The Hess 'peace mission' to Scotland debate: The Führer did not know
Rudolf Hess, right,with his geopolitics professor Karl Haushofer in 1920. Karl's son, Albrecht, who was acquainted with the Duke of Hamilton, became Hess's personal advisor on British politics.
By Carolyn Yeager
THE PURPOSE OF THIS ARTICLE is to make the case that Adolf Hitler did not help plan and approve of his deputy Rudolf Hess's “peace mission” night-flight to Scotland on May 10, 1941. There are many who want to believe that he did. I use the word “believe” because any evidence they come up with is extremely flimsy – at best, indirect. This subject came up again on an Unz Review comment & discussion thread where, as usual, it was not possible to reach anything close to a consensus due to the free participation of any and all voices, and no moderation. I announced that I would write an article on my own website and allow comments there, but they would be moderated. And so I have and this is it.
I'll begin by asking what is it that makes so many that are interested in Adolf Hitler believe the romantic fantasies such as that Hitler 'escaped the bunker' and found freedom and happiness in Argentina, Brazil or the Arctic? These are the same people, I think, who tend to believe that Rudolf Hess had Hitler's blessing to fly to Scotland, and specifically to the estate of the 14th Duke of Hamilton whom he had never met or spoken to. It's a form of wishful thinking (wishes come true?) or “confirmation bias,” which has no place in historical enquiry.
This is a good time-place to review what “history” is. A common definition is “a narrative of events; a chronologial record of events; the branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events.” From the Greek. If the written record of a known event is spotty or non-existent, we can be sure egoic prejudices will enter in to distort the narrative to suit the needs or desires of those egos. How then can we reach an accurate historical record on this matter? By not ignoring objective, real facts and authentic human nature in our reconstruction. Romantic ideas, airy-fairy, pie-in-the-sky “beliefs” cannot be accepted. So let's start with the facts we know.
Rudolf Hess was well-born and well-educated. As a youth he excelled in maths and science. Later he studied history and economics at the University of Munich. He served courageously through WWI on the battlefield, and toward the end learned to fly. Because Germany lost, his well-to-do father's business was taken over by the British and his family bankrupted. Hess was a demoralized young German male when he attended a rally in Munich and heard Adolf Hitler say that the only reason Germany lost the war was because it had been stabbed in the back. Hess immediately took the words to heart and the two men became best friends.
Hess took part in the Munich Putsch and stayed in jail with Hitler when he was imprisoned in 1923. As everyone knows, he took down Hitler's dictation of Mein Kampf.
The Thule Society
Thule Society was more of an ancient Germanic studies organization. It's full name was “Study Group for Germanic Antiquity” which kept alive German mythology with a sort of “occult” veneer. Occult simply means “hidden' or 'secret.' Dietrich Eckart, whom Hitler greatly admired, and Rudolf Hess were both members at one time and attended some meetings. Hitler did not, and did not want any association between his National Socialist party and Thule. Hess, though he dropped all those associations, had a temperament for the language of dreams, and other-worldly messages.
Hitler's sense of loyalty and friendship kept Hess on as Deputy Fuehrer and party secretary, even though he was having doubts about Hess's psychological state of mind. Hess's choices for diet and health care providers, for example, were increasingly not in the mainstream that Hitler considered worthy of use. A glimpse into Hitler's mind can be learned from an October 1940 lunch meeting with his architect Hermann Giesler, as recorded in this reminiscence in Giesler's memoir:
It was certainly the word ‘party’ that turned his thoughts.
He worries a great deal about Rudolf Hess. He knows he can talk about it with me. Hess’s nearly occult, airy behavior, his hypochondria and what he is doing for it. He is certainly not against homeopaths and alternative medical practitioners, but strongly against all those Hess trusts with his confidence. He should by all means find a physician with rank. Hitler is really worried, not only because of Hess’s position and tasks, but simply because he is sincerely fond of him. That I keep him in such high esteem, that I feel an obligation, well, he is the “Faithful” since the beginning of the National Socialist struggle. (The Artist Within the Warlord: An Adolf Hitler You’ve Never Known, Yeager and Kriessmann, p. 76.)
