
The Heretics' Hour: Happy First Birthday to The White Network

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-27 18:57

May 27, 2013

Tanstaafl and Hadding Scott join Carolyn for our own little celebration of our first year of operations at The White Network by doing what we like best–talking about what’s good for White people. We discuss the pros and cons of our strictly enforced “Whites only” policy and determine that we are indeed “unique” among all pro-White networks and organization websites and forums for this reason. We are basically satisfied with what we’re doing and don’t feel the need to change anything. Among other topics discussed:

  • White displacement keeps getting worse–one example is the police reaction to Muslim rioters in Sweden;
  • Joe Biden’s speech on “overwhelming Jewish influence” in this country should be used to advance our cause;
  • Preferential treatment for non-White immigrants over White national populations has reached a level of unacceptability;
  • Yet Whites are expected to accept it with grace as inevitable;
  • Do we mind being labeled, for example called an anti-Semite;
  • The question of whether Jewish power is a result of evolutionary psychology or a criminal conspiracy.

Image: Marilyn Monroe, a delectable and utterly feminine product of the White race, was taken advantage of by Jewish men and eventually even married one, converting to the religion of Judaism. Now the Jews claim her as their own, though there was not a Jewish bone or gene in her body. What a shame; she should have stayed with Joe DiMaggio.

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Ron Doggett: Three decades of pro-White activism

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-05-25 11:40

May 25, 2013

Ron Doggett proves to be a very able spokesman for White peoples’ issues. Born, raised and still living in historic Richmond, VA, he became convinced at age 14 that race was something worth fighting for–via a publication put out by David Duke, who was at that time a Klan leader.  From age 6, he experienced the first truly integrated schools in the south. He has been involved with every strong pro-White and pro-Confederate group along the way–David Duke‘s organizations, Glenn Miller’s White Patriot Party, The New Orders NSWPP, William Pierce‘s National Alliance. Today, Doggett is a seasoned veteran who is still hopeful of their being an effective, national White people’s organization. Some other highlights:

  • Regular, leader-led organizational structure vs. leaderless resistance of lone individuals;
  • Showed 300 "Race and Reality" cable-access television shows between 1993-99;
  • Conservatives no longer have any credibility or viability;
  • Golden Dawn party in Greece is a model to follow;
  • How important is it to go after the Jews.

The Heretics' Hour: On George Lincoln Rockwell

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-05-21 01:00

May 21, 2013

Hadding Scott hosts this program.

Image: American Nazi Party leader attends a Congress of the Nation of Islam on June 25, 1961, in Washington,DC.

NSU Trial: Turkish "victims" are behaving and being treated like holocaust survivors

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-05-19 12:59

The following is an editorial commentary by Gisela Friedrichsen in Spiegel Online International dated May 13, 2013 titled "Victim's Lawyers Should Stop Fanning Outrage."

Relatives of the victims of the NSU terror cell were furious that the trial was adjourned last week so the judge could consider a defense motion of bias against him. But the victims' lawyers criticized this legitimate instrument. They are giving their clients exaggerated expectations and should know better.

A scandal! An insult! Another slap in the face of the victims! Such was the language that accompanied the decision by Munich's Higher Regional Court to cancel two sessions of the National Socialist Union (NSU) trial and not resume proceedings until this week. This came on the first day of the trial, when the defense entered two motions alleging bias: one directed at chief judge Manfred Götzl and the other against him and two fellow judges.


Germany, NSU trial, Race

NSU Trial - Too many lawyers for too many plaintiffs makes for a circus atmosphere

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-05-19 09:15

May 19, 2013

Taken from Spiegel Online International (by Gisela Friedrichsen) which is doing a fair job of covering this trial for English readers. Pictured right is Beate Zschäpe on Day 3 of her trial, May 15. Highlights:

The trial resumed on Tuesday, May 14 "after an eight-day adjournment during which the court considered - and rejected - a defense motion to replace the judge on the ground that he was biased because he had ordered defense lawyers to be frisked before entering the courtroom."

Carolyn - No participant in the trial, including the Turkish "victim families" and their attorneys was searched - ONLY the three defense attorneys. Wow, talk about totally unnecessary, but it does serve to give the German people a sense of the bias of this court. On this 2nd day, the charges against the defendents were read out. The media plays up that there were "emotional gasps and sobs," etc. from the "victim family members" in the gallery.

New Motions

"On [the[ third day of the trial, the morning [was] focused on a purely legal problem -- who sits on the judge's bench. Motions against the judges are difficult. They have to be made straight after the charges have been read. A defense that botches this aspect of the trial is doing a bad job."


