Holocaust Industry Exposed

Break the Spell! Magic and Trickery are what the "Holocaust" is made of

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-12-23 06:50

By Carolyn Yeager

Do you remember the nursery rhyme that goes:

Sugar and Spice and all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of.

How about this one:

Magic and Trickery and all things fakery, that’s what “the holocaust” is made of.

This very famous image associated with the so-called “Holocaust” that was discussed in the previous post has turned out to be fraught with fakery. A sharp-eyed reader, Paul Borresen, noticed something that, once seen,  makes one wonder how it was not seen before!

What he noticed is that, in addition to the fake standing man exposed in my previous post,  one of the men in the bunks appears twice in this Famous Buchenwald Lie Photo, and the similarity is unmistakeable. 

Viewing the photo enlarged as much as it can be (2 times) … find the young man lying on his back with head turned toward the photographer,  in the 2nd row up from the bottom, 3rd from the left. His head is resting on his food bowl. (close-up on left, below, designated ‘Original’)

Now look at the young man in the same position in the bottom row, 4th from the left. He is the same man! (close-up above, designated ‘Copy’) The food bowl has been removed from underneath his head, leaving it to a military intelligence photo-retoucher to redo his throat  and neck, but in a very un-anatomical manner. Have you ever seen a neck that looked like that? I have not. In an attempt to retain a lesser portion of the ‘gown’ he was wearing so that it would not look the same as the ‘original,’ more bare skin is left showing, but without any anatomical correctness whatsoever.

The retoucher was not a trained artist and was in over his/her head with this assignment. For example, look at the ear. It consists of a few strokes of light-colored paint in an attempt to make something resembling an ear, but failing.  Ears are one of the most difficult parts of the body to draw or paint in a convincing manner, but it was necessary to add an ear to this ‘copy’ because the ear is not showing on the original man in the bunk above; it is buried against the upside-down food bowl and some material that’s covering it. The botched ear of the ‘copy’ is one of the biggest giveaways of  fakery in this photo, but not the only one.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Discovered! Iconic photo in Buchenwald is dishonest photo-fakery

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-12-19 15:17

By Carolyn Yeager, Dec. 19, 2012

This is the photograph that Allied Supreme Commander General Dwight David Eisenhower ordered, in April 1945, to be posted in every German town and city 1 to show the defeated population the “true meaning of Nazism.”

Was this photo made to order according to Ike’s specifications?

A huge blown-up version then went on tour in the United States for the same purpose, to impress on the American people what evil they had gone to war against; why the sacrifice of blood and treasure was justified! Below: “A traveling exhibit of larger than life size photographs was first shown in St. Louis, MO in summer 1945 and then taken to Washington, DC.

It was plastered on the front pages of newspapers across the country. Thus it became one of the most iconic images representing WWII and of what later came to be known as “The Holocaust.” The intention was to portray the war as a noble effort to “save the Jews from enslavement and extermination,” just as the equally bloody American Civil War had come to be taught as a war “to free the slaves,” i.e. the Negroes who were not citizens of the country they were living  in.

Both are black propaganda campaigns that still use whatever is at hand, whether it be subterfuge or not.

In the case of above photograph, we have learned that the standing figure, the part that makes the biggest, most memorable impact on the viewer, was added later – it was not in the original photo allegedly taken by Private H. Miller of the Civil Affairs Branch of the U.S. Army Signal Corps on April 16, 1945, five days after the “liberation” of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp by American forces.

A blogger, the owner of the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth website who goes by the nickname Black Rabbit,  decided a week or so ago, out of curiosity, to order the New York Times newspaper article from May 6, 1945 in which this photo was published, and when it came the photo looked like this:

What a shock to see only an empty dark space, and in the New York Times no less!

What happened to the standing man? I was the first to bring it to the attention of the participants in the comment section of furtherglory’s Scrapbookpages Blog after Black Rabbit posted a link to the original article there, and then we quickly began noticing the tell-tale signs of FORGERY about this strange figure who had always appeared odd to me  standing there naked as he is, but did not arouse enough suspicion amidst all of the onslaught of “holocaust” imagery, stories and news articles with which we are constantly being bombarded. We see what we are supposed to see, what we’re told we’re seeing, and almost always leave it at that.  It is also one of the better photo-forgery jobs of holocaust black propaganda – could that be because it was being done at the behest of the Supreme Commander himself?

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

AP stonewalling legitimate questions about reporter seeing Elie Wiesel's tattoo

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-12-04 14:51

by Carolyn Yeager, Dec. 4, 2012

My latest phone call on the morning of Monday Dec. 3 to the Associated Press office in New York brought the following results:  The answerer, upon hearing my name, immediately connected me to Corporate Communications, where I spoke to the same woman I spoke with the previous Monday, Nov. 26. I identified myself and told her I had re-sent the first email from Nov. 8 (rather than the second one from Nov. 14) as she requested but did not receive any acknowledgment of receipt from anyone. She said she  forwarded it to the proper parties, but had not guaranteed there would be a reply.

