Holocaust Revisionism

The Heretics' Hour: Defining the "Holocaust" and Denying German Guilt

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-30 19:22

July 30, 2012

Jett Rucker of the Committee on Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) is Carolyn’s guest for a discussion of whether our traditional Holocaust Revisionism is too tame for the increasingly dangerous times in which we live.

To unquestioningly accept the innocence of the Jews in their loss of civil rights in Germany, and in their deportation and eventual internment in concentration camps seems naive.  To accept that the National Socialist government of Germany committed “crimes” against people that other nations did not and do not commit is short-sighted.  Accepting the use of the word “Holocaust” to describe what was not anything of the sort is also foolish. The image shows what many people believe based on irresponsible Jewish propaganda. Should we refuse to use the word? These and more ideas are discussed and answered, including a confirmation that under a half-million Jews died in all German concentration camps from all causes.

Saturday Afternoon: Should White Nationalists leave the holocaust alone?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-28 12:25

July 28, 2012

White Nationalists Charles Krafft, Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager discuss the controversy aroused by Greg Johnsons article at The Occidental Observer website: “Dealing with the Holocaust.” Some people are calling it "(Not) Dealing with the Holocaust."

While Johnson recommends that White Nationalism does not need to deal with the holocaust at all, some who strongly oppose that idea say WN should not deal with homosexuals, or, in other words, should discourage their high profile activity as movers and shakers in the White Nationalist community. This idea came up in the 750 comments to the article, and we bring it up candidly in this program too, along with some other offshoots from the main topic.

Photo at right is from the ‘Leave Brittany Alone” video.

The Battle for the IHR

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-07-17 06:24

Following last night's Heretics' Hour program on Mark Weber and the IHR, Hadding Scott sent me the following. I think it's a good idea to post it because I agree with Hadding that even though it's written by a Jew hostile to both sides, it's probably a fairly accurate description of the actions taken by both sides. I have added emphasis in the form of bolding here and there. Hadding writes:

The issue in the lawsuit between the Legion for the Survival of Freedom and Willis Carto was diversion of funds from the will of one of the heirs of Thomas Edison. I can't say that the uses to which Carto put the money were all bad, but he had no legal right to control the money and keep it from the Legion for the Survival of Freedom, which is what the court found.

In retrospect, the whole issue of keeping the IHR and JHR focused on Holocaust revisionism looks like an argument calculated to get people [revisionists] more willing to support Weber et al. in what was really just a dispute over money.

On the Roads of Truth: The Meaning of 6 Million

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-07-10 07:08

An astounding admission from a Jewish American psychologist is found in an article in the current (Summer 2012) issue of Inconvenient History Journal. It's titled "On The Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester" by Klaus Schwensen.

Schwensen tells of a certain "Warwick Hester" who, in the 1950's, wrote "critically about the 6-million number and the Jewish death toll in what has since became known as 'the Holocaust.'"

Warwick Hester mentions the increase of the Jewish world population by 3 million between 1933 and 1950, which of course is in contradiction to the 6 million murdered by the Nazis. In this connection, he tells the following story:

"Recently when talking to a North American of Jewish origin whom I esteem very much I referred to that discrepancy [of Jewish population numbers]. I asked him whether he himself believed in earnest that the Nazis had killed 6 millions. He said:´Naturally not. For that they had neither the time nor the means. What they obviously had, was the intention. Here begins politics [i.e. the psychology of propaganda]. Given the imputed intention, you can make any number. We thought that 6 millions are not too much to appear plausible, but sufficient to make mankind shiver for one century. This chance Hitler has given to us, and we make the most of it, to good effect, as you see.´ I said he ought to consider that a political lie like this will, in light of subsequent investigation, disclose itself and turn against those who invented it. But this Jew, a psychologist, denied that. It [the propaganda] had penetrated too deep into the subconscious of the masses, so that it could never be dislodged. Humans in general are completely uncritical. What is anchored in the subconscious, even an individual with common sense almost never is able to expunge. As a proof he cited the fact that already now [1954!], after a relatively short propagandistic campaign, that item required no further discussion. ´We have no problem, since we have created a historical fact which from now on is in the history books of schools, like the date of a battle.´" (my emphasis -cy)

I believe this Jew was speaking honestly to his colleague Warwick Hester and that many educated Jews, including "holocaust historians," know the truth of this perfectly well. In other words, they don't believe it, but they profess it anyway.