This reveals important information. Seven months before the Hess flight, Hitler was expressing to a trusted party member with whom he often shared confidential information, that he did not, could not have full faith in his old friend & deputy Rudolf Hess. He said: I keep him in place because of the past, but his current behavior does not inspire confidence. “I am worried about him.”
Would the man responsible for all of Germany in this terrible time of war place his confidence in such an other man to carry out the extremely difficult mission that Hess sought to carry out? You have to believe that Hitler was both irresponsible and incompetent to believe that. Those who say they do believe it are carried away with the romantic side of the story, and sympathy for the Hess family. They are looking for easy answers. Perhaps there is not much going on in their heads.
Martin Bormann began acting as Hitler's personal secretary on 12 August 1935. After Hess's solo flight to Britain on 10 May 1941, Bormann assumed Hess's former duties as Head of the Parteikanzlei -- Party Chancellery. The office of Deputy Fuehrer was abolished.
John Wear's “argument” for Hitler's pre-knowledge
On Unz Review, John Wear [] argued thus:
“My response: There is no definitive proof that Hitler did or did not know that Rudolf Hess was going to fly to Scotland. It is a greyish area of history.”
However, here is some 'evidence' he assembles:
“Churchill and other British leaders [had] rejected all of Hitler’s numerous peace offers. Hitler continued to search for a way to end the war with Great Britain.” [Did he? -cy]
“On May 5, 1941, Hitler and Hess met for four hours in the Reichschancellory—alone.Waiting in the antechamber was Hess's adjutant Alfred Leitgen, who said he overheard bits and snatches of conversation. Example: “No problems at all with the airplane” and the names “Albrecht Haushofer” and “Hamilton.” Source: Hack writer Louis Kilzer, Churchill's Deception: The Dark Secret that Destroyed Nazi Germany.
John admits that Hitler and Hess both denied that Hess flew to Scotland with Hitler’s knowledge and approval. John then makes two assumptions: Hess would not have undertaken such an important step without first informing Hitler becuse “they were so close.”
Second, that a gag-order was imposed on Hess by the British because ”he knew things that, if publicly known, would be embarassing to the Allied governnents. [These assumptions come from a book by Wolf Rudiger Hess, “The Life and Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess.” Wolf Hess was 3½ years old at the time of the flight. -cy]
"Many other people have concluded that Hess flew to Scotland with Hitler’s full knowledge and approval," Wear writes and gives these two examples:
Georg Bernhard wrote in The New York Times: “It is now apparent to everybody that Rudolf Hess flew to England with the full consent of Adolf Hitler. It was his job to bring peace between Germany and England.” (Source: Kilzer, Louis C., Churchill’s Deception: The Dark Secret that Destroyed Nazi Germany, 1994
Willis Carto wrote, “The evidence is strong that Hess risked his life for peace under orders from Adolf Hitler.” (Source: Melaouhi, Abdallah, “Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal and Murder,” The Barnes Review, 2013.
John writes in another comment that it was Wolf Rudiger Hess who wrote in his book, the following:
“No one knows for sure whether my father undertook his flight with the knowledge and blessing of Adolf Hitler. Both men are now dead. All the available evidence, though, suggests that Hitler knew in advance of the flight:
"First: Just a few days before his flight, my father had a private meeting with Hitler that lasted four hours. It is known [by whom? Leitgen? -cy] that the two men raised their voices during portions of their talk, and that when they were finished, Hitler accompanied his Deputy to the ante-room, put his arm soothingly around his shoulder, and said: “Hess, you really are stubborn.”
