NSU “terror trial” limps to a close with predictable results

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-07-11 19:44

Wolfgang Stahl, Anja Sturm and Wolfgang Heer with their client in April 2013, whom they represented, for better and for worse, through thick and thin, for almost 7 years, and they aren't done yet.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE LIE AT THE BASE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY infects everything about it and thereby poisons especially its system of justice. Everything is political in this captive nation—even 'justice' has to follow the politically correct script.

After a five-year trial (a 7 year investigation), at the end of which nothing was proven for certain without the voluntary written testimony given by main defendant Beate Zschäpe—in opposition to her lawyers' counsel—the verdict is so predictable.

Zschäpe was found guilty of the murder of all 9 “foreign citizens,” plus all the bombings and robberies – even though she wasn't present at any—and given a life sentence.


Germany, NSU trial

Adolf Hitler on How He Joined the DAP

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-07-10 16:46

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

In the previous selection, Adolf Hitler was ordered by his regiment superiors, after the liberation of Munich, to attend a course of lectures meant to “teach fundamental civic principles.” He said there he met fellow soldiers who were of a similar mind, and he stood to speak in opposition to Jewry for the first time. This led to his being given a different role in a different regiment.


In another direction too, this course of lectures had important consequences for me.

One day I asked to speak. Another participant felt obligated to break a lance for the Jews and entered into a lengthy defense of them. This aroused my opposition. An overwhelming majority supported my views. The consequence of it all was that, a few days later, I was assigned to a regiment then stationed at Munich, and given a position there as a so-called 'educational officer.'

Hoaxer Claude Lanzmann dead at 92; purveyer of holocaust by testimony

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-07-05 21:34

Claude Lanzmann, best known for the 9-hour holoaust-genre film "Shoah," died on Thursday at the Staint-Antoine Hospital in Paris.

By Carolyn Yeager

SHOAH IS 'CATASTROPHE' IN HEBREW. No doubt about it, the laws passed in Germany were seen as a catastrophe for Jews by Jews, but what took place after that never rose to the level of a “Holocaust.”

Jews were encouraged, and even helped financially and otherwise, to emigrate out of Germany. Most Jews, knowing the nature of the German people, preferred to believe the threat would “blow over”, or was something they could manage to survive, or thought they were too highly placed to be affected by it (like the Warburgs).

Monika & Alfred Schaefer trial underway in Munich

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-07-03 15:10

Left: First day of the trial. Attorney Sylvia Stolz (adviser); Attorney Wolfram Nahrath (Monika Schaefer's counsel); Attorney Frank Miksch (Alfred's counsel); Alfred Schaefer (Defendant); Lady Renouf (observer). Photo courtesy Lady Renouf.

By Carolyn Yeager

See Update: Day 3 & 4

I HAVE RECEIVED SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTS since yesterday, which I'm following with great interest as there is not any kind of reporting at all in the mainstream media. The Federal Republic of Germany doesn't like to advertise the many 'neo-nazi' and 'holocaust denial' trials it has going on all the time in “the freest Germany ever!”

AfD Party Congress decides on Erasmus Foundation affiliation

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-07-02 00:16

AfD support is growing in Germany and they are planning for the future.

By Carolyn Yeager

I've found a website that might make my reporting on Germany a little easier—it is Free West Media. Possibly an improvement over the so-biased Deutsche Welle.

The Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) held it's annual party congress in Augsburg over the weekend and the big news was the decision to formally recognize the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation (DES) as its only party foundation. It rejected the idea of a party-based foundation.

Podcast with John Friend: Hitler and Trump - what we need to understand

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-07-01 13:19

I DID A PODCAST WITH JOHN FRIEND on Saturday morning. We talked about my book "The Artist Within the Warlord - An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known," which turned out to be quite an interesting discussion. The second edition published by The Barnes Review has just been released. We then transitioned to the subject of Donald Trump as seen by his critics and his admirers. I am a supporter while John takes the role of combination critic and admirer. Does that work?

I have to apologize that your listening pleasure is somewhat marred by a poor skype connection on my part, making my voice a little choppy. It's not too bad, but here and there part of a word is cut off. I haven't yet ascertained what the problem is, though I will before I do another podcast. 1h7m.

The pendulum swings—it's our turn now

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-06-29 21:33

The Democrats were anticipating what can happen to their "great society" with the retirement of just one Supreme Courts justice, Anthony Kennedy (pictured), while Trump is president. It just happened.

By Carolyn Yeager

EARLY IN MY LIFE, I experienced the cultural takeover of the U.S. by the Left with the Warren Supreme Court and all that it entailed. Now I have lived to see the pendulum begin to swing back in the opposite direction … as it always does.

My good friend Ray Goodwin likes to bring up that pendulum imagery, saying “Never fear, it will come back our way eventually. It has to.


Donald Trump, News

Adolf Hitler on Discovering Gottfried Feder

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-06-27 12:46

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

The short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic (Bayerische Räterepublik) during the German Revolution of 1918–19, took the form of a workers' council republic. Räterepublik means a republic of councils or committees (council or committee is also the meaning of the Russian word soviet).


P 397 […] At the end of November 1918, I returned to Munich. I went to the replacement battalion of my regiment, which was now in the hands of the 'soldiers' council.' Their whole administration was quite repulsive to me, and so I decided to leave it as soon as possible. With my faithful war-comrade Ernst Schmiedt, I went to Traunstein and remained there until the camp was broken up.

In March 1919 we were back in Munich. […]

Book News: “The Artist Within the Warlord”

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-06-24 23:54

THE SECOND EDITION of The Artist Within the Warlord is now being sold at TBR. It is no longer available through Amazon.

I have a few extra copies that I am willing to sell if you would like to get a personally signed and dedicated to you (by me) copy and don't mind paying other than by credit card. I have just four of the first edition and eight of the second edition. The first edition I will sell for just $18 plus $5 shipping/handling within the U.S. The second edition will be $25 plus $5 s/h.


Adolf Hitler

Jewish historian says “easier to prove something did happen than did not”

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-06-18 16:11

Pictures like this are supposed to convince you that there is tons of evidence for the Holocaust. US Army staffers are organizing stacks of German documents collected by investigators in preparation for the 1946 International Military Tribunal.

By Carolyn Yeager

IT SHOULDN'T BE UP TO REVISIONISTS TO PROVE the Holocaust didn't happen.

It is up to proponents of the Holocaust to prove that it did. Unfortunately for them, no proof exists though the believers believe that it does.

As a recent case in point, a Hebrew University historian has discovered that proving something did not happen is difficult. He says it's because such proof is based on the absence of evidence rather than its presence.


Khazars, Khazaria
