
Why I think Blasey Ford lied under oath

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2018-09-29 11:27

Dr. Blasey Ford, whom we are expected to take as "highly credible", exhibits a typical expression during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Sept. 27 at which she accused a federal judge of attempting to rape her when she was 15 years old - 36 years ago.

UPDATE: Blasey Ford one of 11 authors of 2008 research article titled “Meditation with Yoga, Group Therapy with Hypnosis, and Psychoeducation for long-term depressed mood: A randomized pilot trial". Scroll down to end.

By Carolyn Yeager

I WROTE ON SEPT. 22 THAT I DID NOT BELIEVE Christine Blasey Ford's claims of attempted rape that she laid out in her published statement prior to the public hearing. Contrary to the Jew York Times editorial board, who lie unashamedly and without consequence, I still do not believe Blasey Ford's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was credible. Yet everyone in media and politics, both liberal and conservative, proclaims her to have been very credible and also a very sympathetic witness (although some also believe Kavanaugh). It is fully accepted that she is a victim of something.

“Me Too” goes predictably too far

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-09-23 22:59

Deborah Ramirez, a Jewish New York woman, is the latest accuser with an uncorroborated 35-year old story of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at another drunken party.

By Carolyn Yeager

IT NEVER REQUIRED A GENIUS to predict where the “Me Too” movement would lead when we got into the heated environment of the mid-term elections and the nomination of a conservative supreme court justice. That it would be politicized, and by women for what they consider their own special radical women's issues, was predictable.

And now we're here, in a disgusting slime pit of female accusations hoping to take the place of the ballot box or reasoned, fair debate and sifting of evidence. This is, as I said in my prior post, the new Democrat Party Totalitarian-Bolshevik use of the Show Trial, as was put on in Vladimir Lenin and Joself Stalin's communist regime, appearing again as the new Democrat party strategy and tactics. Destruction by allegation. Because the next step is to say Brett Kavanaugh's name must be withdrawn for the reason he can never fully clear his name.



In this age of belief dismissing evidence, I already don't believe Chrissy Blasey

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2018-09-22 16:46

The crime of the century took place against this reclusive California  therapist. We are soon going to be privileged to hear her traumatized memories of what befell her at the hands of teenage boys who will eventually turn into despised old, white men.

By Carolyn Yeager

WHO OF SOUND MIND WOULD BELIEVE HER?  Well, I can tell you, I just called my sister-in-law, a dyed-in-the-wool democrat, to find out if she had bought in to this craziness, and the answer is yes. Not that she is really of sound mind. She thinks American women are going to come out of the woodwork to vote for Democrats in November because of this woman's story. The democrats have gone insane (take Rep. Swalwell, for example, another Californian). They really must be prevented from attaining to government power again because they are akin to the Bolsheviks who carried out the revolution in Russia in 1918—all restraint is gone. For them, Trump is not a serious president and must be gotten rid of, just as the Czar had to be gotten rid of back then. And we know how far that went, and for how long.

The pendulum swings—it's our turn now

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-06-29 21:33

The Democrats were anticipating what can happen to their "great society" with the retirement of just one Supreme Courts justice, Anthony Kennedy (pictured), while Trump is president. It just happened.

By Carolyn Yeager

EARLY IN MY LIFE, I experienced the cultural takeover of the U.S. by the Left with the Warren Supreme Court and all that it entailed. Now I have lived to see the pendulum begin to swing back in the opposite direction … as it always does.

My good friend Ray Goodwin likes to bring up that pendulum imagery, saying “Never fear, it will come back our way eventually. It has to.


Donald Trump, News

Trump's shocks to the System are the best thing going

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-06-10 14:40

Already iconic photo of US president Trump resisting the persuasions of his European allies at the June 2018 G7 Summit in Quebec, Canada.

By Carolyn Yeager


I certainly hope so. And I am more encouraged that this is so by his performance at the G7 Summit in Quebec. Let me just say that I approve of what he is doing. I have learned that he is always several steps ahead of me, so as I am nervous and worried every time there is a flare-up about the methods he uses, I eventually recognize that he was right (and successful) and I was too timid.

Then I say of him, he is brighter and braver than I, by a long shot, thus I should have faith from now on. Of course, it's not that easy, but still, Trump is becoming more, not less, of a hero to me. I'm getting used to his saying and doing what shocks us, mostly only because it “never happened before.” He is continually breaking protocol, for sure. It's like, oh my god, now what?

Write your congressperson opposing the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018 introduced yesterday

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-05-25 12:17

THIS  DANGEROUS  US CONGRESS BILL CONFLATES CRITICISM OF iSRAEL WITH ANTI-SEMITISM and has the support of both major parties. Some of its exact language is as follows:

A Bill to provide for the consideration of a definition of anti-Semitism for the enforcement of Federal anti-discrimination laws concerning education programs or activities.