"Second: The relationship between Hitler and Hess was so close and intimate that one can logically assume that Hess would not have undertaken such an important step in the middle of a war without first informing Hitler. [He did inform Hitler and Hitler said no. Hess decided to risk it w/o Hitler's approval and accept the consequences. -cy]
"Third: Although Hess’ adjutants and secretaries were imprisoned after the flight, Hitler intervened to protect Hess’ family. He saw to it that a pension was paid to Hess’ wife, and he sent a personal telegram of condolence to Hess’ mother when her husband died in October 1941. [This proves nothing because it was typical behavior for Hitler. -cy]
"Fourth: Among the papers released in June 1992 by the British authorities are two farewell letters my father wrote on June 14, 1941, the day before he tried to commit suicide in Mytchett Place, in England. The letters were written after he realized that his peace mission had definitely failed. One was addressed to Hitler and the other to his family. Both clearly confirm that his close relationship with Hitler still existed. If he had undertaken his now-obviously failed mission without Hitler’s prior knowledge, his relationship with Hitler clearly would no longer still have been one of trust. [This makes no sense. We don't hear anything from Hitler, only Hess. Why should his feelings for Hitler have hardened? It was Hitler who suffered the injury. Plus Hess was not allowed to know anything that was being said in Germany, or anywhere for that matter. -cy]
"And, fifth: Gauleiter Ernst Bohle, the Hess confident and high-ranking official who had helped my father to translate some papers into English, remained convinced until his death that all this was done with Hitler’s knowledge and approval.” [Because this is what Hess had told him. cy]
(Source: Hess, Wolf R., “The Life and Death of My Father,” The Journal of Historical Review, January/February 1993, p. 31).
My own view
My position is more like the following. From Wolf Hess's book:
The Hess papers that were released in Britain with great fanfare in June 1992 proved to be disappointing. Among these approximately two thousand pages was absolutely nothing of real substance about the secret contacts that existed between Britian and Germany, about the British peace group (which was thought to include members of the royal family) and its peace feelers to Germany, or about the role played by the British secret service prior to the flight.
It's now known (since 2004 - that there were no secret contacts between Britain & Germany; no British peace group; no peace feelers to Germany; no role played by British secret service. The whole thing was nothing but a scam operation conducted solely out of the highly secretive Special Operations Executive (SOE), formed in 1940. Hess was completely fooled, but by what? Neither the Duke of Hamilton nor any member of the royal family were ever involved in communications with Rudolf Hess. Even Winston Churchill did not know about this particular operation! He had no “need to know.”
There was never any real opposition to Churchill in Britain, although Germans were led to believe there was, including Hitler.There is no question that the Germans were outsmarted by the British in this entire affair. And why? Because the Germans, led by Hitler, wanted peace so badly and wanted to believe it could come about. Desire for a certain outcome left them more susceptible to being fooled. But Hitler was smart enough to realize there was not enough basis for Hess's risky plan. Hess, however, had more than the desire for peace involved; he had the hope of regaining the special place he once held in the Fueher's esteem. This flight and successful negotiations were a last chance, as he saw it. Hess may not have been so consciously aware of these influences, but unconciously he was acting on them. Dreams and fortune-tellers held more sway with him than they should have.
Albert Speer's recollections
Albert Speer actually wrote in his book titled in English, Inside the Third Reich, that he discussed the flight with Hess himself 25 years later when both were incarcerated in Spandau.
“Hess assured me in all seriousness that the idea had been inspired in him in a dream by supernatural forces – 'We will guarantee England her empire; in return she will give us a free hand in Europe.' "
From the same article, Speer reported in Inside the Third Reich that he was waiting outside Hitler's office the morning of May 11 when the Leader received the letter from Hess. He described that he heard “an inarticulate, almost animal out-cry” of rage.
“What bothered Hitler was that Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's allies that Hitler was extending a peace feeler,” Speer wrote. “'Who will believe me when I say that Hess did not fly there in my name, that the whole thing is not some sort of intrigue behind the backs of my allies? Japan might even alter her policy because of this,'” he quotes Hitler, while also noting Hitler's hope that Hess might luckily crash and die in the North Sea.
In addition to this strong evidence from a very close working associate (Speer) at the time, we have the former Foreign Secretary Lord Simon, the highest-placed person known to have met with Hess, who interviewed him on June 10 a few days before Hess's first suicide attempt:
"Hess has come on his own initiative,” Simon wrote of the meeting.“He has not flown over on the orders, or with the permission or previous knowledge, of Hitler. It is a venture of his own.” [ibid.,]
This is important because this information was being gathered for Winston Churchill himself, who was extremely worried that Hess was on a mission representing the official Reich government. If that were the case, it meant there was a traitorous group in Britain communicating with the Germans. After several interrogations, Churchill and his team were confident this was not the case. But they decided to keep Rudolf Hess locked up for life anyway.
