Saturday Afternoon: What to do about Jewish America?
June 22, 2013
Prof. Kevin MacDonald joins Carolyn in the 2nd hour of the program to discuss his recent article at The Occidental Observer online magazine, “Israel and the NSA Scandal.” He also talked about his even newer article, “Bill O’Reilly: Exploiting the race card but avoiding the real issue.”
In the first hour, Carolyn makes a case for nationalist, ethnic identity as being a more powerful motivator for activism than European or White identity. She uses the surprising success of the Jobbik party in Hungary and the Golden Dawn party in Greece, both of which are entirely nationalist, Christian, and openly express disapproval of Jewish interference in their countries. Carolyn thinks many “Americans” would react equally strongly if they understood how the American homeland they take for granted has been stolen and is doomed to end with the loss of the White majority. She touts the idea of a new political party that points out the negative effects of the overwhelming Jewish power in the U.S., and discusses the idea further with Kevin MacDonald in the 2nd hour. (See here for an example of how the leader of such a party should present himself in the public venue.)
European Union, Jews, Race, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 1180 reads
Original comments on this program
29 Responses
Anthony Lynch
June 22, 2013 at 6:27 pm
I agree with the gentleman from Flanders. The last thing we need is whites fighting whites over ethnic lines. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing our enemies want. In fact they strive to divide and conquer the white race.
European unity is desirable, at least until we secure the existence of our people in the world. Once we achieve this end, we can debate further about notions of “ethnic sovereignty” within our racial family. To have this debate BEFORE we achieve the aforementioned goal seems counterproductive to me.
June 22, 2013 at 9:14 pm
But Anthony, no one is recommending that whites be fighting whites over ethnic lines. I am certainly not. Is the Jobbik party or Golden Dawn party fighting other Europeans or European nations? (Actually, many Greeks say some terrible things against the Germans, but that is just the kind of thing that is always going to happen, European unity or not). GD is having to politically fight others in their own country; Jobbik also struggles with their fellow Hungarians.
What you write “sounds like” an accusation. I really don’t know what you envision as “European unity.” I wonder if you do.
Anthony Lynch
June 22, 2013 at 10:03 pm
I apologize if I sounded accusing, Carolyn.
All I’m saying is that I agree with others who say that Whites WORLDWIDE should address the immediate threat to our race before arguing debating fighting (whatever word you want to use) about ethnic concepts. Why should we waste time “kicking [white European] Americans out of Sweden”, for example? That statement may just as well been written by a jew provocature for the purpose of fomenting division and discouraging White racial unity. Would he also suggest Americans worry about White Swedish or Irish or Italian immigrants? How utterly stupid! Considering demographics America would be happy to have European immigrants rather than Africans or Asians. Let’s address the immediate threat to our race before we busy ourselves with these peripherals please. Thank you.
Anthony Lynch
June 22, 2013 at 10:16 pm
“I really don’t know what YOU envision as “European unity”.
My vision of white racial solidarity echoes the sentiments Ben Klassen and The White Man’s Bible. Basically the White race has many threats from other races so why exacerbate the problem by squabbling among ourselves across ethnic lines? If we had a sense of White racial unity ,in the 1980s, we WOULD have sided with White South Africa instead of the ANC. This would make whites stronger Iin relation to the colored hordes whom populate most of the earth and seek our enslavement.
June 23, 2013 at 10:57 am
Anthony – If a European nationalist chooses to address the immediate threat to his nation, is that not just as good, and in fact more effective, than trying to “address the immediate threat to his race?” The more you work at the local level, the more effective you are in bringing about real change–as in influencing your fellow ethnics, getting better people elected, passing laws, etc.
There are those who only want to talk on some grand scale about racial unity without ever having the slightest effect in the real world. Jobbik and Golden Dawn use the slogans “Hungary for the Hungarians” and “Greece for the Greeks”– do you consider that stupid? Should they say “We are for all Europeans!” You see how that doesn’t work?
As an American, why not narrow your focus to what can be done here, rather than preach world-wide racial unity which leaves you with no responsibility to do anything.
June 23, 2013 at 11:39 am
The Ukrainian party Svoboda should be added to the successful European patriotic parties.
Founded as the Social-National Party, Svoboda won 10% of the electorate in the Ukraine.
The fact that the Ukraine is the largest country in Europe (excluding Russia), Svoboda probably is the most influential patriotic party in Europe.
This also relates to “European Identity/Nationalism”. Europe is not only the EU. Norway, Switzerland, the Vatican and a few Eastern European countries are not in the EU.
We must not recognize the “EU as Europe”.
