
The Heretics' Hour: Adolf Hitler at 126 - his magic remains undimmed

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-04-19 21:41

April 20, 2015

April 20, 1939, Berlin puts on an elaborate celebration in honor of their Fuehrer's 50th birthday. Here, troops leading a marching band goose-step past the reviewing stand and invited guests. Enlarge

Hadding Scott joins Carolyn Yeager to discuss why this is so, and to speculate on what The Fuehrer would have to say if he made an appearance in the world today. One answer to his continuing appeal is that "Hitler was right!" Has anyone ever been more right than he, and also proven it? Discussion includes:

  • Hitler's astrological chart reveals a Venusian personality;
  • "The Grand Designer" who was actually in the process of designing a marvelous German Reich;
  • Hitler took on the job of "saving Germany" in 1918 because he saw no one else who would or could do it;
  • Importance of sticking with the Truth - Hitler demanded facts plus sincerity;
  • Hitler synthesized Austrian racial pan-Germanism with the Christian Social movement to create National-Socialism;
  • Hitler's work habits were a bit on the bohemian side;
  • The antisemitism of Richard Wagner and Winifred Wagner's deep friendship with Hitler;
  • The appropriateness of Hitler ending his life in Berlin, plus the last-minutes actions of Himmler and Goering;
  • Thanks to Ray Goodwin and Fredrick Toben for their calls.

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 50

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-03-13 00:17

March 12-2015

Alfred Rosenberg was the editor of the Völkischer Beobachter from 1923, after Dietrich Eckart. He wanted an intellectual Party newspaper and clashed with the more business-minded Party treasurer Max Amann. Hitler agreed with Amann.


Ray Goodwin and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on the August 20-22, 1942 lunch and dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down in shorthand by attorney Heinrich Heim. 1h26m. Included in this episode:

  • Maximum mechanisation of an army does not defeat greater man-power - Hitler expresses strong criticism of Wilhelm II and praise for Ferdinand of Bulgaria;
  • Alfred Rosenberg and the Völkischer Beobachter - after the Reichstag fire Hitler and Goebbels put out the next day's edition;
  • Baltic Germans - Hitler a "non-family man" - women's peccadillos bring fresh blood into a family - Bavarian girls are not virgins - rural custom of matrimonial trial;
  • Dialects vs standard German - stenographers and secretaries;
  • British gained their sense of superiority in India - India a source of great income for Britain - Indians and Mexicans engaged in human sacrifice before the White man came;
  • Hitler not fond of local crafts, including German - Don't try to change native peoples - Stalin and the Jews - Lloyd George a wise man - some war comments.

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here

The Heretics's Hour: The Conquered Germans

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-03-09 01:34

March 9, 2015

Carolyn looks at two items that arose in the news this past week that illustrate the continuing inabllity of Germans to assert their rights to respect and equal treatment 70 years after the war.

One is a new book on the rape of German women by U.S. troops during and after WWII; the other is the bullying of the German Federation of Expellees by the Polish and Czech governments into giving up all claims of compensation for the loss of their supposedly universal “right of return.”

She ends on a note of discouragement as to the likelihood of a future world that she would want to live in.

Image: Ex-president of the Federation of Expellees Erica Steinbach speaks with the new president Bernd Fabritius. Enlarge

Good for laughs

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-03-04 22:20

The US President and his attorney general discuss racism in the White House.

The US Department of Justice investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. Police Department found bias against African-Americans. What a surprise.  Of course, we don't need an investigation to know that there is plenty of bias against European-Americans in the DOJ itself, and in African-American Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr.

Some of the "most scathing findings" include seven "racist emails" that are included in the DOJ report. These are the type of emails that circulate around the internet every day that millions of Americans read. They are actually quite funny.


News, Race

The Heretics' Hour : Why Tolerance is the 'toxic trait'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-02-23 00:21

Feb. 23,2015

The idea of Tolerance as a total good  has insidiously been incorporated into our modern social thinking, and is still increasing in strength and reach. Some of the points brought up in this program:

  • Tolerance has replaced Truth as the major aim of education;
  • Adolf Hitler made it very clear from 1925 up to 1945 that he did not believe in nor practice tolerance;
  • Tolerance is contrary to the idea that life is an eternal struggle for survival;
  • Survival depends on 3 things: the quality of the race, giving significance to the individual personality, and recognition that life is synonymous with struggle;
  • Hitler's 1927 paper The Road to Resurgence written for Emil Kirdorf is discussed;
  • In 1944, Hitler said "tolerance is only understandable as signs of inner insecurity" and "It is madness to imagine that political views must be tolerant."

