Holocaust Revisionism

Saturday Afternoon: Vincent Reynouard on being a National-Socialist and Catholic

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-08-17 11:48

August 17, 2013

French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard talks about his newest video Etre national-socialiste et catholique, une contradiction? (English: “Is it a contradiction to be both National-Socialist and Catholic?”) Some highlights:

  • The “Common Good” is the aim of National Socialism and the words used by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf;
  • The “Public Interest,” used in the French Republic (and others) is not the same thing as it encourages the freedom of individuals, each with his own separate interest as long as he doesn't harm others;
  • Evolutionary theory alone offers no purpose for our being here – and when our central sun goes, we will leave no trace;
  • Reynouard says Hitler discovered on his own the idea of the Common Good and wrote that man is the image of “the Lord” (Seigneur);
  • Another video coming (Part 2) will argue that a National-Socialist doctrine (ideology) is not yet complete, but is still to be made;
  • Churchill and his faction admitted privately they did not want peace with Germany but could not say it publicly, even prior to and on Sept. 1st and 2nd 1939;
  • Hitler was right to put Jews out of power but not to want to deport every last Jew from the Reich, thinks Reynouard;
  • Nothing can improve until White, European people decide to change things – no use blaming the Jews;
  • The White race is the best race in the sense that it’s in the natural order that Whites should rule.

Paypal has censored Vincent’s accounts. Send cash donations in your own currency to help Vincent. Go to phdnm.org for current instructions.  Include your email address to get a confirmation that it was received.

Interesting letter from Bradley Smith's office

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-08-07 06:12

Peter Black
Senior Historian
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 202.479.9728
01 August 2013
Dear Mr. Black:
Mr. Johannes Pfaeffle forwarded to CODOH your answer to his request for the name, with proof, of one person gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. You gave the name Else Ury and wrote,
"We know that Else Ury went to Auschwitz-Birkenau, because her name appears on a transport list with more than 1100 others deported from Berlin to Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 12, 1943. We know that she did not survive selection upon arrival because her name does not appear in the prisoner registry."
You also wrote, "Else Ury was one of 1,196 German Jews deported from Berlin to Auschwitz on January 13, 1943."
We at CODOH understand that you receive a great number of inquires ranging from simple to complex. We also believe that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has a duty to provide accurate information to the public. We would respectfully share our concerns with your answer regarding the fate of Else Ury.

Elie's Adventures in Buchenland

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-07-28 19:51

Elie’s Adventures in Buchenland

By Carolyn Yeager
Copyright 2013 Carolyn Yeager

How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Introduction: In Elie Wiesel’s book Night, we find the scenario and characters changing often, and in many cases, with little rhyme or reason that is apparent to the reader. One easily concludes that, like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it is a work of absurdity.

In Lewis Carroll’s classic, nothing makes sense because nothing has to make sense – the intention was to be a “childish” type of foolishness or make-believe from the start. It is an example of literary nonsense (1) genre. Interestingly, we find similar examples of nonsense and absurdity in many of the stories and writings of self-proclaimed “holocaust survivors” – and we put Elie Wiesel into this category. This is why Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is such a good fit for a parody of Elie Wiesel’s Night.

Cast of Characters:

Elie = Elie Wiesel

White Rabbit = Ken Waltzer

Father = no such person has been found

The King and Queen of Hearts = SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV)

The Duchess = Hilda Wiesel

The Cheshire Cat = Carolyn Yeager

The March Hare = Antonin Kalina, Czech communist block leader

The (Mad) Hatter = Gustav Schiller, Polish Jew block leader


Elie is quite bored one warm afternoon at the Jewish orphan’s mansion in France where he lives. This is not unusual for Elie, who has absolutely nothing to do all day but play chess or study the Talmud and other holy texts of which he is known to be almost fanatically fond.  Today, though, no one was around the chess table that had been set up outdoors under a large tree, and Elie becomes a bit dreamy, maybe even sleepy. His is suddenly brought wide-awake again when he sees a White Rabbit run by, looking at its pocket watch and muttering “Oh dear, oh dear, I’m going to be late!”  Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Heretics' Hour: Black Demagoguery and Civil Rights

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-07-22 18:32

July 22, 2013

William Finck, owner of Christogenea.org speaks about his past experience with federal civil rights charges brought against him, as he and Carolyn discuss the demagoguery practiced by high-profile African-Americans over the Trayvon Martin shooting.

