Saturday Afternoon: British-German disputes as background to WWI
June 14, 2014
With Guest Paul Hickman. Carolyn and Paul start with the Naval Defence Act of 1889 and from there trace some of the tensions that built up between the UK and Germany. Some of the events and "personality clashes" that are discussed are:
- The competition for naval supremacy ushered in by Britian's "two power standard";
- Cecil Rhodes and British expansionist ideas;
- The Jameson raid and the Kruger telegram;
- The 2nd Boer War;
- The European royal family entanglements and their effect on Kaiser Wilhelm II;
- Fears brought on by the Berlin-Bagdad Railway;
- Germany's increasing economic and trade strength;
- The Zionist plan for Palestine and the Landman Document;
- German help in fomenting revolution in Russia in 1916.
Queen Victoria, Edward VII, Czar Nicholas II, Transvaal, Alfred Beit, Anglo-French Entente Cordiale, WWI PodcastsCategory
European History, Race, Saturday Afternoon podcast- 2272 reads
Woodrow Wilson
Edward Mandell House, a Texas Democrat politician, became the #2 most powerful man in the country under President Woodrow Wilson. From The Intimate Papers of Colonel House by Charles Seymour, 1926:
House began as a businessman in Texas, rose to leadership in the Democratic politics of that state, and then on the national stage. In 1911, he attached himself to Wilson, then Governor of New Jersey and an aspiring candidate for president. The two became the closest of collaborators, Wilson going so far as to make the bizarre public statement that: “Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one."
I think Wilson was a kook from day one.
Dangerous alliance, Palestine, Britain
The dangerous alliance with Austria was that Wilhelm gave Franz unconditional support in case of war, even though Austria-Hungary was a moderately unstable state in itself. Nationalism in the member states was a problem for years already. That's why the Austrian empire became the dual-monarchy Austria-Hungary to level the balance of power. But the Balkan is a true breeding ground of conflict. Being responsible for that area must lead to tensions and calls for action, as we have seen in the 1990's again.
The Jews probably asked Germany first to get Palestine, since Germany had good relations with the Ottoman Empire that owned Palestine.
The Boer wars were one reason. Another was probably that Prussia made the Kingdom of Hanover a Prussian province and thereby kicked out the British throne from his spot in the German parliament, for the Kingdom of Hanover was in personal union with the British monarch. The unification of Germany in 1871 not only abolished the papacy as ultimate head of state, but it also ended the foreign influence of neighboring monarchs that held dominion over some of the German states.
Britain over Hanover, Denmark over Schleswig, the Netherlands over Luxembourg etc.
Belgium was artificially created to offer Britain a landing zone on the continent. It used to be part of the Netherlands that in itself were forcefully excluded from the Reich as a buffer state for France. In Belgium, there was also ethnic cleansing of the Flemish-Dutch population with more and more French-Belgians to de-Germanize Brussels. The city was almost 100% Dutch 200 years ago, now it is 95% French.
It is a shame that Britain in particular developed such a hatred for German superiority. The irony is, after two world wars, Germany is in better standing than Britain. The British really shot themselves in the foot. Any one-on-one competition or war with Germany would clearly be won by the Germans. The other powers knew this and buddied up in a violent mob with their Jews hyping those emotions and taking advantage of it.
British Control
How much influence and control did Jews have over Britain prior to WW1 including these action with British Act, etc.? Is British colonization a British idea or Jewish controlling of British? and including crap like the Opium War?
To Audun
How would Jews get control of the British without British cooperation? I don't think the British were just lttle automatons being wound up by Jews and set in motion.
Correct. They did it on their
Correct. They did it on their own free will. You covered the Anglo Boer war but we also know that was for gold and diamonds for the Oppenheimers of Anglo American and De Beers. They destopryed the Boer government in order to get the minerals. The same people who used force in the end to bring black led communism in South Africa post aparthied.