Holocaust Revisionism

Poles Behaving Like Jews

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-05-30 19:12

By Carolyn Yeager, May 30, 2012

Polish Prime Minister angrily attacks the U.S. President for using politically incorrect terminology in describing WWII camps in Poland.

Donald Tusk demanded Wednesday that President Barack Obama explain his reference to "a Polish death camp" during a high-profile White House ceremony posthumously honoring Jan Karski with the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, a prestigious award given to civilians who serve the programs of the global elite.

The Polish PM accused Obama of exhibiting "ignorance, lack of knowledge, bad intentions" and of "distorting history" by using the phrase “Polish death camps” when referring to Nazi concentration camps in Poland. Obama's actual words were that Karski was smuggled "into the Warsaw ghetto and a Polish death camp to see for himself."

Mark Weber says millions of Jews lost their lives because of Nazi policies

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-05-16 19:53

By Carolyn Yeager

Mark Weber, director of the Institute of Historical Review (IHR), ended his radio show The Mark Weber Report on April 25, 2012 by saying that “it cannot be disputed” that “millions [of Jews] were forced from their homes, millions lost their lives.”

How many millions? Weber doesn't say. How many were forced from their homes?… many, but not millions. Lost their lives? … no.

Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-05-10 13:22

By Carolyn Yeager

The official Holocaust narrative versus Elie Wiesel on what is Auschwitz liberation day

 The photograph above is a still photo from a Soviet propaganda film about the Auschwitz liberation.  The clothing warehouses, known as “Canada,” are burning. But who set them on fire?         


The official Holocaust narrative has it that the Red Army did not arrive at the Auschwitz labor camps until January 27th, 1945—where they found some of the barracks burning, and also blown-up crematorium buildings which had housed “gas chambers.” This is the date that is commemorated all over the world as the Liberation of Auschwitz.

However, on page 87 of the novel Night it is stated that the Russians “liberated” the inmates who were left behind at Monowitz (Auschwitz III) on January 20th, two days after the bulk of the prisoners left on the one-day forced march to Gleiwitz, from where they took  a train to Buchenwald.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with former prisoner of conscience Germar Rudolf

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-05-07 23:40

May 7, 2012

Carolyn Yeager's special guest this week is Germar Rudolf, famous for his Holocaust Revisionist books and publishing business which drove the German authorities to prosecute and imprison him for 44 months - almost four years. Germar is now living in the United States with his wife and daughter. His and other revisionist books and CD's are available at Holocaust Handbooks at The Barnes Review. The discussion included:

  • Patriotism vs. Nationalism—Germar prefers to call himself a patriot;

  • Justice for Germany—still no peace treaty and the UN officially defines Germany as an enemy state of the entire world. Allied Powers may resume hostilities if Germany shows any sign of revanchism;

  • How and when Germar learned to doubt the Holocaust narrative;

  • How Germans lack self-confidence and tend to feel guilty for everything as a result of Allied propaganda;

  • Ethnic/cultural self-determination as the next necessary step in world justice;

  • Germar's view of National Socialism and the Third Reich—shows similarities to Rome;

  • Hitler should have stepped down in 1938 and allowed “democracy” to return, says Germar;

  • Affirmative Action is the wrong way to go, unless it is applied equally;

  • Can terrorist laws enacted after 9/11 in both U.S. and Germany tighten the noose on revisionists?

  • Free speech is not the solution if our speech is not heard—what to do about Jewish media control.

Length: 2 hours

Kentucky man offers $1000 reward in “Elie Wiesel Tattoo Challenge” at Wiesel’s Xavier University May 6 Speech

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-05-01 23:50

By Carolyn Yeager

Robert Ransdell is a man after our own heart. He’s putting up money to publicize the fact that Elie Wiesel doesn’t have the Auschwitz tattoo he claims to have.

“An Evening with Elie Wiesel” is coming to Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, Sunday, May 6th. The entertainment/education event  is being marketed by CHHE, which stands for Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education. We just finished with Holocaust Remembrance Week in the United States, and now the entire month of May is Jewish American Heritage Month! So people like Elie Wiesel are on the circuit.

Picture at right is used on promotional materials for the “Evening with Elie Wiesel.

