Elie Wiesel

Saturday Afternoon: Shoah business turning again to "shock and awe"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-01-18 12:44

Jan. 18, 2014

British Army Film Unit  footage of entry into Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and following  events,  was turned into a shocking film that was never shown. Now it will be.

  • Jason Kenney, Canadian Minister for Multiculturalism:   “There is some kind of moral obligation on the entire world to support a secure homeland for the Jewish people–given not just the Holocaust, but the entire history of anti-Semitism. Both in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere”;
  • Brendan O’Neil blogs that holocaust “deniers” and revisionists should not be censored “because it gives the impression that mainstream society is defensive and must prevent people from questioning what happened.” Right On, Brendan!;
  • Will Elie Wiesel be absent from this year’s Auschwitz-Birkenau January 27 Commemoration … now being called the anniversary of the “liberation of Europe”;
  • Redigitalized version of “unseen Hitchcock documentary” film of British and American troops entering the German concentrations camps is being brought out for the 70th Anniversary of the “liberation of Europe;”
  • The British film’s narration is full of factual untruths, snide comments and pure hatred for Germans, thus it will be accompanied by a new film “explaining it,” titled Night Will Fall;
  • Shock events like Sandy Hook have anomalies and stupidities built into them to attract the more intelligent, independent-minded among us to discuss “conspiracy theories” for years rather than address the far more important problem of White displacement, loss of homeland and all financial resources.

Image:  The British put up this propaganda sign at the Belsen concentration camp in 1945, after its “liberation” … though they came at the request of the overwhelmed Germans, who were waiting for them. (click to enlarge)

The "liberation" of Auschwitz and other true stories

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-01-06 19:20

Jan. 6, 2014

Anticipating this year’s official “Commemoration in honor of the victims of the holocaust” at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial site in Poland, Carolyn tells the true story of the “liberation” of that camp, as far as can be known. Other points of interest:

  • David Irving is ready to sue the BBC for plagiarism in a recently televised documentary;
  • It’s important to stand up for yourself and we all need to do it, but we must have the truth on our side;
  • The Red Army and its propaganda unit arrived at Auschwitz before Jan. 27 and surveyed the situation with the intention of making war-crimes accusations;
  • It is a near certainty that the Soviets blew up the three crematoria and burned down the clothing warehouses, which they then blamed on the Germans;
  • Carolyn uses examples to contrast factual discussion of  “movement” business versus making up stories about people to “get even.”

(Click on image to enlarge)

Ken Waltzer inadvertantly supplies proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-09-08 10:37

By Carolyn Yeager

Above: Ken Waltzer’s now notorious signature photo connecting him to his claim, for years, that Elie Wiesel was in this photograph of  youths from the Buchenwald children’s barracks being marched out of the camp after so-called liberation.

We have further proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald because Prof. Ken Waltzer is still unwilling to publish his book about the “rescue of children from Buchenwald,” a book which has always included the “Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel” among the children.

Since Waltzer is the only holocaust “historian” I know who is still on record as saying he can prove that Elie Wiesel was a prisoner at the Buchenwald concentration camp—and that his father Shlomo died there—I think that makes Waltzer a fitting subject for this website. And the 84-year old Wiesel himself is not doing anything that I can find news of these days, so I’m a little hard up for inspiration.

Thus I ask: What is Waltzer up to? Well, he has been heading a group of Michigan Jews in creating a traveling exhibition that is meant to remind Jews, and convince if necessary, of all the poisecution they experienced during the WWII years and to celebrate how extraordinarily well things have been going for Jews since (while, of course, still having to be on guard against new poisecution).

Thus, the exhibition is titled Uneasy Years: Michigan Jewry During Depression and War. Michigan Jewry! How many Jews are in Michigan? According to a Jewish website, in 2012 there were 82,270, which is 0.8% (8/10 of 1%) of the total Michigan population. But that is enough for Ken Waltzer and other Jews to build an entire traveling exhibition for.

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Elie's Adventures in Buchenland

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-07-28 19:51

Elie’s Adventures in Buchenland

By Carolyn Yeager
Copyright 2013 Carolyn Yeager

How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Introduction: In Elie Wiesel’s book Night, we find the scenario and characters changing often, and in many cases, with little rhyme or reason that is apparent to the reader. One easily concludes that, like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it is a work of absurdity.

