Heretics' Hour Podcast

The Heretics' Hour: Fireworks at the National Alliance - Is there a future for White organizations in America?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-07-01 18:56

July 1, 2013

Ron Doggett talks with Carolyn about the announced sale of the bulk of the National Alliance property in West Virginia. The National Alliance was founded by Dr. William Pierce in 1974; he died rather suddenly in 2002 and Erich Gliebe took over as Chairman. Gliebe now controls a Board that consists of only two other directors who do his bidding. How important is it to try to salvage the remnants of the NA or is it better to move on and build something more useful for today?

Will Williams, a long-time associate of Dr. Pierce, called in during the 2nd hour and added his considerable insight.

The discussion also covered the problems White organizations seem to have, and have had in the past, and what is the best way for us to talk to White Americans about the shrinking future prospects they face.

The Heretics' Hour: The Ethnic State and NAPOLA

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-24 18:53

June 24, 2013

In the wake of the current successes of three openly ethno-nationalist political parties in Europe, Carolyn looks at the advantages of “the Ethnic state” over “the Democratic state,” or even a pan-European state, for preserving a legitimate people’s future and autonomy. In the second hour, the National Political Institutes of Education (NAPOLA) in National Socialist Germany (an ethnic state) is discussed.  Some major points:

  • Israel is an ethno-nationalist  state that excludes non-ethnics;
  • Political parties in Greece, Hungary and Ukraine are out front in calling for the removal of foreign elements from their countries;
  • The further “out” we go in allying with other nations, the more we stop depending on ourselves and rely on others;
  • Pan-Europa and a “United States of Europe” are ideas that go way back, yet never really worked;
  • Very little is written about the NAPOLA schools; what is available is biased and dishonest;
  • The German film “Before the Fall” portrays a Napola school and it’s staff as evil, sadistic brutes whose aim is to produce merciless killers;
  • Letters from Leopold Wenger from a Napola school in 1939, showing the true nature of that program, will be posted at Carolyn’s website.

Image: Raising your children in your own image is one advantage of an ethno-nationalist state.

The Heretics' Hour: "Truth movement" secondary to political agenda

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-17 20:03

June 17, 2013

Carolyn says we are in a political struggle, and this political struggle dominates every search for  truth that we may sincerely be engaged in. “Democracy,” as represented by Barack Obama, has brought about a border-less world, rampant “terrorism” and total 24-hour surveillance. What does truth mean in such an environment?

  • The God-like status of Barack Obama in Germany and the extraordinary security measures taken for his June 18-19 visit;
  • New testimony at the totally political National Socialist Underground “murder” trial is both surprising and meaningless;
  • Pasquale di Fabrizio should be “truth researcher” Jim Fetzer’s worst nightmare;
  • Two Jeff Baumans:  curly-haired tall guy in picture (right) and straight-haired stockier guy as amputee hero;
  • Selective evidence at Clues Forum–and truth mixed with mis-direction–that’s disinfo;
  • Reader says the solution to “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” is to find Lazar Wiesel–or at least traces of him;
  • Questions on the Questionaires from Buchenwald do not bring anything conclusive;
  • Only real solution is to put people on the witness stand, under oath, with cross-examination.

Image: “Jeff Bauman” holding his thigh in place as he’s rolled down the street to … ? We never see him get into an ambulance. Here is the page with gif of leg falling off?

Is there such a thing as White European Nationalism?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-10 18:36

June 10, 2013

Andrew Anglin of Total Fascism joins Carolyn to discuss the pros and cons of European nationalism – just how nationalistic individual European nations can or should be. While Pan-European identity is a good thing, it has been used to weaken national identity. Also touched upon: American White Nationalism and the challenges that it faces in this large, diverse country–very similar to pan-European nationalism. Some highlights:

Image: An example of what a truly national group looks like, in this case fair-skinned people with rosy complexions, but it could also be olive-skinned dark-haired people who look happy and comfortable together.

The Heretics' Hour: How Politics Affects Revisionism

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-03 19:04

June 3, 2013

Carolyn finally discusses her May 25th response to Kevin Barrett that appeared on  She ties this in with a thread on the Codoh Forum begun on May 23rd by Nick Kollerstrom praising Jim Fetzer and Barrett as the “finest members of the Truth movement” and that Fetzer had become a Holo-Revisionist. The point of it all is:

  • When it comes to revisionism, politics trumps science every time;
  • All revision has to fit in with the current dominant political philosophy, and right now that is Left;
  • Does a leftist like Jim Fetzer “coming out” help or hinder (in the long run) the revisionist cause;
  • Kevin Barrett calls NPR (National Public Radio) National-Socialist Public Radio;
  • Barrett won’t accept historians consensus that Hitler did not burn down the Reichstag;
  • Revisionist techniques according to Wikipedia are really anti-revisionist techniques;
  • Holocausters are now worried about relativization and trivialization, and sympathy for Germans who were expelled from their Eastern European homelands.