In answer to my persistent questions, to which she finally gave her name as “Lauren,” though she would not give me a last name, she added the information that the email was forwarded to “the journalist and the news editor.” Lauren would not reveal the name of the news editor. Thus the road forward on this issue is being “stonewalled” by the guilty. As we know, they are able to write and publish tons of prose about the impossible stories of the “survivors” of the “Holocaust,” but go deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to answering simple questions of fact concerning these stories. Let’s take a look at what they are actually guilty of.

Stonewalling: To refuse to answer or cooperate (esp. in supplying information).

I have asked for further elucidation from reporter Verena Dobnik about her vaguely-worded but pointed reference to seeing a “death camp” tattoo on the left arm of Elie Wiesel during an interview session …  that has never been seen by anyone! Yet, not a single further word has come forth from her.

What is the Associated Press

[From Wikipedia] The Associated Press is an American news agency, a cooperative owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States, which both contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists. Many newspapers and broadcasters outside the United States are AP subscribers, paying a fee to use AP material without being contributing members of the cooperative. The AP staff is represented by the Newspaper Guild union, which operates under the Communication Workers union, which operates under the AFL-CIO. The content of AP news stories relating to current political issues that impact union interests has increasingly been subject to claims of news media bias.  

Journalism Scandals

Journalistic scandals include: plagiarism, fabrication, and omission of information; activities that violate the law, or violate ethical rules; the altering or staging of an event being documented; or making substantial reporting or researching errors with the results leading to libelous or defamatory statements.  Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Carolyn on Rick Adam's Show

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-11-14 16:31

Nov. 14, 2012

Carolyn's latest article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World is the topic of discussion. AP Reporter Verena Dobnik wrote on Oct. 8 that Wiesel showed her his tattoo during an interview she conducted as publicity for his upcoming book. Carolyn charges AP and Ms. Dobnik with journalistic fraud and asks listeners to write to info@ap.com and do the same. Rick Adams relates instances of admitted false statements by reporters. One hour.

Elie Wiesel and Survivor Guilt

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-09-27 23:31

This article is courtesy of Jett Rucker and Smith’s Report, where it appears in the current issue.

Since Elie Wiesel is “the world’s most famous Holocaust survivor,” I asked Mr. Rucker if I could post his article here.  It does an effective job of putting the term “holocaust survivor” into a more realistic context – one that includes all “survivors.”  I have added the sub-headings and pictures, and done very slight editing (removing some phrases in parentheses) for ease of reading.

Of course, my position remains that it is doubtful Elie Wiesel was in the camps at all. Thus, his “survivor guilt” might be even greater than if he were, and survived. Can that explain his lifelong campaign on behalf of keeping “Memory” alive of what occurred, both fictitious and real? Some might think so, but perhaps a better explanation is plain old opportunism. The many favors and privileges Wiesel has obtained throughout his lifetime are based on his “survivorship;” keep that in mind as you read the following.~cy [Image: Ye olde survivor Elie Wiesel has lived the good life, as his contented face reveals.]

Survivor Guilt

by Jett Rucker

“Survivor guilt” has come into popular usage as an irrational complex on the part of people who are among a very small number of people who, by sheer happenstance, have emerged alive from a disaster that took the lives of many others who seem to have deserved no more (or less) to have survived than they (the survivors) did. Occasionally, for example, a plane crash occurs from which one, or perhaps two, victims emerge relatively unscathed, while all their fellows perished in the catastrophe. The complex plagues them for years after the event, in some cases. Continue reading ....

The Heretics' Hour: Absurdities and Insanities All Around Us

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-09-27 10:54

Sept. 24, 2012

Circumcision is again the lead topic on The Heretics’ Hour. Carolyn discusses some famous iconic figures who are circumcision promoters:  Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey (thru Dr. Phil and others on her network). Oprah promotes SkinMedica, a skin product made from harvested foreskins. Infant foreskins are also used to make new skin for burn victims and wounds that won’t heal; it is highly lucrative for the hospitals and clinics that sell them after they are cut off of helpless infants. Oprah also involved herself in “The Holocaust” by teaming up with Elie Wiesel and endorsing his fictional book Night as non-fiction.

Image: Bill Clinton with his close friend Stephen Lewis, an outspoken feminist and vehement promoter of male circumcision. Lewis is Jewish and former head of UNAIDS.

In the second hour, Carolyn turns to the BUGS view of Adolf Hitler,  the Goebbel’s collection of youthful writings to be auctioned off, the Daily Mail atrocity of a review of a new book on German WWII soldiers, and more.

An email concerning German "justice"

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-09-13 11:27

Franz Seiler wrote, in response to the Gerhard Ittner post (slightly edited by me):

As far as I understand these procedures, trials, law-suits on revisionism it's the following. I sent these lines to the law-court Mannheim, commenting to the [current] case of Günter Deckert......