NSU trial, Germany, Race

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-05-18 12:29

May 18, 2013

Bruce Campbell tells about his long career as an anti-government "freedom fighter," beginning with fighting for White Rhodesians in the early 1970's. He wrote and published a book in the 1980's, The New American Man: A Call to Arms (advertisment for the book pictured at right), now out of print, which started the "militia movement." He also met Louis Beam at this time, with whom he has remained close friends. Campbell believes the White freedom "movement" has been heavily infiltrated and is basically government-run. Bruce, at 66, works for a living and says he always will. Some highlights of his beliefs as expressed on this fascinating program:

  • The Klan, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity and the entire "Right" is all basically a CIA operation;
  • Oklahoma City bombing and later "terrorism events" up to the Boston Marathon bombing were Mossad-CIA directed;
  • Feds don't want to draw attention to Campbell - who is the only person saying what he says - is why they leave him alone;
  • The only legitimate function of government is to provide a debt-free currency;
  • Free men and their guns make police forces unnecessary - it's all about tough men who are capable of fighting back;
  • The word to describe the present fight against government tyranny is "resistance," not militia;
  • Bruce's latest article.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Tom Metzger, Lone Wolf Advocate

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-13 18:44

May 13, 2013

Tom Metzger has been a respected, effective anti-immigration, White racialist activist since the 1960′s, and today, at age 75, is still at it. He earned the nickname “Terrible Tommie” because of his blunt talk and radical tactics. He has controversially moved to the Left over the years, to what he calls 3rd Position. Tanstaafl co-hosts this program with Carolyn. Discussion highlights include:

Tom’s appearance was somewhat delayed because of a mistake in the phone number I sent him in the first email.

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Brad Love

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-05-04 12:01

May 4, 2013

Brad Love of Alberta, Canada, an oil field worker and outspoken White patriot, tells us about his 10-year battle with the courts over his habit of writing letters to elected officials, newspapers and tax-exempt organizations.  He is currently fighting his last conviction of May 2012 for a minor probation violation and for sending material in the mail to Hillel, B’nai B’rith, the Canadian Jewish Congress and York University Student Union in conjunction with End Israeli Apartheid Week. For this he was recently sentenced to 18 months in prison! Some of the topics discussed:

  • Over the past 20 years, Love has written over 10,000 letters;
  • In 2003 he was sentenced to 18 months jail time under Canada’s Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (“hate law”);
  • In 2006 he was ordered to serve 3-years probation with the stipulation he not write to anybody unless personally requested to do so;
  • Love estimates he has spent 2 1/2 years in incarceration already;
  • He objects to these restrictions on his free expression based on his being a hard-working, tax-paying Canadian-born citizen who has the right to express his thoughts and concerns;
  • Because he works and earns a good income, he is not eligible for legal aid; all his expenses come out of his own pocket.

Brad Love does not have a website or an email address. The newspapers won’t write a word about him! The vicious anti-racists hate him! You can read a few things at CAFE (Canadian Association for Free Expression).

The Heretics' Hour: Weapons in the War Against Whites

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-15 19:21

April 15, 2013

In order to counteract the growing anger of increasing numbers of Jew-wise Gentiles who are realizing how they’re being exploited, Jews can find no better weapon than the cry of  “antisemitism.” Carolyn looks at some current examples, such as Ronnie Fraser’s The Academic Friends of Israel and David Goldman’s “Spengler” blog. She agrees with what the Jobbik candidate said, “Anti-Semitism is not just our right, but it is the duty of every Hungarian homeland lover, and we must prepare for armed battle against the Jews.”

So antisemitism is their weapon against us, but we turn it back upon them and declare our antisemitism as a duty!

In the 2nd hour, Carolyn reads Heinrich Himmler’s 1937 speech about Homosexuality to the Group Leaders of the SS (pictured right). The normalization of homosexuality is one of the most potent weapons in our enemy’s arsenal; to ignore it because we are uncomfortable dealing with the subject is unacceptable for a people who expect to recover and to win. Himmler offers some interesting solutions.

The Heretics' Hour: Why did Hitler invade the Soviet Union?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-08 18:25

April 8, 2013

Hadding Scott returns to guest-host The Heretics’ Hour again with some thought-provoking subject matter.

It is often said that Hitler’s big mistake was invading Russia. Why did he do it? For Lebensraum? For resources? It turns out that neither of these traditional explanations is correct. In the second hour: are the Negro’s present difficulties in American society a legacy of slavery?

Image: Hitler at the map table with Army Commander-in-Chief Brauchitsch and others, including Friedrich Paulus (2nd from left).
