
Fredrick Töben reviews Gerard Menuhin's new book

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-01-09 11:29

Gerard Menuhin: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

A review by Fredrick Töben

The book has no chapters but divides into four sections, which makes for challenging reading:

I–to p 162: Thwarted: Humanity’s Last Grasp For Freedom;

II–to p 294: Identified: Illumination Or The Diagnostic Of Darkness;

III–to p 366: Extinguished: Civilization;

IV–to p 457: Final Stage: Communist Vassalage.

Section I: Thwarted:

Humanity’s Last Grasp For Freedom

The heading conveys a grave, almost certainly a pessimistic message, and so with pencil in hand I begin to read through the section and immediately notice how Menuhin’s autobiographical account of his awakening to the German problem begins at home in England between the expressed views of his mother and father on the gassing allegations. His mother reminds him that had he been about in Germany during the war, then he would have been gassed, while his father, Yehudi – 1916-1999, the world renowned violinist – never talks about the war. This creates a conceptual dissonance that is further accentuated through Menuhin spending a year at the primary section of the private Salem boarding school at Lake Constance where he feels the German children around him are just like any other children. And later he also realizes that it does not make sense to him that a highly cultured nation, such as Germany has always been, could have become a part of a genocidal plan to exterminate the Jews. The final straw moment, so to speak, occurs when he is engaged in cleaning up his late grandparents’ home and finds copies of Gerhard Frey’s National-Zeitung.

First gathering of Pegida in 2016: the beginning of a landmark year

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-01-04 14:04

This is Jan. 4, 2016, below freezing in Dresden, and the Pegida crowd looks the same as always. They are extremely faithful.

Live Stream video of the rally

6:30 In Dresden it snowed, it is very cold, minus 4 degrees and windless. The square in front of the Semper Opera fills. The Opera House projects its now-familiar slogan: "We are not a stage for xenophobia".

The Pegida opponents are at the Postplatz having a counter-demo and all around are police buses that have these demonstrators completely encircled.

In the Church of Our Lady today is the traditional prayer for peace. After that there will be a procession and some may wish to join the counter-demonstrators "Dresden Pegidafrei" initiative.

Arab Muslims “massively” molest women on New Year's Eve in Cologne

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-01-02 12:42

Young woman in Cologne, Germany celebrating the New Year 2016 provokes a culture-clash with Arab  foreigners.

Cologne is, as you might remember, one of the high spots of the Welcoming Culture in Germany. The mayor, Henriette Recker, was previously responsible for running refugee services in the city—in charge of accommodating asylum-seekers.

So it is not unexpected that about 30 women have now reported to the police that they were molested in Cologne's main train station on New Year's Eve.

A group of men encircled multiple women and “with their hands they were really everywhere. This is something I've never experienced,” said a 22 year-old victim. “When we called for help, they laughed.”

Red-Green political hack files charges against Pegida for Facebook comments

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-12-29 12:22

Volker Beck, an openly homosexual Green Party legislator who has called for the right of Muslims and Jews in Germany to carry on their excessively cruel Kosher/Halal style butchering of animals, is blaming Pegida for what he calls “threatening, offensive” comments on his Facebook page.

According to DW:

Beck is pressing charges against those responsible at anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Pegida movement as well as 18 individuals who [have] posted offensive and threatening comments on his Facebook account.

"One of my posts on Facebook had 430 comments, 35 of which contained violent and/or death threats without anyone in charge [of the movement] attempting to moderate," Beck said on his Facebook page.

"The named persons openly called for me to be castrated, circumcized, suffer violence, they even called for me to be butchered kosher style," he told Berlin prosecutors according to a report by Germany's "Funke Media Group." The comments were in reaction to a post where Beck had called for religious freedom for Muslims and Jews, including the right to butcher livestock Kosher/Halal style.


Germany, Immigration, News, Race

The German Christmas tree and ... whoops

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-12-25 11:38

What is that ugly metal contraption peeking out from behind the German National Christmas Tree standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin? Oh, it's a Jewish Menorah with a lighted Star of David.

Of all the eight images of "Christmas Trees around the World" posted at Deutsche Welle, Germany's is the only one with a menorah standing beside it.

That is so because Germany, in spite of inventing the lighted tree to celebrate its most beloved winter festival, is a hostage nation - hostage to the people of the Menorah. So the beautiful tree must share its place of honor with the grotesque giant candlestick representing the state of Israel. As recently written by a Spiegel essayist in English: "Israel's security is cemented as a fundamental principal of the German state." And this picture illustrates that so well.

