Adolf Hitler

Greg Johnson echos Kevin MacDonald in opposing 'Holocaust' revisionism - One must ask why

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-08-30 21:10

Greg Johnson doesn't like Hitler or swastikas. He might draw him this way.

By Carolyn Yeager

IN A RECENT PODCAST WITH ANDREW ANGLIN purportedly to discuss the Alt-Right, Greg Johnson maintained the position that the Holocaust should be accepted, but ignored.

Holocaust revisionism is too complex for all but a few people to understand, he said, and professed the view that to be moral, White European-Americans must accept the Lie of the Holocaust and reject Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

In this, he is unsurprisingly in tune with Kevin MacDonald and, let us not forget, every Jewish organization and media outlet in the world.

Kevin MacDonald on record saying whether the Holocaust actually happened is “not important”

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-08-08 23:24

A 2017 photo of Professor Kevin MacDonald.

See also Podcast: Kevin MacDonald's problem with holocaust revisionism (2017)

By Carolyn Yeager

KEVIN MACDONALD RECENTLY PARTICIPATED IN a videocast of “Torah Talk” with Luke Ford, a non-ethnically Jewish student of Torah and Talmud, and two young friends or students of his. It lasted one hour and 50 minutes and resulted in some interesting insights into Kevin's limitations as a leading White Nationalist voice.

MacDonald was taken by surprise with the first question asked of him: What are your thoughts about holocaust revisionism?

“Yeah, um, I guess I'm not, uh, I've never had any sympathy really, before – I, I haven't seen, I haven't seen anything that I would really, you know, convince me. And I have – frankly, I haven't dealt into it very much. My view is that it's not important for what I'm doing and I don't think it's really important – I, I think what's really important is the culture of the holocaust, you know how it's taught in school, how it's used to defend Israel, and it's used as a weapon against people who oppose immigration, and all those things – ah I think those are very important things to discuss. So whether it actually happened, exactly (… slurs some words] and all that is something that I don't think uh is possible to even go there anymore, is just … just uh … third rail.”

Andrew Anglin has regressed back to Africa ... and teen sex

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-07-16 01:36

Remember her? Before his 'nazi' days, Andrew thought she was 'hot' and pretty good looking, too. She looks to be about 12 or 13 years old in spite of her large breasts.

By Carolyn Yeager

That's where he started, right? Back in his early blogging days? He liked black girls. He settled down for awhile in the Philipines, where he described the girls as “black.”

Now he says he's living in Lagos, Nigeria to avoid being served a supoena. He brags that he is called the “world's number one racist hater” (he is always number one), yet he is comfortable there and feels safe. Racists “do not blindly hate skin color,” he says. He pats his own back for having the courage to live where he claims “pansy antifa would pee their pants.”

The Hill is a purveyor of propaganda, not news

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-05-14 16:05


Should The Hill be running articles featuring hate-speech from questionable characters like Chabad Lubavitch rebbe Shmuley Boteach (above)? When is enough enough?

By Carolyn Yeager

THE HILL IS A LONGTIME WASHINGTON FIXTURE WHICH FIRST APPEARED AS A NEWSPAPER in 1994, published by Jerry Finkelstein, now owned by his son Jimmy Finkelstein.  Now online as well as in print, it has specialized in reporting about the doings of Congress.

Having updated its style a few times, The Hill's current control by Zionist forces has become clear as day. This is nothing out of the ordinary for the American news media, of course, but for some reason I had naively thought of The Hill as more independent. Not so, The definite anti-Trump slant has just been too obvious since Trump was actually elected as president.

Today is Adolf Hitler's birthday - born 128 years ago

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2017-04-20 12:06

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria, very close to the border with Germany. In celebration, I am posting a few of my favorite pictures of him, in which you can see the real Hitler. Click to enlarge.

Adolf Hitler with his Youth Leader Baldar von Shirach.


Adolf Hitler

Carolyn's second appearance on The Realist Report

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-04-18 21:31

I HAD A SECOND APPEARANCE ON THE REALIST REPORT WITH JOHN FRIEND Monday night, April 17th. Topics were President Trump's standing after the Syria missile attack, defense of Adolf Hitler and his National-Socialism, and the Jewish Problem. I advised not to pull away from Trump after this one incident because, as things stand, we have no better alternative. Plus that is exactly what our twin enemies - the Democrat Party and the Media - want us to do. I also noted similarities between our current President and the German Fuehrer. John emphasized the importance of getting the history straight about WWII and the Third Reich because those lies continue to harm White communities today. The program lasts one hour and 48 minutes.

Carolyn on Realist Report with John Friend

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-04-01 13:28

I WAS INTERVIEWED ON JOHN FRIEND'S REALIST REPORT on Thursday, March 30 for almost two hours. We had a fun time exploring the usual issues (holocaust, hitler and the jews), plus Donald Trump's presidency. We found a lot of common ground. 

John is a great guy, easy to talk with, and very committed to defending truth in history wherever it takes him. He deserves your support.

Newly discovered telegram from Heinrich Himmler to Arab leader on anniversary of Balfour Declaration

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-03-31 20:41

Telegram from Heinrich Himmler to Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin-Al Husseini in 1943.

A “newly-discovered” 1943 telegram from Nazi commander Heinrich Himmler to the Mufti of Jerusalem was found in the archives of the National Library of Israel this week. It read:

"The National-Socialist movement of the great Germany has made its fight against world Jewry a guiding principle since its very beginning. For that reason, it has been closely following the battle of freedom-seeking Arabs - and especially in Palestine - against the Jewish invaders.

BBC publishes fake news/hate news on fake Hitler painting

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-03-11 13:20

This gloomy, primitive painting is so clearly NOT by Adolf Hitler, but the shyster BBC and an Italian art gallery want us to believe it is.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE BBC PUBLISHED THE ABOVE IMAGE AND AN ACCOMPANYING STORY under their “News From Elsewhere” heading without even a reporter's byline. It reads:

By News from Elsewhere... found by BBC Monitor                         10 March 2017

It seems this is a way for them to spread around news that makes those they don't like look bad without taking responsibility for it. But they're wrong if they think they can get away with that.

Trump is being politically correct in saying Nazi Germany “leaked fake news”

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-01-11 21:55

President-elect Trump points to a reporter at his first post-election press conference today, during which he glibly singled out Nazi Germany as a purveyor of fake news.

by Carolyn Yeager

IT HAD TO HAPPEN. Donald Trump has done well to refrain from mentioning the so-called 'holocaust' or Adolf Hitler in any of his public pronouncements. But today he compared the publication of a nasty leaked "intelligence" document about himself that he is calling fake news to how news was handled in Nazi Germany. In doing so, he has kow-towed to political correctness, or revealed a very ignorant streak in his own knowledge of history, or both.

In an early morning tweet in response to the report's publication by Buzzfeed (online) and coverage of the document by CNN, Trump wrote

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?
