National Socialism Legally Valid in Germany
according to Horst Mahler
National Socialism Is a World View
Article 4 of Basic Law provides that “Freedom of religion and avowal of one’s world view are inviolable.” We are now going to make this our fortress! A confession of belief in National Socialism must be as little to the detriment of Germans as confessions of belief in Judaism or Christianity. Since World War II the enemy has successfully denied acknowledgement that expression of support for National Socialism is freedom of confession of a world view. The enemy did this by contending that National Socialism is “contemptuous of humanity” and therefore not protected by Article 4 of Basic Law. In refutation of this, we shall strike a blow for our liberation by proving that it is Judaism that advocates contempt for humanity and a horrifying inclination to genocide. In this way we can demonstrate that it is the devil himself who is demonizing National Socialism. And whom does the devil demonize? – The Saviour, of course!
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