The background story
The background story is thus: According to some newly released documents in 2004 by the British government, in September 1940 Albrecht Haushofer sent a letter to the 14th Duke of Hamilton, who was then commander of RAF Turnhouse in Edinburgh, suggesting a meeting in Lisbon (where Samuel Hoare was British ambassador) in the interests of achieveing a peace settlement between Britain and Germany. The letter was intended to determine whether there was any interest within the Duke's circle for such a meeting. If it had reached the Duke the matter could have been settled right then – in the negative. But the letter was intercepted by the British secret srvices, and never seen by Hamilton. No one knew that Rudolf Hess was behind the proposition, either, until he crash landed in Scotland in May '41. MI5 investigated and decided they had no interest in the letter; thus it was simply dropped.
However, it was picked up by the highly secretive, newly-formed Special Operations Executive (SOE), which began an entrapment operation to try to lure the person(s) behind the letter to a meeting. Hess fell for it. He deluded himself into thinking that he could broker a peace deal that Hitler and his special ambassadors had not been able to achieve.
Of course, his intentions were faultless; his mission pure; but he was deluded nevertheless. Hitler was right. Hess was not equipped to go up against the big boys in wartime. And once again, Hitler's loyalty to old friendships, his Germanic values of honor and faithfulness, cost him in the greater international arena. He could not be ruthless enough.
Concluding thoughts
Although this unauthorized flight by Hess did not do any lasting damage to Germany's war effort or reputation (it has enhanced the latter), it certainly harmed Hess and his family. In the end, both the tragedy and the heroism is part of the legacy of Rudolf Hess, which he bears on his own. He paid the full price for his actions, never causing it to fall on anyone else, never complaining about his fate, never blaming any fellow German. Rudolf Hess lived the life of a true Stoic, and reaps the reward of becoming almost a cult figure, admired by millions and even adulated by some. A hero. Aren't the most beloved heroes always tragic heroes?
Adolf Hitler played no role, and knew almost as little as did Winston Churchill about what his deputy was secretly up to. Remember, the Thule organization dealt with hidden matters. Rudolf Hess had a natural connection and “feel” for the hidden, while at the same time was as open and honest as any man. This is the riddle of Rudolf Hess. And honestly, to me, it personifies the riddle that the German people are to the rest of Europe, and maybe even mankind. It takes a special kind of mind to see and understand the German idea of gestalt, but that is a clue to understanding the German Weltanschaaung, their point of view from the very middle of Europe.
Adolf Hitler, Historical Revisionism, World War II- 1572 reads
Great article, Carolyn.
Great article, Carolyn.
In the 1970s and 80s, White Nationalists like the Rev. Ralph Forbes, one of George Lincoln Rockwell's officers in the day, used to send out mailings with May 10th declared as "World Peace Day" in honor of Hess' 1941 flight.
i agree that there is zero reason to suspect that Hitler had any knowledge of such a crackpot scheme as Hess's secret flight. Hitler understood how to do proper peace feelers ─ so what would be the point, sacrifice the Deputy-Führer to impress the likes of Churchill?
The only people that don't still understand that Hitler never wanted war with the West is Hollywood and the mainstream media. Even the establishment historians usually concede it (usually wanting to claim that Hitler wanted to Genocide Jews and Slavs in the East instead).
I had the great privilege before his 2001 death of corresponding briefly with Herr Wolf Rüdiger Hess via e-mail after he thanked me for some supportive post on the old Axis History Forum about the theory of the elder Hess being murdered in Spandau prison by the British in 1987,which Wolf believed in.
Personally, however, I highly doubt it since I don't think Hess could have shed much light on anything other than the potential embarrassment of some or other Lord, but that hardly leads up to 1987 murder in Spandau before Hess' potential release. The Soviets had been the sole objectors to Hess' release for some time, but that was changing.
Also, it is simply not that difficult to hang oneself with a shoelace and a doorknob, or similar. Robert Ley pulled it off in prison in 1945 and it is a very common means of suicide today, even in the United States when firearms are prevalent.
The idea that a 93 year old man could not have done that to commit suicide in Spandau is nonsense. Hess was not being watched around the clock in 1987, as simple as that.
NOT a suicide!!!
