Saturday Afternoon podcast

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with British Canadian John Beattie

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-09-15 21:35

Sept 15, 2012

John Beattie tells how he created the British Peoples’ League for the first time in 1975, helped by his wife. John is proud of his Scottish-English family roots in Toronto, and remembers with pleasure that it was an all-white city during his childhood and youth.  He talks about the importance of keeping safe our White and national/ethnic identities – in his case among the British Canadians, but tied together with the British everywhere.

We get the story of John’s “nazi” past (1965-71), straight from the horse’s mouth.  Highlights include:

  • John is agitated by a brochure “Who is tampering with the Soul of America?” written by Ron Gostick;
  • He reads it to a meeting of the Social Credit Party where Canadian Jewish Congress members are present;
  • These members adopt Beattie as the leader of a new political party they insist on calling The Canadian Nazi Party;
  • Ronald Bottaro and John and Chris Dingle become Beattie’s bodyguards, but admit later on a CBC radio Don Sim’s show they were actually agents for the Canadian Jewish Congress;
  • Beattie was carried along by the “excitement” and all the booze that was provided;
  • His handler was John Charles Garrity, who wrote about it in Maclean’s Magazine;
  • The rent check that proved there was no real nazi party organization or headquarters;
  • Beattie’s account of the Paul Fromm/Ernst Zundel hearing in 2000.

Picture above right: June 1966, William John Beattie, protected by police, harangues a crowd of 4000 in Allan Gardens Park in Toronto. Enlarge

Saturday Afternoon: Crossed signals - What's up at VOR?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-09-08 19:07

Sept. 8, 2012

Are the stars crossed in perverse ways lately? Are unusual planetary formations involving Mercury (ruling communication) creating havoc here on earth amongst we poor mortals? Dietrich Mullis and Carolyn’s email messaging to each other got crossed just once and created confusion about  his appearing on this program. However, he eventually was able to call in during the 2nd hour with about 40 minutes left to go and the result was a helpful and informative chat. Thanks Dietrich!

In the first hour, Carolyn talked about the history of Voice of Reason Network (VOR), according to what she was able to find, with the idea of learning something from it. She spoke of several of the show hosts, especially Dietrich, Mishko and Peter Schaenk. The White Network’s new program host, August Hurst, came on in the last few minutes of the first hour and continued into the first quarter of the second hour, introducing his new weekly show “An Hour by the Window” to the listeners.  The program ended on a positive note.

Image: Cosmic chaos snapshot from the Hubble telescope

Saturday Afternoon: The Queer Question – seen through the "crimes" of Charlie Rodgers and Johann Hari

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-08-25 18:30

August 25, 2012

Carolyn examines the issue of character within homosexual communities via two high-profile events involving a lesbian and a “gay."

Charlie Rodgers‘ was recently charged in Nebraska with making a false police report alleging 3 men attacked her because she is a lesbian.

Johann Hari (pictured), a youthful journalism star” in Britain was exposed in 2011 for chronically misquoting his interviewees, and of other misbehavior on the Internet. The Orwell Prize he was awarded in 2008 was withdrawn. Carolyn discusses his column in The Independent, “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists.”

How common are the traits of these two individuals among their ‘sexual orientation’ group and how far should we go with homosexual participation in the White Nationalist movement?

Vincent Reynouard – New Work and Censorship

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-08-20 12:03

August 18, 2012

Vincent Reynouard, the indomitable ‘holocaust’ and historical Revisionist who has faced the worst persecutions the French state can dish out for the last 20 years,  tells about his new work, his political views, his sparse living standard, and why he continues, with good cheer and dedication, to produce new videos and post them on his new YouTube channel. Volunteers who are able to write English and other language subtitles for these videos are encourage to write to Vincent.

Vincent says since young people don’t want to read books now (although they should). he makes videos. But he still publishes his bi-monthly magazine Sans Concession and sends it to subscribers. Soon the older issues will be available for free to websites that request them.

Send urgently needed contributions to help Vincent’s work, current information is here.

Hadding Scott co-hosts the program with Carolyn, and Vincent’s assistant Marie is heard speaking also.