Look for more on this subject from me in the new year. Merry Christmas!


Art & Culture, Germany, Jews

Tattoo Criminals—Elie Wiesel should be investigated for holocaust fraud

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-12-23 17:04

The tattoo that, if seen by the public, will incite hatred for Jews, according to prosecutors and courts in Brandenburg, Germany. But why wouldn’t it incite sympathy just as well?

By Carolyn Yeager

In a Berlin court, a German man is convicted for having a tattoo resembling a concentration camp entrance on his body.

Why then is Elie Wiesel not convicted in Germany for not having a concentration camp tattoo on his body, but saying he does?

Wiesel was in Germany at least three times  impersonating a “nazi” concentration camp survivor. His first visit was in June 1986 when he spoke in Loccum, West Germany as the author of the book Night, which he claims to be a record his own experience. In Night, the main character is  tattooed with the number A7713 on his left forearm, which Elie claimed under oath in California is still there on his arm. Apparently, no one in Loccum asked to see it.

He returned the next year in November 1987 and spoke in a modern conference center inside the shell of the destroyed Reichstag. The title of his talk was “Reflections of a Survivor” in which he, as in the prior year, couldn’t keep from speaking words of blame toward the German people.  Continue reading ...


Elie Wiesel, Germany

Pegida Weihnachtsliedersingen, 12-21-15

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-12-21 13:38

SENSATIONAL TURNOUT !!! Estimated 15 to 18,000

The Elbe River is the setting for the Christmas carol singing of the Dresden Pegidan on Dec. 21, 2015.

Watch Livestream:

Also see: Pegida on Facebook for more pictures, news

From The Epoch Times

UPDATE: The Pegida venue was first changed to the Silesian square outside the station in Dresden Neustadt. At the last minute it became the Königsufer near the State Chancellery when the demonstration permit for the Silesian square went to another association, one described by Lutz Bachmann on Facebook as an "Antifa-Demo'".

At the Semperoper Plaza where Pegida has gathered from the very beginning, a different group was given permission for this date [apparently calling themselves “Dresden Nazifrei,” even though Pegida has nothing to do with Nazis]. According to The Epoch Times, at 5:30 pm a demo named "Heart Instead of Baiting" filled the square to about one-third, with people spread out with plenty of space betweem them. There was a video shown and about an hour of music and speeches by artists from the Semper Opera and the Schauspielhaus (as best I can understand). The antifa crowd was estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000.

Two asylum seekers set domicile on fire to gain a furlough home after death in family

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-12-18 10:56

Police in Germany are working overtime to deal with refugee violence.

Refugees? No, these are just emotion-ruled adventurous youth Merkel invited who are now causing grief and expense all over Germany. This is just one of many incidents happening now.

Hamelin, Germany. The District Court issued a warrant against two asylum seekers who set fire to a room in order to extort a furlough. Investigations have been started against two Lebanese men, 21 and 26 years of age, for aggravated arson. The Hamelin District's Tjark Bartels (SPD) confirmed the incident on Thursday. The two Lebanese wanted to return to their homes temporarily because of a death in the family.

Wohlleben statement brings up the role German domestic intelligence plays in the “right-wing scene"

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-12-16 11:52

Ralf Wohlleben  (entering court above) is a second defendant in the so-called NSU (National Socialist Underground) trial in Munich, along with Beate Zschäpe. He also provided a first statement to the court which was read today, Wednesday, Dec. 16.

Wohlleben is charged with providing weapons to Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Bohnhardt which were used to carry out nine murders of immigrants. According to an article in today's Deutsche Welle, Wohlleben denied providing such weapons.

Wohlleben's said he never had anything against foreigners but instead took issue with government policies that allowed so many immigrants to come to Germany. After spending some time in Frankfurt, he got the impression that there were areas "where no Germans lived anymore." Wohlleben said he didn't want to see the same thing happen to his own town of Jena in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR, or East Germany), and that's how he found his way into the right-wing scene.

Deutsche Welle launches an Arabic-language TV channel for all Europe

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-12-14 23:38

The DW Arabic-language channel is available across most of Europe beginning December 15, 2015

How timely. Wonder how long this has been in the works? Germany's state broadcaster aimed at an international audience is making it clear it thinks Arabs are in Europe to stay. The new channel will begin broadcasting tomorrow, December 15th.

The ostensible purpose is to help Arabic-speaking migrants learn what they need to know about Germany, in their own language. According to DW, the information is designed to help refugees deal with everyday life and visits to German administrative authorities, to find job opportunites and to learn German. The channel will transmit German language courses in television format.