Given the close relationship between the two men, most likely Hess had informed Hitler of his plan. Hitler did not approve but Hess was determined to go for it anyway. English version makes the most sense to me. However, at this point in time all that is no longer as important. IMHO, historical research should focus on uncovering what really happened about Hess's death. It was (?) a suicide (((they))) tell us; but was it really?! I seriously doubt it. Hess was about to be released and unfortunately for him, he knew way too much. Again, what a sad sad story; but that's no surprise when the dzews stick their fat big nose into other people's affairs ...
The only reason you give for 'murder' is:"Hess was about to be released and unfortunately for him, he knew way too much."
What did he know that would have been damning to the British establishment? Nothing, really. And I can imagine that he might not have looked forward to the real world and its questions after all that time in prison. And at his age. So you have not made a case for your point of view.
Carolyn, I love how your
Carolyn, I love how your passion sometimes becomes a ..."fence" between you and your audience. FYI, I was not trying to make a case for myself. I was not even arguing a point either. I'm simply stating some personal beliefs based on known facts and using some common sense logic. I did not ask for approval points and as a matter of fact my feelings will not be hurt if no one agrees.
No one can deny that Hitler had a special relationship with Hess. Yes Hitler had progressively become a little tired with Hess' ... peculiarities but it is undeniable that his affection and friendship did not waver. Hess' feelings were also similar. These two men went back together a long time, they had suffered so much and struggled, it is inconceivable that Hess had kept his plan secret from Hitler all along. I'm trying to be objective here: We don't really know because the only people who could confirm or deny that are both dead.
Therefore anybody including yourself who rely on third party sources historians, etc, who claim to know better, or wrote a book etc, all of us no matter what we believe, it's all conjecture. So again: The most likely thing to have happened is that Hess told Hitler of his plan but Hitler turned him down.
However the main element in my previous comment which deserved more attention, is to find the truth about how Hess died. Although his parole was not guaranteed it was never the less likely to happen soon. I mean for how much longer can you incarcerate someone who missed the larger part of WW2. Again using common sense logic, I doubt he committed suicide and in that gruesome way. And as a side note his son's death at the early age of 63 is also very suspicious too.
Anyone can draw any conclusions they want, but IMHO what really matters TODAY is to find out who/how they murdered him. But thanks for posting our conversation.
Can't agree to that
"Therefore anybody including yourself who rely on third party sources historians, etc, who claim to know better, or wrote a book etc, all of us no matter what we believe, it's all conjecture."
No, I can't agree to that. I'm not going by my "beliefs" but by the evidence I put forth in the article. You might as well have not read it. But evidence is there. You are in agreement with John Wear, who considers it all conjecture because, as you also said, the two men are both dead. But that doesn't stop the evidence from being there.
Upon learning of Hess' ill
Upon learning of Hess' ill-fated endevour, Hitler must have felt sentiments rather like Warren G. Harding's: "I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends, my god-damned friends . . . they're the ones who keep me walking the floor nights." I suppose it speaks volumes about the dishonest nature of the Allied propaganda version of Hitler that he actually worried about and tried to help Hess rather than just ditch him or even have him killed as a liability as the Hollywood Fuhrer would.
By the way, Carolyn, I know this is a bit off topic, but I thought I'd ask you: having read the Ingrid Weckert book on Kristallnacht (and found it the only version that wasn't tear-jerking propaganda), do you know of a similar (revisionist) book or article on the Haavara Agreement? The only book on the topic that I know of is by the Jewish writer Edwin Black, and I get the feeling that it presents a rather cropped picture.
No revisionist book
No, I don't know of a revisionist book on the Haavara Agreement. I came across something very short on that included a reading list. › download › istorie_universala › Haavara Agreement - 1933.pdf Some of the titles:
• Avraham Barkai: German Interests in the Haavara-Transfer Agreement 1933–1939, Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute 35; 1990, S. 245–266
• Yehuda Bauer: "Jews for sale? Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945", Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1996. ISBN 978-0300068528
• David Yisraeli: The Third Reich and the Transfer Agreement, in: Journal of Contemporary History 6 (1972), S. 129–148
R. Melka: Nazi Germany and the Palestine Question, Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 5 No. 3 (Oct., 1969). pp 221–233.
• Hava Eshkoli-Wagman: Yishuv Zionism: Its Attitude to Nazism and the Third Reich Reconsidered, Modern Judaism. Vol. 19 No. 1 (Feb., 1999). pp 21–40.
