court of Human Rights/Europ. Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte)

The Registrar / Council of Europe

F 67075 Straßburg-Cedex / Elsaß

Violation of the UN Charter + the European Charter of Human Rights (freedom
of opinion and freedom of expression) by the German ("brddr") judicial
system by sending me to prison for 5 months because of "complicity of public
uproar/disturbance of the public peace" for helping to have made possible
the German version of Carlo Mattogno's "Auschwitz - The First Gassing" ...
more precisely by "overworking a German text of different translators" (see
copy attached showing the cover + pages 6 and 7). The text in the middle
of page 6, Mattogno's scientic work, an answer to Danuta Chech´s "The
Kalenndarium of Aushwitz," runs in German as follows:

An email concerning German "justice"

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-09-13 11:27

Franz Seiler wrote, in response to the Gerhard Ittner post (slightly edited by me):

As far as I understand these procedures, trials, law-suits on revisionism it's the following. I sent these lines to the law-court Mannheim, commenting to the [current] case of Günter Deckert......

Comment to the verdict of the Landgericht [district court]  Mannheim concerning the case Mattogno-Deckert, a statement, plea of the judge at the LG Herrn Roos, and the Verfassungsbeschwerde [constitutional complaint] of  4 Sept. 2012:

The plea of the judge, Herrn Roos, proves that these lawsuits on revisionism are held without any recourse to the matter on hand.
The statement of the judge Herrn Roos also proves that he thinks he is to come to a verdict against the accused person without any recourse to the matter on hand. This is following a still valid stipulation in the so-called Überleitungsvertrag [transition agreement] of 1953ff that deutsche Stellen (German authorities. e.g. also law-courts) are not to question measures and decisions of the Allies concerning events from 1933 to 1945 and after that time.

If such deutsche Stellen [German law courts] are not to question measures and decisions, they are also not to investigate such measures and decisions, and they also are not to judge upon such measures and decisions. All of these measures are "off limits" to them!

If they demand jurisdiction on these matters they are demanding a right which they do not have!
(This is slightly simplified - for I don't know the terms of jurisdiction in English of what I wrote in German to the Landgericht Mannheim.)

I'm convinced that German law-courts have no jurisdiction on the matters referred to in the Überleitungsvertrag [transition agreement]. The absolutely silly way they conduct such trials, denying enquiries into the matter to be tried, also prove this. So they also do not have the right to issue a European Arrest Warrant for this.

Best wishes,
Franz Seiler

A Letter from Political Prisoner Gerhard Ittner

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-09-12 17:59

Yesterday I received a letter from Gerhard Ittner, who since April is being held in a prison in Lisbon fighting extradition to Germany for "thought crimes" related to the "Holocaust." Ittner had been evading the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) "justice" for 7 years; he has been in Portugal for most of that time.

But then the FRG issued a European Arrest Warrant for Ittner, which must be honored Europe-wide, and Ittner decided to risk arrest for the chance to bring his case to the International or European courts. He began writing again under a nom de plume, knowing he would sooner or later be discovered.

I interviewed Henrik Holappa about Ittner on July 7th, and a few weeks afterward sent the prisoner a short note. On August 26, he wrote a letter to me in return, in very neat longhand - which I only just received. I am reproducing most of that letter below.

Saturday Afternoon: Bomber Command Memorial - national pride or national obscenity?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-14 13:56

July 14, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and her guest Judith from England examine the meaning and implications of the Bomber Command Memorial recently opened in London with an unveiling by Queen Elizabeth. Picture at right shows the enthusiastic, if elderly, crowd celebrating the occasion. Highlights of the program:

  • Peter Hitchens' editorial in The Daily Mail minimizing the real horror of the carpet-bombing of all German cities (even while disagreeing with it);
  • Walter Ruthard's letter to Hitchens strongly objecting to what he wrote, or what he didn't write;
  • Matthys' letter to Peter Hitchens and Hitchens' replies, which focus on the "Holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Hitchens' two emails to me that again bring up the "holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Carolyn and Judith try to sum up the essential problems preventing an objective discussion between Britons and Germans on WWII;
  • What prevents an objective discussion on all the problems facing the White community.

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Henrik Holappa

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-07 12:24

July 7, 2012

Holappa is a Finnish nationalist now living in Sweden with his wife and baby daughter. He began the Finnish Resistance Movement, which is in league with the Swedish and Norwegian Resistance movements. These are peaceful political movements, not armed movements. Topics discussed:

Email Henrik Holappa:  heholappa at hotmail dot com