Saturday Afternoon: Günter Deckert: Frictions in the Eurozone

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-08-11 20:57

August 11, 2012

Günter Deckert joins Carolyn from Germany to discuss the breaks in European nations’ solidarity in the face of the growing fiscal crisis. It is being described as “increasing stereotyping of Northern vs. Southern Europeans, with Germans criticized most, naturally, as they become more resentful of bailing out other nations. Günter makes this very plain.

The ongoing government attack on anything and everything on the “right” is brought up to date, including the latest revelation about Beate Zschäpe working for the government.

The controversy over the German Olympic rower Drygalla has devolved into talk of a “democracy pledge” that all sports stars representing Germany must sign. No one suggests far-leftists would need to sign one.

Finally, the Roma problem in Europe and how the European Union has exacerbated it and other immigration problems.

Gunter gives his expert opinion on all this, plus shares about his latest trips to London and Paris.

Above: The Pecking Order. Who’s in and who’s out in the European Union.

Saturday Afternoon: Rodney Martin on Nadja, Greg and Mark

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-08-04 19:21

August 4, 2012.

Rodney Martin of World View Foundations is Carolyn’s guest for a discussion that begins with the beautiful Nadja Drygalla (pictured right), the German Olympic rower who was sent home from London like a bad child when it was publicized that her boyfriend was “a member of the ‘Rostock National Socialists’” who had run in a state election on the NPD (National Party) ticket. Martin also reported on Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristou, said to be a supporter of Golden Dawn, who was expelled from the games for a “racist tweet.”

In the second hour, Rodney and Carolyn turn to the subject of Greg Johnson and Mark Weber — the former’s confusing Old Right-New Right formalization, and how the  latter’s bad management and laziness  has turned the once prestigious IHR into a failing and continually broke organization. The question then asked was whether these two are working together for some purpose. Some comments from listeners were read. 

Saturday Afternoon: Should White Nationalists leave the holocaust alone?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-28 12:25

July 28, 2012

White Nationalists Charles Krafft, Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager discuss the controversy aroused by Greg Johnsons article at The Occidental Observer website: “Dealing with the Holocaust.” Some people are calling it "(Not) Dealing with the Holocaust."

While Johnson recommends that White Nationalism does not need to deal with the holocaust at all, some who strongly oppose that idea say WN should not deal with homosexuals, or, in other words, should discourage their high profile activity as movers and shakers in the White Nationalist community. This idea came up in the 750 comments to the article, and we bring it up candidly in this program too, along with some other offshoots from the main topic.

Photo at right is from the ‘Leave Brittany Alone” video.

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Alex Linder

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-21 12:02

July 21, 2012

Alex Linder, creator of Vanguard News Network and Forum talks about himself, his work, his beliefs, and how he thinks White Nationalism should proceed in order to move into a successful future. Linder points to Greece’s Golden Dawn party as a model (along with Hitler’s National Socialist party in Germany), noting that it utilizes a good relationship with some police and military personnel and/or veterans. Linder notes that just talking and writing is not enough.

There were several questions and comments from listeners presented to Linder in the 2nd hour, which he answered. All in all, an information-dense program.

Saturday Afternoon: Bomber Command Memorial - national pride or national obscenity?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-14 13:56

July 14, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and her guest Judith from England examine the meaning and implications of the Bomber Command Memorial recently opened in London with an unveiling by Queen Elizabeth. Picture at right shows the enthusiastic, if elderly, crowd celebrating the occasion. Highlights of the program:

  • Peter Hitchens' editorial in The Daily Mail minimizing the real horror of the carpet-bombing of all German cities (even while disagreeing with it);
  • Walter Ruthard's letter to Hitchens strongly objecting to what he wrote, or what he didn't write;
  • Matthys' letter to Peter Hitchens and Hitchens' replies, which focus on the "Holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Hitchens' two emails to me that again bring up the "holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Carolyn and Judith try to sum up the essential problems preventing an objective discussion between Britons and Germans on WWII;
  • What prevents an objective discussion on all the problems facing the White community.

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Henrik Holappa

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-07 12:24

July 7, 2012

Holappa is a Finnish nationalist now living in Sweden with his wife and baby daughter. He began the Finnish Resistance Movement, which is in league with the Swedish and Norwegian Resistance movements. These are peaceful political movements, not armed movements. Topics discussed:

Email Henrik Holappa:  heholappa at hotmail dot com