• Klaus Poleken: The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany 1933–1941. Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol. 5 No. 3/4 (Spring–Summer 1976). pp 54–8
I found some interesting information which I included in an article on 'Elie Wiesel and the Irgun', that probably has not received the attention it deserves. It's a section at the end of the article:
The role of the Irgun in Central/Eastern Europe—collaboration with Poland, then Paris
"While we hear so much about the “Transfer Agreement” and the Zionist collaboration with the German National Socialists under Adolf Hitler, where do we hear that beginning in 1936 the Polish Government was also desirous of, and actively engaged in, transferring their Jews to Palestine?"
Epic levels of hypocrisy by the Poles
Thank you for those sources, Carolyn; I will look into them. For now I did read your article on Wiesel. I must say that, although I had never read that anywhere, I wasn't exactly surprised: we're talking about Poland here, the country that has the gall to simultaneously criminalize denying that the Germans mass murdered Jews AND (attempt to) criminalize accusing Poles of having been complicit in the mythical killings. They said it was to "defend the good name of Poland;" I say it was to ensure a Jewish shakedown for thee (Germany) but not for me.
Reading your article, the parts touching on the international reach of the precursors to Mossad, reminded me of something: a while ago I had come up with a theory of how Jewry within a nation and internationally organizes itself--not consciously as in a command hierarchy (a la Mossad) but rather instinctively as in what Kevin MacDonald would call a group evolutionary strategy (though it's different than anything he wrote). I've worked on it only off and on and it's not done yet, but it's developed enough that I could email you a short summary via your contact page. Would you like to hear it?
The Haushofers
I agree with you, Carolyn, that Hess would have said his stupid idea to Adolf Hitler and that Hitler said, "No." I would like to add some info related to the photo atop your article. I agree that David Irving cannot be trusted, as I have said for many years on my websites. But some facts can be gleaned from his books. In his book on Hess, Irving says that Hess was very fond of his professor Karl Hausfoher and stayed in touch throughout his adult life. Then, Irving says that Haushofer's son Albrecht was the son of a "half-Jewish mother." Thus, the professor's wife was a jew. Irving doesn't say if the professor was a jew or not. I say he likely was, a crypto-jew. And the son, Albrecht, certainly was a jew. The Haushofers, especially Albrecht, encouraged Hess's stupid idea to fly to Scotland and worked with the international jew network to feed Hess disinfo to lure him into doing it. Hess was no hero. Hitler was right, of course, to have lost confidence in him. Hess was a fool for his favorite jews, who he protected, and who misled him into false heroism.
Why invent your own history?
You're jumping the gun, aren't you? You say: Irving says that Haushofer's son Albrecht was the son of a "half-Jewish mother." [Makes him 1/4 Jewish.] You admit Irving doesn't write that Karl Haushofer was at all Jewish, but you decide, with no evidence at all, that he "likely" was. If Irving suspected such a thing, he would have said so in the book. He doesn't, which means he didn't think so. From that, you decide the Haushofers "encouraged" Hess to fly to Scotland. No evidence for that either. You're making something up.
I could
Well, Carolyn, I could write an article-length comment with evidence to support everything I said. But I don't do that on other people's websites. Comments are comments, not articles. Irving's book says more about the communiques with Albrecht as middle-man. There's more to say about the professor. ... (clip)
No, you couldn't.
If there was more to say that proved your point, you would have said it. Why do you think you can fool people so easily? Why think you can come to my site and pass off such half-baked ideas without pushback from me? You said yourself:
"Irving doesn't say if the professor [Karl] was a jew or not. I say he likely was, a crypto-jew."
Based on what? Oh, you could tell us but it would take up too much space, so we should just trust you. No thanks.
