Holocaust Revisionism

The Heretics' Hour: Tan and Carolyn 'Live' - Identity, Anonymity, Christianity, Holocaustianity

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-02-25 18:44

Feb. 25, 2013

Tanstaafl of The White Network and Age of Treason Blog joins Carolyn for  another foray into the philosophy that drives them personally and the Internet radio network they formed. Topics discussed include:

  • Satisfaction with the number of programs currently offered and the specifically pro-White content;
  • Why a clear sense of identity — Who is Us — is the first step in waking up, followed by Who is our Enemy — because we do have one;
  • Online anonymity – when it’s alright and when it isn’t – and some recently introduced legislation;
  • Clear ideals must characterize White identity for the race to survive – article by Wm. Finck;
  • Reasons for the resignation of Pope Benedict: Is it the demoralization of Western Civilization or the work of the enemies of the West;
  • The persecution of Charles Krafft by the liberal, gay,and Jewish West Coast art world;
  • What direction will our programing go.

Caller Stuart from Florida recommends participation in local militia-type groups with people you know.

Elie Wiesel was unknown to Mel Mermelstein in the Buchenwald Camp

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-02-24 12:09

By Carolyn Yeager

According to our esteemed correspondent Attila Kovacs, his reading of Mel Mermelstein’s survivor story reveals no mention of the famous Elie Wiesel, even though the book first came out in 1979 when Wiesel and his own story was already well-known among the general public.

The first edition [top photo right] was 264 pages, published by Crescent Books. In 1981, a second edition of the book [lower photo right] came out, following Mermelstein’s dispute in 1980 with the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) over his claimed proof that even a single Jew was gassed at Auschwitz.

The second edition of By Bread Alone was published by the “Auschwitz Study Foundation” and retains the same cover design, but with some new text added referring to the author’s successful lawsuit. It is expanded to 290 pages from 264 pages in the first edition – an increase of 26 pages to include the lawsuit story. The new cover texts reads:

who, in 1981,  filed a lawsuit for 17 million and 50 thousand dollars against the Institute for Historical Review, a Torrance, California-based organization of revisionists and pseudohistorians who claim the Nazi Holocaust is nothing but a hoax, a Zionist plot.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Saturday Afternoon: An Investigation into a 'Holocaust' Blogger

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-16 12:52

Feb. 16, 2013

Above: Herb Stolpmann’s picture on “My own German ID, during my stay at the old SS hospital. House 52B.” [I tried to separate just the photo, but couldn't do it so you get the whole thing.] Note the date 1952. Herb says he was discharged from the Wehrmacht by the Americans in 1946 at the age of 18. His discharge papers are on his site. He worked for the Americans in and around Munich and the Dachau camp until 1956.

After being frustrated by Herb Stolpmann‘s silence to questions she put to him in a comments section at Scrapbookpages Blog, Carolyn did a thorough reading of Stolpmann’s DachauKZ blog.  From this, she extracted the character study she presents in this program. She describes Stolpmann as a “cosmopolitan” internationalist who finds some kind of satisfaction by relating his brief WWII experience in the Wehrmacht and lengthy post-war experience at the Dachau former concentration camp in the employ of the Americans. His preference for Americans over Germans is quite clear, but it also seems that Germans did not care much for him!

After running out of stories about Dachau, Herb’s later entries are mainly text taken directly from communist, Jewish and Soviet Russian sources about other German concentration camps.

The Max Hamburger Story - Some Reasons Not to Believe It

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-02-14 05:13
by Carolyn Yeager
The interview with psychiatrist Max Hamburger that appeared in the March 2012 Dutch magazine Aanspraak was translated into English for me by Hasso Castrup. Some things that Hamburger said are revealing of his overall honesty when it comes to his statements about “the Holocaust.” Being a “holocaust survivor” who appears in the famous photograph is, after all, his only claim to fame.

Max Hamburger in 2012 pointing to himself in the Famous Buchenwald Lie-beration Photo from 1945 (Source: Aanspraak magazine)

From the article:
He says that “shortly afterwards we were betrayed and arrested, interrogated and deported to Westerbork. My mother was also betrayed.” On Sunday, February 6, 1944, he saw her for the last time in the penal barracks at Westerbork. They fell into each other’s arms and cried. But then … “In Auschwitz I met a fellow radiologist who was deported together with her. He told me that my mother was gassed on March 6, 1944. I arrived there on February 10, 1944 (his 24th birthday, but he doesn’t mention it), but did not see her again.”
Since we know there were no gassings at Auschwitz, this is a dead giveaway that he’s telling a big lie, although he’s putting the lie in the mouth of an unnamed “fellow radiologist.” This is a trick that is used often by so-called witnesses and “survivors.” The so-called informant should always be named; if they can’t name the informer, they should not be believed.
*   *    *
The train took them to Gross Rosen, where an old factory was assigned as their hospital. He says “we” had to vaccinate everyone against typhus in February 1945. Their only hope were reports of advancing Russians and Americans, which they knew of because a fellow prisoner secretly listened to the radio. At the evacuation of the camp they had to walk in the snow to the Czech Republic. From there they were taken by train from Prague to Flossenbürg camp in Bavaria.
According to USHMM, Gross Rosen camp was evacuated in early February ’45 and “about 40,000” from the main camp and sub-camps had to march west. This is a lot of inoculation to be done in a few days. But more important, the 9-month period he spent at Gross Rosen between May 1944 and February 1945 is blank. May 1944 coincides with the time of the large Hungarian deportation to Auschwitz; Hamburger says he was with a Hungarian labor unit that had already been to Auschwitz and sent out from there. Would not the new arrivals also have been sent out from there in like manner? From here on, his narrative remains very sketchy, and is mostly made up of vague horror stories.

Please go to Elie Wiesel Cons The World for full article

Remember Günter Deckert in prison, but don't mail anything there!

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-02-04 05:51

This morning I received a response to the query that I voiced on a recent radio program as to whether Günter Deckert could receive mail from non-family friends. Here it is:

Hi Carolyn:

I got a link to one of your podcasts today and noted your comments
about Herr Deckert.

Saturday Afternoon: Should questioning motives and methods be called "infighting?"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-02 12:41

Feb. 2, 2013

Carolyn does what she’s good at: Criticism of high-profile members of our “truth community,” some of whom are known as “pro-White” or “White identity” and some who are not.  This is so difficult to put into words, it’s best to go straight to the bullets:

  • The question of leadership comes up, and along with that – money;
  • Disappointment with David Duke and Ingrid Zundel for their association with Jeff Rense, Gordon Duff and others;
  • ‘Gordo’ Duff’s attempts to get representatives from all sides, including revisionists like Zundel and White nationalists like Duke, on his “internationalist” VT website;
  • Questioning Duke’s radio program on Dec. 13 treating Duff as a great friend;
  • Ingrid Zundel’s admission of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, several times over, in legal fees for Ernst – saying they can raise any amount they want;
  • Internationalist vs nationalists: never the twain shall meet;
  • Nationalism is always antisemitic and about racial purity – can’t be otherwise.

Phone call from Ray in Texas on nationalism.

    Pictured: David Duke on cover of Time Magazine, May 9, 2005.

    Naftali Fürst claims to be in the Famous Buchenwald photo as a 12-year old boy

    Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-01-09 06:26

    By Carolyn Yeager

    The man who now calls himself Naftali Prince (Fürst translates to Prince in English), and who was also known in childhood as Duro Forst, is the person circled in both photos below, taken at around the same time shortly after the Buchenwald “liberation” on April 11, 1945.

    Above: “Buchenwald children on the release day. Naftali Fürst is marked in a yellow circle.”  (As per Naftali’s website, http://furststory.com/English/Holocaust_Kinder.html)

    Below: “Buchenwald. Naftali Furst is marked with a yellow circle.”  Can this be a 12-year-old boy? The man two rows directly below him is identified as being 25-yrs old.

     Left:  “Our parents and us after the war“  (As per http://furststory.com/English/YaldutMomDad.html) Naftali is to the left of his father, although he resembles his mother, while his older brother takes after their father.

    Why is it that he looks younger in the family photo, at age 13 or 14, than he does a year or two earlier in the barracks? Because it’s not him in the barracks, that’s why. Simply look at the difference in the forehead in the comparison of the two faces (right). The man in the bunk has a low hairline (short forehead). The real Naftali Fürst has a higher forehead. Thus he’s another one who succumbed to the temptation to join an exclusive club by falsely identifying himself in this famous photo. The holocaust museum people will never investigate and will never say otherwise.

    Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

    The Heretics' Hour: How Extensive is "Holocaust" Photo-Fakery?

    Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-01-07 18:46

    Jan. 7, 2013

    VERY extensive is the answer given by Carolyn and her guest Christine Miller. They look at many of the most famous images that allegedly represent “atrocities” that “prove” the sadism of the Germans and their allies, and explain that they are obvious photo montages, drawings/paintings or combinations, while some are simply mislabeled to purposely blame the wrong party.

    Of the images discussed, some are found on Wikipedia’s The Holocaust page; others in mainstream books by Jews, like propagandist Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners. A good source that debunks many of these photos is Udo Walendy‘s Forged War Crimes malign the German Nation. As Walendy says, anyone who uses falsified pictures in their work, without investigation, becomes suspect in all their statements.

    Image shown above:  Widely distributed “photograph” that purports to be evidence of medical experiments performed by Nazi doctors at Auschwitz is really a drawing with photographed heads put on the bodies. Note the absence of necks. See here.  At right is a detail of seated girl on far left which shows plainly that it’s a painting.

    Max Hamburger Says He Is the 'Zombie Man' in the Lower Bunk

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-05 16:19

    By Carolyn Yeager

    Max Hamburger, a Jewish-Dutch psychiatrist, is the man in the above photograph taken in 2012. He is 92 years of age. The photo is blurry because it was retrieved from a pdf here that doesn’t allow to save it to one’s computer files.

    Hamburger has identified himself as the fourth figure in the bottom row of the famous Buchenwald photo — the figure he is pointing to with his thumb. He was 25 years-old in April 1945 when the camp was “liberated” by American troops. I want you to notice right away the space between Hamburger’s nose and upper lip — it is unusually long. It can be more clearly determined by going to the pdf. The face of the young man in the famous photo does not have that long space, but just a normal, or even short, distance between nose and mouth. This is facial structure that doesn’t change, which tells me he is not the same person.

    Born on February 10,  1920 in Amsterdam, Max began the study of medicine in 1938 and, as best I can make out from Dutch language sources,  he was arrested in 1942 because of his activism in the Dutch Resistance and sent to Westerbork, a camp for political prisoners in The Netherlands. He ended up in Auschwitz and then Buchenwald, he says, taking the usual route. According to this page, he was suffering from TB, and also malnutrition, when the famous photo he’s holding in his hands was taken.

    The blurb on the Flicker page also says “he only survived Auschwitz because he could work as a medical assistant.” One has to ask about all those who didn’t work as a medical assistant, but also survived and went to Buchenwald … and survived Buchenwald too without being medical assistants! This is the kind of meaningless tripe we are always given to explain why people survived “death camps.”  This page also says he now (in 2008) lives in Belgium and gives talks about his wartime experiences. In other words, he advertises himself as a holocaust survivor who is in the Famous Buchenwald Liberation Photo, the one that Elie Wiesel is in. (See final section below)

    It should be noted that Nicholas Grüner is in this photo too; he is the first person on the left in the bottom row and the only one of the three mentioned who actually looks like himself, and is himself. Yet the labeling of this photograph at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (below) gives three possible identities for this figure:  Gershon Blonder,  Josef Reich or Nicholas (Miklos) Grüner … as if it were in doubt. The other two are not shown to be in doubt:  the fourth figure on the bottom is Max Hamburger;  the seventh figure in the 2nd row is Elie Wiesel.  It’s clear to me that Yad Vashem will eventually deny that Nicholas Grüner is in the photo at all, and thus his claim that Elie Wiesel was not in the camp (or the photo) will be weakened. These people are nothing if not devious … and they accomplish their objective in a gradual manner. According to Yad Vashem …

    Please continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

    Satuday Afternoon: How Big of a Hoax was the Sandy Hook "Massacre"

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-05 12:01

    Jan 5, 2013

    Don, a lawyer from California, and Martin, a writer from England, discuss with Carolyn just what kind of a hoax took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012, when 20 first-graders and 6 teachers were allegedly killed. That’s right. The big question is not whether it was some kind of hoax but did this really happen at all or was it a “media event” in which no real deaths occurred? It’s a frank discussion that leads into possibilities most people would never consider, but more and more people are finding plausible. Some highlights:

    • Is there such a thing as “media paintings” for TV that look like real life;
    • No survivors; no witnesses; no one saw the crime scene or a single dead body;
    • Was there ever a classroom of these children in that school or is it all invented;
    • Are they testing just how much they can get away with on a television-addicted public?
    • And much more!

    Carolyn takes the first 15 minutes to talk about Günter Deckert, who just began a 5-month prison term in Mannheim, Germany for “Holocaust” denial. To write to Günter in prison: G. Deckert;  z. Z. Herzogenriedstr. 111;  D 68169 Mannheim. To send a contribution/donation of cash: Registered mail to Pf. 100 245 (G.D.);  D 69442 Weinheim/B. His wife will receive it and reply with a card or letter. To send a wire transfer:  Günter Deckert; IBAN: DE77 6601 0134 3457 54; BIC: PBNKDEFF;  Postbank Karlsruhe. Do not talk about money in any letter sent to the prison.
