
Public Defender: This 'nice, intelligent, educated' Beate Zschäpe should be released from jail.

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2011-12-28 15:54

Beate Zschäpe turned herself in to Police on Nov. 8 after being named the 3rd member of an alleged neo-nazi terror cell in Zwickau, Germany.

Her lawyer, Public Defender Wolfgang Heer, filed a complaint against her detention with Germany's Federal Court of Justice on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. In it, he said there were insufficient grounds for suspecting his client of having founded a terrorist organization or being a member of such an organization.

He stated there was no evidence of a firm organizational structure among Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Zschäpe and  currently no proof of a common will to organize, which is also a legal criterion for a terrorist organization. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Zschäpe was involved in creating the videos that were found on the scene of the burned house where the two men had lived.

In an interview with Der Spiegel on 12/27, Heer said, "Currently we have only seen about 500 pages (of case files), of which most are not significant in relation to the accusation of forming a terrorist organization. We have not even seen any of the files from the murder investigations."  He said it was impossible to guarantee a fair trial under such conditions, and that Zschäpe's ability to defend herself was severely curtailed as a result.


Germany, NSU trial

Postwar German artist Anselm Kiefer honored by Jews in New York

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-12-14 19:30


"I have tried to do something that is really impossible: uniting the Jewish and German spirits."


Truer words were never spoken. It is impossible, for sure. Is artist Kiefer aware of what he's saying and means it, or did it just come out that way? On Tuesday, Dec. 13, the following information was posted at

Rheinwiesenlager Memorial March

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2011-12-12 13:57

The November 2011 annual remembrance march for the 1 million young German men who died in Eisenhower's Rhine meadow camps due to starvation and disease immediately following the end of hostilities, 1945.



Germany, World War II

Czech DNA tests on WWII-era corpses should provide answers about German victims

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-12-06 20:31

By Tom Jones| 01.12.2011

Czech police have DNA tests results from mass grave near Jihlava and samples from the supposed German victims’ descendents.


Germany, World War II

The Heretics' Hour: Günter Deckert on the Battle Against the 'Far Right'

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-12-06 11:30

December 5, 2011

Topics include:

  • Günter Deckert describes his own current court proceedings in Mannheim for helping translate a ‘forbidden’ book into German;
  • New, loud calls to ban the NPD and all “far right” parties;
  • Is a change of direction in store for the NPD (National Party of Germany) with it new leader, Holger Apfel?
  • Why the Zwickau “neo-nazi terror cell” media frenzy is reminiscent of 9/11 with its manufactured evidence;
  • Is there any real advantage in a European common currency or is it just a banker’s dream come true?

Picture: Manufacturing evidence -- this Pogromly board game has been in the possession of police since 1998.

Note: The scraping/crunching noises at the end of the first half hour, did not continue in the rest of the program.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

Is Germany Responsible for the Financial Crisis?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2011-12-02 18:39
German bloggers Skeptissimus and Kairos contribute to the websites As der Schwerter.  Kairos is also at Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit.
By Skeptizissimus

translated by Kairos, translation edited by Carolyn Yeager

First of all, we Germans are hurt to hear such things. No one among the average citizens has the wish to harm other countries, or to exploit them. Especially for Greece and Spain, most of us have great sympathy. But more important, we ourselves suffer also from the Euro, the EU, the so-called financial crisis, and the crimes that are justified through it. As in Greece and Spain, everything has become more expensive in Germany through the Euro, partly the prices doubled and more. Germany is exactly like these countries—highly in debt, with the only difference that Germany still can afford to borrow. As in the other countries, the average citizens will pay for these national debts and will have to do without many things when it abruptly happens that there are no more loans to be had. As the other Europeans, the EU dictatorship also exploits and overrules the Germans. We Germans feel already that we will – again – become the scapegoat and be held responsible for everything. This is an experience that we already had to suffer in the context of the two “World Wars.” 

Polish Minister "Demands" Germany Save the Eurozone

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-11-29 17:40

by Carolyn Yeager

In a display of Polish chutzpah that never ceases to amaze, even though it's certainly common enough, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said today in a speech delivered at the German Society for Foreign Affairs in Berlin:

  "I demand of Germany that, for your own sake and for ours, you help it (the euro zone) survive and prosper. You know full well that nobody else can do it."


European Union, Germany

The Heretic's Hour: European Debt Enslavement Vindicates Hitler

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-11-22 01:18

November 21, 2011


William Finck and Carolyn discuss the causes and implications of the latest crises enveloping the Euro because of the overwhelming indebtedness of European Union members such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The remedies being suggested to hold the European Union together with a common currency constitute the total loss of sovereignty of individual nation states. Who will benefit from this? The bankers and global corporations, of course. In addition, “neo-nazi extremism” is being focused upon as the real threat to the European way of life … as in the Zwickaur “terror” group, made up of only three people! Finck and Carolyn rightly question which is more dangerous, the bankers or the young “nazis.”

William Finck’s website is

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: An Interview with Christine Miller

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2011-11-15 02:26

Nov. 14, 2011

Campaign in the East: Aug 2, 1941 - April 19, 1942 is the war diary of Heinz Postenrieder, published by his daughter Chris Miller in 2010. It includes many of his photographs of the people and places in Russia that he and his battalion came upon during these months of Wehrmacht advance.

In this interview, Miller tells of life in wartime and post-war Germany during her youth and her move to the United States in 1956. After raising a family and teaching high school German, she began writing letters, mostly to her hometown newspaper. They are compiled in a second book, Reality Check, and can also be found on her website. Her outspoken views on "Holocaust" and other politically sensitive issues have embroiled her in controversy. Her books can also be ordered by writing to her at [email protected]. This program was broadcast over Talkshoe on Monday, Nov. 14. It runs 2 hours.

Christogenea Radio

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2011-11-11 12:00

On Nov. 12 I sub-hosted William Finck's


My Topic: "A Fighting Christianity" with reference to Christian beliefs within National Socialism.  




