
Police Union Chief: Germany facing social unrest without border fence

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-10-18 10:33

Hungary enlisted prisoners and the country's military to help construct a fence along its border with Serbia. Anyone breaking through the fence is breaking the law.

In a warning to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's Police Union Chief Ranier Wendt said Germany was facing "social unrest" due to the large number of migrants entering the country.

"Our internal (law and) order is at risk...Someone needs to pull the emergency brake now."

He was referring to Merkel as "the someone" and the construction of a border fence as "the brake."

In an interview with the Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Wendt insisted that tough measures - like the construction of a fence along the border with Austria - were vital for the country "to carry out serious border controls." [see a previous interview]

The Heretics' Hour: The Anti-Germans & the "Holocaust"

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-10-12 21:05

Oct. 12, 2015

Anti-Deutsch march at Dresden Anniversary with sign that says "Thank you, Bomber Harris." They usually also carry Israeli and American flags.

Carolyn looks at Germans and Germany tonight in a shorter than usual program. It's long enough, however, to cover these topics:

  • Trouble in Europe - who's to blame;
  • The mayoral election in Vienna disappoints, but is still a good showing for Heinz-Christian Strache;
  • Donald Trump says all the right things, making running for U.S. president seem efforless;
  • Germany is the heart of White Europe and the heart needs help;
  • A detailed look at the “Anti-Germans” and their dependence on the straight Holohoax story;
  • White Nationalists need to wake up and do something productive.  46min

German media howls at the terms "self-defense" and "emergency"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2015-10-10 00:01

Bavarian CSU Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann and Prime Minister Horst Seehofer jointly call for a halt to refugees crossing at the Austrian-German border, October 8, 2015.

How they howl when they hear the term “self-defense” used by a German politician. Germany is obviously not allowed to defend herself since the military capitulation of 1945.

Bavaria's cabinet met Friday morning and supported the possibility of taking the federal government to the Constitutional Court if it did not agree to turn refugees back at the Austrian border as an “emergency measure.” Earlier Bavarian president Horst Seehofer had put it this way to the Bild newspaper: "There will come explicit measures of self-defense to limit immigration, such as turning back people at the Austrian border."

Such wording set off alarm bells throughout the controlled German media. The Süddeutsch Zeitung wrote:

Merkel: No limit; Bavarian governor: We revolt in "self-defense"

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2015-10-08 11:28

by Carolyn Yeager

While Angela Merkel made it clear in a TV talk show interview Wednesday night that her government will not "freeze" the refugee inflow at a particular number, saying it is "not possible" to do so, the governor of Bavaria and leader of her sister party, the CSU (Christian Social Union), Horst Seehofer (pictured above), is meeting with his cabinet tomorrow to organize something of a revolt.

Seehofer and his party, and even some key members of Merkel's party, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), take a more realistic approach to the refugee invasion and are questioning Merkel's leadership on this issue.

Horst Mahler is out of prison, but not free

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-10-07 11:30

It is reported that 79-year-old dissident Horst Mahler was released from prison on Sept. 3rd after serving 2/3 (10 years) of his sentence, but will remain on probation for four more years. The probation terms are no doubt why we hear nothing from him, and nothing is or will be written about him in the media. He has been effectively silenced.

He is also critically ill. His left leg was amputated in prison because of neglect of his health by prison officials. His home needs some refurbishing to accommodate his now disabled status. It is up to the truth-for-Germany community to contribute to the financial needs of our courageous comrade. Here is how you can help:

The Heretics' Hour: German Suicide? It's the history, stupid!

