Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on The State, part 3 – Racial Hygiene and Physical Education

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-09-23 00:29

FROM MEIN KAMPF, SUMMARY OF CHAPTER TWO OF VOLUME TWO, pages 69-87 of the dual-translation. (See here for series introduction.)


2.10 - A folkish State should begin by raising marriage above the level of being a constant scandal to the race. […] In our present state of law and order, this brave, bourgeois-national world looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for those who suffer with syphilis, tuberculosis, hereditary diseases, and also cripples and cretins. But the actual prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the noble morality of this social class, but rather encourages their short-sighted laziness.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on The State, part 2 – Nature and Purpose

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2020-09-20 09:54

THIS POST CONTAINS EXCERPTS FROM CHAPTER TWO OF VOLUME TWO of Thomas Dalton's translation of Mein Kampf, pages 47-69, presenting the essence of Hitler's rationale for his belief that preserving the original racial “purity” of the folk as much as humanly possible was vitally necessary to preserve the “culture-creating” element in Aryan civilization. Let's keep in mind that this was written in 1924-25 when Hitler was 35 years old and serving a prison term of 5 years. He did not know whether his now-outlawed movement would survive, or that he would be released after 8 months for good behavior. (See here for series introduction.)


2.3 - It's the first obligation of any new movement based on a folkish worldview to put forth a clear and logical doctrine of the nature and purpose of the State.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on The State, part 1 - Germanization

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-09-16 13:14

CHAPTER TWO OF VOLUME TWO, THE STATE, is quite long so I will present my selected excerpts in several separate installments--as many as it takes. It begins with a description of different conceptions of the State, followed by comments on the policy of so-called  “Germanization.”

(See here for series introduction)


GENERALLY SPEAKING, one can distinguish three different conceptions [of the State].

(1) Those who hold that the State is a more-or-less voluntary group of men under a ruling authority … those who worship legalized authority; the will of the people has no role whatsoever. This is the largest group.

(2) The second group ... includes those who desire a uniform system of governemt, but also a uniform language—though solely for technical reasons of administration. State authority … must also promote the good of its subjects … it's primary duty is to ensure the economic well-being of the individual citizens. The chief representatives are to be found among the average German bourgeoisie, especially our liberal democrats.




Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on the Political Meaning of 'Folkish'

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2020-09-06 22:34

By Carolyn Yeager

TWO YEARS AGO, I ran a series of excerpts from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, Vol. One, taken from Thomas Dalton's new 2017 German to English translation.

I'm now into Volume Two, and will do the same (summarizing the chapters) with it. I'll begin right at the beginning this time with Chapter 1, WORLDVIEW AND PARTY. But I'm going to START at subheading 1.4, page 25, “The Folkish Concept:


ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE, with all kinds of divergent opinions, are parading around under the 'folkish' banner. [...] The word 'folkish' doesn't express any clearly specified idea. It may be interpreted in several ways, and in practice it's just as vague as the word 'religious,' for instance. [...] The word 'religious' acquires a precise meaning only when it's associated with a distinct and definite form through which the concept is put into practice.




Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race', part 3

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-10-07 14:11

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Chapter 11, Nation and Race, Part 3

Go to Part 1         Part 2


(j) A tremendous economic development transforms the social structure of a nation. The small artisan class slowly disappears and the factory worker, who took its place, has scarcely any chance of establishing an independent existence of his own; he sinks more and more to the level of a proletariat. […]

In earlier times, a similar situation was created that demanded a solution, and one was found. Together with the peasant and the artisan, a new class was gradually formed, along with officials and salaried workers—especially from the state. All of them were propertyless, in the truest sense of the word. But the state found a remedy for this unhealthy situation by providing an old-age pension for its officials. Private enterprises slowly followed this example in increasing numbers, so that today every regular non-manual worker receives a pension in his later years, […] Thus an entire propertyless class was saved from destitution, and found a place in the social structure of the national community.

