
The Heretics' Hour: From Civil War to Civil Rights to White Slavery

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-09-23 18:14

Sept. 23, 2013

Don, our lawyer friend from California,  informs us that it all started with Abe Lincoln when he went from being a supporter of the Declaration of Independence in 1848 and 1852 to later making pronouncements approving of American interventionism. Don makes the connection from the Civil War directly to the Civil Rights movement which he dates from 1954 and the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision.

  • The “separate but equal” law allowed for segregated schools to exist – White and  Black;
  • The 1954 Brown decision overturned that, which in reality meant White children were enslaved to blacks, i.e. could not be free of them;
  • Whites have no constitutional right to anything they have, but blacks have a constitutional right to live in the presence of white people;
  • Under “slavery” there were runaway blacks while now we have runaway whites (White Flight – which is also in process of being made unlawful by the Obama administration);
  • Ultimately, Civil Rights = Slavery of White people just as “making the world safe for Democracy” = conquering the world (World Domination).

Image: Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation

Saturday Afternoon: Craig Cobb on White Men Staking Out Their Space

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-08-31 11:57

August 31, 2013

Craig Cobb talks with Carolyn from Leith, North Dakota where he has purchased property in the hope of encouraging a community of similar-minded White men and women. North Dakota is in something of an economic “boom” because of the shale oil deposits discovered in it’s northwest portion. Some topics discussed:

  • The mainstream media, from AP/Huff Post to CNN (coming) to the New York Times, have been beating a path to his door to get a story with which to scare the public;
  • Conflicting belief systems between Leith locals and newcomers is an issue – like saying you’re going to fly swastika flags;
  • Craig has purchased his own home and a dozen lots for about $8,600;
  • The employment opportunities appear to be solid and extend pretty far into the future;
  • Jobs are available but rents in the same area as the jobs are prohibitive, so living some driving distance away is probably necessary;
  • It remains to be seen whether Whites want to live together under such arrangements;
  • Calls taken from John King and Glenn Miller.

Image: Craig Cobb stands on one of his lots on Main Street in Leith, ND, where he envisions a public park for White townspeople.

The Heretics' Hour: Carolyn, Tan and Hadding confab on “The White Question”

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-08-26 19:13

August 26, 2013

Tanstaafl and Hadding Scott join Carolyn to discuss Is being White enough to arouse deep feelings of loyalty? Can we successfully identify as an All-European White Folk or only as a more diverse  ethnic nationalist Folk? Of course, both are viable for different purposes, but is the first possible without the second? This is debated along with other topics:

  • Gov. Bobby Jindal’s essay on “The End of Race” argues for a total melting pot;
  • Pro-Pagan article at Alt-Right professes all Whites to be a single Folk;
  • Discussion of Tom Sunic-Andrew Fraser radio program on rejuvenating a more orthodox Anglo-Saxon Protestantism vs. pagan all-Europeanism;
  • The ever-expanding cult of Martin Luther King on the 50th anniversary of his “I have a dream” speech;
  • On the 100th anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank – was it the wrong or right thing to do?

Image:  Three European types (and a Turk) out of many others reveal the differences among European ethnicities. Opinions vary as to how good for our race as a whole it can be to have too broad ethnic mixing even among Europeans.

Saturday Afternoon: Vincent Reynouard on being a National-Socialist and Catholic

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-08-17 11:48

August 17, 2013

French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard talks about his newest video Etre national-socialiste et catholique, une contradiction? (English: “Is it a contradiction to be both National-Socialist and Catholic?”) Some highlights:

  • The “Common Good” is the aim of National Socialism and the words used by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf;
  • The “Public Interest,” used in the French Republic (and others) is not the same thing as it encourages the freedom of individuals, each with his own separate interest as long as he doesn't harm others;
  • Evolutionary theory alone offers no purpose for our being here – and when our central sun goes, we will leave no trace;
  • Reynouard says Hitler discovered on his own the idea of the Common Good and wrote that man is the image of “the Lord” (Seigneur);
  • Another video coming (Part 2) will argue that a National-Socialist doctrine (ideology) is not yet complete, but is still to be made;
  • Churchill and his faction admitted privately they did not want peace with Germany but could not say it publicly, even prior to and on Sept. 1st and 2nd 1939;
  • Hitler was right to put Jews out of power but not to want to deport every last Jew from the Reich, thinks Reynouard;
  • Nothing can improve until White, European people decide to change things – no use blaming the Jews;
  • The White race is the best race in the sense that it’s in the natural order that Whites should rule.

Paypal has censored Vincent’s accounts. Send cash donations in your own currency to help Vincent. Go to phdnm.org for current instructions.  Include your email address to get a confirmation that it was received.

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Clement Pulaski

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-08-03 11:45

August 3, 2013

Clement Pulaski runs the website True Sons of Abraham and also writes and produces radio podcasts for the Daily Stormer. He unapologetically combines being a bible-believing Christian and a White racialist who understands that “Jews aren’t us.” Some highlights of the discussion:

  • Clement began his Christian life as an anti-Christian Zionist, and also considered forms of paganism and Julius Evola;
  • “What is the truth of God” and “What is most useful for our White racial struggle” are two distinct questions;
  • Clement views abortion as always wrong, even after rape, because it is taking a life;
  • “Men’s rights movement” encourages White male attitudes that turn women away from White Nationalism;
  • A successful WN message would be not too much Hitler but not too little, either;
  • Why he is not a Christian Identist;
  • Since people need entertainment, we must provide venues that are healthy for Whites;
  • Golden Dawn party as an inspiration for other nationalist parties.