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-10-05 14:30

Oct. 5, 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel as Mother Theresa - turning Germany into a place of hope for all the world's refugees from war, poverty and just plain bad luck. 1.5 million expected this year. Spiegel cover

Carolyn Yeager looks at what's being called the European “Migrant Crisis” (a self-made crisis) in terms of its origins: the false historical narrative perpetrated by the Allied victors in 1945. Lies always have their consequences. Topics include:

  • Germany's Chancellor Mutti Merkel seeks the moral high ground for her own image, but puts the German people and nation in jeopardy;
  • Irishman Peter Sutherland, called the Father of Globalization, preaches that European prosperity = multiculturalism;
  • European Central Bank VP Vitor Constancio: Low birth rate in Europe makes immigration essential … (but why then the high unemployment?);
  • The United Nations and the Nuremberg Tribunals used the false concept of “International Law” to support dictatorial one-world polices of the US/UK/USSR/Jewish elites;
  • Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt were warmongers who conspired to bring about world carnage tor spurious reasons;
  • A major integrated movement to salvage and broadcast our true history is the best way forward. 1hr7min

In Saxony, thousands demonstrate against refugees

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-10-05 00:07

Banner says: Non-violent and united against wars of religion on German soil! enlarge

While Mutti Merkel is in India ...

Thousands of people took to the streets in several Saxon cities over the weekend to protest against refugees. In Sebnitz alone about 2500 demonstrators formed a "living border."

According to Der Spiegel, thousands of people have participated over the weekend in Saxony in demonstrations against refugees in the country. In Sebnitz, on the border with the Czech Republic, 2500 people gathered on Sunday afternoon by dpa-estimates: They wanted to form a "living border". The police did not have estimates of the number of participants

Mike Ruckh, mayor of Sebnitz, criticized the rally. "One may disagree on what is not working," he told the MDR. "But simple answers to difficult questions do not exist."


Germany, Immigration, News

Germany establishes "Hate Crime" classification to protect refugees

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-30 00:05

A protest march on September 9 in Riesa featues a banner demanding an end to asylum abuse - will this become a "hate crime?"

In light of Globalist Elites' concern for attacks against refugees, Germany has introduced stricter laws on “racist violence.” The new laws, which went into force in August, include granting greater powers to federal prosecutors in cases of “hate crimes.”

A “hate crime” is one with a racist motivation, and carries heavier penalties than a similar non-racist crime.

So will the raping of a native-born German woman by a black resident or refugee be considered a “hate crime” because of it's racist overtones? Why even ask such a question. Look to Sweden. It will be up to German women to "cover up."

Beyond heavier punishment, the prosecutors will be able to intervene earlier in investigating crimes “where racism or xenophobia are suspected” to have been in play. And they will also have the power to launch joint operations with other German states.

Two and one half year old NSU trial in Munich is in a muddle

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-29 23:15

Talk about going nowhere. The so-called National Socialist Underground trial presided over by Judge Manfred Götzl in Munich is ostensibly seeking to prove that three "neo-nazis" conspired together to kill 9 Turkish immigrants and a federal policewoman.  But after 2 1/2 years that it has dragged on, it has only gotten farther away from such a finding. 



No more Germans, only "established residents" and "newcomers"

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-09-27 21:48

Hans-Georg Maassen, Germany's domestic intelligence chief, warned Sunday of a radicalisation of right-wing groups, not about the public disorder and law-breaking of migrants.

German President Joachim Gauck has warned of Germany's "finite capacity" to absorb refugees, cautioning against more "tensions between newcomers and established residents". But he's not putting up any resistance that we can notice.

No, according to the AFP he said: “Given the rapid influx," the government must now "promote the construction of apartments and build schools, hire teachers and kindergarten staff, adjust the labour market and vocational training, teach the German language and German law -- and do all of that at the same time".

Seems the government of Merkel and Gauck is in danger of resurrecting the idea of the  “Aryan Superman” with this kind of talk. It's pretty obvious, even to those less intelligent than Germans, that every nation has a finite capacity due to it's finite space and resources. Still, Domestic Spy Chief Hans-Georg Maassen acknowledged that Germany “expects” up to one million so-called migrants this year, and is doing nothing to stop them. The fact that they are 70% young, highly-sexed unmarried men is never mentioned, nor that it's commonly known that because of Chancellor Merkel's “open-door” welcoming statements, millions more Syrians and other Arabs have decided to try journeying on up to Europe.