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Henrik Holappa

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-07 12:24

July 7, 2012

Holappa is a Finnish nationalist now living in Sweden with his wife and baby daughter. He began the Finnish Resistance Movement, which is in league with the Swedish and Norwegian Resistance movements. These are peaceful political movements, not armed movements. Topics discussed:

Email Henrik Holappa:  heholappa at hotmail dot com

Gerhard Ittner may seek justice from UN Human Rights Committee

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-07-04 19:12

Gerhard Ittner Interviewed by Henrik Holappa

(See what Germar Rudolf has written about Gerhard Ittner. He first spoke about it in his interview with me on The Heretics' Hour.)

Hello Mr. Gerhard Ittner. Could you shortly introduce yourself to our readers?

Oh yes, it’s a pleasure to give you this interview, Henrik. Well, let’s start from the beginning then: I was born the 12th of May, 1958 in the small town of Zirndorf near Nuernberg. Zirndorf is known for one of the biggest battles of the 30 years’ War taking place around this village. It was the so called “Battle of the Alten Veste,” on the 3rd of September 1632, which took place exactly 307 years before the English and French declared war against Germany, at the beginning of WWII. The Alte Veste (Old Fortress) is the remains of a small castle, already in ruins in 1632, on a hill above Zirndorf. Wallenstein has had his headquarters there. The Swedish King Gustav Adolf and his troops have had their headquarters about 2 kilometers away in the plains at the river Redniz. The battle had no winner, but one big loser: Zirndorf, which lay burned and looted when the troops had gone. Like so many German villages in this very cruel religious war. As children we used to play in the trenches of the 30 years’ war. They are still around the Alte Veste, now overgrown by forest.

The Heretics' Hour: "Miss Holocaust Survivor" and How to Debate the Holocaust

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-02 19:40

July 2, 2012

Carolyn Yeager points to some of the more ludicrous aspects of the “Holocaust Survivor Cult” that pervades every aspect of Western  society.  In the last half-hour Friedrich Paul Berg joins in to explain the importance of debate on the Holocaust. Topics included:

  • The Miss Holocaust Survivor Beauty Pageant in Haifa, Israel (pictured right) and Holocaust cookbooks;
  • Ideas for more Holo entertainment from Giuseppe Furioso;
  • Elie Wiesel video making an impact;
  • Wiesel’s “Holocaust Survivors Memoirs Project;”
  • Austrian government asked to send more money to Jews living all over the world;
  • Yad Vashem and Vatican reach questionable compromise on Pope Pius XII;
  • America’s #1 zombie industry: War;
  • Debating with holocausters — most important points to make.

 Note: This program is less than 2 hours long because of some technical difficulties that were edited out.

The Heretics' Hour: Truth-telling Isn't For Sissies

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-06-25 19:48

June 25, 2012

Carolyn Yeager asks whether Whites are doing what is best for Whites, or are they more concerned with avoiding criticism and “getting along.” This goes for “Truth” organizations like CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) as well as “world affairs-historical study” organizations like the IHR (Institute for Historical Review) professes to be. It also goes for White Advocacy groups in the form of Internet radio networks, online magazines, publishing, and influential blogs that so many racially-conscious Whites follow and trust.

Carolyn makes the point that “politics” and “personal success” are two concerns that people have that get in the way of their sticking with the truth. The tendency to water down the real truth so as not to offend this or that group, or lose market share or lose standing in some way is very real, unfortunately. We need to quit following “leaders” who can’t stand up to pressure and don’t have the right balance between firmness, forcefulness and flexibility.

Rick Adams interviews Carolyn Yeager

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-06-14 09:51

June 13, 2012

Carolyn discusses her new broadcast network The White Network, WWII and Holocaust hoaxery, and her research and writings at Elie Wiesel Cons The World with host Rick Adams. Several callers in the 2nd hour.

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Vincent Reynouard

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-06-09 12:45

June 9, 2012

Carolyn Yeager talks with French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard about his life and work. Some of the topics of discussion are:

- Vincent’s first revisionist work – he was introduced to “Holocaust” at age 14.

- The various prosecutions and convictions lodged against him:  Six since 1992.

- His work, from brochures, pamphlets and a book on Oradour sur Glane when he was still a public school teacher in the ’90′s to his latest feature-length video, “Holocaust,” and his rebuttal of three “court historians” who challenged Robert Faurisson’s “No Holes, No Holocaust.”

- The discrepancy between the contemptuous “put-down” of revisionists as cranks and “deniers” … and the number of special laws passed in Western nations, extending even to the UN (!), to shut them up.

- What Revisionism could do if it had the money.

The French government won’t allow Vincent to work to earn a living, plus anything he earns will be seized by the government to pay court costs and fines. Please contribute to Vincent, preferably on an on-going basis ($10 a month). Go here for current information.