The Heretics' Hour: "Truth movement" secondary to political agenda

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-17 20:03

June 17, 2013

Carolyn says we are in a political struggle, and this political struggle dominates every search for  truth that we may sincerely be engaged in. “Democracy,” as represented by Barack Obama, has brought about a border-less world, rampant “terrorism” and total 24-hour surveillance. What does truth mean in such an environment?

  • The God-like status of Barack Obama in Germany and the extraordinary security measures taken for his June 18-19 visit;
  • New testimony at the totally political National Socialist Underground “murder” trial is both surprising and meaningless;
  • Pasquale di Fabrizio should be “truth researcher” Jim Fetzer’s worst nightmare;
  • Two Jeff Baumans:  curly-haired tall guy in picture (right) and straight-haired stockier guy as amputee hero;
  • Selective evidence at Clues Forum–and truth mixed with mis-direction–that’s disinfo;
  • Reader says the solution to “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” is to find Lazar Wiesel–or at least traces of him;
  • Questions on the Questionaires from Buchenwald do not bring anything conclusive;
  • Only real solution is to put people on the witness stand, under oath, with cross-examination.

Image: “Jeff Bauman” holding his thigh in place as he’s rolled down the street to … ? We never see him get into an ambulance. Here is the page with gif of leg falling off?

Talking holohoax with Jim and Joe Rizoli

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-15 12:36

June 15, 2013

Jim and Joe Rizoli chat with Carolyn about their video work and other activism in their Framingham, Mass. hometown.  They produce videos for their local cable TV channel, their youtube channel and  Daily Motion page on the Internet.  Some discussion topics:

  • The Jewish campaign to end free speech in the United States;
  • The secret of Jewish Power is their organizational ability to single-mindedly accomplish their goals;
  • Simon Wiesenthal Center and Associated Press behind the hunt for 94-year old Michael Karkoc;
  • Carolyn rebuts some of the spin in Jim Fetzer's June 5th "Real Deal" show (in response to her June 3rd "Heretics' Hour" show);
  • A revisionism that excuses the Jews is what some are after;
  • To what extent and where does "the political" affect revisionism.

Image: Jim (left) and Joe Rizoli out on the streets in their immigrant-rich hometown.

"Elie Wiesel Was Not in Buchenwald" Made Simple

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-06-12 06:30

by Carolyn Yeager
copyright 2013 carolyn yeager

“In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.” -Elie Wiesel speaking of his book Night, from his Memoir: All Rivers Run to the Sea

For the skeptics and know-nothings who have written in suggesting Eli Wiesel was not in the camps, that Night is purely fiction, you are all dead wrong. The Red Cross International Tracing Service Archives documents for Lazar Wiesel and his father prove beyond any doubt that Lazar and his father arrived from Buna to Buchenwald January 26, 1945, that his father soon died a few days later. -Kenneth Waltzer in a comment at Scrapbookpages Blog, March 6, 2010.

The story that Michigan State University history professor Kenneth Waltzer has told us about Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald, based on Wiesel’s book Night, is not true.1

Elie Wiesel was not incarcerated at Buchenwald.

He was not liberated from Buchenwald.

He was not a victim of the “Nazis” there.

