Heretics' Hour Podcast

The Heretics' Hour: Turks, Jews, Roma - and revisiting Hess

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:48

September 13, 2010

Topics include:
  • German politics still dominated by post-war “re-education” myths;
  • Gypsies are universally disliked, but we’re not supposed to say so, just like … guess;
  • Home movie of the London Blitz found in attic coincides with 70th Anniversary;
  • Authors disagree on details of Rudolf Hess mystery;
  • Conversation with Myklos Gruner—another Elie Wiesel trial coming up?

Picture: Thilo Sarrazin

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 55 min.

The Heretics' Hour: FDR's role in causing WWII

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:48

 September 7, 2010

Ray Goodwin talks with Carolyn about the nefarious influence of Roosevelt revealed in the Potoki Papers and the secret messages decoded by Tyler Kent. Topics include:
  • German central banker upsets the Jews;
  • FDR’s obstruction of Polish-British negotiations with Germany;
  • Improper messages between FDR and Churchill;
  • Ray Goodwin’s personal friendship with Kent;
  • War was Roosevelt’s objective.

Picture: Tyler Kent at the time he was arrested.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 57 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Why did Rudolf Hess fly?

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:47

August 30, 2010

  Carolyn continues the theme of the responsibility for WWII with a detailed look at Rudolf Hess’ unusual peace mission to Great Britain in May 1941. Topics include:
  • No part played by Sikorski and the Poles.
  • The role of the Haushofers – father and son.
  • A deep intelligence op for the Brits.
  • Hitler could not have approved the flight.

Picture: Wreckage of Hess’ ME110 in Scottish field. Enlarge.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Who Started WWII?

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:46

August 23, 2010

Dr. Wilhelm Kriessmann returns as Carolyn’s guest to discuss the ideas and important data presented in Viktor Suvorov’s book, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start WWII. Topics include:

  • Revisionists get prison terms in France and Austria
  • Goal of Soviet Union was to communize Europe through Germany
  • Offensive military build-up in USSR began in 1939
  • Massive movement of Red Army troops and material to western border was completed in June 1941
  • Operation Barbarossa narrowly beat a devastating attack from Soviet Union
  • Who was behind Rudolf Hess’ peace mission to Britain

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 57 min.

The Heretics' Hour : Carolyn Yeager on the "Real Deal"

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:46

August 16, 2010

Dr. James Fetzer interviewed Carolyn Yeager on Wed. Aug. 11 live on his two-hour program “The Real Deal.” Topics include:

  • “Elie Wiesel Cons the World” website
  • Evidence presented at the 1980 Zundel trials in Canada
  • Political Correctness in Academia
  • Immorality of laws against holocaust denial
  • Wiesel’s refusal to show his tattoo and numerous contradictions in his writing
  • The teachings of The King’s Torah

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 57 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Aleut Internment and German Guilt

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:45

August 9, 2010

This show is in two parts: 

  • Part 1: Guest Charles Ellis from Alaska joins Carolyn to discuss the little known internment of the Aleuts living on the Pribilof Islands by the United States government during WWII.
  • Part 2: Carolyn discusses the ongoing anti-Germanism that is facilitated by “Holocaust” fantasies and the fear of being perceived as Politically Incorrect.

Also in part 2, Carolyn announces that she will be on “The Real Deal” Internet radio program with Jim Fetzer this Wed., Aug. 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. Central time. The live stream can be found here and the archived program here.

Picture: In 1942, the US Delarof pulls away from the dock, taking the Aleuts to internment camps in southeast Alaska. Click here for larger image

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Wiesel Web site and German thought-police

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:45

August 2, 2010

Today’s show is in two parts:

  • Part One: Carolyn discusses her new CODOH-sponsored Web site, and the opportunity presented by the Boston University Project. Stephen Bock joins in to tell of his experiences with activism.

  • Part Two: Günter Deckert is once again hauled into German court by the thought-police. A lively discussion follows on several topics.


13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 57 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Lady Michele Renouf, Part 2 of 2

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:44

July 26, 2010

Topics include:

  • Why Israel has no “right to exist”
  • Attendance and talk before Pres. Ahmadinajad at Iran Conference in June
  • The Jewish Republic of Birobidjan and the UN
  • And more

About Lady Michèle Renouf

Lady Michèle Renouf is an international advertising actress who became a human rights campaigner and filmmaker under her Telling Films label. She has become a controversial, internationally noted personality since 2000 due to her support of Holocaust revisionists such as David Irving and Fredrick Töben during their legal defenses. Her main Web site is

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Lady Michele Renouf, Part 1 of 2

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:44

July 19, 2010

Topics include:

  • The trial of David Irving, and some lessons learned
  • The psychology of religion: Judaism vs. Christianity & Islam
  • The importance of Fredrick Töben’s court victory for the case of Bishop Richard Williamson
  • And more

About Lady Michèle Renouf

Lady Michèle Renouf is an international advertising actress who became a human rights campaigner and filmmaker under her Telling Films label. She has become a controversial, internationally noted personality since 2000 due to her support of Holocaust revisionists such as David Irving and Fredrick Töben during their legal defenses. Her main Web site is

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Eberhard Fuhr

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:43

July 12, 2010

Eberhard Fuhr immigrated to the US from Germany as a child. He was arrested at his high school in 1943 at age 17, as a perceived security risk. He was detained, along with his family, in an internment camp in Crystal City, Texas until 1946, and then at Ellis Island until 1947!. Since his retirement, he travels the country speaking about the US internment of Germans. Topics include:

  • Family and school activities before 1943;
  • Status and treatment as an “enemy alien”;
  • The Crystal City, Texas internment camp;
  • Last stop: Ellis Island;
  • No Congressional apology or compensation for German internees;
  • The upcoming German Internee Reunion, Aug. 28, in Quakertown, Pennsylvania (for further info, email Carolyn).

Image: Eberhard Fuhr’s Alien Internal Passport, issued in 1940.  Click here for full image

Information and photos about Eberhard can be found at the German American Internee Coalition; about US internment of Germans in general, at the Freedom of Information Times.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.