In Lewis Carroll’s classic, nothing makes sense because nothing has to make sense – the intention was to be a “childish” type of foolishness or make-believe from the start. It is an example of literary nonsense (1) genre. Interestingly, we find similar examples of nonsense and absurdity in many of the stories and writings of self-proclaimed “holocaust survivors” – and we put Elie Wiesel into this category. This is why Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is such a good fit for a parody of Elie Wiesel’s Night.

Cast of Characters:

Elie = Elie Wiesel

White Rabbit = Ken Waltzer

Father = no such person has been found

The King and Queen of Hearts = SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV)

The Duchess = Hilda Wiesel

The Cheshire Cat = Carolyn Yeager

The March Hare = Antonin Kalina, Czech communist block leader

The (Mad) Hatter = Gustav Schiller, Polish Jew block leader


Elie is quite bored one warm afternoon at the Jewish orphan’s mansion in France where he lives. This is not unusual for Elie, who has absolutely nothing to do all day but play chess or study the Talmud and other holy texts of which he is known to be almost fanatically fond.  Today, though, no one was around the chess table that had been set up outdoors under a large tree, and Elie becomes a bit dreamy, maybe even sleepy. His is suddenly brought wide-awake again when he sees a White Rabbit run by, looking at its pocket watch and muttering “Oh dear, oh dear, I’m going to be late!”  Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

"Elie Wiesel Was Not in Buchenwald" Made Simple

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-06-12 06:30

by Carolyn Yeager
copyright 2013 carolyn yeager

“In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.” -Elie Wiesel speaking of his book Night, from his Memoir: All Rivers Run to the Sea

For the skeptics and know-nothings who have written in suggesting Eli Wiesel was not in the camps, that Night is purely fiction, you are all dead wrong. The Red Cross International Tracing Service Archives documents for Lazar Wiesel and his father prove beyond any doubt that Lazar and his father arrived from Buna to Buchenwald January 26, 1945, that his father soon died a few days later. -Kenneth Waltzer in a comment at Scrapbookpages Blog, March 6, 2010.

The story that Michigan State University history professor Kenneth Waltzer has told us about Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald, based on Wiesel’s book Night, is not true.1

Elie Wiesel was not incarcerated at Buchenwald.

He was not liberated from Buchenwald.

He was not a victim of the “Nazis” there.

Saturday Afternoon: Demolishing "Elie in Buchenwald" once and for all

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-08 13:28

June 8, 2013

Carolyn discusses the “Big Lie” that Elie Wiesel was ever in Buchenwald concentration camp and liberated from there in 1945. An article she is preparing for Elie Wiesel Cons the World, she hopes will be the definitive “stake in the heart” of this long-running fraud, along with all it’s related elements. Unfortunately this program was marred by a technical problem and then a  Skype failure in the first hour, but the most important points made were:

  • Hasidic Judaism, prevalent among Eastern European Jews, emphasizes, through oral stories, the acceptance of unbelievable occurrences, miracle-working, and fortune-telling (predicting the future);
  • Historian Kenneth Waltzer of MSU has, since Oct. 2012,  wiped off the Internet all his pages about Buchenwald and Elie Wiesel, his specialty for several years;
  • Elie Wiesel’s claim in Night and in his memoir that he became deathly ill with food poisoning 3 days after the Buchenwald liberation (April 14), spending the next two weeks in hospital, wipes out Waltzer’s “evidence” for Wiesel’s presence in Buchenwald, including being in the photograph taken on April 16! (above);
  • The account in Night of the date of arrival at Buchenwald, followed by the timing of  “Father’s” death, is way off from the official records at Buchenwald Memorial;
  • And much more.

Image: Wiesel in 1986, right after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, posing with famous Buchenwald photo at Yad Vashem that he didn’t claim to be in until 1983.

Note: This recording has been cleaned of the blank and garbled spaces It lost 10 minutes.

Elie Wiesel misses "visit to Chapman" this year

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-06-04 16:49

By Carolyn Yeager

Elie Wiesel did not have a visit with Chapman University students this spring. Up until this year, he had completed only two years  of his five-year appointment as a Distinguished Presidential Fellow at the university. 2013 would have been year three.  Wiesel previously arrived at the end of March or in April for about five days. Now it is already June and school is out.

I searched the March 2013 archives of The Panther, Chapman U’s student-run newspaper, and found nothing. It always covered Wiesel’s visits in the past.

The last public appearances that I know of are his speech at Kent State University in Ohio  on April 11th, and his participation in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) 20th anniversary on April 28-29, during which he had to meet lots of people. He looked frail at both events and I imagine he didn’t think he had the energy for more than those.