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race', part 2

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-09-25 21:34

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Back to Part 1

Chapter 11, Nation and Race, continued

This section coincides very synchronistically with events going on right now involving both the Aryan and the Jew. In Judge Brett Kavanaugh, we see an Aryan who is seeking to serve his national community with it's best interests in mind, while treasonous Jews and Leftists attempt to obstruct his service for reasons other than those they pretend. Their reasons are to secure all power for themselves, and their methods are devoid of ethical considerations. Hitler provides us with a blueprint of that type of age-old activity, beginning with the meaning and examples of real service.


[…] The animal lives only for itself; seeking food when hungry, and fighting only for its own self-preservation. […] A community of two, male and female, demands an extension of the instinct for self-preservation […] Almost always they are ready to protect and defend each other; so that here we find the first, though infinitely simple, form of the spirit of sacrifice. […]

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-09-17 12:21

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Chapter 11 Nation and Race – will be presented in three parts. Again, I summarize the contents using selections that best convey an understanding of Adolf Hitler's writing in the mid-1920's. Right off the bat we notice that the law of keeping with one's own kind is not being followed even in today's Alt-Right movement. No wonder those leaders and followers turn away from Hitler as "too extreme" and "not a realistic model." Under this thinking, we are experiencing the consequences of insulting Nature - as Hitler writes below - of distress, misery, and disease.

P 527 Walking around in the garden of nature, most men have the conceit to think that they know everything. Yet almost all are blind to one of the outstanding principles that Nature employs in her work: the inner separation of the species of all living beings on Earth.

Even a superficial glance shows that nature follows a rigid basic law in which all lifeforms are restricted to definite limits when propagating and multiplying their own kind. Each animal mates only with one of its own species. […] Deviations from this law take place only in exceptional circumstances.

Adolf Hitler on 'Causes of the Collapse', part 4

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-08-26 19:08

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

This is the conclusion of Chapter 10, titled Causes of the Collapse. Adolf Hitler criticizes the political misuse of religion by both Christian denominations, Catholic and Lutheran, and tears into the failures of the parliamentarians in the Reichstag. He writes at length about the mistakes of the German Naval policy. Then praises the three institutions that he considered the basis of the strong pre-war German state: the monarchical form of government, the army, and the civil service. He concludes by pointing to ignorance or rejection of the importance of race in the life of a nation as the ultimate reason for the German decline. He writes:


All these symptoms of decay must be attributed to the lack of a definite and uniformly accepted worldview, and the subsequent general uncertainty of attitude toward the great questions of the time. This accounts for the habit of doing everything half-way, beginning with the educational system, the reluctance to undertake responsibilities, and finally, the cowardly tolerance of recognized abuses. Humanitarian garbage became the fashion. And in weakly submitting to these aberrations and sparing individual feelings, the future of millions was sacrificed. [Exactly where we are today, and increasingly so since 1945.]

Adolf Hitler on 'Causes of the Collapse', part 3

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-08-07 20:44

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Syphilis was a big problem in Germany at this time, before the use of penicillin to treat infections, which came only in 1942. Hitler spends some time in this long Chapter 10 discussing it and offering moral solutions. He blames prostitution and marriages based on financial considerations rather than love, which he calls “the Judaizing of our spiritual life and mammonizing of our mating instinct.” He recommends early marriage. He writes:


The sin against blood and race is the original sin in this world. It brings an end to every nation that commits it.



Mein Kampf, MKVolI

Adolf Hitler on 'Causes of the Collapse', part 2

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-07-19 13:45

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

In the ongoing 'Causes of the Collapse', Part 2 (Chapter 10), Hitler points first to the influence of international finance, its belief that expanded trade could make up for the inability to produce enough goods at home. This caused the agricultural sphere to suffer while urban industrialization increased, leading to imbalances and greater class divisions. Next, he explains the poisonous, unregulated Jewish press in a way that we can instantly recognize in today's media empires. Nothing has changed along those lines.


During the long period of peace prior to the last war, certain evils were evident here and there—although, with one or two exceptions, very little effort was made against the virus. Here again, these exceptions were first and foremost those economic phenomena of the nation that were more apparent to the individual consciousness than the harmful conditions existing in many other spheres.
