
Saturday Afternoon: Crossed signals - What's up at VOR?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-09-08 19:07

Sept. 8, 2012

Are the stars crossed in perverse ways lately? Are unusual planetary formations involving Mercury (ruling communication) creating havoc here on earth amongst we poor mortals? Dietrich Mullis and Carolyn’s email messaging to each other got crossed just once and created confusion about  his appearing on this program. However, he eventually was able to call in during the 2nd hour with about 40 minutes left to go and the result was a helpful and informative chat. Thanks Dietrich!

In the first hour, Carolyn talked about the history of Voice of Reason Network (VOR), according to what she was able to find, with the idea of learning something from it. She spoke of several of the show hosts, especially Dietrich, Mishko and Peter Schaenk. The White Network’s new program host, August Hurst, came on in the last few minutes of the first hour and continued into the first quarter of the second hour, introducing his new weekly show “An Hour by the Window” to the listeners.  The program ended on a positive note.

Image: Cosmic chaos snapshot from the Hubble telescope

Saturday Afternoon: Libel, Slander, Defamation on the Internet

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-09-01 18:00

Sept. 1, 2012

Bill Finck of Christogenea.org  is Carolyn’s guest in the first hour to discuss the ADL-directed campaign to bully and bribe Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to deny service to White Nationalist, Holocaust Revisionist and Christian web sites that expose the truth about the Jews. Bill recently had to move all of his sites to new servers with another company. Because this is an ongoing campaign by the Anti-Defamation League, the discussion was about how to combat it. Finck suggests creating a vehicle representing our “shared core principles” – a defamation league of our own – with a common face fighting on a common front, no matter which of the three above named groups we most identify with.

In the second hour, Carolyn Yeager presents her side of the story in the midst of the accusations and finger-pointing following the apparent demise of Voice of Reason Network.  She describes her long slide toward complete disenchantment with VOR, her leave-taking, and her subsequent non-personal criticism concerning the loss of White values at the network (as she perceives it).

How would William Pierce advise us today?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-08-21 00:27

August 20, 2012

Will White Williams and Hadding Scott, publishers of the blog The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce, and former active members of the National Alliance and associates of Dr. Pierce (pictured) during the last 10 years of his life, are Carolyn’s guests. Discussion includes:

  • Will Williams’ background as a political activist, from the White Patriot Party till today;
  • What it was like at the National Alliance headquarters in the early 90's (a period of rapid expansion) and who was there;
  • How Pierce saw his organization in terms of how it should present itself to the public;
  • William Pierce’s views and writings on Christianity;
  • Big tent philosophy vs forming a vanguard;
  • The problem with Resistance Records that never got straightened out;
  • The way to fight is with “the truth.”

The Heretics' Hour: We need a White man's ADL

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-08-07 00:54

August 6, 2012

Tanstaafl and David Baillie join Carolyn to talk about the success had by Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League in bringing US attitudes and policies in conformity to what is good for Jews. They ask:  Can we do the same thing for Whites?

Carolyn goes through the history of the ADL and concludes that their #1 enemy is “Holocaust denial” and their #2 enemy is the Christian Identity movement. Tanstaafl brings his usual precision to bear on pointing out their methods and arguments. David makes a point that we need to open up our mouths – that is, not be afraid to say what we really think in public. The latest media demonizing of whites as “supremacist neo-nazis ” in the case of Wade Michael Page, the Sikh Temple shooter, is discussed.

This program could have gone on for another two hours, but the point is that an Anti-Defamation League for Whites should be formed to protect us from Jewish hatred that is aimed at us in the United States of America. 

Saturday Afternoon: Should White Nationalists leave the holocaust alone?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-28 12:25

July 28, 2012

White Nationalists Charles Krafft, Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager discuss the controversy aroused by Greg Johnsons article at The Occidental Observer website: “Dealing with the Holocaust.” Some people are calling it "(Not) Dealing with the Holocaust."