German Guilt Insanity Reaches New High

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-07-31 14:07

By Carolyn Yeager

A few people attend the state-sponsored "unveiling" of a monument memorializing one dead Turk in the city of Dortmund, Germany on July 13th. Family members of Mehmet Kubasik are given white roses to place on the ground. Would any self-respecting nation do such a thing as this? No, only the Germans have been reduced to such a pitiful level.


The trial of Beate Zschäpe and three other alleged "accomplices" to the murder of 9 foreigners (8 Turks and 1 Greek) from 2000 to 2007 is in progress. Though it's been going on since May of this year, in truth it has barely started. We are told that it will not not wrap up until the end of next year - late in 2014.

Two deceased young men who are suspected of being the murderers have been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, i.e. the German media, already ... and also by the state and Federal prosecutors offices, and even the Chancellor's office. As soon as Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt were found dead in their burning van on Nov. 4, 2011, in what is being called a joint suicide, they were declared to be the perpetrators of 10 unsolved murders in widely separated locations throughout Germany that inexplicably ended in 2007.

Though their guilt has not yet been proven, it has been assumed by the entire country--including the court in Munich that is trying Beate Zschape as the third member of the NSU "murderous trio."

That is background. The point of this post is that, with everything decided well in advance of the complete evidence being presented, and before the defense has done any serious rebuttal, no one minds that stone monuments memorializing the deaths are being erected stating that the men are the victims of right-wing terrorism.


NSU trial, Germany, Race

Saturday Afternoon: Andrew Anglin live from Athens, Greece

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-07-27 12:30

July 27, 2013

Andrew Anglin tells of his first few weeks in Athens, where he is getting along famously and meeting European tourists from all over the world because of his out-going personality. He attended the recent food distribution rally in front of Golden Dawn headquarters and watched Ilias Kasidiaris moving among the people.  We also discussed Andrew’s new, very successful news site Daily Stormer. Some specifics of the conversation:

  • Athens is more P.C. free than the U.S. and Western Europe;
  • Meetings 2 or 3 times a week at Golden Dawn headquarters attract normal, working-class people to socialize and hear educational speeches, some of whom were already familiar with his website Total Fascism;
  • Andrew estimates that immigrants make up 30-50% of the population in Athens and are generally degenerate, with the Bangladeshi and Turks being the most civilized;
  • Golden Dawn members of parliament give approximately 4/5 of their pay to support GD party expenses and charity work;
  • In today’s world, Democracy is a sham that facilitates Internationalism and unrestricted immigration, leading to race-mixing;
  • Mark Glenn and Joe Klein represent two anti-White points of view – one Muslim and the other Jewish;
  • And much more.

The Heretics' Hour: Black Demagoguery and Civil Rights

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-07-22 18:32

July 22, 2013

William Finck, owner of Christogenea.org speaks about his past experience with federal civil rights charges brought against him, as he and Carolyn discuss the demagoguery practiced by high-profile African-Americans over the Trayvon Martin shooting.

"German" Turks want dual citizenship and political clout

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-07-21 14:58

A Muslim Turkish family portrait: Levent Bayram, wife and kids

The following was taken from Deutsche Welle's report: Germany's Turks favor duel citizenship at http://www.dw.de/germanys-turks-favor-dual-citizenship/a-16954911

German law only grants dual citizenship in exceptional circumstances. It's often a problem for German Turks, many of whom feel marginalized as they don't want to give up their Turkish passports.

Levent Bayram is 39 years old. He was born in Berlin in the 1970s, when children born to immigrants in Germany had no choice but to take on their parents' nationality, regardless of where they were born.

Levent still only has a Turkish passport, as he was never naturalized in Germany. If he was to become German, he would have to renounce his Turkish passport. It's not an option for him, as he has "such a strong emotional connection to his parents' home country," he tells DW.

Levent spent a few years working in Turkey selling books and telephones. Now he works as a social media manager for the German-Turkish Journal in Berlin, but he doesn't want to lose touch with Turkish culture. For him, a Turkish passport symbolizes and strengthens that connection.


Immigration, Germany, Race

Only witness to first NSU murder saw little, isn't sure

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-07-21 11:44

First Turkish victim Enver Simsek at home with his wife. A flower seller?

The following article is taken from a Deutsche Welle report published on July 10, 2013 (http://www.dw.de/witness-testifies-on-first-nsu-murder/a-16943666).

The Munich court probing a neo-Nazi murder series has heard testimony on the first killing in 2000. A passing motorist said he saw two men dash from a roadside stall where flower seller Enver Simsek was fatally shot.

Germany's trial of alleged neo-Nazi accomplices begun in May switched on Wednesday [July 10] to hearing witnesses on nine murders of small-business proprietors of mostly Turkish origin and a policewoman.

The first murder, when Enver Simsek was fatally shot in Nuremburg in 2000, was followed by nine further killings until 2007. Only in late 2011 did German authorities attribute the spree to far-right extremists and were criticized for following false theories.


NSU trial, Germany, Race