The Heretics' Hour: “The Jewish Question” in Holocaust Revisionism

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-04-24 00:24

April 23, 2012


Bill Finck of Christogenea.org joins Carolyn in the 2nd hour to discuss Jews in German society.

  • U.S. Congress-authorized “Days of Remembrance” for alleged Holocaust victims;

  • Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 about the real holocaust in the Rhine cities of Duisburg, Cologne and Kaiserslautern;

  • Is the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth blog on the up and up?

  • Germar Rudolf disagrees with Carolyn Yeager on a German-Jewish future;

  • How “the Jews” gained control in Europe;

  • What to say to “It's not all Jews”?

Frank from Pittsburgh calls in to share his views.

Picture: The extraordinarily ugly Holocaust Memorial with which Jews have defaced central Berlin's tourist district. The 4.7 acre site is a stone's throw from the Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag building.

The Revisionist and the Judophile

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-04-19 17:50

I am recirculating this article from 2007 by revisionist Juergen Graf because of the current discussion about the American Renaissance Conference in mid March, at which Guillaume Faye was a speaker. Someone who attended the conference described it as "heaping lots of love on the Jews." Enjoy. -Carolyn

"The New Jewish Question," or The End of Guillaume Faye

By Jürgen Graf

In the spring of 2005 I learned that the editors of the neo-pagan-oriented Russian journal, Atenei, had invited Guillaume Faye, one of the French nationalist right’s chief thinkers, to Russia in order to participate in discussions about future collaboration along the lines of a pan-European Euronationalist movement ["mouvement identitaire pan-européen"]. I was delighted at the news. Up to that time I had read two books by Faye, published by L’Aencre: Archaeofuturism, 1998, and The Colonisation of Europe, 2000, together amounting to a masterly study of the alien invasion’s catastrophic consequences. Reading these works convinced me the author was a valuable political analyst and talented writer. So I was very much looking forward to meeting him.

Faye (left) arrived in Moscow in May, 2005, accompanied by two compatriots. As expected, he proved interesting to talk to, having encyclopedic knowledge of French politics in general and the different strands of nationalist thought in particular. During his visit he was to give two lectures, at Moscow and St. Petersburg, which unfortunately I was unable to attend.

At the time, the Russians who invited him expected to make him director of an international racial-nationalist association but quickly realized his grave personal defects made him unsuitable for the position — to which he himself, by the way, had never aspired: he was always satisfied in the role of "ideologue."

Computer program judges “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” to be 30-36 years of age

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-04-18 02:05

A Swedish reader has informed this website of a new computer program that gives the approximate age of a person by scanning their photograph.  Scroll down the linked page to see six examples.

Our reader took advantage of the website’s free demonstration offer and tested two faces from the famous Buchenwald liberation photo taken on April 16, 1945.  Nikolaus Grüner is in the lower left of the FBLPhoto,  and in the background is the round-headed man who is claimed to be Elie Wiesel. These are the results the computer program gave him.

Above:  Estimated age 16 years (exactly the age Grüner was at the time)

Above:  Estimated age between 30 and 36 years (Elie Wiesel was only 16 at the time)

Made in Hollywood: The Holohoax

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-03-14 18:50

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.” ... Robert Faurisson

What is seen in Hollywood movies about the "Holocaust", like the two above, is what the public believes really happened. The legacy we are left with is history "made in Hollywood."

Günter Deckert Sentenced to Five Months of Prison for Translating Book

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-03-12 12:35

The following was written and sent to me by Günter Deckert, long-time Nationalist leader in Germany and friend of Holocaust Revisionism. I have taken the liberty to make some minor changes in the interests of making it better understood to the English language reader. Günter Deckert was born at Heidelberg in 1940. His father was killed as a soldier in the war. Günter was a successful and much-respected teacher before he was forced out of that profession because of his political views. He previously served five years in a German Federal prison in the 1990's for violation of Section 130 -- a so-called "speech crime."  Günter Deckert is a husband, father and grandfather.


My “crime” this time… I made it possible that Carlo Mattogno´s Auschwitz – The First Gassings (Italian version 1992, English version 2002) could finally be published in German, too, in 2007.<--break->
