Adolf Hitler

Germany struggles to obtain needed raw materials for industry, handicrafts

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-11-08 22:20

From the Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth

Chapter Thirteen: The Soil as a Support for Industry (Handbook online is here)

The mountain ranges of central Germany contain most of the mineral deposits and other raw materials used for the industrial output of the nation.

The following has been lightly edited for greater brevity -cy

Just as the land gives man home and food, so also it supplies him the foundations of industrial life.

The distribution of minerals in Germany is to be explained in terms of their origin. Since they originate in part out of the interior of the earth, they can come to the surface only by breaking though the earths crust, as for example, by forming mountains. For this reason the presence of ores in Germany is confined primarily to the mountain ranges of central Germany. Even the minerals which originate from prehistoric, oceanic deposits are to be found mainly in central Germany, since these oceanic waters extended to the base of the mountain ranges.

On the 75th Anniversary of the failed July 20 assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-07-19 00:27

By Carolyn Yeager

TRADITIONALLY, GERMANY'S CURRENT LEADERS LAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS IN the national colors of red and gold in the courtyard of the Bendlerblock, the large army headquarters in Berlin from where the plot leaders staged their attempted takeover of the German government and military known as Operation Valkyrie in 1944. It's still not known whether this year's 75th commemoration will be a more elaborate affair.

President of Germany bows his head in remembrance of the failed conspirators during a past July 20th commemoration ceremony at the Bendlerblock Army headquarters in Berlin.


July 20 plot

The Greatest German - tribute to Adolf Hitler on the 130th anniversary of his birth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2019-04-19 20:19

An animated Adolf Hitler speaks at a political rally—date unknown but probably around the late 1920's. Click to enlarge. National Archives and Records Administration

By Carolyn Yeager

JUST IN TIME FOR ADOLF HITLER'S BIRTHDAY ON APRIL 20th, I came across some new images of him that I like very much. They're said to have been taken by Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler's friend and personal photographer, and have just recently been discovered, or recovered.

So here they are, with my best wishes for one and all to thankfully remember our great friend and leader for the inspiration he was and continues to be.

Adolf Hitler on National Socialism and World Relations in 1937

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2019-01-20 12:29

Adolf Hitler speaks to the Reichstag on January 30, 1937, noting that Germany was once again an equal among European nations, and had regained its strength by following his National Socialist programme .

By Carolyn Yeager

AS WE WATCH OUR NATIONS SUCCUMB to multiculturalism, globalism, rioting and unbridgeable racial divisions that threaten our peace and stymie our search for solutions, Adolf Hitler would tell us that we have broken the first law of Nature which is to preserve the race, and are thus reaping Nature's promised punishment.

No matter what subject Hitler was speaking on, or what the occasion, he seldom failed to include reminders of the necesssity to respect the separation of the races and nations. He delivered an important speech in the German Reichstag on January 30, 1937 as Führer and Chancellor. It was published under the title “On National Socialism and World Relations.” In reading it for the first time at, I copied passages that struck me as particularly meaningful, and which powerfully express the unwavering essence of Hitler's idea. They are the following:

Bonus: G. S. Viereck's 1923 interview with Adolf Hitler

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-12-02 20:42

I thought this edited interview of Adolf Hitler by George Sylvester Viereck that took place in 1923 was so wonderful to read that I wanted to post it along with the two previous articles. The interview appears here as it was republished in Liberty magazine in July 1932.

I have added my comments in red and also the boldface. -Carolyn

By George Sylvester Viereck

"WHEN I TAKE CHARGE OF GERMANY, I shall end tribute abroad and Bolshevism at home."

Adolf Hitler drained his cup as if it contained not tea, but the lifeblood of Bolshevism.

"Bolshevism," the chief of the Brown Shirts, the Fascists of Germany, continued, gazing at me balefully, "is our greatest menace. Kill Bolshevism in Germany and you restore 70 million people to power. France owes her strength not to her armies but to the forces of Bolshevism and dissension in our midst. 

Time for Europe to drop the dishonorable war guilt against Germany

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-11-20 00:27

And time for Germans to demand it!