June 23, 2013 at 11:41 am
So you do not really see ‘Europe’, you see ‘White’. It is White people, wherever they are, against non-white people. Being a Creator, you have zero tolerance for Christianity as it has been part of European or Western civilization. It seems to me that you are the one “squabbling” here because your ideas are not being followed. But the fact is Ben Klassen’s ideas have not taken hold enough to change much of anything, and the call of White Men Unite!! actually motivates very few and brings in lots of rootless tattooed skinhead types. Ethnicity is still the most powerful motivator and that’s why I think it should be used. Save Britain! Save Sweden! Save France! Save Germany! Save Greece! etc. etc. Europe is still the homeland. European ethnic-nations equal White. That’s how it remained White in the past and it can be so again.
What to do in the U.S. is a different problem. It is about being White here. But we should approach it as White Americans with European heritage, not as a world-wide racial unity. Because it’s our country, our home that we want/need to save for ourselves, not lose. If we lose it to blacks, browns, jews, where do we go? I think you express too many shoulda/woulda/coulda’s, while I am thinking practically with the situation now.
In essence, everyone has to fight for their own homeland, their own ground, land, space, culture. No one else is going to do it.
John Beattie in Canada is calling to “Save British Canada.” That’s a good way to go, although he doesn’t want to talk about Jews.
June 23, 2013 at 3:28 pm
Thanks Markus. Here is a new article in the Jewish Press. BTW, Mila Kunis is not Ukrainian but Jewish – both parents.
June 23, 2013 at 4:15 pm
Every nation should fight their own battle but that doesn’t mean they should not be inspired by other white nations struggle for survival. I can’t even imagine, what kind of future conflics we face, even if we get rid of the jews. Life is about eternal struggle.
June 23, 2013 at 6:15 pm
The Algemeiner article mentions Klitschko. The Klitschko brothers are world famous boxers and had a great career in Germany.
Both speak German fluently and are very liked in Germany. They indeed have partnered with Svoboda.
Anthony Lynch
June 23, 2013 at 6:31 pm
I’m not a creator, Carolyn. LOL I just agree with many, if not all, of the racial views held by the late Ben Klassen. If most whites are too stupid to, it’s not necessarily a reflection on Ben.
Second, I do not think I’m an impractical person. Nor are those persons whose statements you read on your program, and woefully misjudged. (imo).
As I see it, the notion of white European solidarity is not some “grand scheme” nor should it imply subordination of ethnic cultural identity or local political movements, as you assume. Fundamentally White racial solidarity is simply an idea. It implies an ACKNOWLEDGMENT on the part of racially aware White men and women (wherever they reside) of the importance of race, and the COLLECTIVE threats to our racial survival in this world. It requires nothing more or less than a racial understanding and commitment to combat the HORDES of negros mongolos and mulattos who seek our demise.
For example, White racial solidarity would support Golden Dawn because GD is foremost concerned with African immigrants and jewish power. For another, if we HAD a racial commitment in the 1980s whites worldwide would have supported White Afrikaans instead of the HORDES of niggers who intend to slaughter them!
That’s White stupidity. I advocate white SOLIDARITY.
Anthony Lynch
June 23, 2013 at 8:54 pm
@QUEX “I can’t imagine what future conflicts we face even if we get rid of the Jews”
Granted none of us has a crystal ball, but here’s how I look at it..
The combined white race currently makes up less than 7% of global population. Obviously the vast majority of Earth is populated by hordes of black and yellows. “If” whites cultivated a sense of racial loyalty, there is no reason to step on each other’s toes with so much room for advancement of white racial interests in terms of racial struggle rather than intra racial conflict.
By and large the reason for many conflicts in today’s world is due to whites granting “civil rights” and “equality” to non whites whom take advantage and don’t reciprocate. If we had a world that was, say, 70% white I think that would be less of a problem.
In any event, if white people continue to resist the urge to have a pro white attitude of solidarity, we will continue to be swamped by a rising tide of mud, and will become extinct. The world will become an asian kingdom ruling over blacks.
June 23, 2013 at 11:13 pm
You are not a Creator, yet you say “My vision of white racial solidarity echoes the sentiments Ben Klassen and The White Man’s Bible.” If your vision and Klassen’s is the same, why not commit yourself to something and become a Creator? As it is, you simply make broad, sweeping statements about White solidarity as if … AS IF … there were any racially awake Whites who were not for White solidarity. But you seem to be saying that ethnic identity precludes White identity or loyalty when you phrased it “squabbling among ourselves across ethnic lines.” Now however, you are talking on the other side so you can be on both sides, like Dana.
I ask you, Do you identify with any ethnicity? Have you ever been to Europe? You are young–why don’t you get out there among all the stupid Whites and convince them to embrace White solidarity? Or better yet, start a family if you’re really concerned with White survival.
Alexander from Flanders
June 24, 2013 at 12:42 am
I have not yet listened to the show (I will later today), but want to say something about White Unity.