Saturday Afternoon: Demolishing "Elie in Buchenwald" once and for all

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-08 13:28

June 8, 2013

Carolyn discusses the “Big Lie” that Elie Wiesel was ever in Buchenwald concentration camp and liberated from there in 1945. An article she is preparing for Elie Wiesel Cons the World, she hopes will be the definitive “stake in the heart” of this long-running fraud, along with all it’s related elements. Unfortunately this program was marred by a technical problem and then a  Skype failure in the first hour, but the most important points made were:

  • Hasidic Judaism, prevalent among Eastern European Jews, emphasizes, through oral stories, the acceptance of unbelievable occurrences, miracle-working, and fortune-telling (predicting the future);
  • Historian Kenneth Waltzer of MSU has, since Oct. 2012,  wiped off the Internet all his pages about Buchenwald and Elie Wiesel, his specialty for several years;
  • Elie Wiesel’s claim in Night and in his memoir that he became deathly ill with food poisoning 3 days after the Buchenwald liberation (April 14), spending the next two weeks in hospital, wipes out Waltzer’s “evidence” for Wiesel’s presence in Buchenwald, including being in the photograph taken on April 16! (above);
  • The account in Night of the date of arrival at Buchenwald, followed by the timing of  “Father’s” death, is way off from the official records at Buchenwald Memorial;
  • And much more.

Image: Wiesel in 1986, right after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, posing with famous Buchenwald photo at Yad Vashem that he didn’t claim to be in until 1983.

Note: This recording has been cleaned of the blank and garbled spaces It lost 10 minutes.

The Heretics' Hour: How Politics Affects Revisionism

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-03 19:04

June 3, 2013

Carolyn finally discusses her May 25th response to Kevin Barrett that appeared on carolynyeager.net.  She ties this in with a thread on the Codoh Forum begun on May 23rd by Nick Kollerstrom praising Jim Fetzer and Barrett as the “finest members of the Truth movement” and that Fetzer had become a Holo-Revisionist. The point of it all is:

  • When it comes to revisionism, politics trumps science every time;
  • All revision has to fit in with the current dominant political philosophy, and right now that is Left;
  • Does a leftist like Jim Fetzer “coming out” help or hinder (in the long run) the revisionist cause;
  • Kevin Barrett calls NPR (National Public Radio) National-Socialist Public Radio;
  • Barrett won’t accept historians consensus that Hitler did not burn down the Reichstag;
  • Revisionist techniques according to Wikipedia are really anti-revisionist techniques;
  • Holocausters are now worried about relativization and trivialization, and sympathy for Germans who were expelled from their Eastern European homelands.

Image: “Truth Movement" buddies James Fetzer, left, and Kevin Barrett in 2011, looking pleased with themselves.

Why can't Kevin “Hitler burned down the Reichstag” Barrett give me the credit I'm due?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-05-25 18:15

By Carolyn Yeager

In the previously posted (on 5-24) "Email Exchange of May 20," I mentioned an email to me from Kevin Barrett, whose name was on the original list of 'other recipients.' I showed Kevin's email:


Mon, 20 May 2013 10:45:14 -0500 [05/20/2013 11:45:14 AM EDT]


Kevin Barrett <[email protected]>


[email protected]

Carolyn, Your website, with its gargantuan audience, should be a great place to attack VT. That'll teach Jew-lovin' Gordon a lesson. 

I said I would continue with our exchange in a follow-up post. This is the follow-up post. I replied to Kevin thusly--friendly at first but pretty sharp at the end. 

Now Kevin, I didn't say I had a gargantuan audience; I do not. But when I google carolyn yeager, as they said they did, it comes up 1.2 million entries + - every time. I didn't make it up -- they did.

Gordo is fixated on talking about his huge following, but is always lying.

I used to attack VT, as you may know, but I have better things to do. I don't want to give them the attention anyway. G and J's response to Anthony Lawson just got me going again, for a moment. I thought my advice was good, though.

You have really destroyed your credibility by going on there -- and exposed yourself as more of a political animal than a truth-seeker. My advice: stay away from the holohoax -- your milktoast approach is sickeningly inadequate.


I added that last part in reference to his essay on "Holocaust History Denial" which I had come across in recent days and read through quickly, but not carefully. Now, there is something you need to understand and that is if there is anything I take seriously, it is "Holocaust," and I was aware of Kevin's stance toward it. So I thought I had better read Kevin's piece more carefully, in light of what I just said to him. I did, and mailed him again:
