I am recirculating this article from 2007 by revisionist Juergen Graf because of the current discussion about the American Renaissance Conference in mid March, at which Guillaume Faye was a speaker. Someone who attended the conference described it as "heaping lots of love on the Jews." Enjoy. -Carolyn
"The New Jewish Question," or The End of Guillaume Faye
In the spring of 2005 I learned that the editors of the neo-pagan-oriented Russian journal, Atenei, had invited Guillaume Faye, one of the French nationalist right’s chief thinkers, to Russia in order to participate in discussions about future collaboration along the lines of a pan-European Euronationalist movement ["mouvement identitaire pan-européen"]. I was delighted at the news. Up to that time I had read two books by Faye, published by L’Aencre: Archaeofuturism, 1998, and The Colonisation of Europe, 2000, together amounting to a masterly study of the alien invasion’s catastrophic consequences. Reading these works convinced me the author was a valuable political analyst and talented writer. So I was very much looking forward to meeting him.
Faye (left) arrived in Moscow in May, 2005, accompanied by two compatriots. As expected, he proved interesting to talk to, having encyclopedic knowledge of French politics in general and the different strands of nationalist thought in particular. During his visit he was to give two lectures, at Moscow and St. Petersburg, which unfortunately I was unable to attend.
At the time, the Russians who invited him expected to make him director of an international racial-nationalist association but quickly realized his grave personal defects made him unsuitable for the position — to which he himself, by the way, had never aspired: he was always satisfied in the role of "ideologue."