Comment to the verdict of the Landgericht [district court]  Mannheim concerning the case Mattogno-Deckert, a statement, plea of the judge at the LG Herrn Roos, and the Verfassungsbeschwerde [constitutional complaint] of  4 Sept. 2012:

The plea of the judge, Herrn Roos, proves that these lawsuits on revisionism are held without any recourse to the matter on hand.
The statement of the judge Herrn Roos also proves that he thinks he is to come to a verdict against the accused person without any recourse to the matter on hand. This is following a still valid stipulation in the so-called Überleitungsvertrag [transition agreement] of 1953ff that deutsche Stellen (German authorities. e.g. also law-courts) are not to question measures and decisions of the Allies concerning events from 1933 to 1945 and after that time.

If such deutsche Stellen [German law courts] are not to question measures and decisions, they are also not to investigate such measures and decisions, and they also are not to judge upon such measures and decisions. All of these measures are "off limits" to them!

If they demand jurisdiction on these matters they are demanding a right which they do not have!
(This is slightly simplified - for I don't know the terms of jurisdiction in English of what I wrote in German to the Landgericht Mannheim.)

I'm convinced that German law-courts have no jurisdiction on the matters referred to in the Überleitungsvertrag [transition agreement]. The absolutely silly way they conduct such trials, denying enquiries into the matter to be tried, also prove this. So they also do not have the right to issue a European Arrest Warrant for this.

Best wishes,
Franz Seiler

A Letter from Political Prisoner Gerhard Ittner

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-09-12 17:59

Yesterday I received a letter from Gerhard Ittner, who since April is being held in a prison in Lisbon fighting extradition to Germany for "thought crimes" related to the "Holocaust." Ittner had been evading the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) "justice" for 7 years; he has been in Portugal for most of that time.

But then the FRG issued a European Arrest Warrant for Ittner, which must be honored Europe-wide, and Ittner decided to risk arrest for the chance to bring his case to the International or European courts. He began writing again under a nom de plume, knowing he would sooner or later be discovered.

I interviewed Henrik Holappa about Ittner on July 7th, and a few weeks afterward sent the prisoner a short note. On August 26, he wrote a letter to me in return, in very neat longhand - which I only just received. I am reproducing most of that letter below.

The Heretics' Hour: Elie Wiesel and Gottfried Feder in the limelight

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-09-04 01:45

Sept. 3, 2012

Carolyn Yeager‘s intended guest had to pull out suddenly, so the program changed to discussing Elie Wiesel in the first hour only, with Hadding Scotts new translation of Gottfried Feder’s “manifesto on breaking the shackles of interest” discussed in the second hour.  Topics include:

  • The very real pressures from within families to be politically correct;
  • Elie Wiesel as a publicity creation who has gotten rich working for the holocaust industry;
  • Wiesel and rabbis protest Canada cutting refugee medical benefits;
  • Hungarian nationalist government stands up to Holocaust Claims Conference amid cries of anti-semitism;
  • Hadding Scott’s book due out at end of September;
  • Mammonism; the problem of interest on debts; German revolution vs. global revolution;
  • How much of Feder’s program did Hitler put into practice;
  • And more.

Image: Elie Wiesel in Concert DVD: Melodies of My Childhood, $25

On the Roads of Truth: The Meaning of 6 Million

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-07-10 07:08

An astounding admission from a Jewish American psychologist is found in an article in the current (Summer 2012) issue of Inconvenient History Journal. It's titled "On The Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester" by Klaus Schwensen.

Schwensen tells of a certain "Warwick Hester" who, in the 1950's, wrote "critically about the 6-million number and the Jewish death toll in what has since became known as 'the Holocaust.'"

Warwick Hester mentions the increase of the Jewish world population by 3 million between 1933 and 1950, which of course is in contradiction to the 6 million murdered by the Nazis. In this connection, he tells the following story:

"Recently when talking to a North American of Jewish origin whom I esteem very much I referred to that discrepancy [of Jewish population numbers]. I asked him whether he himself believed in earnest that the Nazis had killed 6 millions. He said:´Naturally not. For that they had neither the time nor the means. What they obviously had, was the intention. Here begins politics [i.e. the psychology of propaganda]. Given the imputed intention, you can make any number. We thought that 6 millions are not too much to appear plausible, but sufficient to make mankind shiver for one century. This chance Hitler has given to us, and we make the most of it, to good effect, as you see.´ I said he ought to consider that a political lie like this will, in light of subsequent investigation, disclose itself and turn against those who invented it. But this Jew, a psychologist, denied that. It [the propaganda] had penetrated too deep into the subconscious of the masses, so that it could never be dislodged. Humans in general are completely uncritical. What is anchored in the subconscious, even an individual with common sense almost never is able to expunge. As a proof he cited the fact that already now [1954!], after a relatively short propagandistic campaign, that item required no further discussion. ´We have no problem, since we have created a historical fact which from now on is in the history books of schools, like the date of a battle.´" (my emphasis -cy)

I believe this Jew was speaking honestly to his colleague Warwick Hester and that many educated Jews, including "holocaust historians," know the truth of this perfectly well. In other words, they don't believe it, but they profess it anyway.