Image: “Truth Movement" buddies James Fetzer, left, and Kevin Barrett in 2011, looking pleased with themselves.

The Heretics' Hour: Happy First Birthday to The White Network

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-27 18:57

May 27, 2013

Tanstaafl and Hadding Scott join Carolyn for our own little celebration of our first year of operations at The White Network by doing what we like best–talking about what’s good for White people. We discuss the pros and cons of our strictly enforced “Whites only” policy and determine that we are indeed “unique” among all pro-White networks and organization websites and forums for this reason. We are basically satisfied with what we’re doing and don’t feel the need to change anything. Among other topics discussed:

  • White displacement keeps getting worse–one example is the police reaction to Muslim rioters in Sweden;
  • Joe Biden’s speech on “overwhelming Jewish influence” in this country should be used to advance our cause;
  • Preferential treatment for non-White immigrants over White national populations has reached a level of unacceptability;
  • Yet Whites are expected to accept it with grace as inevitable;
  • Do we mind being labeled, for example called an anti-Semite;
  • The question of whether Jewish power is a result of evolutionary psychology or a criminal conspiracy.

Image: Marilyn Monroe, a delectable and utterly feminine product of the White race, was taken advantage of by Jewish men and eventually even married one, converting to the religion of Judaism. Now the Jews claim her as their own, though there was not a Jewish bone or gene in her body. What a shame; she should have stayed with Joe DiMaggio.

The Heretics' Hour: On George Lincoln Rockwell

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-05-21 01:00

May 21, 2013

Hadding Scott hosts this program.

Image: American Nazi Party leader attends a Congress of the Nation of Islam on June 25, 1961, in Washington,DC.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Tom Metzger, Lone Wolf Advocate

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-13 18:44

May 13, 2013

Tom Metzger has been a respected, effective anti-immigration, White racialist activist since the 1960′s, and today, at age 75, is still at it. He earned the nickname “Terrible Tommie” because of his blunt talk and radical tactics. He has controversially moved to the Left over the years, to what he calls 3rd Position. Tanstaafl co-hosts this program with Carolyn. Discussion highlights include:

Tom’s appearance was somewhat delayed because of a mistake in the phone number I sent him in the first email.

The Heretics' Hour: David Colestein emerges, and when did revisionists become "deniers?"

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-06 18:46

May 6, 2013

David Cole (pictured), the much admired holocaust revisionist of the 90's, has re-emerged at age 44 as David A. Stein, a Republican Party activist and producer of mainstream holocaust videos. Carolyn looks at what is known so far:

  • He didn't come forth voluntarily but was "outed" by a female in whom he had confided;
  • Says he will not try to continue as David Stein, the Republican Party "Animal";
  • His participation with the Tinbergen  film production company with partner Caleb Tinbergen;
  • Jewish blogger Eric Golub shows how angry and punishing Jews can be;
  • Colestein's self-invented biography as David Abravanel Stein;
  • Carolyn thinks Colestein will never be able to leave his Jewish community;
  • David Irving's lawsuit against Deborah Lipstadt turned Revisionists into "Deniers";'
  • Fredrick Toben calls in and talks about the ramifications of the "gassing" controversy and the Kriege report;
  • Charles Krafft calls in and wants to know about the 2006 Tehran Conference papers.

The Heretics' Hour: Enemy in Our Midst: Elie Wiesel's USHMM

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-29 19:00

April 29, 2013

Carolyn first discusses questions about the extent of computer-generated images (CGI) rather than real-life people used in the Boston Marathon bombing media coverage. Good questions are raised by the proponents of media-fakery, but definitive answers are still elusive.

The main topic of the show is Carolyn’s new article up at Elie Wiesel Cons The World that takes on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as an enemy stronghold entrenched in our national body. Since it is an all-Jewish museum serving international Jewish interests, it should be disconnected from the U.S. government, becoming a privately endowed institution.

Image at right from Monday’s 20th Anniversary ceremony: Elie Wiesel and friend, Poet Rebecca Dupas (far left) on stage with WWII vet Scottie Ooton (a 'liberator') and Bill Clinton (right).