By August Krazer

The first part originally appeared as a letter to the editor dated 31 August, 1981, on the 49th anniversary of the eve of Germany's invasion of Poland, Sept 1, 1939. Find the German original here. This is a machine translation lovingly and carefully improved on by yours truly, Carolyn Yeager.

RUDOLF TRENKEL, BORN IN THORN, SAID AT A LECTURE in Scharzfeld/Harz (1978) on the basis of the captured files of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence, that in 1933 Poland had tried a preventive war against Germany with the support of France, as well as in 1936.

In the summer of 1939 more than 50,000 Germans were imprisoned, 70,000 fled, and "thousands of ethnic German women and children, men and old people were brutally murdered."

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race', part 3

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-10-07 14:11

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Chapter 11, Nation and Race, Part 3

Go to Part 1         Part 2


(j) A tremendous economic development transforms the social structure of a nation. The small artisan class slowly disappears and the factory worker, who took its place, has scarcely any chance of establishing an independent existence of his own; he sinks more and more to the level of a proletariat. […]

In earlier times, a similar situation was created that demanded a solution, and one was found. Together with the peasant and the artisan, a new class was gradually formed, along with officials and salaried workers—especially from the state. All of them were propertyless, in the truest sense of the word. But the state found a remedy for this unhealthy situation by providing an old-age pension for its officials. Private enterprises slowly followed this example in increasing numbers, so that today every regular non-manual worker receives a pension in his later years, […] Thus an entire propertyless class was saved from destitution, and found a place in the social structure of the national community.

Rush Limbaugh called Adolf Hitler a 'murderous antisemite' on his radio show today

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-10-04 20:02

Rush Limbaugh plays it safe with Jews by pretending they don't exist. But antisemites do! Antisemites from the past, that is, like Adolf Hitler. In this way Limbaugh is an enabler helping Jews be invisible.

 By Carolyn Yeager

I DON'T LISTEN TO RADIO SHOW HOST RUSH LIMBAUGH AT HOME; only when I am driving in my car. Only there can I bring in the San Antonio conservative station that carries his show between 11 am and 2 pm. I turned him off at about 12 noon today when I made my last stop; when I took off again to head home, he was mentioning Omaha Beach in reference to the failure of American voters to know what it was, let alone to know what it should mean to them (or to our country).

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race', part 2

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-09-25 21:34

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Back to Part 1

Chapter 11, Nation and Race, continued

This section coincides very synchronistically with events going on right now involving both the Aryan and the Jew. In Judge Brett Kavanaugh, we see an Aryan who is seeking to serve his national community with it's best interests in mind, while treasonous Jews and Leftists attempt to obstruct his service for reasons other than those they pretend. Their reasons are to secure all power for themselves, and their methods are devoid of ethical considerations. Hitler provides us with a blueprint of that type of age-old activity, beginning with the meaning and examples of real service.


[…] The animal lives only for itself; seeking food when hungry, and fighting only for its own self-preservation. […] A community of two, male and female, demands an extension of the instinct for self-preservation […] Almost always they are ready to protect and defend each other; so that here we find the first, though infinitely simple, form of the spirit of sacrifice. […]

Adolf Hitler on 'Nation and Race'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-09-17 12:21

Continuing with passages from Mein Kampf, 2017 Thomas Dalton translation. See here.

Chapter 11 Nation and Race – will be presented in three parts. Again, I summarize the contents using selections that best convey an understanding of Adolf Hitler's writing in the mid-1920's. Right off the bat we notice that the law of keeping with one's own kind is not being followed even in today's Alt-Right movement. No wonder those leaders and followers turn away from Hitler as "too extreme" and "not a realistic model." Under this thinking, we are experiencing the consequences of insulting Nature - as Hitler writes below - of distress, misery, and disease.

P 527 Walking around in the garden of nature, most men have the conceit to think that they know everything. Yet almost all are blind to one of the outstanding principles that Nature employs in her work: the inner separation of the species of all living beings on Earth.

Even a superficial glance shows that nature follows a rigid basic law in which all lifeforms are restricted to definite limits when propagating and multiplying their own kind. Each animal mates only with one of its own species. […] Deviations from this law take place only in exceptional circumstances.