Carolyn uses these sources: Mein Kampf 1925, "Road to Resurgence" 1927, Table Talk 1942, and  "Talk to Officers at Platterhof" 1944.

The Heretics' Hour: What the Fuehrer did and didn't say in his Platterhof talk

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-02-17 06:55

Feb. 16, 2015

Adolf Hitler's view on race and the German Volk in his talk to Officers of May 1944 has been misrepresented by Veronica Clark in two books that she has sold on Amazon. Carolyn discusses the most interesting parts of the talk and points out the mistakes in Clark's translation:

  • Changing the word Volk to Rasse, or race, in one instance where it could not be an honest error (on page 48 of the German copy, shown at right - click on image for enlarged view);
  • Other inexplicably poor translation seemingly designed to detract from Hitler's strict attitude on race;
  • Attributing to Adolf Hitler in her foreward a false quote that she knew was actually written by another man, Otto Wagener;
  • Hadding Scott comes on the line in the last 15-20 minutes and confirms the correctness of Porter's translation over Clark's in some specific instances.

Read "Hitler's Talk to Officers and Generals on May 26, 1944 at the Platterhof in Obersalzberg" translated by Carlos W. Porter here.

Carolyn reveals her DNA results from 23andMe

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-02-04 14:19

Carolyn Yeager's full ancestry composition and haplogroup information from the 23andMe DNA testing and research company is located on this page.


Health, Race

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 37

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-11-20 14:08

Nov. 20, 2014

Hitler gets a tumultous welcome from the 95% German population of Danzig after the port city was liberated from the illegal control of the Poles in 1939.

Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the May 12-13, 1942 lunch and dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down in shorthand by aide Henry Picker. 1h26m. Included in this episode:

  • Sane economic and racial principles, and racial problems in Prussia must be addressed;
  • Discussion with Danzig Gauleiter Forster and Reichsleiter Bormann on germanizing Poles ... or not;
  • Hitler says the origin of the Czechs is Mongolian, the Bulagrians are Turkoman, and each case of potential germanization must be examined on its own merits;
  • Marriage is sanctified by the birth of a child, and it is the duty of men to marry;
  • Frederick the Great's racial policy was on a par with the National Socialist policy;
  • The choices France now faces, Marshal Petain is honorable but too old to lead, German construction on the French Channel coast.

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.

Saturday Afternoon: Hitler's "fatal mistakes" and Germany's "mixed people"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-11-15 20:16

Nov. 15, 2014

Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels (far right) meets with POW Soviet Generals Vlasov (far left) and Schienkow (center) in February 1945. Enlarge

Carolyn Yeager begins by addressing the silly, gossipy attacks floating around about her which have their source with Rodney Martin. She points out that Martin is losing decent radio hosts because of his in-the-gutter behavior, which is just what he deserves.

Carolyn then critiques her friend Wolf Wall Street's presentation on the "Nordic Myth" and Germany's "mixed ethnicity people", plus Adolf Hitler's "fatal" mistakes" from Wolf's latest podcast (on 11-9). Wolf came on during the second hour to discuss our differences, as well as Markus who was a big help and was appreciated by both. During the overtime, things heated up and Wolf left the conversation, but Markus and I continued a little longer. I think it was an informative program; the listener can judge for himself. Nothing essential was removed in the editing.

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 36

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-11-13 01:13

Nov. 13, 2014

Ray Goodwin and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on the May 3-11, 1942 lunch and dinner table monologues by the German Leader, as taken down in shorthand by aide Henry Picker. 1h31m. Included in this episode:

  • Importance of spreading artistic treasures to the provinces, not allowing Berlin to hog all resources;
  • Bayreuth, Linz and Nuremberg as important symbols of the Reich;
  • Why the Duce's entourage constantly changes, and the difficulty of finding first-class men for every job;
  • Hitler praises certain youth leaders, and says he is not a Messiah;
  • Infiltration of Jews into the media contrasted with the independent National Socialist newspapers;
  • British hypocrisy vs German respect for the truth, and a national sanctuary for the burial of Germany's great men.

Image: Reichsjugendfuehrer Baldur von Shirach in the midst of some of his happy Pimpf's, the youngest age group of the Hitler Youth. Hitler credited Shirach with founding and organizing "the most important youth movement in the world."

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.