Here in Europe there are still problems among White people. Because even White peoples with different cultures and languages can’t agree on everything (and what better way to explain that MULTICULTURISM will NEVER work).
However; the soft and hardcore nationalist parties over here work together to some degree. Everybody realizes that a second version of World War 2 would bury the White race, and we must do everything we can to avoid that. It’s not yet perfect, or how it should be, but it’s being done never the less. An example is EURO-RUS (What is EURO-RUS? Go to the link to get the answer in English). PLEASE CHECK THE LINK.
Since some time now people have been talking about a new AXIS (like in the second World War) between “MOSKAU-BERLIN and PARIS”. Like a Base of operations for a NEW EUROPE, a NEW START for our people (BTW: the EU is indeed NOT EUROPE, if anything it is ANTI WESTERN and must DIE).
Remember we can have LOCAL nationalist groups and still work together internationally (I believe there is no other way). White people must learn that our fates are intertwined. If we would stand as one (more or less) then nothing could stop us.
June 24, 2013 at 12:57 am
A good show. Kevin MacDonald is always a pleasure and a great source of thoughtful insight.
About the white ethnic conflict: I am inspired by large numbers of non-German Europeans who joined the Waffen SS to fight the Soviets in WW2. Europeans can put aside their differences and come together to fight a common enemy.
I think that’s an interesting model for future white unification. Whites will always quibble among themselves. When they see other whites being dragged out of cars and beaten by Muds, however, …as George C. Scott so famously said in his role as Patton…”You will know what to do.”
An old movie from the 60′s “55 Days in Peking” starring Charlton Heston shows how Europeans trapped behind Chinese lines by the Boxer Rebellion in early 1900 came together under pressure.
Personally I think people are hungry for some great dream, some great vision. Young racially aware whites, especially, have a desire to be part of something bold and important. I think those white impulses will rise again.
June 24, 2013 at 1:47 am
Hungary is the first country that has officially apologized for the expulsion of Volks-Germans from Hungary after 1945. Hungary erected a memorial and declared January 19th a holiday to remember the destiny of the post-WW2 Hungary-Germans.
Also, the new 2012 Hungarian Constituion proclaims an absolute connection of the Hungarian people to Christianity. It honors the founding Hungarian king and Hungarian contribution to European identity and Christianity.
Furthermore, the Hungarian parliament has handed out medals and honored outspoken anti-semites in recent years.
(Only in German. The English version does not reflect this information).
June 24, 2013 at 2:19 am
There is no danger of a second WW2 taking place in Europe. The danger is demographic decline into oblivion. A people with no children is a dying people. That’s us.
I notice that the Euro-Rus page does not have the word Jew even once. It speaks of International Bankers. So if a Jew is not an international banker, then I guess he’s alright.
June 24, 2013 at 6:57 am
IN Germany, deaths have exceeded births EVERY YEAR since 1971:
I guess they’re only referring to the BRD-the demographic situation may not have been as bad in the old East Germany.
Alexander from Flanders
June 24, 2013 at 10:08 pm
Talking about jews in a negative way is ILLEGAL in most parts of Western Europe (if you are a nationalist you must be very careful). The courts will stretch and bend the law if they don’t like you. In Greece and Hungary the law is better. They have a “little” bit more freedom. Germany is the worst… they have freaking witch trails. So you will see parties here that avoid certain topics.
If you read what they say about Israel and the “international banking system” you should be able to understand what they are REALLY talking about, Caroline. You can say something without really saying it (if you catch my drift). I don’t like that myself, but you have to start somewhere. I though that you could at least figure that out yourself.
When people talk against the American influence they often automatically include IsraHELL. Two birds of a feather…
I should also metion that if you go to court for “defaming a racial group” you might lose all you’re civil rights.
You can no longer vote.
You can no longer run for office.
You can’t work for the gouverment anymore.
You’re party will be illegal.
You must pay a fine.
You might end up doing jail time (or get a certain period were if you misbehave you go to jail).
You’re name and reputation is destroyed.
If you have a job, you will lose it.
So please try to understand that the situation is very different in Europe. There is a reason why some parties won’t mention the chosen ones. I don’t like it, but I understand it.
Alexander from Flanders
June 24, 2013 at 10:28 pm
The show was very interesting by the way. I like Prof. MaCDonald. He’s a brave man to speak out like that.
The whole spying thing is just wierd. The US let’s IsraHELL do it’s spy work??? That’s like letting the fox guard the chickens.
Also very sad that the people don’t get it. With everything that has happened you would think they realize something is wrong, and ask some questions.
Here in Europe jews are not really liked. Not that people know the details, but they just don’t like them. The strange thing is that the left here is often very anti IsraHELL.