A mirror image of Jewish propagandistic history
There is sometines among the dissident right an unfortunate tendency to become a mirror image of most Jewish historians (Ariel Toaff being, at first a notable exception): just as they assume, a priori and without evidence, that every last accusation against Jews MUST be false, so many on the other side assume that anything Jews could have been behind, they MUST have been behind. Neither makes for good historical scholarship
Greetings Carolyn, interesting article. It seems history is always written by the victors and only later more corrected. I always think of Hellstorm and the intentional burning alive of innocent children in the fire bombings Which we never hear about in the victor's colume. I see young German soldiers hearing that their loved ones were burned alive and then wonder at those who call him fanatical. Also, I think that this war crime is covered up in part by the lie of the so called Holocaust. Anyway, I'm still open to the idea that the facts of history will eventually float to the top. If it doesn't then we will continue to live in dreams and war. incedentally, I don't know if I told you or not, as a soldier in Berlin Germany in the 60s, I was on guard duty at Spandau and saw Hess and Speer from a distance. We had four armies guarding these two old men 24/7 each taking their monthly assignment supplying a full squadron of guards. Then there was the big to-do of changing the guard, all spit and shine.
Thank you for this wonderful article
Thank you, Carolyn for this wonderful, well-researched, and eye-opening, article. To be quite honest, I never thought of the Hitler knew, or did not know Hess's planned flight to the UK with intentions to broker a peace deal with England. I learned many crucial details in assessing for myself, the truth of this important historical event. I do fully believe, based on your research, that Adolf Hitler had no prior knowledge of Rudolf Hess's planned flight to the UK, so that he, on his own behalf, could broker a peace deal with England.
I fully agree that this secret mission, could have had negative consequences for the German war effort - like Japan, finding out that the Germans might have been working "secretly" with the British of whom were Japan's enemies, also, at this time in 1941.
Thank you, also, for bringing up the Thule Society, and how Adolf Hitler did not incorporate this organization into the NSDAP. These are all very excellent points, and I am glad that you have written this most thought-provoking, and informative, article.
More questions?
Thank you for that information but I have more questions than answers.
My first question why was Hess taken prisoner for that long of a time?
What was the charge that would get somebody put in prison with such a long prison sentence?
if there was nothing going on there why would they keep someone in prison for that long. Next question did Hitler ever talk about it, if no then why not? You think it would have been a topic for discussion somewhere down the line of what happened there unless they just wanted to bury the whole thing because it was an embarrassment to Hitler for that to happen.
My last point is, was the more to the story that meets the eye that we don't even know, again it's not whats said that's important it's what's not said.
Jim Rizoli
HESS' Trip to Scotland. Did Hitler send him?
Thank you for this article, presenting info for both sides of the argument - both compelling. I think the 'insider' info concerning Hitler's feelings for Hess are MOST convincing. Jim Rizoli did a video (below) and we discussed it in our WALK AND TALK today. (Processing).'s-Flight-To-Scotland-July-25,-2023:2
Masonry in Britain
I do believe that Hess went to Britain for peace--but that was not to be. Hitler and Hess, irregardless if Hitler knew or not, did not know that ALL of Britain's aristocracy and the royalty were Masons! Freemasonry is based on Jewish Messianism--rebuilding the Tower of Babel. The British aristocracy in general, along with Churchill worked to destroy National Socialist Germany---for their ideology of the "Brotherhood of Man". That Britain, essentlally a German colony, attacked the Motherland for Judaism--is just downright sick and disgusting. It is Britain that needs to be ashamed of itself. Britain sided twice with the Jews WWi and WWII against the Motherland.
No peace would have happend. The Labor Party is a Communist Organization and the British Aristocracy were all Masons. Their agenda is Internationalism.
Quite Interesting
I enjoyed this article. Thank you. I would say that although I doubt our ability to ever 100% know the answer to the question, I found that Speer's anecdote about Hitler's reaction on May 11 to be pretty convincing evidence that he was surprised by Hess's action.
But going back to the question of why do people wonder whether or not Hitler escaped from Germany in the final days; because it's in the realm of the possible. If other Reich officials were able to escape via what has been called the ratline by their enemies, then certainly it was physically possible for Hitler to have done so. Because of that, some will always muse over it.
"... why do people wonder
"... why do people wonder whether or not Hitler escaped from Germany in the final days; because it's in the realm of the possible. If other Reich officials were able to escape via what has been called the ratline by their enemies, then certainly it was physically possible for Hitler to have done so."
I emphasize that Hitler did not want to escape, while the others did. And, of course, he was not just anyone and so the hunt for him would have been massive ... and then some.
Imo, it is a 100% surety.
Please read "Mord an Rudolf
Please read "Mord an Rudolf Hess?" from Wolf Rüdiger Hess