While Johnson recommends that White Nationalism does not need to deal with the holocaust at all, some who strongly oppose that idea say WN should not deal with homosexuals, or, in other words, should discourage their high profile activity as movers and shakers in the White Nationalist community. This idea came up in the 750 comments to the article, and we bring it up candidly in this program too, along with some other offshoots from the main topic.

Photo at right is from the ‘Leave Brittany Alone” video.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 5

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-07-26 16:52

July 26, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 4, The Jewish Question – Fact or Fancy?

Pictured right: Theodore Herzl, considered the father of modern political Zionism, said that wherever Jews live in perceptible numbers, the Jewish Question exists – because “our presence produces persecution” where it didn’t exist before. The Jewish Question according to Ford was, how does a tiny minority gravitate to the highest places in government, business and finance?

Next week:  Chapter Five: “Anti-Semitism:  Will It Appear in the U.S.?”

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of  The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour: Preliminary to a White Nation

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-23 19:24

July 23, 2012

Severus Niflson joins Carolyn to discuss his latest blog post “The Prefab Republic,” in which he argues that the shape of a North American White Republic cannot be designed ahead of time, but will depend on skirmishes and battles yet to take place. Severus describes the need to have capable people trained ahead of time who can function in all the different capacities every society requires, i.e. doctors, teachers, engineers, economists, farmers, builders, and generals … as well as political leaders. Young White Nationalists should be preparing now to function in these roles instead of ‘dropping out’ or becoming bloggers.

The clash between “personal liberty” and “collective responsibility” is discussed, with examples given. Also the nature of militarism as something that cannot be set aside, ever. Image: Map showing positions during the Gettysburg Campaign, Day 1.

The Heretics' Hour: Are White Males Hooked on Weakness?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-18 19:04

June 18, 2012

Severus Niflson discusses his article "Hooked on Weakness" at his blog Niflson's Mind with host Carolyn Yeager.  Some of the points made are that White Nationalists must overcome their weaknesses, their bad habits and addictions (like alcohol). They must put away their toys, read books and be rational adults, taking on the responsibility of marriage and children. They must think in terms of strategy, always seeing themselves as fighters in a war. Severus distinguishes between White men and White Nationalist men. Some books recommended by Severus: 

  • Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick (mainstream book on the pilgrims and the natives)
  • Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
  • The False Assumptions of Democracy by Anthony Ludovici
  • Patriarchia: The Natural Power of Kings by Robert Filmer

Several email questions were answered during the 2 hour program.

Saturday Afternoon: A Chat with Hadding Scott

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-06-16 12:54

June 16, 2012

Hadding Scott is Carolyn’s guest for two hours of “movement” talk,  beginning with how Hadding got started into historical revisionist thinking. Already at university he was asking uncomfortable questions and speaking out. He joined the National Alliance in the early 1990′s and shortly met and got to know Dr. William Pierce. After Pierce’s death, Hadding authored 8 American Dissident radio broadcasts in 2003. Scott has long been a presence on the Internet. His current websites are National-Socialist WorldviewThe Legacy of Dr. William PierceSetting the Record Straight,  and Deutsche Wochenchau, a collection of German WWII newsreels.

One of his latest articles “Our Weapon – The Truth” was published at The Occidental Observer.  Hadding taught himself Latin, Greek and German.

The image shown at right is a favorite of his -  “Mercury Appearing to Aeneas” by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1757). Mercury tells the Trojan refugee that he must leave the easy life that he has found in Carthage and fulfill Jupiter’s plan by founding Rome.

The Heretics Hour: Whites talking to Whites

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-05-28 18:51

May 28, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and Tanstaafl talk about their new Internet radio network  which will focus solely on “Whites talking to other Whites about White solidarity and White interests.”

Too much White? We don’t think so and we’re telling you why in this very first broadcast on The White Network.  We discuss why we created it, our overall philosophy, and who we think we can reach. We also tell you about our programming ideas.

This is followed by how Whites use and mis-use language, or don’t use it effectively … offering some suggestions (just the beginning of this topic). We then turned to the Chinese “invasion” of British Columbia, Canada, which is changing the nature of cities such as Vancouver (now 20% Chinese), as reported by the BBC …  in glowing terms, of course.
