holocaust denial

Holocaust deniers, unite!

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-08-10 00:59

The push to wipe us off the face of the earth, beginning with social media, is underway!

The grotesque "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe," 2711 meaningless concrete slabs that sit on 4.7 acres of prime real estate in the heart of Berlin's tourism district reveals the terrible vengence Jews must extract for any attempt by Europeans to plot our own future.

UPDATE: See below

By Carolyn Yeager

THE LATEST RUCKUS BEING STIRRED UP BY BELIEVERS is a letter to Mark Zuckerberg (right) from a “coalition” of heads of global Holocaust museums and foundations with an “offer to help the Facebook CEO “battle Holocaust denial” on his social media platform.

For the letter-signers, battling Holocaust denial doesn't mean the opportunity to meet doubters' criticisms with irrefutable facts and documentary evidence that Jews really did experience during WWII what they claim. No, to them it means censoring, banning, removing all content that questions, contradicts or in any way belittles their official narrative of horrors that they have named “The Holocaust” or “The Shoah.”

How Deutsche Welle broadcasting promotes Holocaust disinformation and denies the truth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-11-24 14:08

By Carolyn Yeager

DEUTSCHE WELLE, GERMANY'S INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC BROADCASTER, was founded in 1953 with the mission to convey Germany as a “liberal, democratic state based on the rule of law.” In this capacity, it commonly puts out false and/or misleading statements when covering the subject of the “Holocaust.”

It's latest online article on Ursula Haverbeck (right, appearing in court in 2017) is a good case to study. Titled “Appeal postponed again in 'Nazi Grandma' Holocaust denial case,” the article contains several errors or falsehoods that can be imputed to DW policy. The first is this sentence:

Under German law, denial of the Holocaust — in which 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis — constitutes incitement of racial hatred.

Yep, “Holocaust Denial” is a criminal act, punishable by imprisonment—go figure

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-10-16 14:44

Ursula Haverbeck sits in a Berlin court today with her attorney to answer new charges filed against her for a "holocaust-denying" statement she made on January 30th last year. She was sentenced to a six-month prison term.

By Carolyn Yeager

TODAY, OCTOBER 16, 2017, 88-YEAR OLD URSULA HAVERBECK was once again dragged into court, convicted and sentenced to 6-months in prison for the ridiculous "crime" of saying there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. This makes her a "holocaust denier." (See my latest article here) This particular crime took place during an event in Berlin on January 30, 2016.

Haverbeck has in the past called the Holocaust "the biggest and most sustained lie in history."

She has also filed charges against Germany's Central Council of Jews for "prosecuting innocent people."

An Evening (without evidence) with Deborah Lipstadt

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-05-05 15:26

Deborah Lipstadt looks like your common 'hausfrau' as she explains what motivates holocaust deniers to a student audience of about 150  at Northwestern University on May 4, 2017. This poor woman needs to wear some color in order to look alive. Lipstick?

By Carolyn Yeager

LAST NIGHT, EMORY U. PROFESSOR OF MODERN jEWISH AND HOLOCAUST STUDIES, Deborah Lipstadt, spoke to an estimated 150 mainly Jewish students at the McCormick Foundation Center forum at Northwestern University, north of Chicago, the long-time home of distinguished professor of engineering Arthur R. Butz.

Lipstadt's talk was arranged by Fiedler Hillel as part of “Northwestern Israel Week.” It's always like that because there is no general interest from students in what a Jew's Jew like Lipstadt has to say. Note that she is not a professor of history, as she's so often sloppily called, but merely of Jewish Studies. More recently, Emory University added “Holocaust” to her title, I would guess because of a book she wrote titled Denying the Holocaust.

My response to Alan Dershowitz's essay “The origin of fake news in holocaust denial” published at Gatestone Institute

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-03-27 18:59

An American lawyer and Harvard law professor for many years, the 78-year-old Alan Dershowitz has always been a strong supporter of Israel.

By Carolyn Yeager

I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT GATESTONE INSTITUTE, but it appears to be comprised of Neo-Conservative, pro-Israel Washington DC-New York types, with John R. Bolton paid to be the figurehead. I didn't think this essay written by Alan Dershowitz claiming holocaust denial to be an example of 'fake news' was up to any sort of quality standard, but Dershowitz himself is listed on the Board of Governors, so that explains it.

The well-known Jewish attorney takes the Trumpian theme of “fake news,” which perfectly fits the changing holocaust narrative through it's 73 years of existence, and turns it to mean denial of the holocaust is what constitutes fake news. I, on the other hand, have used the terms fake news and fake history to describe the holocaust itself.

Dershowitz brings up the importance of “facts and evidence” quite a number of times in distinguishing between the official holocaust narrative and holocaust denial, yet he produces not a single fact or piece of evidence in his argument. He starts out with a number of unproved statements presented as though they are fact. The underlining is all in the original – I didn't add any.