(D)iscrimination against Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, and members of other groups violates Title VI when that discrimination is based on the group’s actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics’.

The 2010 Dear Colleague letter cautioned schools that they ‘‘must take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the harassment, eliminate any hostile environment, and its effects, and prevent the harassment from recurring,’’ but did not provide guidance on current manifestations of anti-Semitism, including discriminatory anti-Semitic conduct that is couched as anti-Israel or anti-Zionist.


Jews, News

Merkel's new Foreign Minister Heiko Maas: “I went into politics because of Auschwitz”

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-03-14 19:07

Heiko Maas wants to make a big splash as Germany's new foreign minister.

By Carolyn Yeager

STILL STUCK UNDER ANGELA MERKEL, GERMANY IS GOING FROM BAD TO WORSE. The only silver lining is that this new government is the weakest it's ever been. It may not last out the 3.5 years left to it.

The dearth of talent from which to form a cabinet is astonishing. The tired old faces have been pushed out (except for Merkel's), but the new ones are at best uninspiring. At worst, like with the the very slight and unimposing former justice minister Heiko Maas as the new Foreign Minister, it's hard not to laugh out loud. Where is the gravitas a foreign minister should have?

Another one out – Cheers for Trump's handling of it

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-03-06 23:24

Gary Cohn at a World Economic Forum meeting Jan. 25 in Davos seated between President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

By Carolyn Yeager

BIG WALL STREET JEW GARY COHN ANNOUNCED TODAY HE WAS RESIGNING as Chief Econonic Advisor to President Donald Trump. Trump appeared non-plussed as he thanked Cohn for his “dedicated service to the American people” in a formal statement.

This is good news for those of us who want less Jewish influence in our government. Cohn was widely seen as part of a triumvirate of senior liberal Jewish advisors that includes daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, both belonging to the orthodox Hasid community. Cohn's departure is expected to take place in about three weeks. Jared recently lost his top security clearance at the White House and he and Ivanka have been quiet lately.

The reactionaries arise: Sign an 'open letter' urging boycott of Austria's FPÖ cabinet members

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-12-29 00:40

Herbert Kickl, talented former FPOe party chairman, is the new Home Secretary (Minister of the Interior) in Sebastian Kurz's Austrian coalition government.

By Carolyn Yeager

FOLLOWING PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU'S ANNOUNCEMENT on Dec. 18, 2017 that Israel's Foreign Office would instruct it's ministers to work only with lower-ranking officials from the Austrian ministries now headed by members of the FPÖ party, some far-left reactionaries and Jews have released an Open Letter also calling for a partial boycott of Austria's new cabinet.

Ho hum, I guess they felt someone needed to do something. None of the signers are currently in government, so it's just a headline they're trying to get. It appears there are only seven signers (or maybe sponsors): former French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner (Jew, pictured at right) and anti-racist Benjamin Abtan of AGEM; Leftist Jose Ramos-Horta (Nobel Peace Prize winner from East Timor; former Spanish foreign minister Socialist Miguel-Angel Moratinos, former Canadian PM Kim Campbell, and those tired old Nazi-Hunters Beate and Serge Klarsfeld.

Germany exit polls: AfD takes 13% in very strong showing

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-09-24 14:10

Top candidates Alexander Gauland (Brandenburg) and Alice Weidel (Baden-Wurttemberg) are cheered at the AfD election night headquarters after leading the party to an impressive showing. They will hold a press conference tomorrow. There is video of the crowd celebrating at the official AfD web site. The regular press refuses to show anything positive about the party.

September 24, 2017

THE RIGHT IS CELEBRATING A MAJOR VICTORY TONIGHT IN GERMANY, while Angela Merkel has been badly bruised. The 2017 Federal election exit polls, always very accurate in Germany, show the four-year-old anti-immigrant Alternative fur Deutschland party with a stunning 13% share of the vote, whereas 11% was the highest that had been anticipated in the mainstream media.

Merkel's CDU-CSU coalition party was reduced to only 33% and the once dominant Social Democrat party is sitting at a palty 20.8%. You can follow the projected results here. Reuters also has a live thread here.  Interactive Map of how Germans voted here. This is not the final tally, which will probably not be available until tomorrow. But it's the best possible news for our beseiged beloved homeland, thanks to the persistence of patriots!

The AfD won 94 seats in the Bundestag. Projected votes for AfD in Western Germany are at 11% of the electorate, and a whopping 21.5% of the electorate in Eastern Germany.

The final tally is: 12.6% for the Alternative fuer Deutschland party; 10.7 for the Free Democrats (Corporate Libertarians); 9.2 for The Left (Communists); 8.9 for the Greens (Gays and Pedophiles). The CDU/CSU (Conservatives) won 30.2% and the SPD (Socialists) 20.8.

This post may still be updated.


Germany, Immigration, News