I have a suspicious thought, however, that he simply ran out of anything of even pretend-value to say to young students, and is now begging off his 5-year appointment. I think at the time, shortly after the Bernard Madoff scandal broke, Wiesel felt he needed money and the California Jewish funders of Chapman University’s holohoax wing came up with this idea. Wiesel grabbed it, but now doesn’t care as much, being that his son is a Vice-President at Goldman Sachs. He’s probably made up his losses already.

Pictured above right: Elie Wiesel in younger days poses with a large bronze bust of himself that adorns the entrance to the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library at Chapman University.

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Elie Wiesel

The Enemy in Our Midst - Elie Wiesel's USHMM celebrates 20 years

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-30 09:54

By Carolyn Yeager

How the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC uses our money to further goals that serve international Jews.

Elie Wiesel and the above-named holohoax museum are as linked together as the military-industrial complex. Wiesel serves Israel and the International Jewish power structure and, in turn, it looks after him and ensures that he is not only wealthy but famous and covered with honors and decorations that bring him respect.

The United States, since Woodrow Wilson and the 1913 takeover of the U.S. Treasury by the Jewish banking cabal’s Federal Reserve System, has been a captive nation. Even though it appears to be the most powerful nation on earth – that is appearance only if you define a nation as being governed by and serving the people who formed and created that nation.

The truth is, the American people have a foreign parasitical entity attached to our nation, which has changed its very demographic make-up and just keeps spawning more and more anti-American policies. One of the spreading tentacles of this parasite is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

When one studies this museum, how it came into being and how it operates, one can clearly discern it’s parasitical nature – and why, rather than contributing to the national well-being, it takes away from it.

This week, Sunday and Monday April 28-29, is the culmination of several months of “commemoration” of the museum’s 20th year of existence.1 It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003, so I assume there will be a propaganda-filled anniversary commemoration every 10 years from now on – and maybe they’ll throw in a 25th too – unless it is put out of business. Following are some reasons the USHMM should be closed down.

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The Heretics' Hour: Enemy in Our Midst: Elie Wiesel's USHMM

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-29 19:00

April 29, 2013

Carolyn first discusses questions about the extent of computer-generated images (CGI) rather than real-life people used in the Boston Marathon bombing media coverage. Good questions are raised by the proponents of media-fakery, but definitive answers are still elusive.

The main topic of the show is Carolyn’s new article up at Elie Wiesel Cons The World that takes on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as an enemy stronghold entrenched in our national body. Since it is an all-Jewish museum serving international Jewish interests, it should be disconnected from the U.S. government, becoming a privately endowed institution.

Image at right from Monday’s 20th Anniversary ceremony: Elie Wiesel and friend, Poet Rebecca Dupas (far left) on stage with WWII vet Scottie Ooton (a 'liberator') and Bill Clinton (right).

Jews and their lies

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-04-11 04:14

By Carolyn Yeager

Just recently, the Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, has admitted to plagiary and lying about it.

He is a 60 year-old “trained philosopher” who was elected in 2008 as the religious leader of the third-largest Jewish community in the world, numbering approximately 600,000. (Note the two symbolic sixes in the foregoing.) At issue were several parts of his book Forty Jewish Meditations that were found to be taken from other sources.

Right: Bernheim with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, also a Jew, awarding him the Legion of Honor in 2010. Sarkozy said twice that Bernheim is an “agrégé de philosophie,” a very competitive academic distinction in France. Bernheim did not contradict him.

The plagiarizing is one thing; the trail of lies this flawed man came up with to deny it is the real scandal. Just last December, Pope Benedict XVI quoted from a recent essay by Bernheim on same-sex marriage; now there are charges that parts of that essay, too, were similar to the work of others. On Monday, a French Web site, Archeology of Cut and Paste, accused the rabbi of using passages in his essay that were close to those in a book by a priest, the Rev. Joseph-Marie Verlinde. No wonder the Pope liked it!

The exposure of the plagiarism started in March (last month) when a website named Strass de la philosophie discovered similarities between Bernheim’s work and an interview of the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard in the 1996 book Questioning Judaism by Elizabeth Weber.

A few days later, in a childish, yet cynical attempt to cover for himself, Bernheim answered by saying that some of the meditations in the books were transcripts of lessons he gave in the 1980s, as a chaplain for Jewish students, and that these lessons were often recorded while copies of his personal notes were handed to pupils – thus implying that Lyotard, who died in 1998, plagiarized him, and not the opposite.

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Elie Wiesel, Jews