Also the laws against anti semitism (en tegen racisme) get stronger every couple of years. Like they are having trouble controling the masses (at least that’s what I hope).
June 24, 2013 at 11:10 pm
Of course I figured it out. But I still say, in that case, we don’t know enough about such an organization. I’m not big on alliances. I think each national group should work within itself to arouse its population to demand the freedom to assert its legitimate opinions. It’s basically the EU that has bound all these nations under these common laws. There are a lot of good arguments that can be used, but are not. Too much complacency, not enough courage.
Alexander from Flanders
June 24, 2013 at 11:54 pm
We need White alliances. You also said that a WW2 situation is not the problem at this stage. Well, my answer is:
Remember what they did to Serbia? A White country that stood up against the Muslim invaders, and the US beast and it’s disgusting allies (my country included) destroyed it. White soldiers did the bombing and occupying, and GAVE a piece of Serbian land to the Muslims.
What do you think will happen to Greece if the Golden Dawn takes over? Or if any other White nation rises up? They will get the Serbian treatment, and depending on the size and conditions, they will get the Germany World War 2 treatment. They have done it before, and they will do it again if they can get away with it, and White IDIOT soldiers will gladly do the dirty work.
White Unity on an international level can counter that. We must work together to fight this international beast. If we all stand alone, they will take us down one by one. If we stand together (if possible with a big player like Russia) they can’t do nothing.
June 25, 2013 at 10:01 am
“Anthony Lynch
June 23, 2013 at 8:54 pm
The world will become an asian kingdom ruling over blacks.”
Have you ever thought what is the reason behind third world population explosion? Let me enlighten you – it’s mostly due white inventions like advanced agriculture, white invented and maintained technology in broadest sense, hygiene and medicine.
Before that mother nature took care of population maintainence by hunger, disease and premature child deaths. Even among white population, it was not rare case that from families of 12+ children lived to old age only one or two. If whites would stop being dumb to feed those who are killing them, there would not any problem with having too many yellow of black people at all. It’s our work, our tax money what is used against us. Actually making tide turn is incredibly easy, you just have to kick out all jews from mass media, politics, banking, medicine, military, etc and send all these mudskins back to where they came from, but this is task what every nation should do themselves. Nobody is gonna come and solve our problems for us, not daddy Putin-Epstein, greeks or hungarians.
June 25, 2013 at 10:45 am
You and I are not coming together on what “standing alone” and “standing together” means. I am objecting to those who object to Whites focusing on their specific ethnic group, as if this is something “divisive” to Euro-unity which they are hung up on. BTW, I don’t trust Putin.
Anthony Lynch
June 26, 2013 at 3:53 am
Quex Thank you for enlightening me. Your critique sounds like something i’d have written myself, as I’m in total agreement regarding the problem of white technology aiding non white population growth. However, that’s another reason why white solidarity would benefit our world. For example it is the LACK of white solidarity that causes ignorant whites to send charity and foreign aid to sub human african countries, rather than helping fellow WHITE nations who might actually be grateful and do something positive in return. It is this beguiling lack of racial loyalty which allowed the majority of whites internationally to support communist niggers against our own racial brothers in South Afrika.
As far as I can tell, the lesson of history is that whites need to learn to stick together, not at the expense of national identity, but in spite of it.
June 27, 2013 at 4:10 am
“Anthony Lynch
June 26, 2013 at 3:53 am”
Ok, and who are going to lead these united white people? Americans? Lol, they can’t even unite among themselves. I am afraid that global white solidarity is pretty much utopian idea, because we are too different to each other. Idea of common identity based on color of skin has some sense only among american whites because they came from mixed nations. Holding hands is beautiful goal, but if it’s not followed by action, violent if necessary, then it’s just empty political rhetorics. Why should greeks come and solve YOUR problems? They have enough of their own. You have to think realistically.
June 29, 2013 at 11:25 am
Please spread this link for 308 Dr. Wiliam Pierce broadcasts. Video makers make more video’s.
July 2, 2013 at 4:58 pm
The spy story from the town of Michelbach in the western German state of Hesse is reminiscent of the days when the Berlin Wall was still standing amid the smoldering East-West conflict. It also shows how the Russians view Germany to this day, despite all pledges of friendship. Germany is a “land of the enemy,” as the SWR, the successor to the KGB, said in a radio message found among the Anschlags’ things. Much has changed since the fall of the Iron Curtain, but Moscow shamelessly continues its spying activities.
July 4, 2013 at 10:56 am
Really, it would be better for us to set up a anti-jew movement (not so much anti-Israel though) and drop all the race elements all together. Reducing Jew control would help the White race without ever having to mention ‘White’.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t motivate anyone as much as just shouting ‘White’ or their particular ethnic group… so guess what, we’ll probably lose at this rate.